The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 046 Pregnant Women

Hongping lay on the bed, tossing and turning...

Although she kept forcing herself to sleep, the magic power of money was too great, as if there were colorful RMB floating in front of her eyes, Hongping couldn't fall asleep at all.

After thinking about it all night, Hongping didn't think of any good solution.

Already feeling hungry, she knew it was getting late, and it was time to get up, anyway, she couldn't fall asleep even if she wanted to.However, for some reason, I didn't have the strength to get up at all.She tried several times but failed, so she could only lie on the bed and think wildly.

Thinking, thinking, she suddenly thought that she should go to Ding Dong's place to have a look, as long as her own people are there, there may be a chance to hit him.If you don't go by yourself, it is tantamount to giving up the opportunity to the four sisters for nothing.

Thinking about it this way, Hongping regained her spirits all of a sudden, she quickly put on her clothes, turned over and got out of bed.After a simple wash, delicate makeup began.

She knows that washing face and brushing teeth can be sloppy, and breakfast can be skipped, but makeup must be in place, and there is no need to cut corners.His outstanding face is the key to unlock Ding Dong's money bank.

She thought, today I must put in all my effort to dress myself up more charmingly than usual, so that Ding Dong will forget the existence of the four sisters after seeing me.

If that's the case, all problems will be solved.While Hongping was putting on makeup according to the procedure, she couldn't help laughing in the mirror.She wants the dream to come true.

After she couldn't pick out the blemishes on her face in front of the mirror, Hongping got up with confidence, carrying her bag and car keys, and happily went out the door.

While humming, Hongping drove the BMW to Ding Dong's garden villa.

After arriving at the garden villa, Hongping got out of the car, adjusted her clothes carefully, and then rang the doorbell of Ding Dong's house.

After 1 minute, the door opened.

Hongping was taken aback. The door was opened by an unremarkable yellow-faced pregnant woman with a big belly.

With a buzzing sound, Hongping's head grew bigger and her legs began to soften. She knew it was over, everything was over, and our five sisters were all played by Ding Dong, a big pervert.

The pregnant woman asked: "Who are you looking for?"

"Look for Ding Dong." Hongping thought to herself, she didn't know what to ask, so she said angrily, "I called him out."

"He's gone." The pregnant woman said impatiently.

"Where did he go?" Hongping asked with a straight face.

"I don't know." The pregnant woman rolled her eyes and said stiffly, "You call and ask yourself."

"Already called, he turned off the phone." Hongping said.

"Oh, he turned off the phone, there's nothing we can do about it." After the pregnant woman finished speaking, she closed the door with a bang.

Seeing the closed door, Hongping froze at the door, and said to herself, "Hey, our five sisters are so stupid, we all think we are smart, but we are given to you by such an inconspicuous yellow-faced woman." It's the first to get there. It's really a battle between five mussels, and the fisherman wins."

Ding Dong, what's the matter?

Our five sisters want to have cheeks, have crisp breasts, have crisp breasts, willow waists and willow waists, buttocks and buttocks, and beautiful legs, which one is not more beautiful than her?Which one is more enchanting than her?Which one is not sexier than her?

Hongping concluded that not only did Ding Dong suffer from cancer physically, but his brain must also be terminally ill.

After making phone calls all afternoon, Ding Dong kept turning off the phone, Hongping was restless and didn't have the mind to do anything, so she had to drive the BMW to Ding Dong's garden villa again.

Hongping was very disappointed, it was the yellow-faced pregnant woman who opened the door again.

Before Hongping could open her mouth to ask, the face of Huanglianpo's pregnant woman sank, and she said anxiously, "What's wrong with you? Didn't I tell you that he left? Why did you find this place again?"

"I'm his friend, why can't I come here to find him." Hongping was still confident.

"He's gone." The pregnant woman of the yellow-faced woman thought that the girl in front of her might not understand what she meant, so she added, "He moved away."

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