Chapter 84 News is hard to find

Xiao Hansheng has now cultivated to the middle stage of Ascension Realm, and if he is on a small continent, he can be regarded as a powerful party.However, in the huge world of comprehension, Ascension Realm is only the most basic requirement for masters with a little status to travel between different continents.That's why Xiao Hansheng chose to successfully cultivate the heart Nascent Soul on Yangtian Continent first, and reach the Ascension Realm, otherwise he would not even have the ability to leave Yangtian Continent.

When Xiao Hansheng left Yangtian Continent, he found a teleportation method in "Ming Road", called "Xiaoyao Shenxuyou".This part is not only a technique for teleportation, but also a body technique.In the battle, people can be flexible and change, and their power is even better.When Xiao Hansheng had almost learned this set of body skills, he began to cross the void, teleporting aimlessly to the void, and went to any continent he encountered.

At the beginning, Xiao Hansheng was not very proficient in mastering "Xiaoyao Shenxuyou", and deviations often occurred when teleporting.After a long time of teleportation practice, Xiao Hansheng's mastery of "Xiaoyao Shenxuyou" has indeed reached the point of perfection.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng has been teleporting continuously for dozens of days, and even Xiao Hansheng doesn't know where he is now.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng is walking in the void for the purpose of walking, admiring the beautiful scenery in the void.During these tens of days of constant teleportation, Xiao Hansheng occasionally saw a star similar to the 'sun' suddenly burst out with strong light, piercing the night sky in an instant, and in an instant, these lights disappeared without a trace trace.

Xiao Hansheng could feel a force of death enveloped from a distance.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng felt something in his heart, "Even the 'sun' has a day of withering, so will this world of self-cultivation one day be like the 'sun' to adjust to zero and die? What about this universe? Maybe death is the norm, and Life is nothing more than something that happens by accident!" Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng's comprehension of the Tao skyrocketed, and what followed was that a pitch-black Tao in the sea of ​​consciousness became much larger and thicker.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng has initially comprehended the law of death.

And each Tao can be regarded as a clone of the Tao. When a person fully comprehends a Tao, he can be counted as the controller of this Tao. subject to the master's control.Of course, the person who masters the Tao will also die, and after death, this Tao will disappear, so the master of this Tao can be reborn.Of course, Xiao Hansheng didn't know all this.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng's comprehension of the principles of death has greatly increased Xiao Hansheng's strength, and his cultivation has directly reached the later stage of the human fairyland.This is the benefit of epiphany, otherwise no one would be able to go directly from the early stage of the human fairyland to the late stage in one step.Three months later, Xiao Hansheng finally woke up from the epiphany. When Xiao Hansheng woke up, he didn't think that thinking about the things he saw casually could make him enter the state of epiphany. Great way!"

Xiao Hansheng's epiphany is mainly manifested in the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, not in the specific strength of Yuanying.Of course, this comprehension will also make Sea of ​​Consciousness more capable of grasping Nascent Soul, and teleportation will become much easier.

After Xiao Hansheng teleported twice, he found a blue planet within the search range of his consciousness, the area of ​​which was larger than that of Yangtian Continent.So Xiao Hansheng teleported to the sky above this blue planet, and after seeing this planet, Xiao Hansheng couldn't help sighing, "It's really a beautiful planet!" Immediately, a flash landed on the planet's largest city, Lingxu City .Xiao Hansheng felt a lot of powerful presence in this city, "It seems that there are many masters living in seclusion here!" Xiao Hansheng sighed.The small hermit hides in the forest, but the big hermit hides in the city.

Xiao Hansheng made a flash, went into the city, and found a teahouse to inquire about the news.Only then did I know that this planet is called the Blue Continent, which is the center of freedom in the realm of comprehension.There are all kinds of forces in this place, all kinds of religions and nine streams, all-encompassing.There are [-] branches set up by superpowers, powerful killer organizations, and various other forces. In short, here, you can get everything you want.There is a saying that goes well: If you love someone, send him to Bilan, where he will have supreme achievement; if you hate someone, let him go to Bilan, because this is the root of all evil.

After Xiao Hansheng heard this, he was overjoyed.After all, looking for a needle in a haystack by yourself is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, and the chance of finding it is not very great.In Xiao Hansheng's mind, there must be a place to sell news in this place, so as long as Xiao Hansheng needs to find this place, he can find what he wants.

After Xiao Hansheng made many inquiries, he finally knew that there was a faction called Sifang Pavilion in this place, which was specially used to sell news.I heard that this faction knows every move in the cultivation world, and even the suzerain Wang Jianqing of the Danxia sect can find out what color underwear he wears.Since he is so powerful, Xiao Hansheng will naturally go to Sifang Pavilion.

After Xiao Hansheng's unremitting efforts, he finally found the location of Sifang Pavilion in Lingxu City.When Xiao Hansheng entered the shop opened by Sifang Pavilion, he found only an old man with a white beard sitting lazily on the seat, drowsy.

