Immortal Artifact

410 Devouring Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 410 Devouring Heavenly Tribulation

This kind of scene really shocked many masters. After all, such a scene has never happened before.

The emergence of this kind of catastrophe obviously wants you to completely wipe out Yueqingquan.

Seeing such a powerful catastrophe, Yue Qingquan couldn't help but wryly smiled, "The heaven really thinks highly of me!" Facing such a catastrophe, she felt really strong.Later, she was very worried about Xiao Hansheng, "I don't know if he can withstand the catastrophe of the beasts? Judging by his means, maybe it is really possible to resist it!"

I saw ten thousand kinds of divine beasts rushing towards them, and the roars of the beasts came and went one after another, making it very lively.In an instant, these divine beasts began to hit Xiao Hansheng without hesitation.

These divine beasts didn't use fancy attacking moves, they just rushed towards Xiao Hansheng with a powerful posture, and then showed the power to destroy the world, and then dissipated.

To be honest, Xiao Hansheng could barely handle the explosive power of each divine beast.However, it was difficult for him to catch the continuous attacks of all kinds of divine beasts.

Xiao Hansheng opened his eyes this time, and said secretly: "It seems that I used the method I used last time to solve the problem in front of me."

This is one of the strongest abilities of the Eye of Punishment. [

This time to resist the catastrophe, he did not use the method he used last time to directly devour the catastrophe.Because he found that this method is extremely dangerous, and if he is not careful, he will die under the catastrophe.Therefore, he did not choose to use this method this time.

As for why he dared to devour the Heavenly Tribulation last time, it was entirely because he was not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf.But after the last experience, he didn't dare to devour the Heavenly Tribulation anymore.

However, now he is once again caught in an unimaginable crisis. In order to survive, he thought of devouring Heavenly Tribulation with the Eye of Heavenly Tribulation.

Xiao Hansheng turned his head, looked at Yueqingquan calmly, and said: "We have reached the last moment, and I want to use the forbidden technique. Once this technique is performed, if it fails, you will die. There is no room for relaxation."

Yueqingquan's face was full of bitterness, he only felt that his life was very bitter.Then, she asked Xiao Hansheng softly, "Why did you risk your life to save me?" After that, her beautiful eyes stared at Xiao Hansheng without blinking.

Xiao Hansheng sighed leisurely: "You are very similar to her. When I see you, I will think of her! That's why I saved you."

Yueqingquan didn't know who the "she" Xiao Hansheng was talking about was, but she could feel Xiao Hansheng's strong love.Otherwise, Xiao Hansheng would not save his life just because he is similar to 'her'.

At this moment, Yueqingquan didn't know how to describe his mood, in short, it was a mixture of five flavors, not a taste.Then she said softly, "Thank you!"

Xiao Hansheng smiled casually, turned his head, and began to operate the method of the Eye of Punishment.

As Xiao Hansheng continued to use the formula of the eye of punishment, his sea of ​​consciousness began to boil, and the soul power of the main soul rushed to the eye of punishment in the sea of ​​consciousness at an extremely fast speed.However, this little soul power of his can't make the Eye of Punishment work effectively.

Just at this time, the chaotic divine soil suddenly turned into a misty, earthy yellow color.

Xiao Hansheng looked at the scene of the chaotic divine soil, and was very pleasantly surprised, "This is the primordial good luck, it seems to feel that I am in danger, so it presents such a scene." Yes, this is exactly the primordial good luck, which originated from Yu Hong giving him Hongmeng fortune wine.

Ever since the chaotic divine soil in his sea of ​​consciousness was formed, primordial good fortune has been integrated into it, becoming a divine thing that stabilizes the universe.It's just that in normal times, the Primordial Creation Qi is not revealed to the outside.Now that he is about to suffer a catastrophe, when the Eye of Heaven's Punishment is about to show its power, the primordial spirit of good fortune will only appear.Obviously, he deserved to die.

When Xiao Hansheng saw it, he was ecstatic.

I saw the Primordial Creation Qi overflowing the Chaos Divine Land and entering the Eye of Heaven's Punishment.In an instant, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment seemed to be revived, and the vast pupils were about to be fully opened, its majesty and majesty, all the gods were convinced. [

From Xiao Hansheng's point of view, this is just the opening of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, but for experts from the outside world, even those in the depths of the chaos, the shock caused is unimaginable.The only one who discovered this situation last time was the Thunder Punishment God King and the ghostly master.Today, the scope of the shock caused by the Eye of Punishment is unimaginable.

"Ancestor Dragon, now that the Eye of Punishment has appeared today, don't you want to get it?" I saw a rough man of unknown height approaching the tall mountain of unknown height in three or two steps, standing still.

"Hehe, Witch Lord, the ownership of the Eye of Punishment has been determined. You think it is very difficult to obtain, not to mention that we want to reach the universe and have to fight the God King in the God Realm. The possibility of our victory is not great. So, let's stand still for the time being!" I saw that the tall mountain range in front of the witch master began to move, covering the sky and having the ability to overwhelm the universe.The body of this mountain range is the Proto-Dragon.

The Proto-Dragon and the Witch Lord are the strongest masters in the world, and their decisions will directly affect the chaos and even the general trend of the universe.

The witch master was very clear about what the ancestor dragon said, but he was a little unwilling, and said, "Should we let the eye of punishment slip away from us? He is the essence of an entire era!"

The Proto-Dragon's head was raised, and the longan's eyes were as big as stars.I just heard him say: "You don't have to worry. After ten thousand years, the universe will have a unique calamity. At that time, it will be the time for us to show our power. Now, all we have to do is wait patiently."

The witch master also knew that this was not the best time, so he had no choice but to give up.

"Oh, a while ago, did a very powerful innate deity escape from Zixiao Palace?" asked the Proto-Dragon.In his eyes, hundreds of years are just a while.

It can be seen how long the ancestor dragon must have lived.

"Not bad!" said the witch master.Then, he seemed to remember something, and said, "The Queen of Heaven has also escaped."

The proto-dragon's long eyes shot out, and he said immediately: "It's just right for her to come out, and it will be beneficial to us for the time being. We don't need to pay attention to her at this stage, and we will talk about it later."

The witch master nodded and said no more.

At this moment, not only the Proto-Dragon and the Witch Lord are making profound plans, but even other innate gods are also making plans.The reason for these masters planning across the world is not because of the appearance of the Eye of Punishment.

However, Xiao Hansheng, who triggered this series of events, is trying his best to resist the catastrophe!

With the strong support of the Primordial Creation Qi, the Eye of Heaven's Punishment increased dramatically.In an instant, the third eye between Xiao Hansheng's eyebrows was completely opened, and the incomparable power directly swallowed up all the catastrophes of all kinds of beasts and brought them into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, Yueqingquan's catastrophe was completely swallowed by the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, and her catastrophe dissipated.

Xiao Hansheng swallowed all the catastrophes into his sea of ​​consciousness.However, how could his sea of ​​consciousness subdue such a vast catastrophe?After the Heavenly Tribulation disappeared, he also fainted.

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