Immortal Artifact

Chapter 92 Reward

Chapter 92 Responses

As the saying goes: "The widest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is wider than the sea, and the heart of a man is wider than the sky."

Isn't this sentence reflected here?

The ferocious man's surging fists turned into the sea, but he didn't realize that there is an endless sky above the sea!At this moment, Xiao Hansheng showed a smile on his face, dragged his young body, leaped into the sky, and looked down at the sea.

At this time, the sea was furious and swept towards Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng turned himself into a sky.The sky is blue and clear, with white clouds floating on it, looking leisurely and comfortable.At this moment, the endless sea turned into huge waves, trying to cover the entire sky, engulf it, and turn it into itself.In an instant, a strong wind blew up in the sky, and the rolled up sea water flooded the entire sky.devour.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng could feel Haoran's power crushing towards him, weighing Yu Wanjin heavily.Xiao Hansheng could feel that he was in danger and was in dire straits.

Under the pressure of this kind of power, Xiao Hansheng secretly said: "I can't give up, there are important people waiting for me! I can't die!" In an instant, Xiao Hansheng's obsession flooded his brain, bringing endless joy to Xiao Hansheng Strength, resisting the invasion of huge waves.

Only when you have an obsession in your heart can you move forward bravely, break through dangers, and be proud of the sky.

Although the destructive power of the sea is astonishing, there will be a moment when the energy will be exhausted. It can only gather energy again and rush to the sky.Despite the might of the sea, the sky remains the sky, unchanged.

After one day and one night, the sky returned to the state of blue sky and green clouds, returning to its original state.When Xiao Hansheng opened his eyes, he smiled, "He is forced by him, and the breeze blows the hills; he is forced by him, and the bright moon shines on the river. I am standing still, how can you win me?" In an instant, Xiao Hansheng Turning into the sky again, I saw a leisurely figure appearing in the sky, "This place should be broken!" In an instant, both the sea and the sky shattered like a mirror.Xiao Hansheng then returned to the real world, and the intention of Mietian Fist disappeared completely.

The reason why Xiao Hansheng was able to shatter the intent of the Heavenly Fist was not because his fist intent surpassed that of a fierce man, but because Xiao Hansheng regarded himself as an outsider. No matter how powerful you are, how can you erode the entire sky?This is not due to Xiao Han being strong, but using his skillful strength to break the fierce man's fist.

When Xiao Hansheng returned to the real world, Xiao Hansheng saw the fierce man attacking the small golden bell.Xiao Hansheng walked in front of the fierce man, brewed again, and strengthened the power of the Prisoner Fist again.In an instant, the fierce man stopped attacking, his eyes became blurred, and he remained motionless.The next moment, the golden bell zoomed in, covering the entire body of the murderer.Afterwards, the Admiralty shrank and became a small bell the size of a bell.At this moment, the fate of the fierce man has been decided, and Xiao Hansheng sealed it in the prisoner. Without Xiao Hansheng's permission, the fierce man cannot come out again.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng could feel a burst of weakness in his body. After all, Xiao Hansheng had been fighting for so long, and he used the trick of releasing all things, and the intention to destroy the Heaven Fist. The consumption is very huge.Xiao Hansheng didn't care about anything else, he sat cross-legged in the void and began to recover his aura.

At this moment, the tall woman immediately directed the people from the Interstellar Alliance Chamber of Commerce to drive the big boat to Xiao Hansheng's side, and tightly protected Xiao Hansheng.

And the robbers in the distance were terrified when they saw their boss disappeared, how could they dare to stay here?Fleeing here in an instant, it can be said that the tree fell and the monkeys scattered.

Xiao Hansheng's spiritual power recovered very quickly, and he fully recovered after three days.However, the recovery of the sea of ​​consciousness will be much slower, after all, this is the most fundamental and core power.Xiao Hansheng also felt the slow recovery of the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, so he no longer planned to restore the power of the sea of ​​consciousness in this place.

When Xiao Hansheng woke up slowly, he saw many people around him. Xiao Hansheng stood up and saw a tall woman appearing in front of Xiao Hansheng. The woman has no teeth to forget! Haven't asked the young master's name?"

Xiao Hansheng smiled lightly, "My surname is Xiao Hansheng!"

The tall woman was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "So it's the famous Mr. Xiao! What a pleasure to meet you! The little girl heard about Mr. Xiao's name when she was at the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, and she wanted to meet him. It's just that However, there is no chance, and it is rare to meet in such a situation."

Xiao Hansheng also nodded with a smile, "I don't know what it means to hit a girl?"

The tall woman smiled and said, "The little girl is the daughter of the chairman of the Interstellar Alliance Chamber of Commerce, named Wu Lian! But I don't know where Mr. Xiao is going?"

Xiao Hansheng said with a smile: "Go to the Blue Continent!"

Wu Lian was overjoyed when she heard that, "The little girl is also going to the Blue Continent this time, what a coincidence! Mr. Xiao, can I go with you?"

Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness has not been fully recovered at this time, and he is afraid of encountering serious troubles on the road, "It's good to take care of it." Therefore, Xiao Hansheng agreed to go with Wu Lian and go to the Blue Continent.Along the way, Wu Lian often went to chat with Xiao Hansheng, and she meant to get close to Xiao Hansheng.Wu Lian is also a person who knows the goods, and she was very surprised to see Xiao Hansheng's performance in the face of the fierce man.This time, he showed his favor to Xiao Hansheng with the intention of wooing Xiao Hansheng, and even hinted that if Xiao Hansheng joined the Interstellar Alliance Chamber of Commerce, he could 'befriend' Xiao Hansheng.

