young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 133 The Trip to the Soviet Union

During his 20 days in the Soviet Union, Zhang Hanqing signed the "Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance", which became the second treaty of foreign equality in modern Chinese history.The two parties agreed: "Not to regard each other as a hostile country, not to use its own territory to provide convenience to the hostile party, to exchange what is needed in international activities, not to sign any treaty with a third country that will damage bilateral relations, sovereignty or territorial integrity, respect The national systems, administration, and diplomacy of the two sides are independent, and the armies of both sides have withdrawn 2 kilometers from the long border line, and will not hold large-scale military exercises on the border without notice. China continues to exchange grain, cotton and other agricultural products in exchange for the Soviet Union's Machinery and expert assistance in industries such as locomotives, metallurgy, light and heavy industry, oil refining, military industry, steelmaking, aircraft, and shipbuilding.” After the signing of this treaty, China and the Soviet Union sent ambassadors to each other.

With the birth of the Sino-Soviet peace treaty, for the first time in the world, the young and outrageous Zhang Hanqing was valued as an important figure in the country, and the country was also shocked by the generosity of this young marshal. "Jinmen Daily" commented: "This is not a military victory, but his achievements are comparable to any military victory that has occurred since the Republic of China. After all, China, which has been under the catastrophe of the great powers for a long time, I finally have a friend in a relative sense, at least for now, who is harmless."

Under the banner of internationalism, the Soviet Union also hoped that China would be a powerful country that would eventually drive Japan, European and American forces out of the Far East.When the People's Army occupied Shaanxi, Moscow believed that this force could unite the Chinese people and unify the country. Therefore, it once provided a large amount of military assistance to the government under the control of the People's Party where Zhang Hanqing belonged, including about 30 r- 1 reconnaissance aircraft, but also training People's Party pilots in the Soviet Union.In the situation where he has not yet recovered from the famine in 1921, bartering food is a matter of mutual benefit, so the Soviet government readily agreed to Zhang Hanqing's various assistance requests.

The agreement signing date is 15 years.The reason for this is because of the consideration of the future war between Sood and Germany.After China became strong, it was the time when it was most likely to regain its territory—according to historical trends, at that time, the Soviet Union was too busy to take care of itself, and it became possible for China to resume control of the Far East.As long as China is not weakened, the Soviet Union, which has lost the Far East, is unlikely to be able to wage a large-scale war with another major country-the international situation after World War II is not good for it.In the future, once the era of nuclear weapons comes, it will be very difficult and almost impossible to regain the territory.Can you imagine China's reaction to Russia's territorial claims in the 21st century?

Of course, Zhang Hanqing's visit to the Soviet Union as a senior member of the People's Party and the People's Army was another consideration.As a modern time traveler, he understands better than anyone else how much the people of the West, especially Western Europe, fear the world's first socialist regime.After four years of armed intervention from 1918 to 1922, the West generally imposed an arms embargo and economic blockade on the Soviet Union. Of course, they were more afraid that a system of the same nature would spread to China, which has a large population.A China with separation of powers and a generalized system similar to that of Western capital is more in line with their expectations.

As a de facto one-party dictatorship of the People's Party government, its country's administrative control method is surprisingly similar to that of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: a high degree of nationalization of industry, a state distribution system, and a copy of ideology—in fact, under the leadership of Zhang Hanqing His administrative management methods have never been able to escape the subtle influence of his more than [-] years of long-term political life in later generations.

The Soviet Union, on the other hand, paid attention to the contradiction between semi-colonial and semi-feudal China and the Allied Powers with vested interests in China, and strived to maintain friendly relations with China diplomatically and strengthen multi-faceted cooperation between China and the Soviet Union to prevent China from being drawn into the Western anti-Soviet camp.Although the northern policy (that is, the policy towards the Soviet Union) was in a secondary position in Zhang Hanqing's overall diplomatic strategy, he could not ignore and gradually strengthened the cooperative relationship with the Soviet Union out of the various practical needs of revitalizing China.Zhang Hanqing did not blindly follow the irrational understanding that the country was completely tilted towards the North or towards the West at that time. He believed: "It is dangerous to be pro-West and anti-Russian or pro-Russian and anti-West." "A unilateral alliance may be involved in a war." "It would be foolish to give up the connection with Moscow." "The ever-present Western imagination of a dangerous Sino-Soviet political unity is a significant political asset for China." He believes that China must use the West Contradictions between the victorious countries and the Soviet Union in the East, using the trump card of relations with the Soviet Union to stimulate and deal with the West, and strengthen the counterweight to the Allied Powers such as Britain, the United States, and France, and Japan.Moreover, China needs the Soviet Union both economically and militarily.

