The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 006 1 bowl of water level

As soon as Ding Dong's words fell, Hongping's four beauties and sisters felt "Garden" in their hearts, and then they became nervous. They were all afraid that Hongping got the answer right this time, and they were afraid that Hongping would take 600 million more from Ding Dong's pocket again. .

Hongxia's head buzzed, her hands shook, and she almost dropped the teacup she was holding on the ground.She couldn't help shouting in her heart: "Oh my God! Ding Dong is biased."

Her heart suddenly became panicked, she couldn't vomit, she really wanted to say something to Ding Dong, but she was full of worries, she was afraid of offending Ding Dong and the younger sister.

She endured it, but finally couldn't help it anymore, she was about to open her mouth, when she raised her head, her eyes just met Ding Dong's, she was timid, so she hesitated to speak.

Hongyun also felt the same way as her sister.She was thinking, this is too unfair, if you get the wrong answer, you will get the wrong answer, how can you give her another chance?However, like her elder sister, she was afraid of causing trouble, so she dared not speak out.

Hongye and her two elder sisters don't feel the same way, so there is no situation where she dares to be angry and dare not speak up.However, she doesn't have such a good heart, and she doesn't want the money in Ding Dong's pocket to flow into the pockets of her sisters.

So, she kept saying in her heart: "God bless, little sister, don't guess right this time! God bless, little sister don't guess right this time!"

Hongguo and the three older sisters had even more different ideas. She was just thinking that she might not be able to guess such a difficult question correctly again.

In short, Hongping's four beautiful sisters have one thing in common, that is, others don't want what they can't get!

Ding Dong continued to increase the price, which made the confident Hongping very excited. She thought, at first it was 100 million, then it became 500 million, and now it has become 600 million. This is too exciting and enjoyable.If it can be added to 1000 million, it will be even better, I can buy an imported high-end sports car, let my four sisters, no!Let everyone who knows me look at me with admiration and make everyone salivate.

At this moment, the heartbeats of Hongping's four beautiful sisters are all speeding up. They all know in their hearts that their heartbeats must have exceeded 200 without testing.

They have never had such an experience, so the heartbeat is inevitable.

In fact, Hongping's four beautiful sisters are all wrong, and Ding Dong has no preference at all. He has always treated Hongxia and her five sisters equally.His increase was not helping Hongping, he had no idea that Hongping had already guessed the answer.

The reason why he increased the weight was not to satisfy the greed of the person who answered correctly, but because he didn't want such a creative question to die.He thought that such a generous bounty would definitely stimulate the brain potential of these beauties.

However, Hongping didn't give an answer right away. She was thinking, since the four sisters all hope that I won't get the 600 million reward, then I will tease them for fun, and let these four sisters with malicious intentions experience the same experience. Experience the joy and sorrow of the world.

She turned around, in order to enhance the drama, in order to make her four lose their composure, she deliberately asked Ding Dong: "Honey, if I get the wrong answer this time, can you give me a third chance?"

"No!" Ding Dong didn't know Hongping's intentions, he waved his hand quickly, and said firmly, "Absolutely not! Absolutely not!"

Hong Ping still wanted to do her part, so she deliberately asked, "Honey, if I got the answer wrong this time and got it right the first time, does the first answer still count?"

"It doesn't count!" Ding Dong has always been a principled person, he quickly shook his head and replied: "Since you are asked to answer it again, of course the second answer shall prevail."

Ding Dong immediately added solemnly: "Although this is a game, the rules of the game must be followed, otherwise, this game will be meaningless."

Seeing Ding Dong's genuine look, and seeing the four beautiful sisters' nervous looks, Hongping thought it was funny in her heart, but she immediately reminded herself that she must control herself and never laugh. Speak up, otherwise you won't be able to see the good show behind.

Hongping collected herself, stroked her train of thought, then pretended to be very nervous, and stammered to the four sisters, and asked, "Four, four sisters, tell me, I just said, the answer just now Yes, right?"

The four beautiful sisters were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that Hongping would ask them this question, and then said in unison: "Your answer just now is correct."

In fact, they didn’t have such a good heart, they didn’t tell the truth at all, they knew in their hearts that the first answer was wrong, and they very much hoped that Hongping would still choose the wrong answer the second time, so that they could miss out on the 600 million. The 600 million can lie in Ding Dong's pocket without moving a muscle.

Hongping, who had been laughing secretly in her heart, thought to herself, okay, you have such ulterior motives for me, I will make you laugh and cry, and make you feel miserable.

"I know the four sisters will not harm me." Hongping smiled and repeated her answer verbatim: "A total of five round smoke rings were blown out, and they represent our five sisters. That straight column of smoke is our handsome guy, and the meaning of the picture is that one of our sisters is closely surrounding you, this handsome guy."

When the four beautiful sisters heard Hongping repeating the answer just now, their hanging hearts finally fell to the ground, and they were all elated and smiling.They thought that they had finally saved the 600 million in Ding Dong's pocket for the time being, and maybe one day it would go into their own pockets.

Ding Dong forcefully pressed the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray, shook his head helplessly, stood up and said loudly to Hongping: "What a pity! What a pity!"

Hearing Ding Dong's resounding sentence, Hongping's four beautiful sisters laughed together.

In order to continue performing the trick, Hongping suddenly closed her eyes and leaned on the sofa, pretending to be in extreme pain.

Seeing the miserable appearance of my sister-in-law, the faces of the four beautiful sisters were all happy.

At this time, Ding Dong spoke again: "Hongping, how about this, I don't want this wonderful game to end without a problem, so I will give you another chance. What do you think?"

God!Give her another chance.

The faces of the four beauties turned pale, and they all dared to believe their ears, asking in unison, "Give her another chance?"

Ding Dong didn't speak, but nodded to the four beauties.

At this time, Hongguo, who is always outspoken, took a look at her younger sister Hongping, stood up immediately, and said softly to Ding Dong: "Honey, you are enough, you gave her a chance to correct her mistakes, but She just doesn't buy it, and still doesn't repent, so don't give her any more chances."

Hongxia immediately echoed, "Honey, what Hongguo said is right, you have already given her a chance, you can't give it again."

Hong Yun followed suit and said, "My handsome guy, you have always done things fairly, what's the matter today? If you're afraid that you won't be able to give away the 600 million, you can definitely do another show!"

Hong Ye also echoed: "Hong Yun is right. My handsome guy, you need a bowl of water to keep things safe. We are all yours!"

Ding Dong was not angry, but smiled at the four beauties and said, "Good! Good! Good! My bowl of water is flat. Now I will stop answering the questions, and I will follow the answer she gave for the second time."

Immediately, Hongping's four beautiful sisters all laughed at the same time, like four extremely gorgeous flowers.

Ding Dong silently took out a blank cash check from his briefcase.

Seeing that Ding Dong wanted to fill out a check again, Hongping's four older sisters were a little puzzled and couldn't answer, so what did he do with the check?

Hongxia suddenly thought, if there is no winner, is he going to reward our five sisters at the same time?

The three sisters Hongyun, Hongye, Hongguo and the eldest sister Hongxia thought about it, and they all thought that Ding Dong would divide the 600 million equally. They were all very excited, thinking that even if the five sisters divided equally, each of them would get 120 million.

At this time, Hongping still wanted to continue the unfinished good show, so she opened her eyes, stood up from the sofa, pretended to be weak, and said to the four beautiful sisters in a crying voice: "Hi!" , If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have listened to you.”

Seeing the little girl's pitiful appearance, the four beautiful sisters didn't speak or laugh anymore, but they all said in their hearts, you deserve it, who told you to listen to us.

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