young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 127 Where is China Going?

On November 11, Chinese political leaders gathered in Qinhuangdao, and elected a new "National Unification Committee" to discuss unification matters. This committee is different from the organization of the same name concocted by Zhang Hanqing, with a total of 7 members, including: Zhang Zuolin, Sun Yat-sen, Xu Shichang, Duan Qirui, Sun Liechen, Wu Junsheng, Zhang Zuoxiang, Zhang Hanqing, Wang Yongjiang, Jin Yunpeng, Feng Yuxiang, Sun Yue, Yan Xishan.Since Zhang Zuolin, the most powerful faction tycoon, and Sun Yat-sen, the most popular spiritual leader of the Kuomintang in China, "sympathize with each other" on issues related to China's leadership, they suggested and passed "During the blank period of national administration, Duan Qirui will be temporarily in power, and the As a transition before the factions formally accept a new president or decide on a regime".

It’s not that the parties are so democratic. On the contrary, both the People’s Party and the Kuomintang have huge differences when it comes to deciding issues that are a matter of life and death for the party.

In this anti-indigenous war, the People's Party has obtained huge political and military benefits, especially in the military, it is absolutely possible to use force to wipe out all the opposition.This point, the veterans in the Kuomintang know it well.When armed forces were no longer sufficient to deal with the current predicament, the KMT’s core faction headed by Hu Hanmin put forward a proposal that Sun Yat-sen be the president and Zhang Zuolin be the prime minister. Based on the “Three People’s Principles” shared by both sides, a unified regime, military power, and A revolutionary government with financial and diplomatic power.

The unified military power here is the nationalization of the military following the Western system.Of course, the president is the commander-in-chief of the military.

The People's Party and the old Feng faction certainly cannot agree.These people are all familiar with the truth of the young marshal's famous saying "Government grows out of the barrel of a gun", and they have achieved the current situation step by step through the barrel of a gun.Not only that, but some senior members of the Feng Faction even drafted proposals for Zhang Dashuai to be the president, the young marshal as the vice president, Wu Dashuai as the legislative president, and Wang Yongjiang as the prime minister. They also drafted the list of cabinet members. , The officials on the list are without exception people from the People's Party and Feng Factions.

While the princes of all parties were still arguing about how to divide manpower, territory, and finances, two "revolutionary" heroes with a common sense of mission were discussing China's future policy direction by the Beidai River.

Walking on the beach, the sea breeze is blowing.Zhang Hanqing talked about his improved "Three People's Principles" theory to Sun Yat-sen:

"No matter what, no one can stop China's progress. China will become stronger again. Xueliang is convinced of this. But the current situation is not optimistic: warlords from all sides are fighting endlessly, consuming the remaining resources of the country. A little vitality. As far as China as a whole is concerned, an independent and sound industrial system has not yet been established, and the country urgently needs to recuperate. Although we now have the name of the Republic of China, we do not yet have the reality of the Republic of China. The working system and a thorough program of agrarian revolution, that is today's work.

China's economy must take the road of "capital control" and "equal land rights", and it must not be "private for a few people", and it must not be allowed to "control the livelihood of the people" by a few capitalists and landlords, and it must not establish a European and American style. Capitalist society must never remain the old semi-feudal society.Anyone who dares to go against this direction will definitely fail to achieve his goal, and he will be smashed by himself.

The great banks, the great industries, the great commerce are owned by the state of this republic.All domestic and foreign enterprises, either of a monopolistic nature or too large to be managed by private individuals, such as banks, railways, and air routes, should be managed by the state so that the private capital system cannot manipulate the nationals. This is the gist of controlling capital.

80.00% of the population in China are farmers, which is common sense among primary school students.Therefore, the issue of the peasants has become the basic issue of the Chinese revolution, and the strength of the peasants is the main force of the Chinese revolution.Besides farmers, the second part of the Chinese population is workers.China has millions of industrial workers and tens of millions of handicraft workers and agricultural workers.China cannot live without all kinds of industrial workers, because they are the producers of the industrial economy.Without the modern industrial working class, the revolution cannot triumph, because they are the leaders of the Chinese revolution and they are the most revolutionary.Under such circumstances, the revolutionary Three People's Principles, the New Three People's Principles or the True Three People's Principles must be the Three People's Principles of agricultural and industrial policies.If there is any kind of the Three People's Principles, it does not have a policy on peasants and workers, it does not sincerely support peasants and workers, and it does not practice "awakening the people", then it will surely perish.

The government will take some necessary measures to confiscate the land of the landlords and distribute it to the landless and landless peasants, implement Mr. Sun Yat-sen's slogan of "land to the tiller", sweep away the feudal relations in the countryside, and turn the land into the private property of the peasants .The rich peasant economy in the countryside is also allowed to exist.This is the policy of 'equal land rights'.The correct slogan for this policy is "land to the tiller".

The People's Army or Fengjun has made great progress in industry, agriculture, transportation, education and trade, which is inseparable from the "land reform" in agriculture and the "state ownership" system in industry.Relying on the state as the backing, it supports various industries related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, making wealth and dominance belong to the state, strengthening political stability and economic prosperity, and laying a solid foundation for transportation breakthroughs, compulsory education, and independent trade.As long as this stable situation is maintained for ten years, China will definitely be able to stand among the world's great powers again. "

Sun Yat-sen appreciated Zhang Hanqing's principle of building the army under the Party's control of the army and the achievements of the People's Army, saying that this was what he had dreamed of for many years, and he also understood Zhang Hanqing's policy of "supporting farmers and workers" .It’s just that he doubts whether the ruling People’s Party can really give up its leadership position and move from “military administration” and “training administration” to “constitutional administration” when China truly realizes national unity, territorial integrity, and even becomes stronger, in exchange for complete meaning. Democracy in the world?

