In order to prevent the people's army from attacking from behind in Shaanxi, Hubei, Anhui, Shandong and other places, Wu Peifu broke the boat and withdrew all the troops stationed in Henan to the north of the Yellow River. The divisions were stationed according to the railway.His intention was to concentrate superior forces in the north, make a quick decision in the pass, and defeat the Feng army.The natural danger of the Yellow River is not easy to cross. As long as there is a buffer time of a few days, it is not a problem to solve the direct army in the pass.At that time, with the prestige of victory and the name of central orthodoxy, we are not afraid that the situation will not change in favor of the direct line.

On the 12th, Wu Peifu ordered the general at Sizhaotang and arranged for the first route from Langfang to attack Tianjin along the Yongding River.Peng Shouxin, Dong Zhengguo, and Wang Weicheng are all generals under Wu Peifu. Peng Shouxin is the commander-in-chief. There are 4 divisions, 1 mixed brigade and 2 "Yijun" Mi Zhenbiao's troops. There are more than 10 people in total. The main force of the army.The Wang Huaiqing Division of the Second Route is the weaker link in the Three Routes. It is two newly organized divisions, and they come out to attack Zhangyuan (Zhangjiakou).The third route is from Xianghe County in the suburbs of Beijing and Tianjin to attack Jixian County, with Zhang Zhijiang, Li Mingzhong, Lu Zhonglin and others in Feng's department as the main attack.Sun Yue acted as the commander-in-chief of the Gyeonggi garrison, and Cao Rui was the director of military supplies.Wang Chengbin, the deputy commander-in-chief of the direct line, served as the commander-in-chief of the rear army and led 2 divisions as the backup of the three routes.In addition, the Bohai Fleet of the Navy was led by Commander Wen Shude to conduct surprise raids on Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Shanhaiguan, and Huludao.There are a total of about 2 people in the three routes of sea, land and air.

Feng Yuxiang was swinging between Tongzhi and Fanzhi at this time, and he discussed secretly with his generals Lu Zhonglin and Sun Yue.Lu Zhonglin suggested: "The commander may wish to test Wu's bottom line. If we can get our foothold and develop in Xutu, we can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight to preserve our strength. The victory of the straight army is also a tragic victory, and the commander must be reused; If not, Mr. Sun will be the leader, he will win the admiration of all the people, and he will definitely have a place as a commander in Beijing in the future."

So Feng Yuxiang asked Wu Peifu to send him as a tour envoy to the three eastern provinces to succeed Zhang Zuolin after the Feng family was settled down.Wu Peifu thought for a long time, and said slowly: "The Northeast has a special relationship with Japan, and our diplomacy with Japan is very delicate, so the appointment of the patrol envoys of the three provinces in the Northeast cannot ignore Japan's movements. Avoid, so it is not suitable to go to the Northeast, but to pay for your military exploits, the country has a lot of fame, I will definitely consider other positions, and you will be satisfied." Wu Peifu also spoke from the bottom of his heart, but it did not achieve Feng Yuxiang's goal , He then confirmed the decision to enshrine anti-zhi.

In order to stabilize Wu Peifu, he asked to be paid before he could leave.Wu Peifu was furious when he heard this, and said: "Soldiers approaching the city, can't we fight without payment? Wang Maoxuan (Wang Huaiqing, commander of the 40th Division, commander-in-chief of the Second Army of the Rebel Army) did not come to ask for payment!" To allocate vehicles, Wu Peifu had no choice but to allow [-] vehicles.

At this time, the Fengjun North China Command has three divisions in its hands, stationed in Zhangyuan, Tianjin, and Jixian.Sun Liechen has resigned from the post of Army Chief since Cao Kun bribed the election and Zhifeng broke up.

Zhang Hanqing, Guo Songling, and Sun Liechen jointly drew up the Fengjun's battle plan in the pass: use the 16th Division Zhang Jinghui to defend Zhangyuan, an important town; use the 5th Division Zhao Enzhen to defend Jixian.Because Tianjin is an important source of income in Fengjun Pass, and it is also the "dragon vein" where Zhang Hanqing's automobile industry rose, and it is the main direction of the Zhijun's attack.Therefore, the North China Command decided to evacuate the main force of the 28th Division, which is pure and elite, to withdraw from the Langfang and Xianghe lines to Tianjin, and to return with Zhang Zongchang's "Foreign Corps", the 27th Division of the Northeast Frontier Defense Force, and the Northeast Road Guard. The Xing Shilian Department of the 4th Division of the Army joined forces and also formed the main force of about 15 people.The Feng army deployed defenses along the east of the canal, and the main force of the navy supported it from Tanggu, relying on the Haihe River to defend and prepare for a strategic decisive battle.