At the beginning, when Xiao Hansheng saw Wu Lian looking for him, he was probably looking for Xiao Zhong who wanted to seal the fierce man.It was useless for Xiao Hansheng to ask for the little clock, so he gave the little clock to Wu Lian.After handing the Golden Bell to Wu Lian, Wu Lian's enthusiasm for Xiao Hansheng remained undiminished, which made Xiao Hansheng yelled that he couldn't stand it.It wasn't until Xiao Hansheng knew that Wu Lian wanted to 'befriend' him, and Xiao Hansheng categorically refused, that Wu Lian restrained herself a little.In Xiao Hansheng's mind, Wu Lian should not have made any false remarks to Xiao Hansheng after being humiliated in this way.However, what Xiao Hansheng didn't expect was that Wu Lian still greeted Xiao Hansheng with a smile on his face, which made Xiao Hansheng sigh with emotion: "People who come from a business family are astonishingly thick-skinned!"

As for Xiao Hansheng, he didn't know that Wu Lian sneered at him behind his back, "You hypocrite, you can't escape my palm!"

There are still two days away from the Blue Continent.Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness has almost recovered, so he stood on the bow of the big ship and enjoyed the beauty of the sea of ​​stars.Occasionally, it is very pleasant to see an asteroid flying past the ship. .

While Xiao Hansheng was admiring the beautiful scenery, Xiao Hansheng suddenly felt an unusual aura, "Murderous aura, yes, it is murderous aura!" Xiao Hansheng had been a killer for nearly a year, and he also cultivated a murderous aura.However, the murderous aura on Xiao Hansheng's body was not very heavy.However, although there is not much murderous aura in Xiao Hansheng's body, he has a keen sense of murderous aura.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng swept his eyes away at will, looking for the most likely place where the killer could make a move!On the other hand, he was on guard, and would take out the magic world cauldron at any time.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng suddenly felt murderous aura attacking from behind, without hesitation, Xiao Hansheng grabbed the foot of Huanshiding, and swept it backwards.The speed of turning around was beyond imagination.The Huanshi Ding swung by Xiao Hansheng happened to hit the point of the attacking sword, and with a 'bang', the sword tip was knocked sideways, and Xiao Hansheng's other hand grabbed the killer's neck.

Xiao Hansheng looked around just now, and found that there was an empty void all around, and it was unlikely that anyone could hide there.In an instant, Xiao Hansheng judged that the killer was coming from behind.When Xiao Hansheng sensed any movement, he would beat the Huanshi Ding over without hesitation.

The masked killer didn't expect Xiao Hansheng to react so quickly, and was hit on the shoulder by Xiao Hansheng's hand after a moment of daze.A powerful infuriating energy instantly poured into the killer's shoulder, causing the killer's pain to be unbearable.

Seeing that something was wrong, the killer immediately withdrew.Xiao Hansheng followed without hesitation, and after several pursuits by Xiao Hansheng, he even lost the killer.

Xiao Hansheng had a gloomy face.Obviously, no one expected someone to assassinate him.In an instant, Xiao Hansheng understood.It turned out that Xiao Hansheng had checked the total amount of money he was hunted down on the communication stone, and it turned out to be as high as more than 1 million sixth-grade spirit stones. "It seems that someone wanted to kill himself for the commission!"

At this moment, Wu Lian rushed over after hearing the news. When she learned that someone had assassinated Xiao Hansheng, she was furious.After all, a discerning person would know at a glance that the person who assassinated Xiao Hansheng must be a member of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.With a cold face, Wu Lian shouted coldly: "Check! We must find out who assassinated Young Master Xiao!"

As for the final result, it is nothing.After all, if the killer dares to assassinate Xiao Hansheng on the search boat, he must be sure to escape the hunt.Therefore, Xiao Hansheng knew this matter well.

After searching for a day, nothing was found, so the investigation was stopped.There is one more day to go to the Blue Continent, and even if I think about it, I can't find any results.

One day later, Xiao Hansheng landed on the blue continent with the big ship of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.When the big boat stopped steadily, Xiao Hansheng jumped off the boat, and said to Wu Lian: "Miss Wu, Xiao will leave now." After finishing speaking, he was about to go to Lingxu City.

At this time, Wu Lian also came over and said, "Let's go into the city together! However, after entering the city, please invite Mr. Xiao to follow me to the branch of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce in Lingxu City!"

Xiao Hansheng didn't know what he meant, but Wu Lian just smiled and didn't answer.Xiao Han was helpless, and followed Wu Lian to the branch of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.Under Wu Lian's order, the person in charge of the branch gave Xiao Hansheng a VIP card of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce. Whenever Xiao Hansheng came here to spend, he would give a [-]% discount.

Of course, Xiao Hansheng didn't know how useful this [-]% discount would be.

Xiao Hansheng held this VIP card and smiled wryly, "You just want to give me a VIP card?!"

Wu Lian smiled slightly and said, "If it's just this card, I don't need you to come here in person, but this branch has what you need most!"

Xiao Hansheng was slightly taken aback, "What do I need most? I'm afraid there is nothing I need most other than fairy grass and fairy fruit!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Wu Lian's face, "That's right, my Interstellar Alliance Chamber of Commerce has a treasure in the store in Lingxu City, which is the fifth-grade fairy grass Ghost Grass. I can promise to give this grass to you in return for your gratitude." Grace for saving lives!"

For a moment Xiao Hansheng couldn't believe it, "Give it to me?"

Wu Lian nodded!

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