young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 136 Left or Right

The increase in Sino-German exchanges has inevitably accepted mutual influence.Germany completely defeated the obstruction of France through the Battle of Sedan, completed the national reunification and quickly became a modern industrial power. role model for them to follow.Some within Zhang Zuolin's ruling circle also believe that popular fascism may be a recipe for a quick solution to China's political and military chaos.

Don't be blinded by the textbook conclusions of later generations. First of all, we need to clarify what the Nazis are. Nazi is national sozialismus in German, national socialism in English, abbreviated as Nazi, and "Nazi" is its transliteration.Now it is generally translated as "National Socialism", but in fact this kind of translation is caused by falsehoods. The best translation is actually "National Socialism", and "National Socialist Party" should also be translated as "Democratic Socialist Party" to be more accurate.But "National Socialism" has something else in German history.Its original German is staats sozialismus, and English is state-socialism. "National socialism" is a school of "democratic socialism" in Europe in the 19th century, and its representatives are Rodbertus and Lassalle.

Because both "nation" and "state" in English and German can express the meaning of the country, but the emphasis is different. Nation emphasizes a country formed by a nation, and state emphasizes a country formed by an institutionalized independent sovereign body, so the United States is a state, and China is a nation.

So what exactly is fascism?In fact, it is a symbol of Roman government officials exercising legal power: a bunch of wooden sticks with a long ax tied in the middle, which means the legal violence and authority endowed by the state, emphasizing respect and obedience.In Europe, this sign has been used in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and even in front of the Lincoln Memorial in the United States.

The rise of the Nazis almost carried the last hope for Germany and itself of all classes in Germany at that time.The German nation has almost gone mad: want to fight, want to fight against all injustice, all bullying, even if it is poisoned wine, devils, and self-immolation, they will not hesitate.As long as we can change the status quo, as long as we can fight tomorrow!

The reason why such passionate words are used to describe the rise of the Nazis in Germany is not to talk about the 30s in Germany, but to talk about the 20s and 30s in China.Looking at China's international environment and domestic reality at that time, looking back at China's cultural and historical traditions and foreign bullying over the past century, the only difference between China and Germany is that the "Red Revolution" won in the end.As Deng Xiaoping said, "China did not choose socialism (communism), but socialism (communism) chose China."Because the insightful people in China at that time thought very simple, they had to change, they had to fight, and they had to change tomorrow, even if the devil lay in their hands.At that time, this kind of thinking was not only among the Chinese Communist Party members: In the name of Liang Qichao, in "Xin Min Shuo", he began to fully transform from liberalism to nationalism, advocating that national freedom is higher than individual freedom, and group interests are greater than personal interests; Since then, Zhu Ziqing, Wen Yiduo, Luo Longji, Liang Shiqiu, etc. have formed associations such as "Da Jiang", and Li Huang and other "Lion Awakening" as their publications, trying their best to advocate nationalism, praise Mussolini, and believe that China's future revival is also on the road to Italy's revival , the fascist path.From the worship of the supremacy of national interests to the "Three People's Principles Practice Society" (Blue Shirt Society) established by the new generation of the Kuomintang.

After World War I, China, as a victorious country, signed a new equal bilateral agreement with Germany on May 1921, 5, which made Chinese youth willing to study in Germany.After the war, the German economy was recovering, the mark depreciated, and prices were low. This was another important factor that prompted some wealthy Chinese to study in Germany.In addition, there is also the desire of students to learn from the experience of post-war German reconstruction.For example, Wang Guangqi, the leader of the Young China Society, went to Germany in 20, that is, he "thought that Germany was newly defeated, and the ups and downs competed to survive. The domestic young people with aspirations should take advantage of the time to come to Germany and observe its revival outline" (it is necessary to explain, Young China It will be the initial stronghold of China's two major centralized ideological systems, and the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese nationalists mostly came out of this meeting).In official history, after 1920, due to the impact of the European economic crisis and rising prices in Germany, the cost of study and living increased. As a result, the number of Chinese students studying in Germany dropped sharply, and the number of students studying in Germany fell to a low point.

Under the propaganda and influence of the People's Party, praise for centralism in China has gradually surpassed the yearning for Anglo-American democracy, and finally won the recognition of the mainstream society. There are few obstacles in the establishment of the national political system in the near future.And because the students studying in Germany will have a huge impact on the country's social life in the future, the citizens are extremely united in the future development direction of the country.From this point of view, it is no exaggeration to say that education has a great influence on the people.From this point of view, the purpose of the United States to build Tsinghua University with boxer indemnities really reflects the country's foresight.

