Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 36: Kunlun Mountain's reputation spread far and wide

After years of painstaking practice, Sanqing Daoist has cut off two corpses and reached the state of Dzogchen, and achieved the Taoism of the later stage of quasi-sage. At the same time, there is a disciple Kong Xuan who is well-known in the past and does not know the depth of his strength.With just one Kong Xuan, it would be impossible for the Lich Alliance to be able to do so.Therefore, whether it is the Taiyi Emperor Jun of the Yaozu or the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Wumen, they all respect the Taoist Sanqing of Kunlun Mountain and Kong Xuan, and dare not offend them in the slightest.

After countless years of practice, the disciples of Taoist Sanqing have also broken through to the realm of Daluo Sanxian, and they can be regarded as strong in the prehistoric world.However, after all the disciples broke through, they were all driven out of Kunlun Mountain by Kong Xuan's avatar, and they were all sent out to practice.For Kong Xuan, the senior brother who is also a teacher and a brother, all the senior brothers and sisters admire him very much. For countless years, this senior brother has taught them countless supernatural powers. It was forced to practice, otherwise it would be very good to break through the Taiyi realm at this time.

After countless years of practice in the chaos, the clone of Kong Xuan's main body has successfully broken through to the seventh level of the Nine Turns Immortal Life and Death Mysterious Art, and his physical body is comparable to an innate treasure.At the same time, the physical body has been transformed by Chaos Origin Qi for countless years, and has successfully evolved the cells of the whole body into original cells, which can swallow billions of energies and destroy billions of energies, and are compatible with Chaos Origin Qi. Features!Countless billions of cells are closely combined into a powerful and incomparable body under the traction of immeasurable lines of laws. Existence, the immeasurable cells of the physical body are not in danger of being destroyed.

The world of consciousness also absorbs the infinite chaotic source energy, and transforms into a chaotic world of infinite consciousness. Kong Xuan has initially comprehended the rules of devouring and destroying. More and more, deeper and deeper, the rules of Kong Xuan's immortal mind sword body Dafa are getting more and more perfect, and their power is getting bigger and bigger.

The seven-color divine light evolved into a chaotic world. After absorbing the infinite chaotic yin-yang and five-element energy, the seven innate yin-yang and five-element ancestral dragon veins successfully evolved into the chaotic ancestral dragon veins, becoming the same existence of the Kunlun Mountain ancestral dragon veins and Buzhou Mountain ancestral dragon veins.As a result, the power of the seven-color divine light greatly increased.

Kong Xuan's strength at this time was already comparable to that of an ordinary saint. Even a saint would not be able to hurt him without the treasure of chaos.Kong Xuan entered the Pangu universe for countless years, endured immeasurable loneliness, and practiced hard just to realize the dream in his heart, let himself roam freely in the world, and not be helpless because of life and death!

Today's Kong Xuan has immeasurable merits, his physical body is comparable to an innate treasure, his indestructible mind and sword body are few people can match, his body is unpredictable in space, and he comes and goes without a trace. The saint can't restrain it from leaving.

The rules of space have been realized to the intermediate level, and the space of trillions of kilometers can be easily moved.

And the rule of time has finally entered the threshold, and I realized a supernatural power: Time acceleration, although it is only a supernatural power, can make your own combat power several times stronger. For example, your speed is 10 meters per second, but you use it After 10 times the time acceleration, the speed is 100 meters per second.From this we can see the mystery of the time rule.

After Kong Xuan’s avatar preached the prehistoric world, the Godhead of Time and Space absorbed the power of faith of hundreds of billions of living beings. The immeasurable energy of the Godhead of Time and Space showed signs of merging with the Godhead of Time and Space. The Godhead of Time and Space, which had been quiet for countless years, finally took control hope.

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