young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 132 The Trip to the Soviet Union

Zhang Hanqing has wanted to go to the Soviet Union for a long time.

In the early 90s in his previous life, he lamented the overnight disintegration of the largest socialist country in the world.As a faithful lover of history, he also tried to explain its profound reasons and inevitability from the sources he knew.How this huge empire, which has been a strong force against the superpower America for more than half a century, rose step by step from poverty, backwardness and strife, and then gradually weakened and declined, is difficult for him in his previous life. Confidence riddle.He can still clearly remember the Soviet Union's anti-revolutionary movement in the 30s, and the resulting birth of Stalin, the leader of the first socialist power in modern history.

However, at this time, Zhang Hanqing went to the Soviet Union as the personal representative of the government of the Republic of China Zhang Zuolin and had full authority to handle relations with the Soviet Union.The main purpose of his trip was to attend the funeral of Lenin, the great mentor of the proletarian revolutionary movement, and to discuss Sino-Soviet relations.

At 1924:1 Moscow time on January 21, 18, Lenin died in the village of Gorky at the age of 50.When more than 53 people attended the memorial meeting, they paid their respects to Lenin's body and paid silent tribute.Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the former Guangzhou Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China, the Prime Minister of the Kuomintang, and the Chairman of the Transportation Commission of the Republic of China, who regarded Lenin as a good teacher and helpful friend, made a eulogy after hearing the news: "There are all living beings in the vast five continents; who is the forerunner to benefit the people? Since ancient times, there have been thousands of scholars. , Empty words do nothing, who will do the truth? Only the king stands alone, the hero of ten thousand husbands; build this new country, and join us in Datong. Born in the same world, the same continent and the country; look at each other for years, left and right. Difficulties, I am Ding Baie; I hope to be on the same track as the king. If the enemy is not happy, the people will be happy; if the distance is far away, the spirit will return. The sky does not have a holiday, so what can I say to the king; as ancient as life, forever Huai Xianzhe."

Zhang Hanqing cannot ignore the influence of this big country, which is still a stable backer behind the Republic of China, on the international situation.Although there have been many ups and downs in the official history of Sino-Soviet relations, at present, the power of the Soviet Union cannot be underestimated in preventing Japanese aggression in the Far East.How to make effective use of this relationship, especially after Lenin's death, is a big test for the People's Party.

On January 1, Zhang Hanqing's special train arrived in Manzhouli, and transferred to the special locomotive of the Soviet Far East Railway (broad gauge) to Moscow.The people accompanying him included Mo Dehui, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Jiang Baili, who was about to go to Beijing to take up a post, and Liu Shangqing, who was in charge of financial work, and other senior military and political officials of the People's Party.

After adding coal and water n times, flying past countless enclaves, rivers, and mountains, and looking at the seemingly endless forest, Zhang Hanqing thought that these were still Chinese territories decades or a hundred years ago, and buried in his heart for many years. A wish gradually surfaced in his mind - he couldn't help shouting in his heart: "China, China, when will you become stronger!"

Six leaders of the CPSU Central Committee received Zhang Hanqing respectively.Among these figures who have left a deep imprint in the long river of history, Zhang Hanqing pays special attention to Stalin.At that time, together with Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, and Pytakov, he was the six most powerful people in the CPSU, but he had not yet demonstrated the power far beyond others.Although he was the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he was not favored by Lenin for various reasons, so he was the least favored among the people who succeeded Lenin as the supreme leader of the Soviet Union.

Due to the dispute between Lenin and Stalin on the foreign trade monopoly and the Georgian incident during the same period, on January 1923, 1, Lenin made a supplement to his dictation, which was specifically aimed at Stalin: "Stalin is too rough, this shortcoming is in the Among us, it is quite tolerable in our communist contacts, but not in the position of general secretary. Therefore, I suggest that comrades find a way to remove Stalin from this position, and in addition Appoint a person as general secretary". On March 4, 1923, Lenin was very angry when he learned that his wife Krupskaya was insulted and intimidated by Stalin, and proposed to Stalin to break off the relationship.Stalin apologized to Lenin and eventually things calmed down.But this incident also affected Lenin's view of Stalin: "Whether he can always use this power very carefully, I am not sure."

Because of these incidents, high-level people in the People's Party and diplomats who were familiar with Soviet affairs also debated endlessly about who would eventually become the supreme leader of the Soviet Union. Of course, no one was optimistic about Stalin.However, to the astonishment of the colleagues of the People's Party, Chairman Zhang Hanqing concluded with certainty that Stalin would eventually dominate the political situation of the Soviet Union.He also said in an unquestionable tone: "The relationship with the Soviet Union discussed during this trip to the Soviet Union is to demonstrate the long-term friendship between our country and the Soviet Union and the two parties, and to ensure a harmonious border. Another important thing is to firmly Unswervingly express the attitude of supporting Stalin, so that we can gain more favor and support in our friendship with the Soviet Union, which are crucial in China's future construction and international relations."

The members of the Political Bureau of the Soviet Union paid great attention to the arrival of Zhang Hanqing and his party. Stalin, who was in the whirlpool, was relieved physically and mentally after learning that the young marshal had steadfastly supported him, and gave him a high-level welcome. The Soviet people in grief also expressed great affection for the overtures from their eastern neighbors.Since the October Revolution, the Soviet regime has been isolated by the world. Only this legendary young marshal of China resisted all opinions and took the lead in recognizing the Soviet Union and expressing friendship in the name of local autonomy in the Northeast. The exchange of ambassadors gave the Soviet Union its first ally, although this ally is not very strong for the time being, and believes in the "Three People's Principles" which are somewhat different from communism.However, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and China, which is gradually becoming stronger, has a crucial buffering effect on this big country in shock.

Due to the implementation of the New Economic Policy, the Soviet Union's economy basically recovered to the pre-war 1925 level by 1913.However, the modern industry of the Soviet Union was still relatively backward, and the production of steel and electricity was far from meeting the needs of the national economy.The latest large industries such as automobiles, aircraft manufacturing, chemical synthesis, and large-scale machinery and equipment manufacturing (power stations, automatic production line equipment) are almost blank. In the mid-20s, Western countries recovered from the First World War, and the total industrial production value of all major industrial countries reached or exceeded the level before the First World War.In particular, the U.S. economy was unprecedentedly prosperous. Some European and American economists claimed that capitalism had eliminated poverty, and the unprecedented prosperity gave them confidence. They continued to block the Soviet economy, and the Soviet Union became a red island.What is more serious is that the Soviet Union lacks engineering and technical personnel and scientific research personnel, and the quality of labor is not high.

Until 1928, the industrial output value of the Soviet Union was less than half of that of Germany, and one-eighth of that of the United States. There were only less than 99 tractors in the country, and [-]% of farming was done by animal power and manpower.If at this time there was a large-scale aggression by the imperialist blocs, the Soviet Union's industrial level and production capacity at that time would not be able to defend the Soviet regime.When Lenin was alive, he was preparing for a massive economic construction. At that time, the Soviet Union was conceiving the first five-year plan in the history of communism, so a relatively peaceful environment was especially needed.

With China's initiative to show its favor, the Soviet Union can now breathe a sigh of relief, instead of worrying too much about the threat from the East and falling into the unfavorable situation of being attacked by two sides.As the Soviet Union, which is surrounded by imperialist countries, it also urgently needs friendly care.

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