Immortal Artifact

Chapter 91 The Contest Between Shishiquan and Prisonerquan

Chapter 91 The Contest between Mieshiquan and Prisontianquan

However, is it so easy to kill a master at the level of a fairy?When Xiao Hansheng was facing a celestial master, he missed a blow and wanted to retreat.The celestial-level expert grinned, "Haha, someone came to assassinate me? I am the gold-medal killer among red plum blossoms!" Then, he counterattacked Xiao Hansheng with the assassination technique.

Xiao Hansheng also knew something was wrong, so he retreated immediately.Relying on the magic of "Xiaoyao Shenxuyou", Xiao Hansheng escaped from the pursuit of the fairy level without any danger.

Xiao Hansheng never thought that the other party was also the killer of Hongmeihua, but the family didn't know each other.Of course, Xiao Hansheng didn't intend to become a family with him, how dangerous would that be?

In this way, Xiao Hansheng stopped and went, and nearly a year passed.So Xiao Hansheng started to speed up to the Bilan Continent.

And when Xiao Hansheng was crossing the void, there were bursts of spiritual power fluctuations in front of him.Xiao Hansheng observed with his spiritual sense, and saw that many people were besieging a big ship, and there was a layer of enchantment on the big ship, with colorful lights constantly flowing, protecting the big ship.However, at a glance, the barrier has been damaged a lot.

On the mast of the ship, there was a large flag flying, with four characters written in it: Interstellar Alliance Chamber of Commerce!

And under Xiao Hansheng's observation, he saw a group of murderous people besieging the big ship.

Some people shouted: "Brothers, if we rob the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, we won't need to rob again in our lifetime."

In an instant, Xiao Hansheng understood that a group of robbers were robbing the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce at this time.

It turned out that it was not very safe when crossing the void.There will also be some robbers and robbers in the starry sky.When Xiao Han crossed the void with his voice, he could occasionally encounter robbers.Of course, the robbers Xiao Hansheng encountered were not very strong, so he dismissed them casually.

Xiao Hansheng saw someone besieging the big ship of the Interstellar Alliance Chamber of Commerce, so he didn't intend to meddle in his own business, after all, he had no friendship with this so-called Chamber of Commerce.Xiao Hansheng planned to teleport away from this place.

At this time, I suddenly heard a very pleasant woman's voice, "Young master, stay a step!"

Xiao Hansheng replied immediately: "I don't know what's going on, please tell me clearly!"

At this time, the woman sighed, "Oh, I didn't expect my Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce to be missed by thieves! Now that our Chamber of Commerce is in trouble, I ask you to help me. After this calamity is over, there will be a report!"

At this time, Xiao Hansheng squeezed his chin with his hands, pretending to be thinking.At this moment, there was a ferocious voice, "Boy, don't meddle in your own business, otherwise, you will be overwhelmed!" A ferocious man looked at Xiao Hansheng, like a demon who chooses and devours .

Xiao Hansheng's face turned cold in an instant, "Really? I want to see how you can make me unable to eat!"

The fierce man came to Xiao Hansheng's side in an instant, holding a broken big knife, and slashed towards Xiao Hansheng's head with supreme ferocity.

Xiao Hansheng immediately sacrificed the Huanshi Ding, and placed the Huanshi Ding in front of him.Immediately, the broken knife slashed on the Huanshi Ding, Xiao Han was caught off guard, and was chopped far away by the fierce man.

"So much strength! Such a fierce sword technique!" Xiao Hansheng didn't expect to chop himself aside with his own cultivation.This aroused Xiao Hansheng's desire to be strong and competitive.Xiao Hansheng held the Huanshi Ding with one foot, swung the Huanshi Ding and threw it at the fierce man.

And the fierce man didn't show any weakness, he picked up the broken knife and slashed at Xiao Hansheng's Huanshi Ding.

The two kept colliding in the void, and the sound of 'bang', 'bang' and 'bang' kept ringing.And the figures of the two appeared from this place to another place.

At this moment, the fierce man was secretly startled, "I didn't expect there to be someone in the world who can compete with me in brute force!" At this moment, the fierce man's body began to swell, and in an instant, his body swelled a circle, " Good boy, just take a look at Grandpa's Mietian Fist!" The fierce man threw the broken knife aside, "The Mieshiquan sweeps away the common people!" Immediately, a boundless fist erupted from the fierce man's body come out.

Xiao Hansheng felt this boundless fist, feeling extraordinary, and immediately used a boxing method called Prison Tianquan.As the name suggests, this fist can imprison the sky, which shows that this fist has peerless and ferocious power.Xiao Hansheng still remembers that there is a saying in "Ming Daolu", "This boxing master is unparalleled, and it can be ranked fifth in boxing skills!" Therefore, Xiao Hansheng has enough confidence.

But at this moment, when the robbers saw that their boss was actually fighting against others, they even used the Extinguishing Fist, and they stopped fighting one after another, no longer fighting fiercely with the people from the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the members of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce also planned to take a rest.

At this moment, a tall beauty was covered in blood, whose body was unknown.At this time, the beauty's eyes were fixed on the battle between the fierce man and Xiao Hansheng, and this battle would determine the fate of those people in the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.And this tall woman also secretly swore, "If I can return to the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce safely, I must kill all these robbers! How dare you attack the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce!"

