young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 113 War and Peace

Since Zhang Hanqing's judgments on the overall situation are often accurate and unique, Zhang Zuolin has added trust.At this time, Zhang Zuolin, who was anxiously waiting for the result, without hesitation, announced a major purge aimed at expulsing the infiltration of Japanese troops in the Northeast:

1.Taking the South-Manchuria Railway as the benchmark, all Japanese industrial and mining enterprises west of the Liaohe River, east of the Xihe River, Taizi River, and Tonghe River, and north of Changchun implement a personnel entry and exit registration system, and non-registered Japanese are not protected by the so-called "consular jurisdiction" ;

2.According to the "Treaty of Portsmouth", without permission, any industrial and mining enterprises and trade associations established by the Japanese privately within 1 km from the east to west of the South Manchuria Railway are illegal, and the Northeast Autonomous Government will confiscate all property according to the order;

3.The so-called road guard troops of the Japanese on the South Manchuria Railway set an upper limit strictly in accordance with the treaty, and reduced it year by year.The Japanese Kwantung Army must not use any excuses to add troops, and the Japanese troops stationed in Fengtian and Changchun must withdraw to the Kanto Prefecture garrison, otherwise the resulting armed conflict will be deemed as an incident deliberately provoked by the Japanese side, and the responsibility lies with him;

4.According to the agreement between China and Japan to jointly manage the South Manchuria Railway (this is the principle, but when it was first signed, the Japanese side thought that China would not have the strength to do so, and both sides took this "co-management" as a matter of face), all provinces and cities along the South Manchuria Railway The stations are guarded by soldiers from the Northeast Armed Police to eliminate misunderstandings and disputes between China and Japan due to language barriers, and to guard the railway.

5.Japan's consulates in Northeast China should be fully withdrawn, leaving only Fengtian and Changchun. Harbin, Manzhouli, Huichun, and Qiqihar should be closed no later than early next year.

In Tianjin, Liu Shangqing handed over the position of mayor of Tianjin to Wang Shuchang after taking up the position of director of the Finance and Economics Committee of the "National Unification Committee".After the riots in Tianjin, Wang Shuchang had already learned that "the Japanese military and consulates stationed in Tianjin are in charge of Zhang Bi, Li Jichun, frustrated Chinese soldiers, and some leaders of the Tianjin Qinghong Gang, as well as famous bandit leaders Cao Huayang, Xiao Yunfeng, Gao Pengjiu, etc., to organize a 'plainclothes team'." Therefore, he convened a joint meeting of provincial and municipal military, political, party, police and security officials to convey the instructions of the old commander, and then ordered all armed police units to be on strict alert. If necessary, the 28th Brigade of Jing Youyan of the 15th Division could be transferred to assist in the suppression.

Wang Shuchang solemnly stated at the meeting: "I am a soldier, and I have the responsibility to guard the soil. If there is a riot and disturbance in Tianjin, we must adapt to the situation, combine strength and softness, think carefully, and solve it properly. But I will never be a national sinner. Brothers and fathers in Tianjin called me incompetent."

A section of the Tianjin Armed Police Force was ordered to impose martial law in Tianjin. On October 10, when the plainclothes team fled out of the Japanese Concession, it was attacked by the armed police and the police. They fought until dawn and finally defeated the plainclothes team's invasion.

At 10 a.m. on October 9th, Mayor Wang Shuchang summoned the consulates stationed in Tianjin at his official residence, introduced the history of the riots and the authorities’ determination to put an end to the riots, and sent a note to the Japanese consulate, in order to maintain law and order in the city, protect the lives and properties of overseas Chinese, and assist in the eradication of bandits. , pointed out: "The Japanese concession hides thugs, and the Chinese government cannot eliminate them. If there are incidents that endanger the lives and properties of overseas Chinese in the future, the Japanese side should be responsible and have nothing to do with China."

The plainclothes team didn't get any advantage in the riot on the night of the 8th, and then the Japanese personally went out to make trouble on September 9 and 10.They sent Japanese officers and soldiers dressed in Chinese civilian costumes to sneak past the line of defense. Four of the military police broke into the guard barracks of Jing Youyan's brigade headquarters and were arrested and interrogated by the Chinese guards.

When the Japanese learned about it, they immediately sent a second lieutenant and five military policemen to the city hall to ask Wang Shuchang directly. His attitude was extremely arrogant, saying that they were taken into the barracks by the Chinese army, tortured brutally, and lost their lives. "Protest", saying that this is an unfriendly act towards Japan.Wang Shuchang pretended not to know. He sneered and said to the second lieutenant of the Japanese army: "Your army is in the concession, and there was a conflict with the garrison. Wang did not know about it. Second, I am an administrative official and do not ask about the military. Detailed reasons Please negotiate with the headquarters of the Jinan Military Region, forgive me that I am on official business and cannot accompany you."

