While Hongping's four beautiful sisters were daydreaming, Ding Dong tore off a blank cash check with a swipe of the floor, picked up the pen on the coffee table, and filled in Hongping's name with a rustle. Fill in the number 600 million.

Ding Dong raised his head, glanced at the expressionless Hongping from the corner of his eyes, then picked up the cash check with the numbers filled out, waved it in front of Hongping's four beautiful sisters, and said with a smile: "Four Beautiful sister, you should learn from your sister, you must actively use your brains when you encounter problems, live wisely, and of course live artistically."

Not only did they not get the reward, but they also heard Ding Dong's different encouragement and encouragement. Hongping's four beautiful sisters felt sore in their hearts, but on this occasion, they could only force a smile and nodded slightly. They said in unison: "Honey, don't worry, we have remembered your words, we will learn from my little sister, and we will catch up."

They said so on their lips, but they all said that in their hearts: "Bah! There is no way for us to learn from her. Isn't she just a few years younger than us."

In fact, Ding Dong didn't have any malice in encouraging the four beauties just now. He really hoped that his five beauties could go hand in hand, and he really hoped that they would all be beautiful, gentle and intelligent modern women.

However, he didn't know that at this moment, Hongping's four beautiful sisters were already crying and dripping blood in their hearts.

Hongping was still expressionless, squinting her big beautiful eyes, leaning on the back of the sofa, staring at the chandelier on the ceiling of the living room.However, she still sneaked a peek at her four beautiful sisters out of the corner of her eye.

Wow, how ugly they are!

Although Hongping is young, she is a woman with discipline.Therefore, even though her heart was already full of joy, there was not a single change in expression on her face.

It's not that Hongping doesn't want money, she has been crazy about money all these years, and she always thinks about money in her dreams. Her current wisdom is summoned by the almighty money.

Knowing that the 600 million yuan was already in her pocket, she was ecstatic for a moment, but she pretended not to care, and kept the expressionless expression just now, she didn't even look at Ding Dong.

"Your intelligence, your calmness, your persistence, and your persistence have greatly exceeded my expectations." Suddenly, Ding Dong pulled the neckline of Hongping's low-necked dress with his left hand, and with his right hand, he pulled the 600 million RMB The cash check was stuffed into the collar where the two little white rabbits were hiding, and she said lewdly: "Baby, I hope you can continue to create surprises for me and create more surprises."

At this moment, Hong Ping, who had been pretending to be calm, finally couldn't control her inner excitement.

However, she didn't immediately take out the check in her chest, but stood up from the sofa with a smile on her face, spread her slender legs, and sat down on Ding Dong's fat legs.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she held Ding Dong's bearded face with her tender jade hands, and kissed the old pig's mouth with thick lips for a long time with her small red lips.

Ding Dong, who was immersed in the ecstasy, was holding Hongping's fleshy buttocks with his thick hairy hands, while thinking, his 600 million yuan was worth it, and it was worth it. They were different, and saw the joy, anger, sorrow and joy on the faces of Hongping's four beauties.If it wasn't for this game show, I wouldn't have seen these five ever-changing, colorful faces.

Ding Dong was extremely proud to see his masterpiece bring such good results.But he has not realized that his pride is based on the pain of the four beauties.

Three minutes later, Ding Dong was afraid of neglecting Hongping's four beauties, so he slowly and gently pushed Hongping's face away with both hands, and said with a smile: "Honey, let's learn from the TV, you Tell everyone about your acceptance speech."

Hong Ping knew very well in her heart that Ding Dong's words were the imperial decree and must be carried out unconditionally, otherwise, he would be thrown into limbo at any time.

What about the acceptance speech?Hongping quickly used her brains.

Yes, I can't let go of this great opportunity, I have to continue teasing the four sisters who don't want to make me rich.

After thinking for 30 seconds, Hongping stood up, cleared her throat with an "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss It's not my own good luck, but the four beautiful and kind sisters. Dear sisters, if you didn't give in kindly, if you didn't remind me sincerely, I wouldn't be able to answer it even if I grew ten heads Such a profound topic. Here, I would like to express my most heartfelt thanks to my four beauties and my highest respect!"

Hongping stood up straight and bowed deeply to the four beauties respectively.She bowed solemnly, and from the surface, there was no malicious intent at all.

Hong Ping's acceptance speech and Hong Ping's deep bow surprised the four beauties and sisters, and at the same time they couldn't laugh or cry.

Maybe Ding Dong didn't know it yet. After seeing him stuff the check with 600 million figures into Hongping's neckline, the four sisters were already dripping with blood. Now they heard Hongping's unexpected acceptance speech After that, they all began to bleed in Gugugu.

Hongping knew that she had easily won Ding Dong's 600 million, and the four sisters must be very unhappy.Originally, I didn't want to take advantage of the opportunity to give an award acceptance speech to stimulate them, but when I thought of the hostile eyes and unscrupulous words and deeds of the four sisters when I was answering the question just now, I couldn't care so much, how to relieve my anger.

Hongping knew in her heart that she had swallowed more than 1000 million rewards from Ding Dong in two days, and the four sisters could no longer love her as much as before.Since we can't go back to the past, from now on we can't care about the sisterhood, let's go our separate ways.Anyway, now that I have money, who is afraid of whom? !

For some reason, after seeing the faces of the four beauties who did not get the reward, Ding Dong suddenly thought that a total of 1200 million rewards have been rewarded in the past two days. All the bounties were monopolized by Hongping.Although I have no eccentricity in the slightest and what I do is absolute justice, I still have some small sense of inadequacy.

Yes, he didn't want the five sisters to simply share his one billion fortune equally. He wanted to get a novelty, a warmth, a thrill, and a piece of happiness from every dollar.

However, he doesn't want someone to get nothing, and he doesn't want a world of difference. After all, these five beauties have brought him joy and happiness.He didn't want to be sorry to any of them in the last moments of his life.

So how can Hongping's four beautiful sisters also get some money now?

While Ding Dong was still searching for game shows in his brain, Hongping's four beautiful sisters were still in deep pain.They still don't know that Ding Dong is racking his brains for their welfare and racking his brains for relative fairness.

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