Zhang Hanqing answered his questions very well.He said: "The so-called democracy means that people are the masters of the country. Democracy in Europe and the United States is bottom-up and has gone through a long process. China is a country with a feudal history of 2000 years, and there is no basis for complete democracy. It is not a good thing for China to directly impose bourgeois democracy on China's national system. Now China should follow the example of Soviet Russia and concentrate all its forces on the work of driving out foreign aggressors first. But China is currently The current national conditions determine that the current democracy needs the democracy under the leadership of the centralized People's Party, rather than Cao Kun-style elections. The Chinese people are large and large, and they cannot tolerate chaos. There are many parties and warlords are manifestations of disasters, but the root cause is The central government does not have a strong government. Chinese-style democracy does not yet have a correct model, and it needs to be explored for a long time in the future. People in the future must be smarter than people today, and they will figure out a way.”

"The foundation of the People's Party is to realize democracy (centralization) within the party. This approach seems to be successful so far. When China is unified, this method can be transferred to the government. Although Xueliang is not talented, he knows that the people can The truth is that even if you carry a boat, you can capsize it.”

Sun Yat-sen nodded and said: "The trend of the people's party to unify the world is inevitable, but due to the centralization of power, will corruption start from within the party after a period of time, threatening the regime? Because of centralization, it will not be possible to form an effective party. monitoring system?"

Zhang Hanqing is confident that this problem has been solved. He said: "After the reunification of the country, the people's party still needs to lead the people to carry out great political and economic development, but as an important supervision system, I plan to first implement the complete independence of the judiciary. The top leaders of the party are all subject to judicial constraints. In addition, the state has lifted the ban on the control of the news system, so that the voice of the people can truly become a mirror of the ruling party. When the opportunity is ripe, the Congress still needs to be established and Play a role----separation of powers is still the direction of China's political maturity, but before that, or after that, the People's Party must play its unique role in the transition to full democracy in legislative and executive powers The role. This period may last for decades, or it may last for hundreds of years, but I believe that this day will always come. The Yuan family, the Anhui lineage, and the Zhilin lineage have also experienced sudden rise and fall, and they are all people's parties. Only when the people truly exercise their power to be the masters of the country can this country remain young and flourish.”

Sun Yat-sen was deeply moved by his words to the sense of mission hidden in his heart.He sincerely said to Zhang Hanqing: "The KMT's talents are withered, and there is no experience for reference in building the country. The People's Party has in fact completed the formation of the country. If this fact is not faced squarely, it will be harmful to the country and the nation. It is useless. On the issue of forming a cabinet this time, someone proposed to choose me as the president. I will never agree to this. I, Sun Wen, have no achievements in size, and I have no opinion on governing the country. High position? Not only that, but I will also use my remaining influence to make the Kuomintang retreat from its purpose of seizing power in China to assist the People's Party to complete the road of national unity, prosperity, and democracy. I think this is the real thing' The world is public'. My only wish is to serve as the Minister of Railway Construction after the country is peaceful, and build 10 kilometers of railways for China during my term of office!"

Zhang Hanqing's heart fluttered, and his heart became hot, and the situation of being hard to get a ticket for the Spring Festival travel in the previous life came to mind again.If, as Sun Yat-sen wished, the problem of poor transportation that constrains the development of China's industry and agriculture is solved, the impact on China's future is self-evident.The United States built a nationwide expressway network in the 40s, supporting its strength for more than half a century. It is known as a "country on wheels".China has a large population and vast resources. Naturally, it cannot compete with the United States in automobiles. That will make the world enter a resource shortage faster. Think about China's huge demand for energy such as oil in the 21st century and the long-term contracted "Malacca" predicament".Moreover, the construction of railways has the best cost-effectiveness compared with the construction of equivalent roads and aviation. From a long-term perspective, it is also of strategic significance. It is reasonable from the perspectives of national economy and people's livelihood, national defense needs, national development and energy security. Zhang Hanqing I very much hope that China in the future will be a "country on iron wheels".

He also said sincerely: "Sir, Xueliang is willing to help you as much as possible to build a railway network that runs across the east, west, north, and south, so that China will become stronger from now on." , Agricultural products fully achieve the flow of market economy conditions, China's prosperity is just around the corner.

He seemed to see the world-renowned achievements of "Made in China" in the 21st century in front of his eyes. A powerful China was about to be established in advance. The prospect of driving out imperialist forces in China and establishing a fully sovereign China was in sight. There will be no more tragic tales of misfortune!At this time, the sea also seemed to feel his excitement, roaring and throwing up thousands of waves on the shore, responding to his turbulence with a huge momentum.

The wind is blowing, and it is raining, washing away the dirt on the earth, expressing Zhang Hanqing's state of mind at the moment.The unification of China is just around the corner. From chaos to great order, I have now saved the Chinese nation from at least 50 years of decline at a major historical juncture, comparable to any emperor and general in history.I remember that Cao Cao, another great person whom I admire the most, stood here when he returned from the Northern Expedition to Wuheng, "facing Jieshi to the east to see the sea".He faces the boundless Bohai Sea, regardless of the torrential rain on top of his head, a wonderful poem emerges spontaneously and becomes a swan song. This is the famous "Lang Taosha.Beidaihe":

The heavy rain falls on the quiet swallows, and the white waves are surging.When fishing boats outside Qinhuangdao, the vast ocean is gone. Who do you know?

The past is more than a thousand years old, Wei Wu waved his whip, and there is a posthumous chapter near Jieshi to the east.The bleak autumn wind is here again, and the world has changed.

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