At this moment, two women appeared behind the tall woman, and one of them asked, "Miss, do you think that person can win?" Of course, 'that person' refers to Xiao Hansheng.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng was brewing the intent of Prisoner Fist, exuding an unparalleled aura from his body.The tall woman seems to be answering the question of the woman behind her and talking to herself, "I believe he will win."

And in the center of the battlefield, the supreme fist intent brewed by the two reached its peak.First, the fierce man started to strike, only to see that the fierce man's Mieshiquan turned into a black sickle, extremely dark.Cutting through the void, squeezing the space, it seems that it wants to swallow the space.And Xiao Hansheng is not bad, the Prisoner Fist turned into a spiritual bell, and covered the black sickle, as if he wanted to completely cover the black sickle.

The black sickle did not flinch, and swept forward as always, trying to wipe out all obstacles, showing the overbearing Mie Tianquan.The bell flickered, it was extremely huge, it instantly covered the black sickle, and began to spin crazily, vowing to imprison the black sickle.

The sound of the two fighting was so intense, the sound of the black sickle colliding with the bell shook thousands of miles.The weaker monks were directly shocked and bled from their seven orifices.And the people with advanced cultivation also hurriedly exercised their kung fu to resist the attack of the demonic voice.

Not long after the stalemate, the fierce man took the lead in changing his moves, and instantly detonated the black sickle, destroying Xiao Hansheng's bell.The energy produced by the destruction of the two is vast, and the center of the explosion is like the opening of the sky and the earth, chaotic.

The fierce man laughed wildly and said, "Boy, grandpa underestimated you! Try another trick from grandpa!"

Immediately, the power of the Mietian Fist rose steadily again, and powerful fluctuations began to appear on the fierce man.All of a sudden, a crack appeared on the fierce man's body. With the momentum and spiritual power rising, cracks like porcelain began to appear on the fierce man's body.And the fierce man had an expression of extreme pain on his face, and let out low growls from time to time.

Seeing the expression on the fierce man's face, Xiao Hansheng also knew that this trick of the fierce man was no small matter, if he couldn't take it, he would die himself.

At this moment, the face of the tall woman standing on the boat became ugly, and she immediately ordered: "Get out of here!" Immediately, the big boat began to slowly leave this place.As for the robbers, they also began to evacuate here.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng's expression was solemn, and he immediately began to crazily perform the last movement of the Prisoner Fist that he could perform, to imprison everything.Under this fist, all things will be imprisoned and left to others.This is the terrifying thing about Prisoning Everything, Prisoner Fist is not like other boxing techniques that kill the enemy.It is an instant thing to kill the enemy, and there is not much pain.However, Prisoner is different. Depending on the opponent's mood, it can let you go immediately, or it can make you extremely painful, and even make you imprisoned for eternity in reincarnation.This is the scariest thing, its essence is the principle of prison.

Xiao Hansheng's body started to run the Prisoner Fist, and the Heart Yuanying and Zigong Yuanying began to spew endless aura towards Xiao Hansheng's palms.I saw Xiao Hansheng's palms instantly became bigger and stronger.With the movement of his hands, a big golden clock appeared in front of Xiao Hansheng's eyes. As soon as it took shape, it had the aura of deterring everything.As the golden clock continued to expand, it expanded, then began to shrink, and then shrunk, shrinking to be smaller than the palm of your hand.

At this time, the fierce man had already brewed his momentum to the peak, and suddenly raised his head, "You can die!" In an instant, the fierce man's hand erupted with a supreme fist, yes it was just a fist, pure Fist intent, whistling towards Xiao Hansheng.And Xiao Hansheng also instantly hit the little golden bell towards the fierce man.

The confrontation between the two did not have the violent explosion as imagined.In an instant, the fist intent of Mie Tianquan shrouded Xiao Hansheng, and only when Xiao Hansheng's fist intent surpassed that of Mie Tian Quan, could this move be broken.In the same way, the fierce man also wants to use his fist to break Xiao Hansheng's fist.

When the fierce man's fist was enveloped, Xiao Hansheng seemed to fall into the endless sea, and from time to time, strong winds and waves swept towards Xiao Hansheng.

In an instant, Xiao Hansheng understood that the endless sea was the surging fist.

No matter how strong a person is, how can he compare with the sea?Therefore, Xiao Hansheng was trapped here by this fist.From time to time, when the waves came, Xiao Hansheng could feel his strength disappearing, "It seems that he must get rid of this punching intention as soon as possible, otherwise he will die." Xiao Hansheng said secretly in his heart.

Therefore, Xiao Hansheng began to think quickly about how to solve the predicament in front of him.

Xiao Hansheng tried to integrate his fist into the sea, but he didn't expect his power to disappear faster, so scared that Xiao Hansheng immediately retreated into the sea.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng's figure had shrunk to the size of a child.

Xiao Hansheng was anxious and began to try various methods!

Or not!

Xiao Hansheng's figure shrank to the size of a baby again!

Tried a new method, still not working.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng woke up suddenly, he was too anxious, so he couldn't find a solution at all.

Xiao Hansheng calmed down his mood, even though the sea was rough, I stood still!

At this time, Xiao Hansheng cast his eyes on the endless sky, and in an instant, a smile appeared on Xiao Hansheng's face, "This fist has a big flaw!"

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