Immortal Artifact

Chapter 415 Unexplainable

Xiao Hansheng was quite surprised when these divine beasts said such words, "It turns out that they can't transform into human form, not because they think it's majestic, but because they are imprisoned and cannot transform into human form. Not all novel sites It’s all the first romance, you can find it by searching. But, what’s the reason behind it?”

"Brother, why hasn't the peerless person who rescued us come yet?" Jiuniao asked.

Fu Long's face became a little gloomy, and he sighed: "I really want to understand the reason! I only hope that he will come soon!"

Jiuniao could only sigh, but couldn't think of any countermeasures.

Xiao Hansheng didn't listen to their discussion, he was thinking about how to get those three celestial grasses!After all, the plight of the three great beasts had nothing to do with him, and he didn't bother to care about them.

"Should I beg them face to face? Or steal them secretly?" Xiao Hansheng thought to himself.The reason why he had such an idea was entirely because the realm of the three great beasts was too high, and it was almost an extravagant hope for him to steal the three celestial grasses without anyone noticing.More importantly, the three fairy grasses have no effect on the three great beasts.

With the cultivation of the three great beasts in the Immortal Sacred Realm, the eighth-grade fairy grass has no attraction for them.That being the case, why did Xiao Hansheng steal it secretly and anger the three great beasts?

Of course, if Xiao Hansheng met them directly, and they were unwilling to give him the three celestial grasses, it would be even more difficult for him to steal the three celestial grasses in the future.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Hansheng still decided to meet the three great beasts directly and ask for the three celestial grasses.If it can be successful, it is naturally the best; if it cannot be successful, then think of a way.From his point of view, the possibility of getting the three celestial grasses easily is the greatest, so he wants to try. [

I saw Xiao Hansheng jumped out directly, cupped his hands and said to them: "Hello, I am Xiao Hansheng, a human immortal cultivator, and I want to trouble you with something."

The sudden appearance of Xiao Hansheng startled all the three great beasts. They didn't expect that there would be human masters who dared to jump out on their own initiative.Immediately afterwards, they became angry, even furious.For no other reason, it was because Xiao Hansheng forced them so close, and they didn't notice anything.

This kind of thing made them feel extremely insulted, and they decided to kill Xiao Hansheng, the human master who insulted them.

"Huh, how brave! How dare you break into our territory, and seek death!" After finishing speaking, Fulong sprayed out strong acid water, intending to corrode Xiao Hansheng to death.

No matter what, Xiao Hansheng didn't expect Fulong's anger to be so great, and then he started to run Xiaoyaoshenxuyou, avoiding Fulong's acid water with a graceful posture.

Seeing this, Fu Long was furious, and waving his dragon claws, grabbed Xiao Hansheng's head.Although it is extremely fast, how can it compare with the dove bird?

In the blink of an eye, Jiuniao's sharp claws grabbed Xiao Hansheng's head.

Xiao Hansheng didn't feel any surprise about this. He has come into contact with many birds and beasts, and he understands that what they are best at is speed.Come to think of it, Dove Bird is no exception.

Although Xiao Hansheng had prepared early, he didn't intend to run away.He wants to try how strong his method of Immortal King Realm is.

In an instant, Xiao Hansheng unleashed Zhou Tianzhang, punching like a closed fist.In an instant, the vast fist erupted, and went straight to Jiuniao.

'Hoo', Jiuniao confronted Xiao Hansheng's Zhou Tianquan.In an instant, Xiao Hansheng only felt an unusually huge force coming, penetrating his body, as if to shatter his Nascent Soul.

At the same time, the Purple Palace Nascent Soul and the Heart Nascent Soul in Xiao Hansheng's body both opened their eyes, spewing out vast celestial power from their mouths, and counterattacked back against the power of Jiuniao.

With a 'bang', Xiao Hansheng burst back and hit an ancient tree with a diameter of nearly [-] meters behind him.

Xiao Hansheng turned back instead, rubbing the blood on the corner of his mouth, staring at Jiuniao with his eyes, "Sure enough, it is worthy of being a divine beast, its strength is really powerful!"

Xiao Hansheng was shocked, but Jiuniao was even more shocked than him.Its strength and realm are not much stronger than Xiao Hansheng, and he is a veteran of the Immortal Saint Realm, and he knows the power of the Immortal Saint Realm like the palm of his hand.But even if it had such an advantage, Xiao Hansheng still survived.Its appearance does not seem to have suffered much damage. [

"Third brother, this human kid can't answer briefly, you have to be careful." Fu Long said via voice transmission.

Just at this moment, there was a sudden clicking sound.The three great beasts did not set their sights on the ancient tree hit by Xiao Hansheng.I saw that the cracks in the ancient tree continued to expand, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and there was no way to stop it.

'Boom', an ancient tree nearly ten miles high collapsed and hit the ground, deafening, making people feel a strong earthquake.

"This ancient tree is about tens of millions of years old. It's a pity that it collapsed like this!" Xiao Han felt sorry for the ancient tree collapsed.

Then, Jiuniao flew to the sky above Xiao Hansheng, and said in a deep voice: "I have to say that your strength is indeed tyrannical. I admire you very much for resisting the attack of the master of the Immortal Saint Realm with the Immortal King Realm without any injuries!"

Respect depends on strength.If Xiao Hansheng was vulnerable, Jiuniao probably wouldn't even glance at him.However, after going through this contest, it has to admit that Xiao Hansheng is qualified to have an equal dialogue with it.

"So, I allow you to tell me, what do you want to do when you come to us?" Dove Bird said.At this time, Tiangui had also returned here, carefully looking at Xiao Hansheng.

The movement just now was so loud, it was impossible for it not to hear.So turn back and see what happened here.

Xiao Hansheng could finally tell the purpose of his trip.Not long ago, he thought he couldn't get three celestial grasses!Nowadays, the possibility of getting the fairy grass is constantly increasing!

"Xiao came here this time, hoping to get the three fairy grasses that you guarded. These three fairy grasses are of great use to me, and I hope you will fulfill them." Xiao Hansheng calmly stated his purpose.

When the three great beasts heard the purpose of Xiao Hansheng's trip, they were greatly surprised. They never thought that the purpose of Xiao Hansheng's trip was this.Not long after, they finally reacted, showing ecstasy.

"Haha...the sky has eyes! We have finally waited for this day!" Fulong raised his head to the sky and roared, stirring up the situation, which was shocking.

"We'll wait until this moment, and we'll finally be free!" Jiu Niao flew into the void, cheering happily.At this time, it is as excited as a bird that is just born and flies into the blue sky for the first time.

The only Sky Turtle who didn't speak was also overjoyed, feeling that the future was full of brilliance.

Xiao Hansheng was a little surprised when he saw their appearance, "They were still shouting and shouting to kill, but now they look happy. Could it be that they are possessed by ghosts?"

Of course, being possessed by a ghost is just Xiao Hansheng's wishful thinking, but it can also reveal his inexplicability.

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