young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 126 Great Shanghai 1923

Ten miles of foreign markets, rich and luxurious, Shanghai is a city of Chinese and Western, full of great wealth, and often political movements.Shanghai is also a window for western culture and social development to enter China.After the Taiping Rebellion in the mid-nineteenth century, the Shanghai International Concession and the French Concession also provided neutral places of refuge for Chinese soldiers and politicians who were defeated in political struggles.

As the center of foreign influence in the Far East, Shanghai is of extreme importance. In the 1920s, Western countries invested US$14 billion in China, of which US$700 billion was invested in Shanghai.The city is on the sea, but protected by a river, making it an ideal port.Shanghai was also very important to the development of the Chinese revolution in the twentieth century.By 900, the center of the trade union movement had moved to the city; likewise, Shanghai had a huge underground underworld, from which Chiang Kai-shek, who was born in Zhejiang province near Shanghai, derived his financial resources.Relying on the financial strength of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium, Shanghai finally became the base of Chiang Kai-shek's fortune in official history.

The domestic construction in full swing has hollowed out the Northeast's finances.Although in the not-too-distant future, the provinces under the control will return funds one after another, but Shanghai has unparalleled trade advantages so that financing here can become an important supplement to the national finance.He didn't want another newborn force to stand up again.A group of financial experts in the government have been ordered to go south to Jiangsu and Shanghai to take over the Shanghai Customs, which is an important source of income, and to control the economies of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, especially to dissolve the "Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium" into the national economy.

The so-called "Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium" is the general term for people from Jiangsu and Zhejiang based in Shanghai during the Republic of China, or large banks and large enterprise capital groups in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. It is the largest consortium in China. Core.It is the product of the rapid development of capitalist industry and commerce during the First World War, especially the banking industry.Previously, a group of Jiangsu-Zhejiang bureaucrats, compradors, and businessmen founded and invested in an increasing number of enterprises. Before and after the Revolution of [-], they began to use regional concepts as the link, with offices and guild halls as the base, showing strong cohesion.

From the First World War to the early 20s, China's national capitalist industry and commerce experienced a short-term prosperity, and the new banking industry rose at this time. The Shanghai area developed particularly rapidly and took a prominent position in the country. Some huge capital groups emerged one after another, such as Rongjia Capital Enterprises centered on Shenxin Textile Mill, Maoxin and Fuxin Flour Mills; Dasheng Capital Group centered on Dasheng Cotton Mill; Zhenhai Fangshi Capital Group represented by Fang Jiaobo and Wu Yunchu's "Tian" capital system.During this period, China's banking industry mainly relied on huge profits from public debt and real estate speculation as its main business income, and also exploited income from warlords, bureaucrats, and wealthy gentry as its main source of deposits, and achieved considerable development.By the end of the 20s, a number of large banks with strong financial resources had formed, such as Zhejiang Industrial Bank, Zhejiang Industrial Bank, and Shanghai Commercial Savings Bank, which took the leading position among private banks and became the famous "three banks in the south".Other banks such as Ningbo-based Siming, China Commerce, and China Kenye are also quite strong.The capitalists of some industrial capital groups participated in the investment of the bank, and the bank also increased the lending to the industry, and played a certain role in controlling and supervising the industrial and commercial enterprises.This combination of a number of large corporate capital groups and large banks with Shanghai as their main activity base is compared to imperialist financial capital, and is called the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium to apply the concept of Japanese chaebols.

The composition of the investors and hosts of this consortium is mostly from the upper class of the national bourgeoisie, some are warlords and bureaucrats from the Beiyang period, and there are not a few who were born in compradors or continued to hold comprador positions.It is the product of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society conditions. Many groups have a strong tendency of bureaucratic comprador capitalism, but their national capital is the main component.Its representatives have shown a certain degree of enthusiasm for anti-imperialism and anti-bureaucratic warlord government.After Sun Yat-sen established a "law-protecting government" in Guangzhou, some of them had connections with the Guangdong revolutionary government and gave them some support.However, with the development of the revolutionary situation and the upsurge of the labor movement, it showed strong wavering and compromise.

In official history, although the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium played a supporting role in establishing the Kuomintang regime for Chiang Kai-shek, due to its own weakness, it could not play a dominant role in this regime.With the strengthening of Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorship and the formation of the bureaucratic capital of the "Four Families", the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium gradually lost its dominant position in the economy. Many banks and enterprises among them were annexed and gradually became the vassals of the "Four Families" bureaucratic capital.

But Zhang Hanqing hopes to support the national bourgeoisie: the Northeast economic circle centered on the Shenyang-Changchun-Harbin line is based on state ownership and has achieved brilliant achievements; The concentration of concessions in various countries has created a safe environment for the warlords who have declined, resigned, and resigned. The abundant funds have also promoted economic prosperity; Famous for converging.National governance is the need of chaos, but when the country is strong, the planned economy is far behind the market economy, otherwise China will not have the great policy of "reform and opening up".That being the case, it is a very wise choice to properly support, encourage, and guide national capitalists to be used by me and avoid detours.

