Two hours later, Ding Dong and Hongxia happily boarded the bullet train from Nancheng to Beishi.

It is now the peak tourist season, and the bullet trains are full of people, and there are no empty seats.

After taking his seat, Ding Dong looked at the watch in his hand, it was 6:[-] sharp.

It happened to be dinner time, and Ding Dong's stomach happened to be hungry, so he reached out to the waiter pushing the mobile vending machine and asked for ten cans of Tsingtao beer, one roast chicken, ten chicken feet, one bag of spiced beef, two bags of dried fragrant, A bag of pistachios.

Since he was already hungry, Ding Dong grabbed the thigh of the roast chicken and gnawed on it, shaking his head and grinning with gusto.

Hongxia didn't feel hungry yet, and she wanted to lose weight, so she didn't eat the meaty roast chicken or chicken feet, but just sipped the beer in the can.She didn't want to drink, she just wanted to drink with Ding Dong.

An hour later, only bones were left of an extra-large roast chicken, and bones were left of ten white and fat chicken feet. A bag of five-spice beef was wiped out, and only half of the two bags of dried incense were left. There is only half a bag of pistachios left.

Hongxia drank two cans of beer, Ding Dong drank eight cans of beer.Hongxia was not drunk, and neither was Ding Dong.

However, Ding Dong was already quite excited.He hugged Hongxia who was sitting beside him into his arms, put the peeled pistachios in his mouth first, and then sent the pistachios to Hongxia's mouth through his mouth.

Ding Dong's intimate behavior attracted the eyes of the neighbors.But he turned a blind eye, as if he was in the land of no one.

Although Ding Dong has long been a top-notch pervert, in the past, in this kind of public place with many people, he still restrained himself a bit, and he tried his best not to do some exaggerated movements.He knew that after all, he was still a big boss worth over [-] million yuan, not a gangster in the society.

Now he knows that he only has 100 days in this world, no, another day has passed, and now he only has 99 days. He thinks that since he wants to live a wonderful life, he must not take into account the eyes of others and break free from all shackles , what you want to do, you should do it boldly.

In the past two days, he has been constantly reminding himself that if he wants to live a wonderful life, he must first liberate his human nature, live out his own self, and strive to do whatever he wants.

In this short period of two days, Ding Dong already felt that as long as one has no scruples about other people's eyes, no psychological fetters, and no worries about the future, one will live a happy life.These two days he was really happy.

He couldn't help thinking that if he knew that living like this would be so enjoyable, he should have lived so freely.

Hongxia shook her head slightly, and said softly: "Honey, I'm full."

"Are you full after eating just a few? Besides, you didn't eat anything else. My God, your stomach is so small?" Ding Dong asked.

Hongxia then said: "Honey, it's not like you don't know, my stomach has always been small, and I don't have a cow stomach like you, so what do I want to eat?"

"I think your appetite is good all the time, have you eaten too little today?" Ding Dong suddenly realized, "Oh, I see, you must be on a diet, beauty, am I right?"

"Why should I lose weight?" Hongxia said sweetly, "Honey, I know, I'm not fat, and besides, you don't like skinny beauty, so there's no need for me to lose weight."

"Yes, my beauty, the flesh on your body is just right now, not more or less. I like you like this."

Hongxia knows that Ding Dong is telling the truth.She had known for a long time that Ding Dong liked a figure like hers.Therefore, in order to please Ding Dong, she has been working hard to maintain her current figure.

The reason why she wants to control her diet recently is because she knows that it is easy for a woman to gain weight after the age of 30. She has reached the age of 30 this year, so she must pay great attention to it, and she must not take it lightly. It is difficult to reduce it any further.

She knew very well in her heart that she was the eldest sister among the five sisters, and she was already at a disadvantage in age. If she was at a disadvantage in figure, then, it was conceivable that she would be eliminated by Ding Dong.If she is really eliminated, the dream of being a "rich woman" that she has been dreaming about for many years will never come true.

She doesn't want anyone to know she's controlling her appetite, though.

Knowing that Hongxia didn't want to eat it, Ding Dong swished the pistachio he was going to give her into his mouth.

After chewing and swallowing in his mouth, Ding Dong said squintingly: "Baby, since you're full, I'll give you some air to eat."

"How to send it?" Hongxia asked knowingly.

"Just send it like this." Ding Dong sealed Hongxia's cherry mouth with his thick-lipped pig's mouth, and gently and continuously blew the 37-degree hot air.

Hongxia did not back down, but like a little bird clinging to someone, she closed her eyes with beautiful long eyelashes, and lay quietly in Ding Dong's arms.

Ding Dong felt that his mouth was tired, so he stopped working with his mouth.

The train is moving forward, and the passengers on the train are in different poses and with different expressions.

Ding Dong thought to himself, sitting in the car now, there is nothing else to do, a beautiful woman is lying in his arms, idle is also idle, and he starts to use his thick hands to touch Hongxia's mysterious and sacred territory. She invaded, first captured her Yushuangfeng position with five-finger palm, and then used one-finger Zen to break into her underground tunnel...

Hongxia didn't resist, just closed her eyes, her face was pink, her face was drunk, and she was blowing heavily.

At this time, if it was not in a public place, Hongxia would have already used her special "groaning" sound to express her real bodily feelings at the moment.

She knew that although she had been captured, she had no power to fight back, and no room to resist, but at this moment she felt that she was the happiest weakling in the world, the happiest captive.

She hopes to be permanently occupied by this billionaire who has captured her, and to capture herself [-]/[-].

For some reason, Hongxia felt sad when she thought that her four beautiful younger sisters were desperately trying to become Ding Dong's lifelong captives. She knew that her appearance and figure were comparable to those of the four younger sisters, but their IQs were all higher. They are taller and accept more new concepts and knowledge than themselves, especially they have an age advantage over themselves.

Especially my younger sister Hongping, who is eight years younger than me, what is the concept of eight years old?Eight years old is a big span for a woman.

The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it. Back then, Ding Dong belonged to her alone. At that time, he urged herself to register every day, but she kept procrastinating, just wanting to test him again. Who knew that the time came when she didn't want to test him. But Hongyun came into his sight, he didn't want to marry me all of a sudden, he was already eating what was in the bowl and thinking about what was in the pot.Later, he fell in love with his second sister, third sister and younger sister one after another.

If I had married Ding Dong in time, there would not be so many stories later.Even if he has dishonest behavior, as his legal wife, he can stand up and stop him.

But now it's all right, Ding Dong is still free, he can hold hands with whoever he wants, and no one can stop him.

Hongxia thought to herself, in the current situation, not to mention that she monopolizes Ding Dong, even being able to share the same share with the four younger sisters is already a high-spirited.

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