Ding Dong in the bedroom on the second floor was lying on the bed alone and sleeping soundly.

The five sisters in the living room downstairs were sitting on the sofa, drinking Longjing tea and chatting.

They chatted about Korean cosmetics, French bags, Italian clothing, German sports cars, and...

Two and a half hours later, at 04:30 in the afternoon, Ding Dong, who had taken a nap, walked down from the second floor while stretching and yawning.

At this time, the fashion topic of the five beauties just ended.

Ding Dong had just walked to the sofa, and before he had time to sit down, the five beauties reached for the teacups on the coffee table at the same time. If you rush to do it, you can't let the sisters take the lead.

Unexpectedly, Ding Dong, who was full of energy, waved his hands and said: "Beauties, please stop robbing me, I won't drink tea, thank you for your kindness!"

The five beauties failed to flatter, and all of them withdrew their hands to grab the cup in embarrassment.

At this time, Hongxia, who has always been quick to deal with things, wanted to create opportunities to flatter her, so she grabbed the cup again and said, "Honey, drinking some tea after waking up is good for your health, really."

"You don't need to pour it, I really don't drink tea." Ding Dong said impatiently, "Will I be polite in my own home?"

Although Ding Dong's tone was not pleasant, Hongxia didn't take it to heart, she still didn't want to give up the opportunity to show, he had an idea, and said with a smile: "Honey, if you don't drink tea, don't drink it, or I'll get you a can Cola?"

Hongxia knew that besides drinking Longjing tea, Ding Dong also loved drinking Coke.

Seeing Hongxia's good attitude, Ding Dong also became gentle, and said with a smile: "Baby, it's like this, I think it's getting late, let's go to the train station right away, when we get on the train, you can take care of yourself." Just have a beer with me."

"Honey, wait a little longer." When she heard that she was about to leave, Hongxia quickly stood up and said anxiously to Ding Dong, "I'll come back to get some luggage."

Ding Dong grabbed Hongxia's slender hand and said softly, "Honey, don't bother, don't take it!"

"Honey, no trouble, it will be soon." Hongxia smiled at Ding Dong: "My luggage is all ready, I can run as soon as I carry it, and it won't take long."

"I told you not to take it, so don't take it." Ding Dong raised his voice, as if a little impatient: "Aren't you usually very obedient, why are you disobedient today?"

"It's not that I'm disobedient. Think about it, those are the things I have to use. It's inconvenient to not have these daily necessities outside for half a month." Hongxia begged for mercy with a pitiful face: "My dear, Why don't you let me go back and get it? Really, it won't take long."

"Didn't you understand what I said?" Ding Dong pinched Hongxia's fat buttocks lightly, and said with a smile: "My baby, it won't affect your daily life, nor will it affect your makeup. I will buy you whatever you need, and I will choose the highest grade for you.”

When she heard that she bought all the top-grade ones, Hongxia was overjoyed immediately. When she was excited, she stood on tiptoe, jumped up, put her hands on Ding Dong's neck, and said delicately: "Honey, you are so kind! Then I will listen to you." , I won’t go back and get it.”

Ding Dong raised his voice and said triumphantly: "Baby, we are going to have a new innovation this time, I will only take you, you will only take me, and take an empty-handed China tour, so that you can relax and have a good time. "

As soon as the words were finished, Hongxia's four beauties immediately turned their attention to Ding Dong, and asked in unison: "Honey, will we travel empty-handed next time?"

Ding Dong squinted his narrow eyes, looked at Hongxia's four beauties and sisters, twitched his pig's mouth, and said, "Temporary confidentiality, no comment!"

At this time, Hongyun reacted very quickly, stretched out her jade hand and grabbed Ding Dong's furry arm, and said in a coquettish voice: "Honey, we are all your treasures, you must treat them equally. Otherwise, we Four will eat you."

The three beautiful sisters standing beside the red cloud immediately raised their arms and shouted: "Equal treatment! Equal treatment!"

Seeing this cheerful scene, Ding Dong didn't get angry, instead he was overjoyed.He suddenly opened his arms, hugged five beautiful beauties like flowers and jade, and said loudly: "Okay, it doesn't matter who you are big or small, who you are light or heavy, who you are tall or short, who you are Whoever is delicate and who is tender, no matter who you are beautiful or charming, I, Ding Dong, will definitely be impartial and treat everyone equally!"

Immediately, the five of them said in one word: "Good!"

Before going out, Ding Dong solemnly announced a rule to Hongxia's four beautiful sisters: "Let's see each other in fifteen days. From tomorrow onwards, each of you must send me a text message every day."

Before Ding Dong could finish his words, Hongxia's four beauties asked in unison, "Honey, is there any reward for texting you?"

"Baby, what do you think?" Ding Dong asked cheerfully.

"I think there must be a reward, right?!" The four said in unison again.

Ding Dong immediately added the rules: "Oh, it's like this, not every text message has a reward, and I only send money to one person every day, and whoever's text message satisfies me, I will reward him, and I will reward 1 yuan for each word." .”

The four beauties exclaimed: "1 yuan for one word?"

"Yes, 50 characters per word." Ding Dong continued to announce the rules: "However, text messages are limited to 15 characters. What's more, each person sends 15 text messages in 15 days. If there is one word in each person's 15 text messages Repeat, the entire [-] articles will be considered invalid, and there will be no rewards."

When Ding Dong came up with such a proposition, Hongguo was overjoyed. She knew that her writing skills were top-notch among the five sisters.

Hong Yun was furious, she thought that Ding Dong's proposition was purely against herself.She knew in her heart that asking her to write essays was tantamount to rushing ducks to the shelves.

Hongye is neither happy nor angry. She thinks that her writing level is better than the top, and that if she performs well, she can still try her luck.

Although Hongping has a high IQ, writing is not her strong point, so she doesn't have much confidence in this project, but she doesn't feel very angry in her heart. She knows that she has won the most rewards, and she thinks, Ding Dong has more money Well, I have a lot of opportunities to succeed.

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