On January 1, the Beijing government announced: "Abolition of the Anhui Warden One vacancies, transfer of Zhang Wensheng as General Dingwei, special appointment of Ma Lianjia to supervise the aftermath of Anhui military affairs." Oversee disarmament matters.However, Zhang Wensheng excused the reduction of troops in accordance with the president's urgent message, and was temporarily unable to resign, so as to buy time to incite the new Anwu army to rebel.

At this time, under the banner of following the orders of the central government to mediate disputes in Anhui Province and supervise the disarmament, Zhang Hanqing entered Anhui from Huanggang with the commander-in-chief of the Central China People's Army, Ji Yiqiao, leading the 7th Division, and recently took Anqing, an important town in central Anhui. .Then all the way was unimpeded, and arrived in the provincial capital Hefei within a few days.

Zhang Wensheng was originally connected with the Feng Faction, but when he saw the young commander-in-chief arriving in person, he immediately announced his agreement to reorganize the new Anwu Army into the National Defense Forces and dispatch them to the Central Committee.Zhang Hanqing also reciprocated, praising Zhang Wensheng for "being concerned with the overall situation of the country and not thinking about personal gains or losses."From the new year to the beginning of March, a total of 3 battalions of the Xin'anwu Army were laid off, and 28 yuan was raised, which was an initial victory in the movement to abolish the governor and disarm the army.

But the subsequent progress was not so smooth.

The resistance encountered by anti-bribery elections was already unbearable for Xu Shiying. Ma Lianjia of the old Anwu Army was very disgusted with Xu Shiying's enthusiasm for continuing to cut troops. The reduction, and continue to create public opinion to attack Xu Shiying, put pressure on Xu Shiying.Under the circumstances at the time, civil servants were no match for military officials.Xu Shiying had no choice but to submit his resignation to the Beijing government, and people from all walks of life in Anhui gathered to persuade him to stay.Zhang Hanqing issued a telegram in Wuchang to express his support, and severely reprimanded Ma Lianjia's political interference, and ordered Zhang Wensheng and the People's Army to stand ready and use force as backup.Ji Yiqiao mobilized all the division's 1922mm howitzers under the south gate of Hefei, and the war was about to break out.

With five mixed brigades, Ma Lianjia can only draw with the coalition forces of Ji Yiqiao and Zhang Wensheng, but it cannot maintain the strength of the people's army's steady stream of reinforcements.The reason why he dared to use force is inseparable from Wu Peifu's secretly promised support.

At the center of the whirlpool of heated discussions about "abolishing governors and disarming troops" is Zhili.The growth of the People's Army in the provinces of the Yangtze River, especially the replacement of the agent status of the direct line in the British and American countries, made Wu Peifu deeply feel that the situation was getting worse for him.If the People's Army takes Anhui again, the Zhili will be surrounded strategically by the Fengli.The trick of "boiling a frog in warm water" used by Zhang Hanqing successfully deceived the direct boss Cao Kun, but could not deceive the resourceful Wu Peifu.Rather than face a more unfavorable situation later, it is better to take risks.

Of course, it is unwise to directly confront the People's Army. In terms of timing, Zhang Hanqing grasped the trend of history and always seized the opportunity in historical changes.In terms of people and harmony, the Feng line and the people's army are full of talents, and they have recruited talents from all walks of life for their use, which is incomparable to the Zhi line.The only feasible thing is the geographical advantage: the direct line occupies the two major provinces of Henan and Hebei, the north and the south have a convenient transportation line, the Beijing-Hanzhou Railway, the west is Yanxi Mountain in Shanxi, which is trying to protect itself, and the east is the weak Shandong and northern Anhui.If the direct lineage wants to survive in the future wrestling, it is imperative to develop eastward.Therefore, Wu Peifu secretly ordered Feng Yuxiang, the guard envoy of Henan, Hubei and Anhui, to leave Macheng in the name of stabilizing the situation in Anhui Province, and rushed to Hefei with Ji Yiqiao one by one.

However, Feng Zizhi is not Zhang Hanqing's opponent, and has already made up a clever plan to occupy the land for development.In his opinion, the Zhifeng battle is coming to an end, and the benefits of following Wu Peifu have declined a lot, but there is no decent territory.Xinyang is an important place for the Beijing-Hanzhou Railway. If a war breaks out, he will be caught in it, and Chiyu will inevitably be affected.Zhang Hanqing obviously wanted to take control of the southeast, and he should have no intention of meddling in the northwestern part of Anhui in the short term.As an envoy of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui border protection army, there is also a law to follow when placing the main force in the northwest of Anhui.

At this time, he defended Suizhou with the first part of Li Mingzhong's brigade, and the main force retreated to Xixian County on the north bank of Huaihe River, east of Xinyang, to avoid possible sharp edge.The first regiment of Zhang Zhijiang Brigade occupied and stationed in Lu'an City, west of Hefei, and the other regiment, Sun Liangcheng, led his troops to guard Fuyang.He led the guard regiment to Huainan, and entered Bengbu with the cavalry regiment Zhang Shusheng, and made up his mind to watch the wind in the northwest of Anhui.

Ma Lianjia, the leader of the old Anwu Army, had no support, and Zhang Hanqing's People's Army was watching, the arrogance suddenly became much less, and the reform of Governor Xu Shiying continued.Not long after, strike while the iron is hot, and successively introduced several major decisions:

60. Personally drafted an anti-smoking order, strictly prohibiting the trafficking of red and white pills (morphine, heroin), requiring the governors and anti-smoking committees of [-] counties to "break the sensibilities, carefully investigate and shovel, and report every five days. Once verified, they will be withdrawn and punished respectively. loan".