Originally, the liberal arts were very popular in the early days of the Republic of China, as we can see from the fact that a hundred schools of thought were released in the history of modern literature and everyone was born in large numbers.However, due to the emphasis placed on industry by the government of the Republic of China after Zhang Hanqing came to power and the influence of social atmosphere, among the Chinese students studying in Germany that would have appeared, there were more liberal arts students (including literature, law, business, and education) than practical students (including science) , industry, agriculture, medicine) international students never appeared again.Due to the government's restrictions on the majors of liberal arts for foreign students, coupled with the influence of the society's industry to save the country, many foreign students choose science, and even abandon literature for science. At least, the writer who was nicknamed "Lu Xun" never published What about "Scream", there is also a doctor named Zhou Shuren in Beijing.

From 1923, the Ministry of Education of the Nationalist Government in Beijing focused on encouraging foreign students to study science, engineering, agriculture, and medicine out of special needs at that time, and the proportion of foreign students in practical subjects began to increase.During this period, the majors studied by Chinese students studying in Germany were mainly in medicine, chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, etc.According to statistics, among the 1924 students studying in Germany in 700, 50% studied chemistry, mechanics and electrical engineering, 40% studied medicine and the army, and the remaining 10% studied liberal arts.

Generally speaking, one of the common characteristics of scholars studying in Germany is that they focus on academic research, and their success rate is higher than that of other countries studying abroad.At that time, most domestic schools paid attention to English, and only a few schools such as Tongji and Tongde mainly focused on German, so the source of students studying in Germany was relatively concentrated.For example, Tongji University, a Sino-German cooperation, most of its graduates enter Germany for further study. From 1912 to 1937, among the 99 Tongji graduates who could take the exam, 61 chose to study in German universities or higher technical colleges.Some Chinese scholars who have studied in Japan, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom went to Germany to engage in specialized research or study for degrees in pursuit of advanced knowledge, such as Chen Yinke, He Lin, Zhao Jiuzhang, Luo Jialun, Fu Sinian, Zhang Wei, Yu Dawei, Li Jinfa, Xia Jianbai et al.This is a peculiar cultural phenomenon in the history of German education.Due to the rigorous style of study of German higher education and the hard work of international students themselves, Chinese scholars studying in Germany generally have outstanding academic achievements.During the period of the Republic of China, the total number of students studying in Germany was less than those studying in Japan, the United States, and France, but the proportion of students who obtained doctoral degrees was the highest.According to Yuan Tongli's statistics, from 1907 to 1961, a total of 732 Chinese scholars studying in Germany obtained doctorates, the most of which were doctors of medicine, followed by doctors of mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering, which were higher than those who studied in France (581) and the UK. (346) the number of doctors awarded.

Officially paid army students are a relatively prominent group of students studying in Germany.With the general trend of national unification becoming more and more obvious, what kind of regular army to establish is gradually on the agenda.In order to continuously improve the commanding ability and military quality of the army, Zhang Zuolin's government gradually shifted the focus of the army's study abroad to Germany, so that Germany's influence on China's military education reached its peak.

Zhang Hanqing is an out-and-out nationalist.He was really fed up with the almost deformed weakness of the previous government in international affairs in order to build a "harmonious society".As long as the decision is made for the benefit of the country and the nation, no matter whether it is the Nazi Party or socialism, they can all be recognized, because their direction is all state autocracy, and they all meet the needs of China's development.Of course, the premise of acceptance is the success of this system.

In fact, think about the actions of American hegemony in later generations. What is the essential difference between them and the Nazis?It’s just that the Nazis practiced naked territorial occupation, while the United States is relatively “civilized” and relatively bloodless, with more carrots than sticks----you don’t see the hegemony and global strategy of the United States in the future ?And its control over NATO and sanctions against so-called "rogue states"?What's more, there is an all-round pursuit and interception of China?In a word, America is more refined, less violent, and more productive.

History is written by the victors.If Hitler hadn't lost in the end, who would dare to say that his dictatorship was incorrect?Especially for a backward semi-colonial country like China, which looks at the face of big powers in international affairs, it is necessary to concentrate national power to do big things, which will take a long time in the future, and China's political system is autocratic.

Fortunately, Zhang Hanqing's theory is gaining more and more supporters and radical nationalist military officers in the middle and lower ranks. It is these young people of his age whom Zhang Hanqing called "the pride of China" and "the sun of tomorrow". As a result of his various future political magnanimity, a large number of potential opponents will be reduced, so that China's political structure will be able to move forward smoothly in the direction he intended.

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