After breakfast, the five women and one man with full stomachs all sat on the sofa and drank freshly brewed Longjing tea.While drinking the fragrant tea, they chatted about the world.

Everyone was chatting excitedly, suddenly, Ding Dong let out an "ahhhh", cleared his throat, and said to the five beauties in front of him: "Just chatting is boring, how about it, I'm going to have another show next, Please keep your eyes open."

As soon as Ding Dong finished speaking, the five beauties concentrated their attention and waited and watched.

The five beauties all knew that as long as Ding Dong produced a program, there would be rewards for them.Therefore, they all stared their already big eyes round and round, for fear of missing any key details.

Ding Dong squinted his natural mouse eyes, "clicked", lit a long-nosed panda, took a deep breath, then opened his natural pig's mouth, moved his tongue, and spit out a blue, round thick After that, he spit out four thick and round smoke rings one after another. Gradually, the five smoke rings changed from small to large, and from close to far away.Finally, he took another deep puff of smoke, and immediately exhaled a straight and thick column of smoke. This column of smoke penetrated into five smoke rings, just like a long golden rod with five large silver rods strung together. beads.

He has never had such a performance in front of five beauties.

His strange and superb performance today amazed and praised the five beauties.

When the five beauties were stunned, Ding Dong took out a signature pen and a blank check from the briefcase on the coffee table.While filling out the cash check with his head down, he asked the five beauties: "Girls, what does the picture of the smoke ring I vomited just now look like? If anyone is right, I will reward her with 100 million."

My God, 100 million!

The five beauties were all blinded by money. While watching Ding Dong fill out the check, they actively and quickly turned their heads.

While the beauties were frowning and thinking hard, Ding Dong filled out the check in a hurry.He raised his head and glanced at the five beauties, then tapped the cash check filled with 100 million figures on the coffee table.

Ding Dong crossed his legs, smoked a cigarette leisurely, and waited patiently for the beauties' answers.

The five beautiful sisters were all extremely anxious. Although it was not summer yet, beads of sweat appeared on their heads.While wiping their sweat, they were thinking hard.

Hongxia is an older sister, and she doesn't want her four younger sisters to get ahead of her.

Hongping is the younger sister, and she doesn't want her four older sisters to get ahead of her.

Among them, Hongyun, Hongye, and Hongguo didn't want their older sister to get ahead, nor did they want their younger sister to get ahead.

The five sisters all have a common principle, that is, they can give in on trivial things, but they can't leave an inch when it comes to money.

Of course, none of them has forgotten that the five of them are sisters born of the same mother, but as human beings, we still have to be principled.

Unexpectedly, Ding Dong has already finished smoking his first cigarette, but he has not yet received the answer he wanted.However, there was no trace of worry on his face.

He reached out and grabbed the Langsheng lighter on the coffee table, and lit the second panda with a "dang".He crossed his legs again, smoking a cigarette leisurely while waiting for the answers from the five beauties.

In fact, Ding Dong didn't know, and neither did the four older sisters. Hongping already had the answer, but she was always hesitant, should she tell the answer?

She is an extremely smart woman, she always thinks about things before and after, what she is most afraid of is taking care of one thing and losing another, and losing the big because of a small one.So she was worried.

She was thinking, she already got Ding Dong a check for 100 million and a check for 200 million yesterday, and just now she got a check for 100 million and a check for 200 million, if she wins now, she will Will the monopoly of reward money become the target of the four sisters?Will it become Ding Dong's defense target?

The ancients said that the first rafters rot first, so Hongping is always afraid of the first rafters.

When Hongping was in trouble, Ding Dong suddenly laughed "hahaha" and said to the five beauties: "It seems that my problem is a bit difficult, so let me increase the reward from 100 million to 500 million. I think a lot of money will definitely stimulate the potential of your brain."

God! 500!

Hongping exclaimed in her heart.

She was thinking, 500 million is not a small amount, it can even buy five luxury cars, or a big villa.At this time, a voice sounded in her ear: "Oh, this opportunity is not lost, the time will never come again, this shop will be gone after passing this village, don't worry so much, hurry up and make it yourself, or you will be caught by my sisters if you are too late!" I got there first.

At this moment, Hongping could no longer control the excitement in her heart. While raising her left hand, she said loudly: "I will answer! I will answer!"

Hearing that the younger sister had an answer, the four elder sisters looked at Hongping in unison.

"Do you have the answer? Tell me!" Ding Dong looked at Hongping in surprise.

Hongping was very excited in her heart, but considering the feelings of her four sisters, she controlled her excitement and replied in a very calm tone: "Just now you blew out a total of five round smoke rings. It's our five sisters, and the straight smoke column is our handsome guy Ding, the meaning of the picture is that our five sisters are closely surrounding you, handsome guy."

After Hongping finished speaking, she, and her four sisters all turned their eyes to Ding Dong.

Ding Dong is Ding Dong, he is very calm, after all, he has been the president of a large group for ten years.

Ding Dong didn't announce the answer to the question immediately, he wanted to observe the changes in the expressions of these five beauties.He wants to make his bounty achieve the most perfect effect.

The four beautiful sisters all thought that what the younger sister said must be wrong, and they all felt that the answer was too outrageous.

Seeing Ding Dong's expressionless face and not hearing his words, the four sisters were even more convinced that their judgment was correct, and they were extremely happy.

In order to see a joke, to get an unexpected effect, and to prolong the exciting process, Ding Dong deliberately asked the four beauties who could not give an answer: "Four beauties, look, did your little sister answer correctly?"

The four sisters looked at each other and were silent.

Ding Dong immediately urged: "It's okay, just talk about it, this is an entertainment program."

Under Ding Dong's persuasion, the four sisters all looked at Hongping and said in unison: "Incorrect! It's too far-fetched."

Ding Dong remained expressionless, squinting at the four beauties, then at Hongping with wide-open eyes, and remained silent.

Five pairs of eyes stared at Ding Dong, they all wanted to know the answer as soon as possible.

At this time, Ding Dong lit a panda with a "click" in full view, held it in his mouth, nodded slightly to the five beauties, went to the bathroom and left the living room with an excuse.

The master was not around, so Hongping's four beauties relaxed. Although they didn't get any rewards, they felt happy knowing that the younger sister would not be able to take away the 500 million in Ding Dong's pocket, as if she had won a prize. We chatted and laughed, and made jokes.

The four beautiful sisters would glance at Hongping from time to time while chatting.

They all knew in their hearts that as long as the money was still in Ding Dong's pocket, it might become their own money.

Seeing the smug look of the four sisters, Hongping was not sad, but she was confident, thinking, you should laugh first, and you can laugh as much as you want, and it will be time for you to cry later.

Half an hour later, Ding Dong returned to the living room, sat in the same position as before, raised his legs, and lit another panda with a sound of "Dang".

After taking two puffs of cigarettes, he looked at Hongping's four beautiful sisters, and then said to Hongping solemnly: "Hongping, my question is very difficult. Let me see it this way. I will give you another chance. Your answer just now is invalid, and this answer shall prevail, if you get it right this time, I will add another 100 to you, which is 600 million."

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