Chapter 411: The Ax Slashes the Sirius

Xiao Hansheng was in a coma for a very long time, and finally woke up leisurely.When he woke up, more than two hundred years had passed.

It can be said that cultivation does not know how long the years are, and the time flies by thousands of years.Although Xiao Hansheng's coma time was not so exaggerated, it still made people feel horrible.

When Xiao Hansheng woke up, he found that his realm had improved a lot, to the point where he reached the peak of the Immortal King Realm, and he could almost become a strong person in the Immortal Emperor Realm.

This situation made him quite astonished, "How did I reach such a state?" He really couldn't figure it out.After all, no one has the ability to achieve such a significant improvement in the state of a coma.

The mystery of how his state has grown so much is actually easy to explain.

Before he fell into a coma, he devoured all of Yueqingquan's Heavenly Tribulation power.This is the energy that can kill the masters of the Immortal Saint Realm!In other words, he devoured power stronger than that possessed by Immortal Sanctuary masters.You can imagine how vast this energy must be!

If an ordinary master devours it, it is estimated that it will be transformed into a master of the fairyland level in no time.His realm has only reached the extreme peak of the Immortal King Realm, which is not a terrible thing.

Of course, for an ordinary master to devour such a vast catastrophe, his body would probably explode long ago and disappear completely.But Xiao Hansheng's luck is very good. With such a god as the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, he will be safe in the end and even make great progress in his realm. [

Not long after Xiao Hansheng woke up, he wanted to understand what was going on.However, he still has a major mystery to solve, "How did I survive the catastrophe I suffered when I hit the Immortal King Realm?"

Indeed!His realm continued to improve, and when he stepped into the Immortal King Realm, he should have suffered a mighty catastrophe.And at that time, he was seriously injured, so he should die.From the looks of it now, You Gao should have helped him resist the catastrophe.

"Could it be that elder brother or Guo Tianya helped me survive the catastrophe in Immortal King Realm?" Xiao Hansheng guessed secretly.

Just at this moment, a soft voice came, "Young Master Xiao, are you awake?" Hearing this, Xiao Han was a little puzzled at the beginning of his life.Immediately afterwards, his consciousness completely returned, and he recognized the owner of the voice.Obviously, she is Yueqingquan.

Xiao Hansheng felt relieved when he saw Yueqingquan's bright smile, "How did you come here?"

Yue Qingquan's pretty face was slightly stunned, and he said immediately: "You have been in a coma for a long time, I want to take care of you, so..."

Xiao Hansheng has been in a deep coma for the past 200 years, and he feels that time passes very quickly.Hearing the meaning of Yueqingquan's words, he asked in a deep voice, "How long have I been in a coma?"

Yueqingquan smiled sweetly, "You must have been comatose for about 200 years!"

"Ah, no way! Isn't this too long?" Xiao Hansheng looked very surprised.Afterwards, he looked around and found no shadows of Gu Meng and Guo Tianya, and asked, "Where is the person who came with me?"

Yue Qingquan said: "They left here more than a hundred years ago. They seemed to be in a hurry and wanted to go to the outside world. Therefore, I didn't stop them. Oh, before they left, they left you a letter. "As she said, she handed Xiao Hansheng a letter wrapped in parchment with her plain hand.

Xiao Hansheng received the letter and read it carefully.Afterwards, he smiled and said, "As I expected, they rushed to find Gu Ting." With such a letter, he felt relieved.

Then, he seemed to remember something, and asked, "What happened after I passed out?"

Yueqingquan fell into memory, "After you fell into a coma..." She began to tell what happened 200 years ago.

After Xiao Hansheng fell into a coma, the Heavenly Tribulation also dissipated.Soon, Yueqingquan suffered from the aura of Taiqing's immortality.This kind of immortal energy was more domineering than Shangqing's immortal energy, causing Yueqingquan to suffer unbearable pain.

At that time, Xiao Hansheng swallowed up all the catastrophes with the resources of the enemy. This scene made the masters who came to spy on Yueqingquan feel astonished and greedy. [

They could see that if Xiao Hansheng didn't have the treasure by his side, he would never be able to devour the Heavenly Tribulation.With Xiao Hansheng in a coma, their greed can't be curbed naturally.They stepped forward one after another, wanting to snatch Xiao Hansheng's Eye of Punishment.

At this time, not only Xiao Hansheng has no combat power, but even Yueqingquan has no combat power.They are completely defenseless, and any master can kill them.

When they were in critical condition, Gu Meng and Guo Tianya stepped forward to protect them.

"Hey, just because you two dolls want to stop us?" Gu Meng and the master in front of Guo Tianya showed disdain.Indeed, they have gathered nearly thirty masters.The masters who were originally hidden also appeared one after another, wanting to get a piece of the pie.

The appearance of these masters surpasses Gu Meng and Guo Tianya in number.In terms of realm cultivation, Gu Meng and Guo Tianya are the lowest.This kind of strength comparison is simply a world of difference.

Therefore, these experts disdain Gu Meng and Guo Tianya very much.

However, facing so many powerful enemies, Gu Meng looked stern, but he was not afraid.As for Guo Tianya, he showed a faint smile.

This smile is a mockery of them, which makes them so bearable?

"Hey, what an arrogant boy. If we don't kill you today, how can we continue to gain a foothold?" The master with the appearance of a middle-aged scholar showed a chill.Then, a dark green light was released from his palm, and he hit Gu Meng.

Gu Meng was already a little impatient, seeing the attack of the green palm force.The right fist blasted out forcefully, forming a fist the size of more than ten feet, and smashed towards the master who looked like a middle-aged scholar.

The master who looked like a middle-aged scholar was full of resentment, "You are just a baby in the realm of immortals, yet you dare to attack me! You are looking for death!" Immediately afterwards, he suddenly exerted force, and a sky wolf appeared in the sky.The wolf claw instantly grabbed Gu Meng's iron fist, and then the wolf claw made another effort to grab Gu Meng's head.

"Haha, he has the body of a heavenly wolf, with a copper head and iron bones, how can that human being be his opponent?" No master was optimistic about Gu Meng's potential.

Gu dreamed that the claw of the wolf was coming, and he shouted, "Good job!" After saying that, the stone ax behind him floated up.Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the ax and used his strongest ax technique - the sky-opening ax technique.

This is the most powerful attack method in the world, the stone ax suddenly turned black, and the words 'opening the sky' seemed to keep appearing.

'Crack! ’, the several-foot-long stone ax directly split the extremely hard body of Sirius from the wolf’s head, through the body, to the tail, and split it into two sections alive.

'Hiss', this is the sound of gasping, "Sirius is not weak! It's terrible to be cut in half by him with an axe. And it starts from its hardest wolf head." Gu Mengshi With one shot, almost all the masters will be calmed down.

Gu Meng stood up, glanced around coldly, no master dared to look at him.

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