Immortal Artifact

Chapter 391 The Power of the Xiao Mansion

Xiao Hansheng left with the old man and arrived outside Tianyuan City in an instant.

Then, Xiao Hansheng put the old man aside, and said with a smile: "Old Immortal, your demeanor is still the same!"

The old man suddenly smiled wryly, "Stop making fun of me. Compared to a real god like you, I'm nothing! Sigh, don't call me an old god from now on, just call me Haoran!"

For the old man's self-mockery, Xiao Hansheng took it seriously.His current cultivation is just a first look into the mirror. It is a bit embarrassing to say that it is only at his age that he has such a cultivation.

Suddenly, Haoran knelt down in Xiao Hansheng's direction, and said, "I, Haoran, have the ambition to cultivate immortality, but because of fate, I cultivated into a fairy fruit. I beg you to accept me as a disciple!"

Xiao Hansheng was taken aback by Haoran's action, and waved his hands, "No, this is not allowed! In terms of age, you are still my elder! How can I be your master?" Although the law of the mortal world is that the strong win respect, but Xiao Hansheng said that he can't let the elders be his apprentices.

It's a bit embarrassing to say it.

"As the saying goes, there is a priority in learning the Tao, and there is a specialization in art. You are far ahead of me in the way of cultivating immortals. I can't ask you to be my teacher." The old man said in a deep voice.He is also considered a well-learned person, who often hears the words of sages, and understands the truth that the master is a teacher.

Xiao Hansheng was really in a dilemma, but he couldn't hold back Haoran's request, so he agreed to teach him the exercises, but he was not accepted as a disciple.Hao Ranfa, had no choice but to obey Xiao Hansheng's wishes. [

Such a result makes Haoran very excited. After all, he has been waiting for Xianyuan for more than 200 years. Now that his wish comes true, how can he not be excited?

Of course, Xiao Hansheng is not in the mood to teach him how to cultivate immortals, so he brought Haoran into Tianyuan City.

Tianyuan City is located at the foot of Wuling Mountain Range, east of Xiaojia Village.

When Xiao Hansheng was young, he often heard adults talk about how prosperous Tianyuan City is and how majestic the masters in the city are.But now it seems that only one comment from Xiao Hansheng, "Very ordinary!"

Just kidding, Xiao Hansheng can already be said to be the overlord of the mortal world.What kind of bustling city hasn't seen such a character?If he falls in love with Tianyuan City, it means that there is something wrong with his appreciation level.

Xiao Hansheng walked around and found that there was really nothing to see in Tianyuan City, so he immediately walked towards Xiao's mansion.

The so-called Xiao Mansion is a force that has risen strongly in the past 200 years.The strength of the Xiao Mansion has become the de facto emperor of Tianyuan City, as for the city lord and the gentlemen, they are not worthy to lift the shoes of the Xiao Mansion.

Xiao Hansheng and Haoran came to the Xiao Mansion and looked into the Xiao Mansion.

"Get out, get out of here, beggars who don't know where they come from, are they worthy of visiting the Xiao Mansion?!" The guard yelled at Xiao Hansheng with his nostrils upturned.

Xiao Hansheng sneered and said, "The Xiao Mansion is really domineering! They don't even let you see!"

The guard was furious, "Where did the little bastard come from, he dared to point fingers at Xiao's house, he was really impatient." As he said, he raised his hand and hit Xiao Hansheng.

"From the attitude of the guards, we can see what the Xiao family does in daily life. It's really disappointing that the descendants of the Xiao family village have become so domineering!" Xiao Hansheng sighed secretly.He came here excitedly, wanting to meet the descendants of the Xiao family village.Now that he really saw it, he was greatly disappointed.

Just as the guard raised his hand to beat Xiao Hansheng, he saw a handsome young man walking out of Xiao's mansion.It's just that his body looks a little rickety and looks sickly.

When he saw the guard raising his hand to hit someone, he only heard him shout: "It's so courageous, you dare to hit someone, I really don't want to live."

Hearing the young man's yell, the guard hurriedly took back his raised hand, turned back hastily, and said with a smile on his face, "Master Xiao, why are you out? Do you still want to go to Cuiyun Tower?" [

When Xiao Hansheng heard this 'Master Xiao' rescued him, his favor for him rose sharply, and he secretly said: "It seems that the descendants of the Xiao family village are not bad!"

This Young Master Xiao didn't even lift his eyelids, "Where am I going, do I still need to report to you?"

The guard laughed hurriedly, nodded and said: "That is, that is, you are the young master of Xiao's mansion, how dare I ask you where you are going?"

When this young master Xiao heard this, his face looked better, and he shouted: "Get out of here quickly?" The guard didn't say anything, and returned to his original position without saying a word.

This Young Master Xiao nodded in satisfaction, and came to Xiao Hansheng, without saying a word, he raised his palm and drew it towards Xiao Hansheng's face.

The guard returned to his original position and cast his eyes here.He understood the character of this Young Master Xiao very well, and he would definitely not let go of these two grandparents and grandchildren who came from some remote village.It is also very possible to kill them.

Xiao Hansheng's complexion suddenly darkened, not because the strength of this young master Xiao could have an influence on him, but because his actions really made Xiao Hansheng feel chilling.

Xiao Han killed many people, but he thought that he never killed innocent people indiscriminately.However, the descendants of the Xiao Family Village killed people for no reason, how could this not chill him?

In Xiao Hansheng's eyes, the strength of this young master Xiao is just like a mortal, but to ordinary mortals, he is like a god.

Xiao Hansheng looked at the palm that hit him, and said coldly: "You really deserve to die!" Xiao Hansheng's voice was full of strange magic power.I saw a strange voice spreading along the space, and suddenly came to Master Xiao's ear.He suddenly felt as if he was facing a giant between heaven and earth, oppressing him unimaginably.

This young master Xiao felt the anger of this giant of heaven and earth, and wanted to escape.However, facing an innate god, how could he escape?

I saw that Young Master Xiao's eyes were wide open when he died, as if he had seen something that frightened him.Then, his body completely shattered and turned into ashes.

This scene was seen by the guards all the way, and his face was full of incredulity, which instantly turned into a look of panic, pointing at Xiao Hansheng, "" However, he still couldn't say a word.Suddenly, the guard seemed to have great courage to support him, and shouted: "Master Xiao is dead...Master Xiao is dead!"

His voice instantly spread throughout Tianyuan City, the voice was piercing and loud.

Even though he is only the guard of the Xiao Mansion, his strength is definitely a master in Tianyuan City.There is nothing unusual about howling with internal energy and spreading it all over Tianyuan City.

In an instant, all the masters of the Xiao Mansion came out, staring at Xiao Hansheng with unfriendly expressions.Then, all the big and small forces in Tianyuan City rushed over, and even the city lord followed.

No matter how small the matter of the Xiao Mansion is, it is extremely important in the eyes of the city lord.What's more, it was such an important matter as Young Master Xiao being killed.

When these forces appeared, all of them stared at Xiao Hansheng with unfriendly expressions, as if they would kill Xiao Hansheng without hesitation as long as the Xiao Mansion gave an order.

Apparently, the Xiao Mansion has become the crowned king of Tianyuan City.

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