young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 120 The Three Sides Against Straight

Cao Kun made himself onto the coveted "throne" of the president by bribing elections.After taking office, he issued a statement saying: "Kun soldiers, who have no experience in politics at the beginning, now go out to seek the welfare of the country according to the entrustment of the people of the whole country. The rule of law is the foundation; the office of the president is based on law-abiding. All the presidents have been in office for a while. They only think that the fundamental law of the country has not been established, has no basis, and has not been implemented. When the time of taking office is right when the law is completed, Since then, the common government measures have been followed one by one, and the selfishness has been more fortunate than the predecessors.... When the country's affairs are not peaceful, the people's livelihood is in trouble, the finances are exhausted, and the military is in jeopardy. Looking forward to the future, I dare not say that I have the ability to achieve it. However, I am not afraid of difficulties, out of my nature, so the answer to my father and elder Kunji is nothing more than sincerity. In recent years, the political trend is changing with each passing day. Don’t dare to innovate, and use the country as a test. There is a saying: "Government is not about talking too much, but how about doing it." I want to be obedient and implement all policies."

On October 10, the Chinese Kuomintang issued a manifesto in Shanghai to challenge Cao Kun.On the same day, Zhang Hanqing accompanied Sun Yat-sen to Tianjin to call the diplomatic corps of various countries, and asked to deny Cao Kun as the president. Lu Yongxiang (the commander of the 8th Division of the Army at the time, the governor of Zhejiang, and the Anhui Department) acted in unison.Declare that Cao Kun is a usurper and treason. Since all the Chinese people regard Cao Kun's election as a usurper and treason, please order his representatives in Beijing to avoid any actions that can make the usurper an excuse for international recognition.

In view of this bribery election, the will of the members of the two councils was not firm, and there were many members of the Kuomintang among the members, even Wu Jinglian, the Speaker of the House of Representatives who presided over the bribery election, was a member of the Kuomintang. Therefore, although Sun Yat-sen said it generously, he was actually confident insufficient.Instead, the provinces are scrambling to denounce the candidates for election in their own provinces, and even expelled their provincial membership in serious cases, which somewhat punished the councilors for "disgraceful to see Jiangdong's elders".

On the day Cao Kun took office, he announced the presidential decree to unify the military and civil administration, establish a complete country, and ordered the North and the South to be reconciled. It is already a situation where the Southeast Military Region coexists with the warlords of Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan.

In order to win over Sun Yat-sen, Cao Kun called Sun Yat-sen to prepare to end the dispute on the premise that Sun would be the prime minister in the cabinet. There seemed to be a glimmer of hope for the reconciliation between the two parties.

In the next year in history, the second Zhifeng War took place, and the Zhili was defeated, and then the Fengshi took the lead.Under Zhang Hanqing's intervention, although the first Zhifeng war was successfully avoided, Cao Kun still had to face Cao Kun's election bribery-this happened in history, and this time the Zhifeng war had to be carried out .It seems that history really does not depend on human will!

Zhang Hanqing knew that Feng Yuxiang's "Beijing coup" played a key role in the victory of Fengjun in the second Zhifeng war in history.At that time, the two armies of Zhi and Feng were fighting fiercely on the front line of Shanhaiguan. Feng Yuxiang took the opportunity to stab the Zhi army in the back and imprisoned President Cao Kun.Wu Peifu's morale was shaken at the front, Fang Youzhi was defeated, and never recovered.The Feng faction later took the opportunity to expel Feng Yuxiang and firmly occupied Beijing.

Whether this scene can be reproduced, the key is still Feng Yuxiang.

The three heroes Cao Kun bribed and elected were Feng Yuxiang, Wang Chengbin and Wu Jinglian.According to the news from the "Fengqing Bureau", after Cao Kun took office as president, Feng Yuxiang gradually showed a disrespectful attitude due to his high achievements.Because of Wu Peifu's hatred and rejection of Feng Yuxiang, Feng Yuxiang was very dissatisfied with Cao and Wu.Coupled with Cao Kun's bribery scandal, which aroused national opposition, Feng Yuxiang was naturally very disgusted.What's more, Feng Yuxiang admired Sun Yat-sen very much, and he originally had the heart of rebelling against Cao and Wu.

At that time, the Prime Minister had not yet been produced, and the Secretary-General of the State Council, Zhang Tinge, served as the liaison between the government and the court.One day Feng Yuxiang found Zhang Ting'e, and he said, "Brother Zhiqing (Zhang Ting'e's word), please accompany me to see the president." Zhang Ting'e thought that he was a courtesy caller from Jin, so he accompanied him to see Cao Kun.

