Immortal Artifact

Chapter 45 Golden Wing Lei Peng

Chapter 45 Golden Wing Lei Peng

Xiao Hansheng hurriedly asked: "What is the Golden Wing Lei Peng?"

Jun Zijian said: "The origin of the golden-winged Lei Peng is really extraordinary! Have you heard of the divine beast Kunpeng?" Jun Zijian turned to ask Xiao Hansheng!

Xiao Hansheng nodded and said: "There is a record in a book: Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. The back of a Peng, I don't know how many miles it is; when it flies in anger, Its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. This is the description of Kunpeng's greatness and magic!"

Jun Zijian said: "That's right! Kunpeng is the top powerhouse between heaven and earth. However, it is rumored that Kunpeng is dead, but his spirit is immortal, his body is immortal, and his blood is still wandering between heaven and earth!"

After Xiao Hansheng heard it, he was very shocked, and asked anxiously: "How could Kunpeng die?" You must know that when you become a celestial being, you can live forever in the world. How can a divine beast like Kunpeng die?

Jun Zijian sighed: "I was killed!"

Xiao Hansheng was eager to know who killed him, and there are probably not many people who know this secret.

Jun Zijian shook his head and said, "I don't know who killed it! You don't have to ask any more."

Xiao Hansheng stopped asking about Kunpeng's life and death, and immediately asked: "What is the relationship between Golden Winged Lei Peng and Kunpeng?"

Junzi Jiandao: "I don't know very well. There is a rumor in the God Realm that a drop of Kunpeng's blood fell into the chaotic space by chance, and was sucked by an ordinary roc bird. The bird was angry. And it turned into a golden-winged roc, but Kunpeng's hatred has not disappeared, and this bird also turned into a fierce and ferocious bird, so he took revenge on the person who killed Kunpeng, but he was not an opponent. Gold-winged Lei Peng. This is the origin of Golden-winged Lei Peng, and it can be regarded as having a trace of Kunpeng's blood. As for the Golden-winged Lei Peng who attacked you just now is just a newly hatched bird, if you meet an adult Golden-winged Lei Peng Peng, where is life left?"

Xiao Hansheng was a little shocked, but the newly hatched bird was so powerful!

At this moment, Jun Zijian suddenly said: "Since the golden-winged Lei Peng appeared here, there might be some corpses of Kunpeng or Golden-winged Dapeng. I always have a feeling that Zixiao Palace must be related to the murderer who killed Kunpeng." !"

At this time, Xiao Hansheng didn't care much, after all, it was just a legend, and it might not exist.Xiao Hansheng asked: "Then how high are the cultivation bases of these golden-winged Lei Pengs? Then how can we get rid of this crisis?"

Jun Zijian smiled and said: "These Golden Winged Lei Peng's cultivation base is not very high, only the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. The three major sects united are enough to resist the attack of the Golden Winged Lei Peng! However, the Golden Winged Lei Peng inherited the Golden Winged Lei Peng The advantage of Dapeng is that it is fast! In martial arts in the world, there is nothing strong that can't be broken, but speed can't be broken, so if you want to kill these golden-winged Lei Pengs, don't even think about it, let alone there must be adult golden-winged Lei Pengs here Peng, you can’t even kill him! As for the method, I will give you a formation called Hunyuan Wuji Formation, which can resist the attack of the golden-winged Lei Peng.” After speaking, a formula appeared on Xiao Hansheng’s It's in my mind.Xiao Hansheng flipped through it and could only understand a point or two, but that was enough.

During the conversation between Xiao Hansheng and Junzijian, more than a dozen monks were swallowed by Golden Winged Lei Peng. Everyone panicked and stared into the distance in horror, not knowing what to do.

And the heads of the three major sects also looked melancholy, looking at the disciples they had cultivated so hard, each and every one of them was heartbroken.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng said loudly: "I have a way to stop the attacks of these ghosts!"

When everyone heard Xiao Hansheng's voice, it was like a god came to save them, and they looked at Xiao Hansheng with burning eyes.

At this time, Wu Daozhen, the head of the Zhizhen School, was overjoyed, pushed aside the crowd, came to Xiao Hansheng, and asked eagerly, "Do you have a way?"

Xiao Hansheng smiled slightly: "Formation!"

Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing this, but they became sad in an instant, and sighed helplessly: "Our sects are not good at formation techniques, it would be great if there is a Fazong sect!"

Xiao Hansheng said confidently: "If you have enough spirit stones, I can arrange a formation! And at least the spirit stones of the seventh rank, the higher the rank, the better!"

After everyone listened, they immediately began to look for the spirit stones on their bodies, but few could take out the spirit stones. After all, in the cultivation world, the main thing to improve your cultivation base is the spirit pill, whether it is a dead spirit pill or a living spirit pill. Dan, but there are not many people who use spirit stones. After all, the spirit energy of spirit stones is too complicated, and it is too troublesome to extract.It's better to exchange these spirit stones for some pills!However, Lingshi is not necessary to set up the formation, so it will be troublesome now!

Xiao Hansheng looked at the spirit stones in everyone's hands, but there were only more than [-] pieces, and at least [-] pieces for the Hunyuan Promise Formation.This time, Xiao Hansheng gave everyone hope, but because of a small mistake, it caused a catastrophe. Everyone vowed in their hearts that if they had a chance to live, they would definitely bring enough spirit stones.

