The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 030 1 Everything is possible

In the morning, just after six o'clock, the hotel was still quiet.

Ding Dong woke up naturally, this is his biological clock.No matter how late he goes to bed, even if he goes to bed at four o'clock in the morning, even if he has nothing to do in the morning, he will wake up at this time. This is the habit he developed when he started his business in his early years.

As in the past, the morning wood remains the same.He subconsciously touched his own little brother who was standing guard.

How could there still be morning erections?That's right, why do I have morning wood every day these days?

He was wondering, isn't he a terminal cancer patient? His health should be very bad. How could he still have the physiological phenomenon of morning erection? This is something only a healthy man would have?Some healthy men may not have it every day.

Ding Dong's medical knowledge is not very strong, it is definitely his weakness, so he can only guess vaguely.

He was thinking, could it be that the advanced stage of bone cancer does not affect the kidney function no matter how advanced it is?Could it be that I am only 30 years old and have good resistance?Will it be a flashback?Could it be...

At this time, Hongxia also woke up.

Six o'clock in the morning is not her biological clock, she is a king who sleeps late, and she won't get up until the sun shines.The reason why she naturally woke up so early is because she has something on her mind these days, something that she can't think of.

She turned sideways, habitually put her tender and tender hands on Ding Dong's arched belly, and accidentally bumped into Ding Dong's little brother who was poking his head out.

Ah, why is it standing up again?

Hongxia thought to herself, does this pervert want to have a good time again?So he arched Ding Dong's arm and joked: "Hey, dear, do you want me to go back to my old job again?"

"Return to the old business? My baby, what are you talking about, I don't understand." Because he did that thing last night, Ding Dong was puzzled and didn't think about it, so he narrowed his naturally narrow eyes , while kneading Hongxia's two crispy big meatballs, he asked, "Oh, can you be more specific?"

Hongxia laughed "hahaha", while pinching Ding Dong's little brother's head with her hands, she continued to joke: "My dear, do you still need an umbrella from the air?"

"My little money fan, why do you want to get something for nothing as soon as you open your eyes?" Ding Dong suddenly realized, and while pulling Hongxia's jade hand and putting it on his little brother's head, he said softly: "You don't need to shout, you I have already got up and stood guard, do you think it is obedient?"

Hongxia thought to herself, since you call me a money fan, then I will be a true money fan, and I will continue to work hard, take the trouble, and put my hand into your pocket by whatever means.Besides, if I don't extend my hand, my four greedy sisters will also extend their greedy hands.

Yes, I can't let go of this great opportunity, I can't give it up to these ruthless sisters.

Hongxia shook her head involuntarily, thinking, the big pervert next to her is already holding an umbrella, it seems that the program of opening an umbrella in the air must not be possible.

Then what other programs can you find to make money?How can I make money when there is no money in front of me?

Hongxia was actively using her brain. She thought that in order to get money, she could work harder and sacrifice more of her brain cells.

Now in bed, Hongxia is struggling to find business opportunities related to sex scenes.

Fool, everyone knows that it is impossible to get money without a source of income.Hongxia laughed to herself.

No, it is impossible that there is no way of making money, but as long as Ding Dong, a rich man, is close at hand, then everything is possible.

Got it!

Hongxia's mind turned once, her eyes rolled twice, and a plan to make money suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She couldn't wait to ask: "Honey, let's play a game, you must have never played this game before."

Ding Dong stopped kneading the meat balls, and asked curiously: "My baby, what game do you want to play? Let me tell you, my umbrella has been automatically supported. It seems that the game 'Umbrella in the Air' I can't play anymore."

"I know this. You don't need to remind me. Since you have automatically opened the parachute, how about we have a parachute from the air? I think this game must be very fun." Hongxia flicked Ding Dong lightly with her fingers. Little brother twice, and then said triumphantly: "Honey, you must have never played this game before, right? You must want to play it very much, right?"

Ding Dong was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "That's right, I made a show about parachuting through the air, but you changed your mind and came up with an innovation, making a parachute through the air, it's interesting, it's so interesting."

Before Hongxia answered, Ding Dong said again: "Hey, baby, I thought your IQ was average before, why is your IQ so much higher now, what's going on?"

Hongxia was happy when she heard it, but she sighed: "Hey, life is forced, these days, people with low IQ can't live, so..."

Before Hongxia finished speaking, Ding Dong rushed to say: "So you want to work hard and surpass Madame Curie, don't you?"

"What? Madame Curie?" After hearing Ding Dong's words, Hongxia was immediately confused.

At this time, Ding Dong remembered that Hongxia didn't read much, so she must not know who Madame Curie is, so talking to her about these things is like playing the piano against a cow.

He immediately reverted to the game show.

Hongxia thought that the business opportunity had arrived and she couldn't miss it, so she immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued: "Honey, do you want to play?"

"Okay, let's just play." Ding Dongshu rolled his eyes, curled his pig's mouth, and said eccentrically, "But..."

When Hongxia heard this, her heart tightened, she became anxious, she knew what Ding Dong was going to say, and thought to herself, she couldn't let him continue, so she got a wit out of her wits, and immediately sealed his old pig mouth with her thick lips with her small cherry mouth.

After 60 seconds, Ding Dong gently pushed away Hongxia's rosy face with both hands, and said lewdly: "Oh, baby, I know you don't want me to go on, do you know what I want to say? "

"Of course I know what you want to say." Hongxia joked with Ding Dong with a smile on her face: "Honey, do you know? As long as your butt sticks out, I know what shit you're going to do."

"My dear, you are so amazing now." Ding Dong stretched out his hand, and with a "slap", hit Hongxia's fleshy buttocks, and said, "Then tell me what I wanted to say just now? I really want to see you What a god."

"I won't say anything." Hongxia cast a high-quality wink at Ding Dong, grinned, then stretched out her right hand, and twirled Ding Dong's eyes with her thumb and index finger: "Unless there is this."

Ding Dong thought to himself, hey, I have been generous these few days, but she has also been rich.However, this is also true, if she is not greedy for money, what is the use of my generosity?Can I do whatever I want?Can I taste so much?Can I experience so much excitement?

Thinking of this, Ding Dong felt very comfortable.He said bluntly: "Let's talk, it's 100 million."

As soon as she heard that there was a reward of 100 million, Hongxia immediately replied: "What you said just now is 'but there is no reward'."

"Oh my god, you are already a roundworm in my stomach." Ding Dong shook Hongxia's wet place a few times.

Hongxia was overjoyed to win 100 million so easily, but she was still not greedy enough and asked impatiently, "Honey, do you still want to play the parachute game?"

"Of course you need more." Ding Dong said, "I want to see how capable you are."

Hongxia twisted her thumb and index finger in front of Ding Dong again: "How much?"

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