When Xiao Hansheng went in, he glanced at Xiao Hansheng, lowered his head again, and fell asleep.Xiao Hansheng did not expect Sifang Pavilion to be so hospitable.But I have to ask for others, so I have to be patient.

Xiao Hansheng cupped his hands softly and said: "Shopkeeper, I need Sifang Pavilion to help me find some news about fairy grass and fairy fruits."

The white-bearded old man glanced at Xiao Hansheng, and stretched out his hand, "One hundred thousand spirit stones!"

Xiao Hansheng was a little stunned, he hadn't served him yet, and he wanted Lingshi!But this spirit stone is not mainstream, and I don't have one either!Xiao Hansheng said: "I don't have a spirit stone for now, but can I use other things instead?"

Seeing that Xiao Hansheng was very young, White Beard immediately said, "Yes! What can you show?"

Immediately, Xiao Hansheng took out two seventh-rank living elixir and handed them over. White Beard took the seventh-rank living elixir handed over by Xiao Hansheng, weighed it, "Very good, it can reach the peak of seventh-rank! Enough for one hundred thousand spirits Shi! What do you want to know?"

Immediately, Xiao Hansheng wrote down the fairy grass and fairy fruit he needed, and the old man with white beard read: "Phantom Grass, fifth-grade fairy grass; Balin fairy fruit, sixth-grade fairy fruit; Wuji spiritual holy fruit, fifth-grade fairy fruit; nine-turn real grass, fifth-grade Immortal Grass..." When the old man with white beard continued to read, his eyes almost fell out of shock, and his face became abnormal.Suddenly, the white-bearded old man shouted: "Boy, do you know what you want? Do you want to turn the whole cultivation world upside down!"

The white-bearded old man was a little excited at the moment. You must know that the eight kinds of fairy grasses and fairy fruits written by Xiao Hansheng are all the top things in the cultivation world. If you get one, you can be a big sect and laugh out loud for a long time.And Xiao Hansheng almost captured the top immortal grass and fairy fruit in the cultivation world.

Xiao Hansheng actually smiled wryly, after all, this is already the minimum configuration for refining the fifth-grade living panacea, otherwise it would not be possible to refine it at all.

In fact, Xiao Hansheng has another way, which is to directly grab the elixirs offered by those super powerful forces.Every big power will offer a fourth-rank or fifth-rank living panacea, which is the most important heritage of this super power.And what these sects hide are all human-shaped pills, and these human-shaped pills have one characteristic: that is, their spirituality is very strong, and their strength is even stronger, which is not something Xiao Hansheng can deal with now.As for the Danxia School, there is also a living elixir that is close to the sixth rank, which is already the highest living elixir in the cultivation world.However, the Danxia faction would definitely not use that pill to save Wu, so Xiao Hansheng had to refine it by himself.However, is it really so easy to refine a fifth-grade elixir?

Seeing the fairy grass and fairy fruit that Xiao Hansheng needed, the old man with white beard asked curiously: "Little brother, what do you want these fairy grass and fairy fruit for?"

Xiao Hansheng spit out two words lightly, "Alchemy!"

The white-bearded old man was stunned, "Who can refine this elixir that can almost reach the level of fifth-grade living elixir?!"

Xiao Hansheng glanced at the old man with white beard, "Me!"

At this moment, the white-bearded old man only felt that the world had gone crazy. It was really speechless for a young boy to dare to speak such big words.The old man with the white beard laughed and said, "Young man, you should first find out the cost of these fairy grasses and fairy fruits! This requires 10 million sixth-grade spirit stones! That is [-] yuan ninth-grade spirit stones!"

Xiao Hansheng actually doesn't understand why such a force needs spirit stones. You must know that the content of impurities in spirit stones is too high, which is not suitable for cultivation.

The white-bearded old man said: "I'm talking about purified spirit stones. When the spiritual energy concentration of the spirit stone reaches 90.00%, it can be used for cultivation. You must know that there are always incredible existences in this world who have a way to use the spirit stone They are the most powerful beings in the world." After Xiao Hansheng's question, the white-bearded old man understood that Xiao Hansheng was a bumpkin from the countryside, how could he compare with a local tyrant!

Xiao Hansheng left Sifang Pavilion immediately, and at this moment Xiao Hansheng was worried about raising money.After all, if you want to find out about the fairy grass and fairy fruit, you must have enough spirit stones to pay for it.However, Xiao Hansheng really didn't have much money at the moment, and Xiao Hansheng was thinking in his heart how to earn more spirit stones.After all, even if you get news of the fairy grass and fairy fruit, you need to have enough financial resources to buy it.

Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng's mind suddenly thought that there are two ways to get money faster, one is to be a killer, and the other is to fight with people and gamble against each other.These two methods come in very quickly, and it is difficult for Xiao Hansheng to decide which one to choose!While hesitating, "Since you are not sure what to do, let's do it together!"

In this way, Xiao Hansheng extended his hand into the killer world and the ring world.

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