Zhang Zuolin promoted Wu Jun to be the commander-in-chief of the rear, and collected vehicles and troops on the Beijing-Feng line for assistance at any time.For safety's sake, Sun Yat-sen was transferred to Qinhuangdao, so that if the war went unfavorable, he could directly retreat and leave the customs.

The second war in the history of the Republic of China finally kicked off, but the war was far more violent than the last battle of Zhiwan.

In Jixian County, the Lu Zhonglin Brigade of Feng's Department and the 5th Division of the Feng Army faced each other along the Jiyun River across the river.According to Feng Zhi's deployment, Lu adopted a step-by-step strategy to form a long tower-shaped line from Beijing to the front line. There were only a few sparse soldiers in the front, and the troops were thicker as they went to the rear.

The northern front, the weakest of the Zhifeng and Fengjun armies, is in a state of mutual testing: Wang Huaiqing of the Zhili has not many troops, and the training has not yet been completed, so he is jealous of the 3th Division of Zhang Jinghui, which has 16 reorganized divisions; After advancing alternately for nearly 5 days, the striker encountered Xuanhua on the north bank of the Yanghe River.

Zhang Hanqing clearly knew that it was Zhang Jinghui's inaction in the confrontational war that directly led to the overall defeat of the Feng faction in the first Zhifeng war.So at the beginning of the plan, let him stick to Zhang Yuan, so that even if he loses, it will not affect the overall situation of the main battlefield in the south.As expected, Zhang Jinghui was indeed afraid of the enemy like a tiger, without determination to fight, and moved slowly.On the contrary, it was because of this that Wang Huaiqing did not dare to underestimate the enemy, so he moved cautiously for 5 days.It's really stupid people have stupid blessings, and they beat wolves with hemp sticks----they are afraid at both ends.

Therefore, although the two sides dispatched nearly 20 troops each, the battle on the battlefield was not fierce.

However, due to Cao Kun's election bribery, which caused a very bad political influence, the southern provinces responded to Sun Yat-sen's call one after another, and refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Beijing government. , or forming an army to prepare for war, and what's more, those who want to respond to the Kuomintang's call for the Northern Expedition are on the rise.The troops of the Lanzhou Military Region of the People's Army have moved towards Luoyang one after another under the order of Han Linchun. The Wuhan Military Region also marched northward along the Beijing-Han line with a division, and confronted the Zhijun under the city of Zhengzhou on the south bank of the Yellow River.The stalemate situation is not good for the direct army: if the Feng family in Guannei is not taken as soon as possible, once Zhengzhou is broken by the People's Army, it will become a trend of being attacked by the enemy.

On October 10, the various units of the Fengjun arrived in Tianjin. So far, the frontline Fengjun in Tianjin has reached 22 divisions and 3 "Foreign Corps" with slightly less than 1 people, a total of 30000 people, with a slight advantage in strength.According to the practice of attacking and defending 15:2, Peng Shouxin's 1st Route Army could not break through this line of defense anyway.

So Wu Peifu sent Wang Chengbin, the deputy commander-in-chief of the direct line, as the commander-in-chief of the rear army, leading two divisions to help the front line, and acting as the commander-in-chief.However, Wu was wrong again this time, because Wang Chengbin had already secretly connected with Feng Yuxiang, and he had already joined the anti-Wu faction, so naturally he would not fight tough battles on the front line.

Seeing the main forces of the direct army in Beijing transferred to the front line one by one, Feng Yuxiang saw it in his eyes and was very happy.He took the opportunity to ask Wu for military expenses.When Wu Peifu used the army, although he was angry, he had no choice but to issue 15 yuan, which was later increased to [-] yuan. Feng Yuxiang reluctantly accepted the order and led his troops to Langfang.

It's not that Wu Peifu didn't want to remove Feng Yuxiang's commander of the Third Route Army to avoid future troubles, but President Cao Kun interceded for him. When the main force was at the front line, Wu Peifu didn't have enough courage to fight Feng Yuxiang.

You must know that the military discipline of Feng Yuxiang's army was the best in the Beiyang army except Fengjun: Feng Yuxiang imitated the practice of the People's Army. Soldiers would buy tickets for buses and pay for eggs. It was spread as a good story.The combat effectiveness of an army with a soul is terrifying.