The second lieutenant of the Japanese army had no choice but to return to the 15th brigade headquarters, but Jing Youyan had killed the four disguised Japanese soldiers on the spot: "You military police broke into my barracks in Chinese civilian clothes. Is it true? I am going to inform your army headquarters Let’s deal with it. But when civilians trespassed on important military sites, our guards had a reason and the right to carry out security duties. Now that these four people have been shot dead on the spot, you can claim the corpses, so we can talk back!”

The Japanese army was like this, and the traitors did not end well. More than 300 people from the bandit leader Cao Huayang were killed on the spot, and more than 100 people suffered wounds of various sizes.In this battle, blood flowed all over the Japanese Concession, and corpses littered the field.

The citizens of Tianjin clapped their hands and applauded, while the Japanese made gray faces and made fun of themselves.

At the same time, a big fight broke out in Jiutai, northeast of Changchun. The 30st Infantry Regiment (regimental level) under the Japanese Koizumi Shinya Brigade fought fiercely with the [-]st Brigade of the [-]th Division of Yuzhen, the Northeast Frontier Defense Army.The Northeast Army came prepared for this battle, and even used artillery.In the end, the Japanese soldiers left dozens of corpses and fled back to Changchun.

The situation became more and more tense. There were rumors that the Japanese army had urgently dispatched three divisions to China, and the Japanese navy also set anchor and embarked.At this time, Zhang Hanqing expressed his solidarity. He said in a nationwide telegram on the 12th: "China and Japan are fighting together, and there will be no distinction between the north and the south, and there will be no distinction between the old and the young. We will fight against foreign aggression together. Since the Opium War, China has spread far and wide. Being humiliated, it is time for self-reliance and self-improvement. Although three households in Chu can perish in Qin Dynasty, how can China be empty without anyone! Xueliang personally led the whole army of the People’s Army to go northward immediately, and shed blood for China’s upright standing. Only 5000 The sincere unity of the [-] million people will surely plunge Japanese imperialism into the vast ocean of people's war."

He was the first to put forward the concept of "people's war", and it was also the first time to publicly call out the slogan against Japanese imperialism.In order to show his determination to cut off the retreat of all factions in the possible war against Japan, he also added a sentence in the telegram, "If the end of the war is together, peace is the traitor!" The strongest voice is sung everywhere.

The People's Party has also mobilized the masses extensively, and launched boycotts of Japanese goods, strikes and other solidarity activities in Fengtian, Changchun, Harbin, Tianjin, Beijing, Wuhan, Lanzhou, Xi'an, Guangdong, Nanchang, Hefei, Changsha and other major cities under its control, as well as Shanghai and Nanjing. .This incident dealt a severe blow to Japan's power in China and the domestic economy, and greatly improved the status of the Fengjun and the People's Army among the Chinese.

At 12:1 pm on the 4th, the elite [-]th Division of the Central China People's Army, which had already assembled in Bengbu and was on standby, boarded the train and rushed to Jinan, the front line of the North China Anti-Japanese War, preparing to fight hard with toughness and end Japan's control on the Jiaoji line.Although Lu Du Tian Zhongyu knew that the people's army came in a bad way and "asked the gods to come in and send the gods away", he not only dared not protest at the moment of "the whole people's resistance to Japan", but even pretended to welcome and fully support Yunyun.The immediate flank territory, which had been unable to enter through all means for many years, finally opened the door at this time.Zhang Hanqing originally wanted to use this excuse to enter Shandong, and finally understood why Lao Jiang insisted on "restraining the outside world first to settle the inside": if he was not careful, the regime would really fall by the wayside.

The "National Unification Committee" also called on all parties and local power factions to jointly resist foreign aggression under the premise of "national unity."

The U.S. government expressed concern about the situation in Northeast China, and the U.S. and British ambassadors to Japan mediated the dispute between the two countries under the instructions of their respective domestic governments.After consecutive emergency cabinet meetings, it was foreseen that the Sino-Japanese war might be a protracted war of attrition, and Japan was not prepared or planned for a full-scale war, so the Japanese government had to ease the situation. On the 15th, the Japanese Foreign Minister issued a statement on the current situation: "The Japanese government has never, and will never raise the so-called indiscriminate idea of ​​China's territory. Japan will strictly abide by the "Washington Treaty" to restrain its soldiers in Manchuria. , actions in North China, and abide by Japan's obligations to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

On the same day, the Japanese troops stationed in Changchun began to withdraw to Kantung Prefecture, the Japanese troops in Fengtian also returned to the original barracks, and the Japanese and plainclothes troops in Tianjin also died down. The situation in Northeast China and North China temporarily eased.

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