Chapter 83 Preliminary Trial

Xiao Hansheng's heart Nascent Soul has already been formed, and he only needs to absorb the power of the outside world to strengthen the Nascent Soul's strength.With the continuous inhalation of spiritual energy, it is purified and condensed.The power of Xiao Hansheng's Nascent Soul continued to break through, crossing thresholds one after another.It wasn't until the Nascent Soul reached the middle stage of the Ascension Realm that it slowly stopped absorbing spiritual power from the outside world.At this moment, it is the most dangerous time. After all, these powers have just entered the Nascent Soul, how can it be so simple to eliminate all impurities?These impurities may cause adverse consequences at any time and destroy the newly opened meridians.Therefore, Xiao Hansheng still needs to be warmed up for a period of time. During this period of time, he must wholeheartedly eliminate impurities and cannot use Yuanying.Therefore, this is the most dangerous moment.

However, at this moment, the Qiankun Wuji Formation suddenly shook violently, and it was a group of monsters attacking the Qiankun Wuji Formation.Feeling the crisis of the Qiankun Wuji Formation, Xiao Hansheng was a little anxious, but he was bitten by spiritual power and vomited blood if he didn't pay attention.Xiao Hansheng hurriedly held his breath and stopped thinking about other things, only then did the churning aura calm down.

At this moment, the group of monsters are attacking the Hunyuan Wuji Formation fiercely, and the Hunyuan Wuji Formation trembles even more.The spirit stones in the formation are being consumed rapidly, and will soon be exhausted.However, the strength of these monsters is not very strong, most of them are in the Heaven's Punishment Realm, and the highest is in the Human Wonderland.

As for why there are so many demon cultivators so close to the Danxia sect?That's because the masters of the Danxia sect are very confident in their sect, and believe that these demon cultivators would not dare to invade the Danxia sect.In fact, this is indeed the case, and even these demon cultivators are used as test objects by the masters of the Danxia sect to test their disciples.So much so that these demon cultivators hated the Danxia sect extremely, Xiao Hansheng's setting up his cave in this place really hit the muzzle of the gun.With the large-scale flow of spiritual energy, they all gathered towards this place, so some demon cultivators began to pay attention to this place, and rushed here one after another to see what happened.The little monsters who came here to see were blocked by the Qiankun Promise Formation. They didn't know what kind of masters were inside, so they didn't do anything. It wasn't until a big monster named Xiu San came that these little monsters started to attack Qiankun Promise array.It coincided with Xiao Hansheng reaching a critical moment.

Outside the Qiankun Wuji formation, Xiu Sanyin looked at the formation that was exuding brilliance, "This formation is really extraordinary! I don't know what kind of master is inside? Should we attack in or just leave?" Xiu San Some can't make up their minds.

When Xiu San couldn't make up his mind, he saw the Qiankun Wuji Formation shaking violently, as if it was about to break open, Xiu San made a sway, then took out his weapon, and struck towards the Qiankun Wuji Formation.The Qiankun Promise Formation, which was already in danger, exploded with a bang, and immediately overflowed with aura, and it was difficult to see the situation clearly in the haze.When the aura slowly subsided, Xiu San walked into the cave.I was seeing a person sitting cross-legged on the ground, and there was a strong wave around him.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng already knew in his heart that someone had come in, and he was anxious.But at this critical moment, he was almost able to complete the cultivation, so he couldn't be distracted, "What should I do now?" Xiao Hansheng couldn't make up his mind.

Xiu San looked at Xiao Hansheng, "It turns out that this person is practicing kung fu! It's a good opportunity to kill him and get his treasure without any effort." Then he took out his weapon and was about to hit Xiao Hansheng's head , obviously wanted to kill with one blow.

At this moment, a little demon reported, "The Mastiff King is here." Xiu San was startled, and immediately put down his weapon to meet the Mastiff King.

When Xiu San came outside the cave, he happened to see a rough man wearing a tiger skin suit.Xiu San immediately said respectfully: "Little man Xiu San has met King Mastiff."

King Mastiff showed disdain, and asked in a muffled voice, "What's going on with this cave?"

Xiu San told the story of this cave to King Mastiff, and King Mastiff immediately entered the cave, and when he saw Xiao Hansheng, he said in a low voice, "This man has delicate skin and tender meat, and his taste should be good." lick your lips.

Xiu San followed suit and said, "Yes! I know you like meat the most!"

Mastiff King smiled brightly, "Little ones, take this man out for me, I will roast him with the fire of the earth fairy! The taste of raw food is not as good as roasted!" Then the two little demons gave Xiao Hansheng carry out.

When King Mastiff came outside, suddenly a raging fire ignited in one hand, and with the other hand he dragged Xiao Hansheng into the air, and in an instant the fire passed under Xiao Hansheng and began to burn.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng's heart is as calm as water, but the operation of mana is getting faster and faster.When Xiao Hansheng eliminated the impurities in the last trace of spiritual energy, Xiao Hansheng yelled, "Success!" Immediately, the heart Yuanying continuously spewed spiritual energy, flowing in the opening meridians.

"In the future, we will have to practice a new Nascent Soul in the Purple Palace, so as not to make people feel weird." At this time, Xiao Hansheng still remembered that it was said in "Ming Daolu" that two Nascent Souls could be cultivated at the same time.As for the destroyed meridians of the Purple Palace, it only needs to be sorted out again, and the aura can be circulated again.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng suddenly felt severe pain all over his body, and only then did Xiao Hansheng realize that he was in trouble.