Most of Feng Yuxiang's soldiers were recruited from the countryside of Shandong and Cangzhou, Hebei. They are characterized by simplicity, bravery and simple minds.Although Feng Jun's weapons are inferior, in close combat everyone wields big blades and slashes wildly, which is particularly impactful.

Most of the senior officers promoted by Feng later started from his guard battalion. Among them, famous generals such as Han Fuqu, Shi Yousan, and Zhang Zizhong all made their fortunes here. At that time, the whole brigade of Feng Jun fought to the death, and the Duan government was forced to withdraw its order.

Due to various reasons, Wu Peifu's plan to exempt Feng was not carried out.When Feng Yuxiang arrived at the front line in Ji County, he asked for an additional million rounds of rifle ammunition on the pretext of the enemy's superiority. Wu Peifu was even more worried about Feng, so he didn't send it to him. To take down this rebellious warlord.

He originally planned to send the navy to raid the coastal ports of Fengjun to cause instability in the rear of Fengjun, but Wen Shude, the commander of the Bohai Fleet, did not work hard. The six warships and more than 20 transport ships transporting the navy and army were doing nothing all day long. No shot was fired at Tanggu.

According to Zhang Hanqing's plan, before Feng Yuxiang's troops in Beijing gained an absolute advantage, they continued to put pressure on the frontline troops to force Wu Peifu to continue to increase troops to the frontline and create opportunities for Feng Yuxiang.But this is a double-edged sword. With the strengthening of the Zhijun's strength in Tianjin, the pressure on Fengjun's defense is increasing day by day. On October 10, the 26st Route Army with Dong Zhengguo as the main force used the 1th and 9st elite divisions to storm the left-wing Jinghai County guarded by the Fengjun Jiang Dengxuan 21th Division.The two main divisions led by Wang Weicheng launched a group charge against Zhang Zongchang's department on the front line of the Fengjun Army at the regiment level.For a moment, the cannons on both sides roared, the gunshots rang out, the smoke filled the air, and blood flew everywhere.

Because the two new divisions directly affiliated with Wang Chengbin had not yet joined the battle group, Sun Liechen, Zhang Hanqing, Ji Jinchun, Guo Songling and others decided after a military meeting at the North China Command that one brigade of the 5th Division be added to the front wing, and the central government retained the 1st brigade. 28 divisions and 2 brigades serve as the general reserve.

Speaking of Jiang Dengxuan, it can be said that he has a lot of background.In the 29th year of Guangxu (1903), he was sent to Japan by the Qing government to study military affairs. He graduated from the Zhenwu Non-commissioned Officer Academy. At the same time, influenced by Huang Xing and Song Jiaoren, he joined the "Comrade Association" in the 30th year of Guangxu (1904). In the following year, he participated in the "China League" organized by Sun Yat-sen in Japan. He successively served as the chief of staff of the Sichuan Military Government, the chief of staff of the Heilongjiang Army Envoy, and the commander of the 27th Division started by Zhang Zuolin after Zhang Zuolin. He is also one of Zhang Zuolin's most trusted generals.People at the time commented that he was "bright and despised wealth, amiable, able to share joys and sorrows with soldiers, and valued righteousness over profit." Zhang Hanqing also said that he was "quite prestige and a good political hand."Although he had no chance to fight, he was a loyal minister under Zhang Zuolin's tent.Sun Liechen and Zhang Hanqing put him in charge of the left wing, which was very important and reassuring. The 27th Division has a total of 4 people and is well equipped. With the benefits of the canal, it cannot be turned around in an instant.

But the direct army suppressed the border, but did not dare to lose the front line.After being attacked by the Zhijun for the first time, Zhang Hanqing personally led a brigade of officers and soldiers to help in case Zhang Zongchang's troops mutinied.Zhang Hanqing also always despised Zhang Zongchang's miscellaneous army in his heart. After a fierce battle for half a day, even Jiang Dengxuan, who was famous for fighting tough battles, shouted cruelty. Zhang Zongchang's army didn't know how it was going to collapse.If Zhang Zongchang's troops were defeated and fled, it might be necessary to enforce battlefield discipline.He has arranged for Gao Weiyue, Chief of Staff of the 5th Division, to personally lead the elite 33rd Brigade as reinforcements, which is sufficient to deal with the scattered deserters.

But when Zhang Hanqing hurried to the battlefield east of Fengrun County, the main battlefield, the sound of gunfire had stopped.He suspected that the position had been lost, and was waiting for an order to wait for the report from the vanguard. A staff officer pointed to a flag far away and said, "Young commander, the position is still there."

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