Confucius Xuanming Road

Chapter 37: Hongjun's Last Sermon

On this day, it was time for Daozu Hongjun to speak on the Dao for the third time. All the great gods entered Zixiao Palace one after another,

Hongjun Daozu didn't speak and started to preach directly. Hongjun didn't talk about how to practice in this lecture, but just kept emitting strange notes of the Dao from his mouth, which seemed to come from the ancient and most primitive sound made by Pangu Kaitian!

Those avenue notes entered the consciousness world of the great supernatural beings, as if they were transformed into billions of billions of miles of giants, and ax after ax broke through the infinite chaotic void of billions of light years.The origin of chaos evolves into Taiji, Yin and Yang, Liangyi, Sancai, Sixiang, Wuxing, Liuhe, Qixing, Bagua, Jiugong, one life two, two three, three billions of things in the universe...

Chaos Wuji produces Tai Chi, Tai Chi transforms Yin and Yang, and Yin and Yang form Liangyi, Liangyi produces Sancai, Sancai transforms into four phenomena, four phenomena form five elements, five elements transform into Liuhe, Liuhe turns into seven stars, seven stars act out eight trigrams, eight trigrams act out nine palaces, the beginning of billions of things The billions and billions of primordial stars in the universe follow the law of the Dao to evolve the immeasurable innate rule formation in the infinite void of billions of light years.

The immeasurable clear, turbid, yin-yang, and five-element qi are entangled and transformed into each other, or rise into the void of the universe to evolve into the three thousand worlds, or go deep into the infinite depths to become the land of nine secluded places and the infinite nether world.Either the clear one goes to the sky, or the turbid one goes to the ground. The chaotic source qi is continuously decomposed into various vitality under the action of rules, and evolves into: infinite mountains, plains, green land, rivers, lakes and seas, spiritual veins... .

The strange notes of the Dao evolve into the rules of the Dao, forming graphics, sounds, numbers, substances, and rules in the consciousness of the gods. They can only be understood but not remembered.There are three thousand ways, the listener is the same, and the understanding is different.Any listener can comprehend their own exercises, supernatural powers, combat skills, etc. from it.

In this way, 8000 million years finally arrived.Daoist Hongjun opened his eyes, swept across the gods lightly and said:

Since Pangu opened the sky, I have obtained the artifacts of good fortune, obtained the original source according to the trend of the sky, and mastered the law of balance in the way of heaven. Generate the supreme rule of the Six Paths, get the supreme rule of the way of heaven, and prove the holy way!

All the gods in Zixiao Palace were shocked when they heard Hongjun's words, only Kong Xuan showed a clear smile.Regardless of the emotions of the gods, Hongjun continued: "At that time, I was the Dao of Heaven and only cared about the general trend.

The general situation is not damaged, and I will not find the prehistoric.At this point, the way of heaven is flourishing, and several saints will be born to be the masters of the prehistoric world. "

"There are six saints under my sect. The saints were born in accordance with the way of heaven and proved to be Hunyuan. The primordial spirit entrusts the origin of the universe and is an indestructible body! If you are not a saint, you will be destroyed when the calamity comes. Therefore, If you don't prove Hunyuan, you will be an ant in the end!

Hongjun looked at the situation in the audience with indifference on his face, and when everyone in the audience looked at him, he signaled to the gods in the audience to answer questions according to the precedent.

Taoist Tongtian came forward and asked, "May I ask, Master, how many saints are there under the Dao of Heaven?"

Hongjun looked at Tongtian, smiled and replied: "Yes, under the way of heaven, there should be nine supreme rules."

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