The people's army is about to win a decisive victory and stabilize the political power nationwide, so the financial leaders of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, represented by Chen Guangfu, Qian Xinzhi, Yu Qiaqing and others, think that they must gain the trust of the people's party.When Zhang Hanqing came to Anhui, led by Yu Qiaqing, Wang Yiting, Wu Yunzhai, etc., he gathered some major trade associations and chambers of commerce in Shanghai to establish a contingency organization—Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, and borrowed 800 yuan for Zhang Hanqing from the bank and the money industry. The military expenditure of [-] yuan has enabled the People's Army to not be stretched financially when it is far away from the north.This move also laid a solid foundation for the good relationship they now have with the central government.

The Central Finance and Economics Commission sent Zhang Zhenjiu as Zhang Hanqing's personal representative to Shanghai, and invited Yu Qiaqing, Wang Yiting, Wu Yunzhai and others to take up major positions in the newly established Shanghai Finance Commission.Yu Qiaqing also called the "National Unification Committee" in the name of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, saying that "the authorities will vote unanimously and are willing to support it" and actively participated in the subscription of national bonds worth 1 million yuan.

Zhang Hanqing, who was far away in Beijing, spoke highly of this move. He said in the telegram: "The members of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce are leaders of the Chinese national bourgeoisie and are an important supplement to the economic development of the Republic of China. The central government will continue to support The development of the national industry and provide political guarantees for its growth.” Politically affirmed the contribution and legal status of the “Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium”, and also injected a shot in the arm for those in Shanghai’s shaky financial circles, making them quickly recognize Situation, move closer to the People's Party.

The KMT’s veteran rightists Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Hanmin who stayed in Shanghai were instinctively afraid of the People’s Army’s capture of Shanghai: economically, Shanghai’s financial and economic circles were loyal to the central government controlled by the KMT; Giving up the presidency that is at your fingertips, and being willing to be the chairman of the railway construction committee with "no authority but responsibility" will bring the Kuomintang's development to a sudden stop.Militarily, the People's Party has the most powerful armed force in China and has completely controlled the situation. The former National Revolutionary Base in Guangzhou has been captured by the People's Army, and now Shanghai, an important economic center, has also been lost. In military, political, and economic terms, it can be said that The KMT has no room for maneuver.Under such circumstances, the "legendary love" between Chiang Kai-shek and Song Meiling in the official history naturally has no ripples.

Song Meiling's ancestral home is Wenchang County, Hainan, and she has had a profound influence on modern Chinese history and foreign relations (especially on the United States).Her father is Song Jiashu, a Shanghai missionary and wealthy businessman, and her mother is Ni Guizhen.She came to the United States when she was 8 years old and graduated from Wellesley College, MA. He met Chiang Kai-shek for the first time in 1920 and was enthusiastically pursued by Chiang Kai-shek.Song Meiling asked Chiang Kai-shek to break off the engagement with all his wives and concubines first before agreeing to his pursuit. As a result, the two held a wedding ceremony at the Dahua Hotel in Shanghai on December 1927, 12. Zhongzheng (Song Meiling) cooperated" and greatly assisted Jiang's political activities. She was in charge of the formation of the Chinese Air Force at that time.Together with her eldest sister Soong Ailing and her second sister Soong Ching Ling, they formed the "Three Soong Sisters" who are well-known in modern Chinese history.

In the official history, Soong Meiling was a person who was both good-looking and full of desire for power. We can know a little bit from the following events: Soong Meiling married Chiang Kai-shek at the beginning, and put forward a condition that he should marry Mao Fumei, concubine Yao Yicheng, and Chen Jieru. Breaking away from the relationship between husband and wife, and she also cut off the love of friendship with her former boyfriend Liu Jiwen.After several "twists and turns", the two finally officially married.There is also textual research, Song Meiling once strongly asked Chiang Kai-shek to give her an official title so that she could become the real "Mrs. Chiang".

But at this time and space, Chiang Kai-shek's political backing has been lost, and the future is hard to predict. Soong Meiling will never marry this politically frustrated man, a martial artist in the Republic of China--Colonel Chiang Kai-shek.

The military occupation and the defection of the economic giants marked the complete victory of the People's Army in Shanghai, China's largest city.So far, the last bit of direct power has been eliminated, and the People's Party has controlled most of China, including all economically wealthy provinces.At the same time, the top leaders of the People's Party in the north, headed by Zhang Hanqing, are planning to set up a diplomatic research committee to study the steps to abolish unequal treaties, and plan to declare independent tariffs. In November, the national seal was formulated and the smoking ban was implemented.Zhang Hanqing went on a tour of Beijing, Tianjin, and Re, reviewed the army, and inspected local politics, education, and people's livelihood.At a time when China's reunification is in full swing, the United States took the lead in recognizing China's independence in tariffs, and all diplomatic allies agree with it, only Japan is extremely opposed.

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