Mastiff King was still looking at the roasted humans with great interest.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng suddenly opened his eyes, and roared, "Break!" Immediately, a powerful force burst from Xiao Hansheng's body, and instantly escaped from the control of the Mastiff King, and jumped to the side.Using spiritual power to clear off his charcoal-like skin, Xiao Hansheng returned to his previous appearance.

When Mastiff King saw the cooked duck flying away, he was furious and grabbed Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng was also polite, took out the Huanshi Ding and defeated the big hand caught by King Mastiff.Xiao Hansheng looked at the Mastiff King indifferently, "Since Gu Meng can fight against the masters of the Earth and Wonderland with the Ascension Realm, hehe, let's see if I, Xiao Hansheng, can do it!" After defeating the Mastiff King's giant hand, Xiao Hansheng did not stop attacking, Instead, he directly bullied himself to King Mastiff's side, and hit King Mastiff with the Huanshi Ding.

I saw the power of the fairy spirit on the fantasy world cauldron surging, hitting King Mastiff Heaven.King Mastiff Heaven also saw that this tripod was extraordinary, and if he was hit by it, his skin would peel off even if he did not die.King Mastiff Sky was not stupid, so he dodged immediately.And Xiao Hansheng was so powerful that he poured his surging spiritual power into the fantasy cauldron, chasing after King Mastiff to fight.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng felt that his body provided almost endless spiritual power for him to squander, so Xiao Hansheng was not afraid of not having enough spiritual power.

King Mastiff kept dodging, while Xiao Hansheng kept chasing and hitting King Mastiff.

This scene was deeply imprinted in the minds of a group of goblins. In their eyes, the Mastiff King, who had always been strong and steadfast, was chased and beaten, which completely subverted their imagination.

Mastiff King is very annoyed at the moment.In his opinion, Xiao Hansheng's realm was much worse than his own, but he was suppressed and beaten. "Whether it is tolerable or unbearable!" Mastiff King's heart slumped, he raised his arms, and collided fiercely with the Huanshiding that Xiao Hansheng called.The Huanshiding was thrown aside in an instant.And Mastiff King was not feeling well at the moment, he saw blood dripping from his arms.

But now it's finally out of the woods.King Mastiff drew out his knife, "My boy, you can be proud of hurting me like this!" King Mastiff's knife instantly slashed towards Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng grabbed the Huanshi Ding's foot, and when he swung it, he head-on with the Mastiff King's knife.

When they collided, sparks flew everywhere.The collision of the tripod and the knife shook the whole field and resounded through the sky.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng realized that he actually liked this head-to-head battle, "only hard-to-head battles will make people feel the most vivid!"

Immediately, Xiao Hansheng withdrew and returned, colliding with King Mastiff's sword again.This time the collision was so violent that Xiao Hansheng couldn't even hold the Huanshi Ding, and he threw the Huanshi Ding far away.But at this moment, like Xiao Hansheng, Mastiff King was thrown away from the sword.

The two who had no weapons did not go to pick up their own weapons, and the two picked up their bodies and collided.I saw two legs clashing, squeezing the air, making a low and terrifying sound.Immediately, the two separated quickly, and then collided again.The impact at this time made Xiao Hansheng feel pain in his thigh. "Fortunately, a new meridian has been opened up, and the spiritual power in the Nascent Soul can reach the meridian on the thigh without any hindrance. It turns out that the meridians selected in "Ming Daolu" are the shortest distance, the most effective way to transport the spiritual energy to the most Where it is needed. And the natural meridians of human beings need to take care of all parts of the body, which are numerous and complicated. Therefore, the transmission of spiritual energy is relatively slow! The person who created "Ming Daolu" is really amazing!" Xiao Hansheng thought secretly.

As for the mastiff king's thigh, he also felt a severe raw pain.Yaoxiu's body was originally stronger than human beings, but Mastiff King saw Xiao Hansheng seemed to be fine, and thought to himself: "What a powerful human being!"

King Mastiff saw that Xiao Hansheng hadn't planned to stop, so he attacked himself.Seeing that Xiao Hansheng still had the energy to continue fighting, King Mastiff was a little scared, and immediately waved his hands and said: "No more fights, no more fights! I, Mastiff, have never convinced anyone, but now I will serve you!"

Xiao Han said coldly: "Then you want to roast me, what should you do? If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, this matter will never end!"

King Mastiff had a wry smile on his face, "You can punish him however you like! I, Mastiff, have nothing to say!"

A little smile appeared on Xiao Hansheng's face, "Since you accept the punishment, forget it!" Xiao Hansheng has always had a good impression of Yaoxiu, so he no longer intends to pursue the responsibility of King Mastiff.

When King Mastiff heard that Xiao Hansheng would no longer pursue the matter, he was immediately overjoyed, and took Xiao Hansheng to drink.Xiao Hansheng couldn't refuse the kindness of King Mastiff, so he had to drink with King Mastiff.

Xiao Hansheng lingered with King Aotian for a few days, and found that King Mastiff was straightforward and had no intentions.No one wants to be with a scheming person, it's too tiring.So soon Xiao Hansheng and Mastiff King became friends.

A few days later, Xiao Hansheng left alone.Xiao Hansheng is going to find celestial herbs and celestial fruits for Wu Yong to refine elixirs, and the time is quite tight.What is also important is that Kou Ba entrusted himself to take good care of Kou Laner before his death. "Ten years have passed, and I don't know Mei'er, how is Lan'er doing? No matter what, I must find you." Xiao Hansheng thought to himself.

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