Sun Yat-sen started to get sick on New Year's Day in 1925, and he was admitted to Union Hospital for treatment. After January 1, he became seriously ill and could not eat or drink. He was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer by Western medicine. The whole liver was as hard as wood, and the cancer cells spread everywhere. rule.

According to the real historical romance, it is time to prepare for the survival of the Kuomintang in the Sun Yat-sen era.Zhang Hanqing was thinking, and Sun Yat-sen was thinking too.This forerunner who has been working hard all his life to create a new China with the Three Principles of the People has been thinking about a serious topic: choosing a suitable successor.This successor must convince the masses within the party, so that the Kuomintang can unite and not be scattered; this successor must see the situation clearly, unite the People's Party instead of confronting it, otherwise it will be the way to death.

However, due to the sudden emergence of the People's Party in this time and space, the influence of the Kuomintang has been much weaker than in the official history, and even its power has been weakened a bit, including him, the president of the Kuomintang, who is not as beautiful as he imagined.Therefore, his influence over several of his subordinates is relatively weak, so that there are many mountains under his subordinates. If it is not for his big banner in front, it will be almost scattered. This is also his pity.

It's just that it can't be undone.

On February 2, Sun Yat-sen was discharged from Union Hospital and moved to his hometown, Subway Shishihuxingyuan, where he was treated with traditional Chinese medicine.After being jointly diagnosed by famous Chinese medicine practitioners Lu Zhongan, Tang Yaoqin and Zhou Shufen, the situation improved.During this period, disputes broke out between Tang Erhe and Wang Jingwei on the treatment of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Tang Erhe published "Doubts About Sun Yat-sen's Symptoms" in the "Morning News", criticizing the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.It seems that there is a market for western medicine, and even Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of western medicine, was not immune. On February 18, he decided to stop taking traditional Chinese medicine and continue to use western medicine for treatment.

Medicine and medicine cure the sick but not the dead.His condition was helpless, and Western medicine was helpless.By March 3, Sun Yat-sen was on his deathbed.After Zhang Zuolin, Sun Liechen, Zhang Zuoxiang, Wu Junsheng, Zhang Hanqing and other important members of the People's Party visited their patients for the last time, Sun Yat-sen asked Liao Zhongkai to read the "Letter to the People's Party" dictated by him and written by Wang Jingwei to the senior officials of the Kuomintang gathered together, and wrote it in his will. Sign on:

"Dear comrades of the Central Committee of the People's Party: I am suffering from an incurable disease here. My thoughts turn to you at this time, to the future of our party and our country. You are the leaders of the great coalition of free Republican parties, Refugees under imperialism will use this to defend their freedom and seek liberation from the international system based on the partiality of ancient slavery and war. What I leave behind is the Kuomintang. I hope that the Kuomintang will liberate China and other countries from the imperialist system. In the work of the history of the invaded country, I will work together with you. Destiny makes me have to put down my unfinished business and hand it over to someone who will abide by the Three Principles of the People and the lessons and organize my true comrades. Therefore, I have asked the Kuomintang to help the People's Party To carry out the work of the national revolutionary movement, China can be freed from the shackles of the semi-colonial state imposed by imperialism on China. In order to achieve this project, I have ordered the Kuomintang to continue to support you for a long time. I have full confidence in you and the people under your leadership The government will also continue to support our party. Dear comrades! As I bid farewell to you, I would like to express my warm hope that the dawn will soon dawn when the BJP will build a strong and independent country with good friends and leadership. In China, the two parties are fighting hand in hand to achieve victory in the great battle for the freedom of the oppressed nations of the world. I wish you peace in brotherhood!"

On March 1925, 3, Sun Yat-sen died of liver cancer in Peking Union Medical College Hospital at the age of 12.

Hong Kong's "Chinese Character Daily" reported the news of Sun Yat-sen's death the next day: "Sun Wen vomited violently. He couldn't eat. His pulse suddenly increased to 160 degrees. He breathed eighteen times. It was extremely dangerous. Dr. Ke Li was on his left and right to take care of him. He stayed all night. Dai Tianchou It is Sun Cao’s will. Only Sun has not yet signed it...Sun Wen’s illness changed drastically until the evening of the tenth day. Abdominal distention increased. Keli injected water for him. He passed away at 35:[-] this morning. Sun Ke urgently telegraphed important people from the Guangdong Democratic Party to come to Beijing."

