Chapter 46 Resistance

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng saw a beautiful figure, which turned out to be Rou Meier whom he hadn't seen for a long time. At this time, Xiao Hansheng saw Rou Meier, but he didn't know what it was like. He wanted to say all kinds of things to Rou Meier, but suddenly saw, But I don't know what to say.

At this time, Rou Meier's condition is not very good, with many injuries on her body, and her hair is also messy. Xiao Hansheng feels distressed when she sees Rou Meier's appearance, but at this moment, Xiao Hansheng can't go to Rou Meier. trouble!

At this moment, the Golden Winged Lei Peng standing above the clouds let out a stern roar, leaned down, and said: "You damned human beings actually killed my brother, go to death!" In an instant, Gold Winged Lei Peng suddenly turned into a golden roc with a length of thousands of miles, flapping his wings as if to fly, raised his head to the sky, and breathed out a black beam of light.Suddenly, the golden-winged Lei Peng swooped down, the black beam of light swept towards the Hunyuan Wuji Formation, and the giant claws grabbed Zhenyizong and Qianhuanzong.I saw the beam of light hitting the Hunyuan Wuji Formation, and the immortal stone was continuously consumed. During this blow, most of the immortal stone was consumed immediately, only the size of a pigeon egg, and it was still emitting a misty fairy spirit.

The Hunyuan Promise Formation can withstand the attack of the black beam of light.A brown beam of light rose suddenly, attacking the Hunyuan Wuji Formation again.And the people in the Hunyuan Wuji Formation released all their spiritual power to rush towards the last fairy stone.However, the imported aura is a drop in the bucket after all, but it can't resist the attack of the black beam of light. The fairy stone is completely consumed, and the black beam of light hits the Hunyuan Wuji array in an instant, and the black beam of light smashes the membrane of the array with a bang. , Xiao Hansheng spat out a big mouthful of blood with a 'poof'.As the person who set up the formation, Xiao Hansheng maintained the operation of the Hunyuan Wuji formation with a lot of mental power, and Xiao Hansheng was most implicated when the formation was broken.

Although the Hunyuan Wuji Formation was broken, it was the last time to protect everyone's safety!At this time, Xiao Hansheng withered to the ground, and Gu Meng immediately helped Xiao Hansheng up.

The giant claws attacking the Shinichi School and the Thousand Illusion School pressed down on everyone like a mountain, and everyone fled immediately.Rou Meier's cultivation base is relatively low, and her speed is also slower.Yue Zishan, who had already escaped, returned immediately, grabbed Rou Meier, and quickly led her away from the envelop of the giant claws.

Yue Zishan asked with concern: "Meier, are you okay?" At this moment, Yue Zishan's tone was quite different from what he said in Wuling Mountain Range.

Rou Meier blushed slightly, and said, "I'm fine, thank you!"

Yue Zishan smiled gently, "This is what it should be!"

At this time, Yue Ziqun glanced at the two of them, his face sank slightly, showing an unhappy expression.

The golden-winged Lei Peng's mountain-like giant claws grabbed some slow-moving people, one claw caught them, flew into the air, and then turned into a human form, and the expression on his face was still as vivid as that of a big eagle. The sharp claws grabbed more than a dozen Nascent Souls, and then threw them into the mouth. They began to chew "crackling" with a look of enjoyment, and made a sound from time to time: "The spiritual power of this human Nascent Soul It's really pure, but it lacks the spirit of the fairy, so it's not interesting." Then he threw all the Nascent Soul in his hand into his mouth!

When Wang Dexian of the True One Sect and Dongfang Muhua of the Thousand Illusion Sect saw it, their eyes were tearing apart, and they wanted to kill Golden Winged Lei Peng immediately.

Gold-winged Lei Peng shouted: "You humble human beings, all of you are weak, I will kill you all today, and serve as my Golden-winged Lei Peng's appetizer." After speaking, he turned into a golden roc again, and used The beak of this golden-winged Lei Peng was tens of kilometers long, like a huge pair of scissors, it would be smashed to pieces wherever it touched.

At this moment, Gu Meng stared at Golden Winged Lei Peng's beak, with divine light in his eyes, and he wanted to try it out.Everyone in the Gu family fled, but only Gu Meng remained untouched.Gu Yi smiled anxiously, and sent a voice transmission to Gu Meng: "Gu Meng, come back quickly, don't be brave!"

Gu Meng licked his lips with a look of determination.Gu Meng is known as an ancient warrior, and what he likes most is fighting. However, Gu Meng was suffocated in the Hunyuan Wuji formation just now, but he couldn't say anything in front of everyone.It's still out now, so naturally we have to fight another battle.

I saw that Gu Meng's body was also raised instantly, the muscles of the whole body were bulging, and the bronze-colored skin showed a sense of fitness.Gu Meng held the stone ax that grew in size with both hands, waiting for the beak of Golden Winged Lei Peng to peck it.

The golden-winged Lei Peng was very fast, and he was in front of Gu Meng in an instant.And Gu Meng bowed his body, circulating surging spiritual power, and gathered towards the stone axe.

When Gu Meng's beak of Golden Winged Lei Peng reached his eyes, Gu Meng swung his stone ax and struck at Golden Winged Lei Peng's beak.There was only a loud noise like thunder, and the squeezed spiritual power spread outward.

There was only a 'bang', but the ancient dream was bounced away and fell to the ground.In an instant, the huge body shrank back to the size of a normal person, his face was pale, his face was covered with sweat, and he spat out a mouthful of blood!In this battle, Gu Meng suffered a disastrous defeat.

However, Gu Meng didn't get nothing. There was a huge gap in Golden Winged Lei Peng's beak, but it was knocked out by Gu Meng's stone axe.

