The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 098 Eating Breakfast

How did such a daydream come about?

Ding Dong thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. He said that he thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night, but he didn't think about it during the day.Alas, could it be that God entrusted me with a dream, telling me that Hongxia and her five sisters would call me in the near future, so that I could prepare myself.

Hmph, daydreaming again!

Ding Dong couldn't help laughing, but it was just a wry smile.

At this time, a ray of strong sunlight shone in through the glass of the small window, just hitting Ding Dong's face.He just woke up, feeling extra glaring.

He just remembered that he forgot to close the curtains when he went to bed yesterday.

He thought that since the sun was shining on his eyes while lying on the bed, he might as well get up and take a stroll outside, eat a fried stick and drink a bowl of tofu.

Thinking of eating deep-fried dough sticks, Ding Dong suddenly felt that he was already very hungry, so he quickly turned over and got out of bed, put on his trousers, put on his clothes, kicked on his shoes, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and hurried out. the door.

After walking about 500 meters, Ding Dong saw a bean curd stand on the side of the road. The business was good. There were already many people sitting around a low table, eating fried dough sticks and drinking hot tofu. brain.

There happened to be a seat left, so Ding Dong quickly sat down without waiting.He asked for a fried dough stick and a bowl of tofu nao.

According to his appetite, he could eat two or three deep-fried dough sticks, and it was the time when he felt very hungry, but he only wanted one deep-fried dough stick to save money.However, he knew that a bowl of bean curd and a fried dough stick would be enough for a while.Besides, I'm still a young man, and it doesn't matter if I don't eat breakfast for a day or two.

Although Ding Dong didn't eat these things for breakfast before, he still knows that these things are one of the most respected breakfasts in Nancheng people for a hundred years, not only because they are delicious, but also because they are cheap and good, and ordinary people can afford them.

The reason why he thought of eating tofu today was not to satisfy his gluttony, but because it was cheap and good.The first is cheap, and the second is Wumart.

"Boss, your tofu nao." The uncle who delivered the tofu nao put the tofu nao bowl on the seat where Ding Dong was sitting. He was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly called out: "Ah, President Ding, why is it you? Don't you live at home?" In Binjiang Garden, why did you come to the southern suburbs to have breakfast? Why do you still come to my stall to reminisce about bitterness and sweetness?"

Ding Dong looked up and saw that the one serving him the tofu was Master Chen who was cooking in his company cafeteria a few years ago, his expression changed drastically, he was very embarrassed, and stammered: "Ah, Chen, Master Chen, you, hello, I, I'm, I'm on my way, so I'll have breakfast as I pass by here. Aren't you retired, why don't you enjoy your happiness at home?"

Master Chen sighed and said: "My son's work unit is in a downturn, and the salary is not fully paid. Hey, the house leaked and it rained continuously. My daughter-in-law was laid off again, and my grandson is in college. It is time to spend money." , so I can only hold on and set up an early stall, fortunately I have a craft, otherwise, I just have to worry about it.”

"I remember that you suffered from lumbar disc herniation before, is your body able to bear it?"

"There's no way, I can only hold on."

"Master Chen, it's not easy for you."

Master Chen said a little excitedly: "These days, there are many people like us, so we can only grit our teeth."

"Don't worry, just wait for your grandson to graduate from university and find a job, and you can be liberated." Ding Dong comforted.

Master Chen suddenly sighed again: "Looking for a job? It's not easy!"

"It shouldn't be difficult for college students to find a job." Ding Dong comforted again.

"You don't know, my grandson went to an ordinary university, and his diploma is not strong enough. I have already contacted the work unit three months ago, and I haven't found anything yet. I am so anxious." Master Chen suddenly remembered something, and said quickly: "Hey, President Ding, can you help me?"


"You are such a big company, it shouldn't be a problem to get a person, right?"

Ding Dong really wanted to talk about his current situation, but because of his face, he really couldn't say it.In a hurry, he looked at his watch quickly, and then exclaimed: "My God, it's already 08:30, and I was so busy chatting with you that I forgot an important meeting."

"Then about my grandson..."

Before Master Chen could say anything further, Ding Dong pushed the tofu nao that had only eaten two mouthfuls, stood up and left the table, and said as he walked, "Master Chen, I have to go to a meeting right away. I will remember about your grandson. I'll come find you in a few days."

While fleeing, Ding Dong was thinking, hey, arrange a job for your grandson, I don't know where my own job is.

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