Immortal Artifact

Chapter 414 3 Great Divine Beasts

Chapter 414 Three Great Beasts

Xiao Hansheng galloped forward, rushing to the habitat of the three great beasts pointed out by Yueqingquan.

Xiao Hansheng flew for a long time, and found that the breath in front of him became more and more terrifying, as if he had entered the gate of hell.

"This forest is not simple, it seems that there are peerless beasts hidden!" Xiao Hansheng secretly guessed, and then he thought, "But it is certain that this is just the breath released by the beast."

He had such a guess, so naturally, he felt relieved.He understands that with a ferocious beast of this level, the aura it radiates casually can overwhelm the strong in the world.Now, the ominous beast did not reveal its real body, obviously, it was suppressed by the tyrannical fetish.

That being the case, how could Xiao Hansheng be afraid?

Xiao Hansheng continued to move forward, but found that there were a lot of fairy grasses and fairy fruits in this forest.Even, he only needs to walk a few steps forward to find a good grade of grass jelly.

"These fairy grasses and fairy fruits are not considered rare in the fairy world. But in the mortal world, they are rare treasures! I have collected these fairy grasses and fairy fruits, and they may be of great use in the future." Xiao Hansheng secretly thought.

He collected all these things, and he also had a deep plan, that is, he wanted to refine the Tribulation Pill.After all, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching, and his relatives and friends in the mortal world, and the relatives and friends of his relatives and friends, will ascend to the middle fairy world.If he only relied on his Eye of Punishment and exhausted him to death, it would be impossible for him to completely send him to the Middle Immortal Realm. [

The only thing he can do is large-scale alchemy. Experts who have reached the Heavenly Immortal Realm can ascend to the Middle Immortal Realm by themselves, which can save him a lot of time and energy.

Of course, Xiao Hansheng also understands that the catastrophe of heaven and earth affects a wide range, and the world of immortals may not be a safe place to live.But compared to the ordinary world, the chance of survival in the middle immortal world is much higher.Therefore, in order to improve his chances of survival, he also needs to do these things.

Now that he had made up his mind, he naturally acted very quickly.Xiao Hansheng's picking all kinds of fairy grasses and fairy fruits can be described as the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

In this way, Xiao Hansheng walked all the way, mopped up all the way, and fully implemented the "three light policy".It didn't take long for all the Qiankun bags he was carrying to be filled.

Xiao Hansheng patted the Qiankun bag in his hand, and sighed: "There seem to be a lot of spiritual grass and spiritual fruit in the Qiankun bag, but on average, it is almost negligible for the masters of the Xiao League, the Demon Saint Alliance, and the Divine Beast Alliance!"

In fact, it is reasonable for him to have such worries.After all, the various interpersonal relationships in these major alliances are very complicated, and it is extremely troublesome to prevent a certain master from ascending.For example, the emperor of the demon god clan ascended to the middle fairy world, can he ignore his clansmen?Obviously not.Therefore, his greatest expectation is to let the masters of the demon god clan ascend.

If the emperor really has such a request, can Xiao Hansheng refuse it?

Since it is possible for the Demon God Clan to make such a request, the Saint Clan, the Dragon Clan, and all the forces that have good relations with him will definitely make such a request.

From this point of view, if Xiao Hansheng didn't plan ahead, what would he do if such a situation really happened?Therefore, he wants to collect as much fairy grass and fairy fruit here as possible.

Originally, he didn't need to be so tired at all.You know, he is the master of Xuantian Mansion!There are a lot of treasures left to him by Ling Xuantian, the god of the beginning, in Xuantian Mansion, and fairy grass and fairy fruit are naturally the most important.

After all, Ling Xuantian's strongest is alchemy, and his apprentices naturally also know how to make alchemy.Naturally, the alchemy materials he prepared were terrifying.However, Xiao Hansheng was a little unlucky, his Xuantian Mansion was snatched by Chen Yu, and it was sealed in Yuxu Palace, and there was no way to take it out.

"Oh, I'm really working hard!" Xiao Hansheng sighed leisurely, and then continued to carry out his 'three light policy'.

In the next few days, Xiao Hansheng did nothing but was busy collecting fairy grass and fairy fruit.The Qiankun bag he carried was not enough, so he put these fairy grasses and fairy fruits directly into the Chaos Divine Soil.

Strange to say, when these fairy grasses and fairy fruits fell into it, they began to grow crazily, and began to evolve in an extremely magical direction.

Actually, this is very normal.It can be said that the chaotic divine soil developed by Xiao Hansheng is the embryonic form of chaos, which has all the basic elements of chaos, but it does not have the auxiliary operation of various laws and principles for the time being. [

These fairy grasses and fairy fruits were placed in the chaotic god soil, and began to take root and sprout, absorbing the highest level of energy of the chaotic air, they naturally have the ability to move towards a higher realm.

Of course, Xiao Hansheng didn't know about all this, he just threw these things into the chaotic god soil, and never cared about it.

Finally, he felt that he had almost collected fairy grasses and fairy fruits, so he stopped.

"It shouldn't be far from the location of the three great beasts, right?" Xiao Hansheng secretly said.During this period of time, he was not only collecting fairy grass and fairy fruit, but he was also constantly moving closer to the position of the three great beasts.Today, he estimates that it is time to arrive at the location where the three great beasts live.

Of course, he approached the three great beasts very cautiously, for fear of arousing their vigilance.

Just at this moment, Xiao Hansheng only heard a muffled thunder, and then, the loud and clear roar of beasts came.

"Aw..." The sound was like thunder, and Xiao Hansheng's eardrums buzzed. It seemed that if it lasted for a while, his eardrums would be shattered.

"Tiangui, I have to admit that your defense is too strong, and this dragon can't break through at all. However, you don't even want to defeat me!" The dragon-shaped mythical beast with blue scales flashing and its limbs clawing at the ground opened its mouth and said .He is Fulong.

To be honest, the only similarity between Fulong and Shenlong is its dragon head, nothing else.

Opposite to Fulong is a mythical beast with the body of a turtle and the body of a snake.I saw its thick tortoise shell pressing on its limbs, making its limbs feel unbearable.

Therefore, a considerable part of its weight is supported by the shell touching the ground.

At this moment, Tiangui raised the snake's head and looked at Fulong, "Fulong, you and I have competed many times, and our respective methods are very clear. Do you think it is interesting to be undefeated?"

Fu Long said triumphantly: "I think it's very interesting!"

The sky tortoise felt like he didn't want to talk to Fulong, so he said lazily: "I've been out for a long time, I want to go back to rest. I'm really tired from fighting you." After all, its huge tortoise The shell began to move, and its thick limbs landed on the ground, slowly crawling forward.

At this time, a big golden bird flew in the sky suddenly, it was the dove bird, one of the three great beasts.

When it saw the appearance of the sky turtle crawling slowly, its eyes squinted, giving people a feeling of curling its lips, "I feel tired and flustered when I see its clumsy appearance!"

Who said no!How can the dove bird, which often soars in the blue sky, look up to the clumsy sky turtle?

"Oh, it's a pity that our Nascent Soul is imprisoned, and it's impossible to transform into a human form. If it can transform into a human form, the sky turtle won't be so clumsy." Fu Long sighed.

Dove Bird fell silent when he heard this.

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