After seeing Cao, Feng said solemnly: "On the first day of the new year, the guards of the Presidential Palace beat up the soldiers. Does the President know? If the President knows but does not act, it is the President's protection; if the President does not know , was deceived."

When Feng said this, Zhang Tinge was taken aback. Could this be a soldier's attitude towards the president's speech?Although Feng Yuxiang is famous for defending his shortcomings, but after all, he is facing the president of a country!

Although Cao Kun was born as a cloth dealer, he has held many important positions after all, and he has seen a lot of the world, not to mention that he is now the president. He was amiable and amiable when Feng reported. He opened his eyes, sat upright and said to Feng: "Huanzhang, the presidential guard beat up the soldiers on the first day of junior high school. As senior officials, why don't you thoroughly investigate and punish the bad elements who caused the trouble? I am the president, and I need to do this kind of trivial matter." Deal with it? When did I intercede with you and protect the guards of the presidential palace?"

Feng Yuxiang hit a big nail and was speechless. Zhang Tinge had no choice but to smooth things over and said: "We will act on the president's instructions immediately. Huanzhang is the president's subordinate. He treats the president like his father. His words may be too aggressive. Please forgive me. .”

The day after the election bribery, under the escort of Jiang Huanan, Zhang Hanqing secretly visited Feng Yuxiang in Dongtiao Hutong.

It is said that Feng Yuxiang had revolutionary ideas very early, which is still reasonable.When Lao Feng was in charge, he and a group of buddies planned the Luanzhou Uprising to welcome the Wuchang Uprising. He came back and became his official.However, Feng Yuxiang still sold his strength for a while when he resumed eating the bowl of Beiyang. Whether it was the second revolution led by Sun Yat-sen, or the defense of the country led by Cai E to fight Yuan Zhan, Feng Yuxiang and his independent brigade stood firm. On Yuan Shikai's side, Feng Bu was also awarded three honors by the old Yuan for capturing Yuezhou. He also played a very disgraceful role in this "bribing election". It can be seen that Feng Yuxiang still couldn't get rid of the warlord at that time. true colors.

Feng Yuxiang was in his prime at this time, and he was a heroic and sturdy typical soldier.He is Zhang Hanqing's old opponent: in Shaanxi, it was Zhang Hanqing who drove him out; in Hubei, it was Zhang Hanqing who blocked his way to the south; in Anhui, it was Zhang Hanqing who poached his corner.He has hatred for Zhang Hanqing, who is nearly half his age, and has turned from admiration to sympathy. He also opposes Zhang Hanqing's refusal to merge the People's Party into a part of the Kuomintang, and the "party formation" is a legacy of his father's warlords. .When Zhang Hanqing explained his purpose of coming to him and showed Sun Yat-sen's handwritten letter, he did not hesitate, and said generously: "Feng regards state affairs as the most important thing, so he should follow Mr. Sun's decision. The young commander will arrange military deployment. Our department should be caught by surprise and make one move. Defeat the Zhili rear." Having said that, Feng Yuxiang is still very afraid of the Zhili's power, and he is confused about the situation after the battle: Zhang Hanqing respects Sun Yat-sen as the head in name, but can he guarantee that he will follow Sun Yat-sen as the head and form a government again? ?

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.Zhang Hanqing knew Feng Yuxiang very well.It has always been said that if you want to lead the army well, you must have a concept and thinking. Chiang Kai-shek's army carried out the Three People's Principles, Yan Laosi's army relied on loyalty, propriety and righteousness during the Three Kingdoms period, and Feng Huanzhang's army relied on Christianity. Gang rules.

Feng Yuxiang's eldest brother, Zhang Zhijiang, was the eldest brother of the Hongmen at that time. He printed 10000 Bibles at his own expense and distributed them to his subordinates. Feng Yuxiang's subordinates all became Christians, and Feng himself was called the Christian General.Of course, Feng's Christian military law is absolutely no match for the money and high-ranking officials. This has been proved by history. Zhang Hanqing does not want to repeat this meaningless work. 100 taels of silver to meet Feng Yuxiang’s arrears of military pay due to the rapid expansion of the army and Wu Peifu’s suppression.How could Feng Yuxiang not do such a good thing that is both shameless and face-saving?

Afterwards, Zhang Hanqing went to Tianjin to meet Duan Qirui.

After Duan Qirui was expelled from Beijing by the joint forces of Zhifeng and Fenggong, he took refuge in Shoujie, the Japanese Concession in Tianjin, and began to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha.When Zhifeng lost peace, Duan Qirui promptly sent Duan Zhigui to the northeast to contact Zhang Zuolin, and Xu Shuzheng to the south to make friends with Sun Yat-sen.Only Duan Qirui, Zhang Zuolin, and Sun Yat-sen formed the "Triangle Alliance" against Zhizhi.