Sun Yat-sen's will on family affairs: "Yu died because of devoting himself to state affairs, and died of family property. All the books, clothes, and houses left by him were given to my wife Soong Ching Ling as a memorial. Yu's children have grown up and can stand on their own. I hope they can love each other. , to follow Yu Zhi. This order!"

For the comrades in the Kuomintang: "I have devoted myself to the national revolution for 40 years. Its purpose is to seek freedom and equality in China. After 40 years of experience, I know that in order to achieve this goal, we must arouse the people and unite with the world to fight for equality. Our nation, struggle together. The revolution has not yet succeeded. All my comrades must continue to work hard in accordance with Yu's "National Founding Strategy", "National Founding Outline", and "Three People's Principles". The abolition of unequal treaties must be realized in the shortest period of time. It is imperative!"

His last words on state affairs before his death were: " China!" and "The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!"

When the bad news came, the "National Unification Committee" immediately decided to hold a public sacrifice at the Sheji Altar in Beijing Central Park to commemorate this great man.

Commander-in-Chief of the People's Army and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Party Zhang Zuolin, Vice-Chairmen of the Central Military Commission Sun Liechen, Zhang Zuoxiang, and Wu Junsheng, Chairman of the Administrative Committee Wang Yongjiang, Chairman of the People's Party, Vice-Chairman of the Central Military Commission and Chief of General Staff Zhang Hanqing sent Kuo Zhangyu and Gao The four-foot-five giant plain flower banner, with the big book "Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution, will live forever", and the telegram of condolence from the People's Party, are all called "the pioneer of the Three People's Principles". The Herald of the Revolution".

At [-]:[-] p.m. on the same day, Hu Hanmin received a call from Wang Jingwei, saying that Sun Yat-sen died of illness at [-]:[-] a.m. on the [-]th. , And ordered the Public Security Bureau to divide the restaurants in the city, stop banquets from now on, citizens stop for seven days, working personnel stop for one month, all agencies use blue prints for one month, soldiers and staff of various agencies wrap black gauze for one month."


Due to the huge influence of Sun Yat-sen, no one in the Kuomintang, after the departure of the spiritual leader of the Kuomintang, the power of the Kuomintang plummeted. The rightists of the Communist Party of China and the "Xishan Conference faction" headed by Wang Jingwei are becoming less and less influential in the country.Taking advantage of its status as the only ruling party in China, the People's Party has gradually weakened the influence of the Kuomintang and gradually reduced it to a veritable "Participating Party".

In view of the fact that mainland China has no power to restrain Zhang Zuolin, the ruling identity of president and prime minister does not meet the requirements of democratization.As the chairman of the State Planning Commission, Zhang Hanqing actively designed a political structure in line with China's national conditions, and for the first time in China truly completed the political model of separation of national legislative, judicial, and administrative powers.

The most important and the most eye-catching thing is to restore the National Assembly: Since Cao Kun bribed the election, except for the state of war, most of the country has been under the military control of the Fengjun and the People's Army for more than a year.After the People's Party has made outstanding contributions in safeguarding national unity and sovereignty, leading the labor movement, rural land reform, women's liberation, and the United Front, it has won the approval of the people of the whole country not only legally but also psychologically.At this time, it has become feasible to reorganize the organizational form of state power.

According to the "Congress Organization Law" drafted by Zhang Hanqing and others, the country's highest authority is the Congress under the leadership of the Chinese People's Party, which is divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives.The Senate consists of 27 provinces (including Xinjiang) directly controlled by the central government, four provinces of Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan that have just been acquired from the warlords of various parties, and the Xikang region that has been separated from Sichuan and Tibet from the central government in official history. , Taiwan under the Japanese occupation, a total of 4 provinces, regardless of the size of the provinces, each province has 34 quotas, a total of 5.In order to maximize the advantage of the People’s Party, according to Zhang Hanqing’s request, 170 additional seats for retired military generals, 5 seats for independent appointments by the People’s Party, and 5 seats for retired heads of government, all of which have the same effect, total 5 seats.