In an instant, Golden Winged Lei Peng went berserk, and the five-color divine light shot at everyone.Gold-winged Lei Peng has never suffered such humiliation. Someone actually knocked off a piece of his own beak and lost all face. How does this make him gain a foothold in the clan?So it vowed to kill all the people here!

The six sects present also understood that it was now a critical moment. The leaders of the various sects led the heavenly and earthly immortal masters who were present to fly up, took out their weapons, and fought with Golden Wing Lei Peng fought.At this time, Golden Winged Lei Peng was in a rage, lost his mind, and his moves were not so pure, and his fights were indistinguishable and comparable.As for the masters below the Earth Immortal level, they were not idle, and attacked Golden Winged Lei Peng's foot.At this moment, Golden Winged Lei Peng got bigger and more irritable, and his moves became even more chaotic.

This situation continued for a while, and Xiao Hansheng also recovered his cultivation during this period of time.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Junzi Sword is also slowly absorbing the energy of chaos in the air.Xiao Hansheng, who was already injured, was watching the battle, and happened to see Rou Meier standing aside, so he moved towards Rou Meier.

Such a battle made Golden Chi Lei Peng irritable, all of a sudden.Gold-winged Lei Peng thought that this kind of fighting would definitely not work, so he slowly regained consciousness.However, Golden Winged Lei Peng was quite scheming, and he had come to his senses, but his moves were still chaotic.

At this moment, Dongfang Muhua saw that there was a huge opening in Golden Winged Lei Peng's body, so he sent out the most powerful move towards Golden Winged Lei Peng.Gold-winged Lei Peng dodged easily, and when Dongfang Muhua's old power had just left and his new power was not born, he slammed towards Dongfang Muhua. Seeing that the situation was not good, Dongfang Muhua immediately backed away.However, Dongfang Muhua backed away, and there happened to be many disciples there.

I saw the golden-winged Lei Peng dodging his body, he landed on the heads of these disciples, and was about to step on them.The disciples below seemed to feel it too, and it was the eldest son of Sky City, Yue Ziqun, who felt the danger first.I saw Yue Ziqun drifting backwards, but the speed was very slow after all.Suddenly, Yue Ziqun caught a beautiful figure with both hands, and Yue Ziqun speeded up and drifted back.And that beautiful figure immediately fell under the giant claws of Golden Winged Lei Peng, and that beautiful figure was indeed You Mei'er!

When Rou Mei'er's father saw it, Rou Ran shouted, "Be careful, Mei'er!"

When Yue Zishan saw that it was Yue Ziqun who pushed Rou Meier under the golden-winged Lei Peng's giant claws, he scolded angrily: "Yue Ziqun! You are so fucking nothing!" After speaking, he was about to rush forward I want to save Rou Meier.

At this moment, Rou Meier also knew the situation she was in now, and also knew that she was doomed, so she closed her eyes in despair.

At this time, when Xiao Hansheng saw the situation of Rou Meier, he was very anxious in his heart. From time to time, when he spent time with Rou Meier, the love in his heart was about to disappear. At this time, Xiao Hansheng felt extremely painful in his heart.Xiao Hansheng once swore to protect Rou Meier.However, at this moment, Xiao Hansheng suddenly found that he was still unable to protect Rou Meier.When he was sad, Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought of an idea.

Just when Rou Meier was about to die, Xiao Hansheng suddenly appeared beside Rou Meier and hugged Rou Meier.Rou Meier opened her eyes slightly, and looked at Xiao Hansheng in disbelief: "Xiao Han, you?"

At this time, Xiao Hansheng showed a bright smile, and said softly: "Miss sister, wait for a while."

Suddenly, a sword appeared in Xiao Hansheng's hand, it was the Junzi Sword, and the sound of the sword chanting suddenly sounded, "The gentleman is angry, fighting the world." Between rumbles, the Junzi Sword frantically absorbed the surrounding chaotic energy, and a haze Rumble's sword body gradually took shape, but at this moment, Xiao Hansheng was struggling to control the Junzi sword, his face was covered with sweat and pale.At this time, Rou Meier stared at Xiao Hansheng, but felt a little bit of sweetness.

I saw the golden-winged Lei Peng's giant claws stepping on the gentleman's sword held by Xiao Hansheng, and a gray giant sword soared into the sky, straight into the sky.Pierce through the body of Golden Winged Lei Peng.

There was a momentary stalemate, and suddenly, the gray air in Golden-winged Lei Peng's body leaked out, and cracks appeared on Golden-winged Lei Peng's body.In an instant, Golden Winged Lei Peng's body was torn apart.But the huge sword that soared into the sky stood upside down in the void, slowly disappearing.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng also completely disappeared.Only Rou Meier remained in that place.

Everyone was affected in the battle just now, and was thrown far away, but not much is known about what happened specifically.At this moment, Golden-winged Lei Peng was killed for no reason, and only countless corpses remained to prove the existence of Golden-winged Lei Peng.A group of people were terrified, their faces were terrified, and they didn't know what to say.

Everyone didn't dare to stay here, and left in a hurry.

As for how Xiao Hansheng appeared beside Rou Meier?When Xiao Hansheng saw Rou Meier in distress, he immediately thought of Junzijian, and negotiated with Junzijian. At first Junzijian refused, but Xiao Hansheng replied coldly: "If Roumeier dies, I will not live alone!" At this time , Jun Zijian had no choice but to agree.However, Xiao Hansheng reabsorbed the Qi of Chaos in the process of using the Junzi Sword, but how can the Qi of Chaos be so easy to control?Xiao Hansheng exhausted all his spiritual power to manage it.In the process of confronting the enemy, Xiao Hansheng passed out with only one move.

Seeing that Xiao Hansheng was in a coma, Jun Zijian took Xiao Hansheng away for fear of the secret being leaked.

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