The peace treaty signed by China and the Soviet Union this time made both the East and the West feel the constraints of this "balance", and he later brought this spirit of the treaty into full play.He wants to deal smoothly between the North and the West, make full use of the contradictions between the Allied Powers and the Soviet Union to gain as much benefit as possible, and make China play more roles on the international stage.China is allied both with the North and with the West - both sides need it.The implementation of Zhang Hanqing's policy of "maintaining a balance between the two sides" not only enabled the two countries to maintain good and normal diplomatic relations, but also objectively improved the independence of China's international status, and thus made the imperialists' China policy in China fail. As strict as it is in the official history, China has entered a period of "careful care" by all parties, and has gained a rare time for development, thereby maintaining peace and stability in Asia.Signed here, Zhang Hanqing is well-deservedly ranked first in the evaluation of China's greatest strategist and diplomat in the [-]th century in "History of the Republic of China--Strategic Research on the First Ten Years of the Young Marshal's Administration".

After the Soviet Union first established foreign capital relations with the government of the Republic of China led by the People's Party, major powers such as the United States, Britain, France, and Japan successively issued declarations recognizing China's sovereign and independent status.Although they are all just a statement, for China, which has been plagued by disasters, its significance is no less than the cry of a newborn baby.

The first item of the Sino-Soviet economic agreement is the development of Yumen Oilfield, which Zhang Hanqing is most proud of.


It seems that this output is insignificant now, but in the industrial society of the 20s when ships and locomotives were dominated by coal, the use of oil did not receive enough attention.As a person who has been there, Zhang Hanqing knows the great use of oil, and of course he also knows the distribution of China's oil reserves in the future.Daqing, Shengli, and Liaohe, which occupy the top three oil fields, are all located in Northeast China and North China. In fact, the output of Yumen Oilfield is only one hundred percent of that of Daqing Oilfield. Northwest, so Zhang Hanqing was particularly tempted.

As we all know, at that time, more than 90% of Japan's oil was imported from the United States. In a modern war that relied on aircraft, warships and tanks, as long as the United States cut off Japan's oil supply, Japan would inevitably fall into a predicament of defeat without fighting.According to some data in recent years, the Mobil Oil Company of the United States discovered the Daqing Oilfield in China in the 1920s.However, the U.S. government did not allow Mobil to announce this discovery. Instead, it let Mobil declare to the public that no oil had been found in Northeast China, and pretended to put forward a theory of "China's poor oil theory", which sentenced China's oil to death.

At that time, in order to get rid of the embarrassment of oil being stuck by others, Japan was also exploring for oil in Northeast China, but the Japanese stopped exploring wherever the Americans had explored. They believed that there was really no oil in the places where the Americans had explored. .The Japanese never thought that the Americans would lie to them. They really believed in the "China's oil-poor theory" and did not continue to explore for oil in the Northeast.If the Japanese discovered the Daqing Oilfield in Northeast China, Japan would probably not attack Pearl Harbor because of the US oil embargo, and the history of the world might really have to be rewritten.

In fact, the output of Yumen Oilfield is very low, not to mention Northeast China, North China, etc., which rank among the top three, and Xinjiang, which is located in the Northwest, also has a large number of oil fields, such as Karamay, Tarim, Tuha, etc. big oil field.The reason why they are not developed is not that Zhang Hanqing is ignorant, but that China's oil industry has just started and there is no experience in large-scale exploitation.

Naturally, Zhang Hanqing would not be so stupid as to reveal the fact that there is a large oil field in the Northeast. At present, industrial development does not need so much oil.As a big fuel guzzler, automobiles have not yet used oil on a large scale, and even the development and use of coal has only started a simple fraction.Under such circumstances, there is basically no market for the rash development of a large oil field. Instead, Japan has the idea of ​​continuing to "go north".

Under the current situation, through the country's show of strength, and making Japan feel that it has nothing to gain in the Northeast, it may temporarily ease its covetousness in China (it is impossible to completely eliminate it. A battle is inevitable), leaving opportunities for China's development.

However, due to the large-scale development of automobiles and the prospect of large-scale popularization and use, it is imperative to develop oil fields.However, China still lacks drilling technology, and the help of the Soviet Union is very important for China's technical reserves.

Yumen Oilfield is located in Gansu, and the upcoming Longhai line and the planned Lanxin line can easily communicate with the Soviet Union and obtain technical support.Moreover, Yumen is located inland, and even if large-scale production finally takes place, Japan will not be able to extend its influence into the remote Northwest.

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