The National Assembly is the highest organ of power in the Republic of China. The responsibilities of the House of Representatives and the Senate are: to review and amend the Constitution; to vote on major bills; to vote for the government; to review and vote on annual government reports and budgets; to approve foreign treaties and to declare war, etc. .The Senate and the House of Representatives each set up eight committees, namely: the Constitutional Committee, the Legal Committee, the Military Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Economic and Trade Committee, the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee, the Judicial Committee, and the Ethnic Affairs Committee.Each committee, more than one-fifth of the representatives, political parties, and the presidents of the two houses can independently propose proposals.

Regarding the division of responsibilities between the Senate and the House of Representatives, Zhang Hanqing compared the experience of later generations in Europe and the United States, combined with his own ideas, and proposed a plan:

2. In terms of constitutional amendment, it needs a 3/1 majority of the House of Representatives and more than 2/5 of the Senate to pass it; if the first proposal is not passed, the same proposal cannot be proposed within [-] years-this is basically done It has established the leadership of the People's Party in politics for a long time to come.The Constitution has stipulated various advantages of the People's Party as the ruling party, and of course a high threshold must be set for constitutional amendments.Under such circumstances, if the future generations still cannot maintain the dominant position of the People's Party, it can only show that this party is no longer able to meet the needs of the development of the times and deserves to be eliminated - no matter how good the system is, it cannot stand Play the prodigal son to toss.

2. Other general bills need to be approved by more than half of the two chambers in the order of Senate first and then majority.For European and American countries, there are often scenarios where the Senate fails to pass but the House of Representatives passes, and they can eventually pass.Zhang Hanqing believes that this will reduce the power of the Senate, but it should not increase its power too much, causing the tail to be too big to lose. Democracy is democracy if it is formed. However, the state of almost inaction where the government can do nothing is not in line with China's national conditions.Zhang Hanqing is ingenious and has designed a voting method that can be called a masterpiece: for the government confidence motion, annual budget, and government report, if the Senate fails to pass it for the first time, and the government directly submits it to the House of Representatives for voting, if it does not get a 3/[-] majority, it will be rejected. If it is deemed to have failed, the government should be disbanded-this can limit the government's decision-makers to rape public opinion, instead of the weak supervision ability of "the National People's Congress claps hands and the CPPCC nods" as sung by later generations.

Congressional elections are held every five years, with unlimited terms of office and judicial immunity.During the adjournment, the two houses have a standing committee to preside over the daily work on behalf of each house, and the senators and representatives concurrently serve as provincial councilors (members of the standing committee) of each province.

The president of the country is a symbol of national sovereignty. The Chinese People's Party proposes a list of candidates for approval by the House of Representatives. They can be re-elected for a term of five years.The prime minister is the highest executive of national administration, nominated by the president of the country and approved by the House of Representatives.The lists of deputy prime ministers and state councilors are all submitted by the prime minister to the House of Representatives for voting to finally form a cabinet—which can also be re-elected—now is not the time to truly exercise democracy, rashly setting the term of office will only make political enemies The hope of recovery.At present, centralized administration is the prerequisite for China's revival.Therefore, Zhang Hanqing stipulated that the term of office of the President of the State, the Chairman of the Congress, and the Chairman of the Party shall be unlimited, so as to concentrate power in his own hands to the greatest extent.As for how to amend the constitution in the future, people in the future must be smarter than they are now.

The National Defense Commission was abolished and replaced by the Central Military Commission.In order to reflect the leadership of the People's Party and implement the party's intentions, the list of the chairman, vice-chairman and members of the Military Commission is proposed by the Central Committee of the People's Party and submitted to the National Assembly for voting.The People's Party's party constitution also stipulates that all candidates for the country's president, prime minister, military commission chairman, and congress chairman must be members of the party's standing committee.Administratively, the chairman of the councils of each province, city, county, and township is held by the secretary of the People's Party at the same level to reflect the status and strength of the People's Party in controlling state power.