Zhang Hanqing is familiar with the Three Kingdoms, and has a lot of experience in "the general trend of the world, the long-term division must be united, and the long-term unity must be divided".I often lament the impermanence of the world. Taking Duan Qirui as an example, the reason why I tried my best to win over him at this time is simply because the Anhui Clan still has strength despite a major defeat. In Zhejiang (Lu Yongxiang is the governor), Xuzhou can threaten the direct Army rear wing.But not long ago, Feng Jun was still criticizing Duan Qirui as a traitor in a series of articles in newspapers and sending telegrams across the country.

The reason why Duan Qirui reunited was because Zhang Hanqing vaguely remembered that after the successful rebellion in official history, Feng Yuxiang and Feng Jun became incompatible again.Moreover, Sun Yat-sen was there, and Feng Jun spent countless efforts to win the battle, how could he make wedding clothes for others, so that Sun Yat-sen could easily get it!

He originally admired Sun Yat-sen's efforts and great reputation for the revolution, and he always wanted to use tiger skin as a banner. Even the purpose of the People's Party was Sun Yat-sen's "Three People's Principles", but it really allowed Sun Yat-sen to occupy the position of president of Beijing City University , with the ability of the divided Kuomintang, can it take on the important task of saving the country and the people?Even his so-called "democratic election" of wishful thinking became the laughing stock of the Republic of China under the agitation of Cao Kun-but this election was really "democratic" in a sense, and there was no coercion from the beginning to the end. , It was entirely the congressmen who cooperated to complete the biggest election scandal in history!

But after the victory of Anti-Zhi, the Feng faction can't leave Sun Yat-sen alone to do Longting, so the Feng faction will be on the cusp immediately.With the strength of the Feng family, it is far from enough to resist the unequal demands of the great powers and complete the great cause of unifying the country.And Duan Qirui, who has been prime minister for three terms, is the best support object.

So Duan Qirui sent a telegram, agreeing to unite with the Feng Clan and ask for bribes to elect the immediate government.And Wu Peifu asked Cao Kunming to issue a presidential decree, using Wu Peifu as the commander-in-chief of the rebel army to crusade against Zhang Zuolin and Duan Qirui.

Wu Peifu is not an idler. Although his direct army has only 12 divisions, they are all experienced and well-trained, and their combat effectiveness is not inferior to any unit of the People's Army and the Feng Army.When the Feng army was in the north and the People's Army in the south formed a strategic situation of two-sided attack, he gathered the main force in the north in an attempt to make a quick decision. After defeating the Feng army outside the pass, he returned to the south of the Yellow River relying on the convenience of railway transportation. against the People's Army.He secretly contacted the warlords of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi, and lured Ma Tingyi, the governor of Ningxia, to raise troops, trying to launch a full-scale war in the northwest, southwest, and southeast under the control of the People's Army. The army finally defeated the Feng army in the north to create a favorable time.

Yunnan and Guizhou are in a remote corner, surrounded by great powers from Guizhou and Sichuan, and they are weak, and have no personal pain about who will win or lose in the Zhifeng War, so Wu Peifu's lobbying is in vain.They made up their minds that whoever wins will be the orthodox center, and of course they must obey in name.Since Lu Rongting's defeat, the Gui Clan has been mired in internal disputes. Gradually, the new Gui Clan headed by Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi has emerged.Li Zongren has the strategy of a politician, and Bai Chongxi has military acumen, known as "Little Zhuge".They made up their minds to calm the interior of Guangxi first, and then wait for opportunities depending on the situation. Therefore, as long as the Guangxi army launches an offensive behind the People's Army in South China, all parts of the southeast after the war are in their hands. Moral support - because Cao Kun is already the legal president - as for sending troops, there is not enough military pay and equipment, please ask the central government to provide supplies.After Ma Tingyi had no choice but to surrender Zhang Hanqing, he has been obsessed with "returning people and governing Hui".Although the people's military government under the control of Zhang Hanqing has given a high degree of autonomy, it still cannot satisfy its desire.It's just that the People's Army is powerful, and this idea has been hidden.What Wu Peifu said was exactly what he wanted.It's just that the Northwest People's Army has a strong force of 4 divisions. He can only hope that the Sichuan Army will take the lead and wait for the opportunity to stab him in the back.

However, because the Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guizhou armies all have their own calculations, and they are all afraid of the powerful people's army, the eventual anti-Bong remains only in the imagination.Of course, Ma Tingyi's solitary army did not dare to make mistakes, so they had to wait and see the direction of the wind.

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