When everyone was extremely remorseful, Fang Jun, the suzerain of the Qiankun Sect, took out a crystal clear stone from his Qiankun bag, the size of a fist, exuding a fairy spirit all the time.

Fang Jun smiled and said: "Little brother, what I brought out from a secret realm at this time is a fourth-grade fairy stone, do you think it is enough?"

Xiao Hansheng took a look and smiled slightly, "Enough! Let's get started"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hansheng raised the fourth-grade fairy stone into the sky, and kept patting different handprints on this fairy stone, and the spirit stones in everyone's hands also floated instantly, revolving around this fairy stone, like stars The same is running non-stop.

Suddenly, the spirit stone kept exchanging spiritual power, and suddenly, it turned into a circle, enveloping everyone.

Xiao Hansheng suddenly roared, "Hunyuan Wuji Formation, completed!" In an instant, the formation became a perfect circle, moving slowly.

Xiao Hansheng said: "Everyone, please input the spiritual power into the fairy stone in batches!" After hearing this, everyone immediately sent their spiritual power to the fairy stone, and the fairy stone exuded a dim light.

At this moment, everyone felt the vibration of the formation, and when they looked closely, they saw outside the formation, a big eagle with a golden-winged kun head and star-eyed leopard eyes, looking at everyone with piercing eyes.

Suddenly, the golden-winged Lei Peng grabbed at the formation, uttering a piercing cry.However, when the golden-winged Lei Peng's claws grasped the round membrane of the formation, ripples like water waves were created and swayed away, but the membrane of the formation was not injured at all.

And this situation seemed to have angered Gold-winged Lei Peng, and he screamed, as if he was calling for friends.Everyone saw two shadows flashing past, but two golden-winged Lei Pengs appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

In an instant, the three golden-winged Lei Pengs grabbed the membrane of the formation, the membrane of the formation trembled violently, and the immortal stone was also rapidly consumed, and it became smaller in an instant, and the formation was about to be broken.

The suzerain of the Qiankun sect shouted: "Input spiritual power into the fairy stone together!" More than [-] people present joined the ranks of inputting spiritual power, and the membrane of the formation instantly stabilized.

At this time, Wu Daozhen, the suzerain of the Zhizhen Sect, said: "Let's leave quickly! Otherwise, Golden Winged Lei Peng will call more Golden Winged Lei Peng."

As a result, everyone immediately fled forward in the Hunyuan Wuji Formation.Xiao Hansheng, everyone in Gumeng is safe for the time being.

Everyone flew forward, and found many corpses in front of them, but they were the corpses of some people from Zhenyizong, Qianhuanzong, and Shen family, and their abdomens were pierced, and Yuanying disappeared. .

But Wu Daozhen and Fang Jun looked at each other in blank dismay. Is it true that the Thousand Illusion Sect also met Golden Winged Lei Peng?The two of them had a bad feeling in their hearts.

It wasn't long before everyone was on their way, but they saw a powerful wave coming from ahead, and the five-color divine light suddenly appeared, piercing the clear sky.

A roar came, "You humble human beings dare to kill my younger brother, it's abominable!" After speaking, Peng Zhua sent out five-color divine light and went towards the people below.

Everyone saw the battle ahead, and they didn't intend to participate in the things ahead.However, people don't want to cause trouble, but things got entangled. A huge claw, as sharp as a knife, grabbed at the Hunyuan Wuji Formation, trying to catch everyone to death.

After all, the Hunyuan Promise Formation is extraordinary, and with one rotation, the power of the huge claws was released.

At this time, the golden-winged Lei Peng standing on the cloud was quite surprised. He didn't expect that these people could vent their power and exert even greater magic power, grabbing the Hunyuan Wuji Formation to his side and throwing it to the ground. .It is facing everyone from the Thousand Illusion Sect and the True One Sect.

The humanity of the Zhenyi Sect and the Thousand Illusion Sect are quite miserable, many people were killed and blood flowed freely.Masters like Wang Dexian and Dongfang Muhua have all been injured.However, in this situation, he dared not relax in the slightest, staring closely at the golden-winged Lei Peng above the clouds.

Seeing a group of people being arrested, Wang Dexian felt a little gloated, after all, someone was with him.But it didn't show on the face, just strange that no one of these people was injured.

Wang Dexian walked forward, cupped his hands and said: "Brother Wu, Brother Fang, Brother Bai, you seem to be quite at ease!" It's true, it's not as good as you guys being so carefree, playing with your own injuries!"

Wang Dexian could only snort coldly, but stopped talking.

At this time, Fang Jun of the Qiankun Sect had a good relationship with Dongfang Muhua of the Thousand Illusion Sect. Fang Jun asked, "How did you end up in this situation?"

Dongfang Muhua said with a wry smile: "We came to this place after we entered the Zixiao Palace, but we didn't expect to meet a monster with a big eagle, that monster was also extremely powerful and killed many of our disciples. After we worked together to kill the monster, a more powerful monster came, so we fought, but we didn't expect that the monster in front of us was so powerful that we couldn't even escape."

After Fang Jun heard about it, he also smiled wryly, "We also met that monster, and we got away only by relying on the formation."

Xiao Hansheng presided over the Hunyuan Wuji Formation. When Xiao Hansheng opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful figure!

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