Administratively, it embodies democratic centralism, but it cannot be like later generations where corruption begins within the party.In order to effectively curb illegal activities within the party, Zhang Hanqing designed the judicial independence in the true sense: the Supreme Court has 15 justices, the chief justice is nominated by the President of the country, and voted by the Congress, who is administratively responsible for the daily affairs of the Supreme Court (the Supreme Court) Chief), the major judges are elected by qualified judges from various provinces, and voted by the National Assembly.Provinces, cities, and counties set up high courts, intermediate courts, and lower courts respectively, with 11, 7, and 3 people respectively. The election committee at the upper level nominates the candidates for the lower level, and the next level of parliament votes.The judiciary is self-contained, and even the People's Party cannot interfere.All judges enjoy judicial immunity and cannot be removed from office for life, except as listed in the stipulated clauses.Procuratorates at all levels shall be established in accordance with the law.

In early April, the first election of party representatives was held within the People's Party, resulting in the first true Central Committee, Central Political Bureau and Standing Committee.With its great prestige, Zhang Hanqing deservedly continued as the party chairman with 4% of the votes (the party constitution stipulates that the party chairman must be a standing committee member). The most important assistant in the world), Pan Fu (because of his excellent financial management ability, the Feng faction finally entered Beijing with strong economic strength. ).

Others elected to the Politburo are: Han Linchun, Guo Songling, Yang Yuting, Jiang Dengxuan, Ji Jinchun, Yu Xuezhong, Jiang Baili, Wan Fulin, Ma Longtan, Ji Yiqiao, Mo Dehui, Xu Lanzhou, Liu Shangqing, Chang Yinhuai, Yuan Jinkai, Together with the Standing Committee, a total of 22 people are members of the Politburo.

The decision on the division of labor of the Standing Committee is: Zhang Zuolin will serve as the President of the State and the Chairman of the Military Commission, Sun Liechen will serve as the Vice President of the State and the Vice Chairman of the Military Commission, Wu Junsheng will serve as the Chairman of the National Assembly, Zhang Zuoxiang will serve as the Vice Chairman of the Military Commission and Chief of Staff, and Zhang Hanqing will serve as the Executive Vice Chairman of the Military Commission and replace Sun Liechen to preside. For the affairs of the Military Commission (no longer serving as chief of the general staff), Wang Yongjiang is the vice president and prime minister, and Pan Fu is the executive vice premier and director of the planning committee.

According to Wang Yongjiang's nomination, Mo Dehui was the vice premier and foreign minister, Liu Shangqing was the vice premier in charge of industry, Zhang Zhenjiu was the vice premier in charge of finance, Yu Sixing was the vice premier in charge of education, science, culture and health, and Yuan Jinkai was the secretary of the State Council long.

The Military Commission divided the country into 8 major military regions, and produced a total of 13 members of the Military Commission:

Zhang Zuolin (Chairman of the Military Commission), Sun Liechen (Vice Chairman of the Military Commission, temporarily suspended due to illness), Zhang Hanqing (Executive Vice Chairman of the Military Commission), Zhang Zuoxiang (Vice Chairman of the Military Commission and Chief of General Staff), Han Linchun (Chairman of the Northeast Military Commission and Commander of the Shenyang Military Region) . (will be changed to Minister of Defense), Wan Fulin (will be changed to Commander of Chengdu Military Region), Ma Longtan (will be changed to Commander of Nanjing Military Region), Ji Yiqiao (commander of Wuhan Military Region), Xing Shilian (will be changed to Commander of Lanzhou Military Region), Chang Yinhuai ( Head of General Logistics).

The People's Party under the leadership of Zhang and his son occupied all the important positions of power in the center.The People's Party occupies decisive seats in both the government and the military, as well as the only congress established later that can restrain state power, and a strong state power has been formed.In addition, since 1925, the Republic of China no longer uses the Republic of China era, but uses the Gregorian calendar instead.

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