[-]. Pay attention to education, develop the law school into Anhui Political and Law School, and send a group of students such as Shi Shangkuan, Fang Xikong, Chen Fangxian, Yang Xiangong, Zhang Guowei, Tang Zhixian, Gao Yuhan, Zhang Bojun, etc. to study abroad. Everyone has become famous.

43. Advocate the establishment of industries, pay attention to people's livelihood, and benefit Sangzi.Distributed [-] yuan of silver dollars for emergency relief, planned to set up Anhui Bank, and built the first highway in Anhui (that is, Anqing-Huaining Highway).

3. Advocate diligent government, love the people, and be clean and honest for the people, and issue orders to the three governors of the province and 60 county governors to rectify the administration of officials.

The Ma Lianjia side is not to be outdone: if it is impossible to resist by force, then resist it legally. On April 4, councilor Hu Jingbo and others were bribed to incite more than a hundred people who did not know the truth to break into the provincial office at 11:30 p.m., demanding an interview with the governor, and arbitrarily harassing the guards.After hearing the news, the Police Department sent security teams to arrest more than [-] people.Xu Shiying immediately posted a notice, and then sent a telegram to Xu Shichang, saying, "Think again and again. Over the past year, my personal energy and property have been sacrificed. Now I have to sacrifice my life to support it to the end, in order to keep things safe in Anhui. Shiying will never resign before the President gives an explicit order to remove him, and success or failure is irrelevant."

This incident prompted Xu Shiying's attitude from soft to hard.At the end of the month, he called the Ministry of Internal Affairs again, raising again the issue of the qualifications of the members of the third Anhui Parliament. Their qualifications are invalid and they should be re-elected.” Xu re-established an election office in the provincial office, and in late May he issued an order to the governors of the 20 counties in the province, announcing that August 28 this year would be the start date for the survey of primary election districts in the 5 counties. , The list of electors was reported on January 60 of the following year. The struggle against election bribery was finally won, and the "Public Welfare Maintenance Association" originally controlled by the Ni party disappeared in Anhui.

Xu Shiying is in charge of Anhui, and there are two things that have been passed down to the world: one is to express his gratitude to his mother for celebrating his birthday. Yan Shou, thank relatives and friends politely, don’t call it an act of appreciating the wine. Family Yan’s family’s compassionate life is not held....” The second is parting advice to the governors of the three provinces and 3 counties in the province. He wrote in the order: “The governor is Officials who are close to the people, those who are close to the people, will not be alienated from the feelings of the people, and those who are close to the people will not be far from the hearts of the people.... The governor of this province has even solemnly warned that if the governors want to keep me in the countryside, they must first make this office All the staff and auditors used in the house can clean themselves and be loyal to their duties, and then act with peace of mind." A few words express the heart of benefiting Sangzi.

Zhang Hanqing expressed his personal respect for this good public servant who was dedicated to the people, and he clearly expressed his firm support for the move to disarm the troops in Anhui Province.In the telegram on April 4, it said: "Anhui Province is not rich. Now that the new Anwu Army has been reorganized, the old Anwu Army should be cut accordingly, and the savings will be used to revitalize the industrial and commercial economy of Hui Province. This commander should follow the state's decree and be considerate. The reality of poverty in Anhui is to order it to be cut down on a regular basis. If he is still obsessed with his obsession, Xueliang should lead a teacher of justice, visit the place in person, and force him to submit, so as to restore the legal system and show the authority of the central government to the world." At this moment, Zhang Hanqing is like Claiming to be orthodox in the central government, he completely forgot that entering Anhui by himself is not justified.However, political power emerges from the barrel of a gun. In the name of the central government, the Beijing government will naturally recognize it "according to the usual practice."

Under the attack of the People's Army and Xinanwu Army, Ma Lianjia had no choice but to draw up a "huge plan" to disarm one mixed brigade for half a year.At this time, Zhang Hanqing's eyes have turned to the fertile Jiangsu and Zhejiang plains. Regardless of whether the Ma Lianjia will follow or not, his People's Army will definitely take Anhui, thus opening a path for Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.Therefore, after receiving this plan, Zhang Hanqing "became furious, sent a telegram to the whole country to crusade against the Ma Lianjia, and swore: 'Down with the Anwu Army, and capture the Ma Lianjia alive'." The 1th Division of the Army, Jin Yun'e Mixed Brigade, and Wang Duqing's Mixed Brigade supported Ji Yiqiao by land and water.

The reason why Jin and Wang's second brigades were brought in was to completely cut off their inextricable ties with Hubei, and to pull them up on the chariot of the People's Army.Zhang Hanqing was even more firmly stuck on his neck in terms of logistics, equipment, and military pay. The two were already weak and had no choice but to follow them into the war.In this way, the pressure on the Central China Military Region of the People's Army, which is weak in military strength, is suddenly relieved, and Zhang Hanqing will not be threatened by these insecure forces after the Southern Expedition.

Under the strong military and public opinion pressure, Ma Lianjia was forced to go to the field by electricity, and Ji Yiqiao took its five mixed brigades under his command without any effort.At this time, Zhang Hanqing's army was still about 5 miles away from the provincial capital. He already had an important task of collecting Jiangxi.

Zhang Hanqing announced that in order to understand the burden of the people in Anhui, the expenses of the People's Army troops stationed in Anhui would not be borne by Anhui.People from all walks of life in Anhui expressed very strong gratitude to the People's Army for their timely assistance, and responded positively to the People's Party's policies.With the political and military support of Zhang Hanqing, Xu Shiying was finally able to develop his ambitions. Therefore, he also tried to understand the policies of the People's Party and continued to learn from them in governance, making Anhui Province several provinces under the control of the People's Army. The central government did the best job of implementing the People's Party's intentions, but this was unexpected by Zhang Hanqing, who only used Anhui as a bridgehead for military offensives.

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