The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 047 Pregnancy Proof

"Ding Dong moved away?" Hongping was surprised, and immediately asked, "Elder Sister, why did he move away?"

"He has already transferred this garden villa to me, so he moved away." The yellow-faced woman said.

Hongping didn't want to ask any more questions, but couldn't bear it anymore, so she asked, "Sister, what's the relationship between you and Ding Dong?"

After listening to Hongping's question, the pregnant woman felt baffled and thought, why are you asking so much? Does this have something to do with you?But she still answered Hongping's question: "We are a buyer-seller relationship."

"Oh, big sister, you misunderstood. I didn't ask about this house." Hongping quickly explained.

"Then what do you want to ask?" The pregnant woman stared at Hongping with wide eyes.

"I'm asking you, apart from the business relationship of this house, what other relationship do you have?" Hongping further explained.

"Oh, you misunderstood, we didn't have any relationship before." The pregnant woman said truthfully: "To tell you the truth, I haven't seen Ding Dong until now, I don't know whether he is tall, short, fat or thin. "

"Then your housing business is..." Hong Ping was stunned, and asked anxiously.

Before the pregnant woman could finish speaking, the pregnant woman rushed to say: "It's like this, the entire house sale process was handled by Ding Dong's agent.

"Is it Lawyer Li?"

"Yes, it's Lawyer Li."

"Sister, do you know where he moved to live?" Hongping asked.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know where he moved to live." The pregnant woman's attitude changed from before, and she said kindly: "Go and ask his agent."

"Okay, thank you then!" Hong Ping said goodbye to the pregnant woman politely.

Just as she was saying goodbye to the pregnant woman, the big belly of the pregnant woman in front of her suddenly inspired Hongping.Yes, there is, there is a way, I can pretend to be pregnant, so that Ding Dong will definitely leave the money left in his pocket to his own child.However, my fake mother became the owner of this big money automatically.

So how can Ding Dong believe that he is pregnant?

Hongping changed her mind, and when she had it, she could go to Lele's father to issue a fake pregnancy test certificate.

As if the large sum of money had already entered her pocket, Hongping was immediately elated and ecstatic.Humming a song, she drove her BMW straight to Provincial Hospital.

An hour later, with the help of Lele's father, Hongping got a formal "Pregnancy Test Report" from the provincial one-person doctor.

Holding the "Pregnancy Test Report" in her hand, Hongping smiled happily, as if she was really pregnant.

It was already dinner time.

Sweet and dense, I smile densely, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze...

Hong Ping had just entered the house, and before she could put down her bag, the cell phone in her bag rang. She quickly took out the cell phone from her bag, and saw that it was a new phone number. Who called?Could it be that someone made a typo?

She didn't want to answer it at first, but she answered it anyway, she was afraid that if Ding Dong called, "Hello, who is it?"

"Please come to Binjiang Hotel immediately," Ding Dong ordered, "Room 508."

Oh my god, it was really Ding Dong's call, Hongping's heart almost jumped out of her atrium.

On the way to the Binjiang Hotel, Hongping was running her mind quickly, preparing a draft for her talk with Ding Dong about her pregnancy.

After finishing the draft, Hongping wondered again, is Ding Dong alone in room 508?Have the four sisters received Ding Dong's invitation call?If I was the only one called, did he want to discuss my funeral with me?

Finally, Hongping reminded herself that if Ding Dong didn't mention the cancer, then she would pretend to be ignorant and wait and see.

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