young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 148 The Rise of National Capital

With the victory of the Southwest Campaign, various local forces in China have suffered unprecedented blows and declines. After the reshuffle of China's political situation, the People's Party has formed a one-party dictatorship with its widely supported public opinion and absolute superior military power. , its political dominance is unquestionable.Under these good conditions, Zhang Hanqing was able to implement the long-term embrace in his heart, and the successive promulgation of a series of economic policies has greatly improved the country's development.During this period, China's national bourgeoisie developed particularly rapidly, which was far beyond the comparison of the same period in official history.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, especially after the establishment of the Republic of China, Chinese scholars began to transform from traditional literati with the goal of being an official to modern intellectuals.With their active participation, for the first time, Chinese businessmen appeared in the preeminent posture of a new type of capitalist.With the purpose of saving the country through industry and the call of revitalizing the national economy, they took the initiative to absorb advanced Western ideas, and had the great ambition of strengthening the country and benefiting the people. They showed amazing talents in this space freer than official politics, and quickly became famous everywhere. popular leader.With their efforts, people have corrected the discriminatory social stratification of "scholars, farmers, businessmen" and strived to pursue the equality and unity of the whole people represented by "workers, farmers, businessmen, scholars and soldiers".The rise of the national bourgeoisie ushered in the first golden age of Chinese merchants,

It is a pity that this golden age is hard-won, but it is fleeting.The rise of the Chinese national bourgeoisie has gone through a difficult and long process.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, under the dual pressure of Chinese peasants and Western powers, the centralized and authoritarian Manchu Dynasty finally showed signs of dilapidation.The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Nian Army and the two Opium Wars made the ruling group truly feel the "internal and external troubles". The "New Deal", that is, the so-called "doing Westernization", is known as the Westernization Movement in history.Just like all the "New Deals" that were just trying to keep the power, but didn't want to fundamentally update civilization and carry out political reforms, this "Westernization Movement" dominated by bureaucrats failed after more than 30 years.However, its impact on traditional concepts cannot be denied.Although the thinking method of "Chinese learning as the body and Western learning as application" is still conservative in essence, it implicitly and partially acknowledges the advanced nature of Western civilization.In terms of results, this movement has indeed given birth to the germination of Chinese industry: Zeng Guofan's domestic ordnance office in Anqing, Li Hongzhang's Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau, Shipping Merchants, Kaiping Coal Mine, Tianjin Telegraph Bureau, Zuo Zongtang's Gansu weaving The General Administration, Fujian Shipping Bureau, Zhangzhidong's Hanyang Iron Works... a large number of industrial entities have emerged one after another, laying the necessary foundation for the further development of national industries and accumulating experience that can be used for reference.What is more historically significant is that in order to meet the needs of "doing Western affairs", the personnel training system that has been followed for thousands of years has also undergone fundamental changes. In August 1862, Emperor Tongzhi approved the establishment of the "Jingshi Tongwen Museum". In 8, Tongwen Museum was merged into the Imperial University Hall.The introduction of Western-style education has enabled Chinese people to get rid of their ignorance, and they can finally open their eyes to see the distant and novel world.

After the changes in the late Qing Dynasty, opening up the wisdom of the people, making the country rich and the people strong became the inevitable choice for this nation to rise again.The best batch of intellectual elites in China took the country's rise and fall as their own responsibility, and they took the initiative to devote themselves to the comprehensive reform of politics, economy, and ideology.It is against this background that China's new businessmen emerged.In them, they have the noble character that the businessmen of the past dynasties have never been able to achieve: regardless of personal wealth, they strive to revitalize the national economy.

About 50 years later, when reviewing the development of my country's national industry, Mao Zedong once said that there are four people in my country's industrial circles that cannot be forgotten. They are "Zhang Zhidong in heavy industry, Fan Xudong in chemical industry, and Lu Zuofu in transportation and transportation." and Zhang Jian who engaged in the textile industry".Zhang Jian and Lu Zuofu, one was the number one scholar in the former Qing Dynasty, and the other was a passionate young man who devoted himself to the national revolution. They embarked on the road of saving the country through industry from different directions, and both had impressive achievements.As a result, Zhang Jian died of illness at the age of 73 (1926), and Lu Zuofu committed suicide at the age of 59 (1952) during the "Five Antis" movement launched by Mao Zedong.The fate of Zhang Jian revealed the hardships of saving the country by industry, and the death of Lu Zuofu declared the complete end of that golden age.

Zhang Jian is one of the iconic figures in the transformation of Chinese literati and bureaucrats into modern intellectuals. In 1853 (the 13th year of Qing Xianfeng), he was born in a wealthy family in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. He was a 16-year-old scholar. In 1874, he began to go out to make a living, and later went to Pukou to become the staff of Wu Changqing, the commander of Qingziying. At that time, he was already a well-known talent in the south of the Yangtze River. In 1881, Yuan Shikai, who had nothing to do at home, led a group of younger brothers to defect to Wu Changqing. Zhang Jian once taught him how to learn Chinese as a teacher. assistant job. In 1885, Zhang Jian participated in the Shuntianfu Township Examination and won the exam. In April 1894, Zhang Jian went to Beijing again to take part in the general examination, and was admitted as a first-class Jinshi (the number one scholar), who was awarded to the Imperial Academy for editing and writing.In July of the same year, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, and the Qing army suffered a disastrous defeat.Zhang Jian saw that the country's affairs were changing day by day, and the bureaucrats of the Manchu Dynasty were helpless.Therefore, this new champion resolutely decided to give up his official career and take a new path of education and industry.

In April 1895, China and Japan signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki. In addition to ceding Taiwan and Liaodong, there were provisions allowing the Japanese to set up factories in the mainland.In order to seize the opportunity before the import of foreign capital, with the support of Zhang Zhidong, Zhang Jian set up a spinning mill in Tongzhou with the support of Zhang Zhidong.He named the spinning mill under construction "Dasheng", implying the meaning of saving the nation.After the Dasheng spinning mill was put into production, it quickly gained a firm foothold, withstood the competition from foreign merchants, and made a profit every year.From 4 to 1899, Dasheng Cotton Mill made a net profit of 1913 million taels, and developed into a large factory with a capital of 540 million taels and 200 spindles. It was "the only successful Chinese-funded spinning mill before the European War." .Later, he took the spinning mill as the leader to develop various industries, and embarked on the road of group and large-scale modern enterprise management.

As a modern intellectual with a sense of social responsibility, Zhang Jian set up a business neither for personal gain nor for a few plutocratic shareholders, but for the benefit of the nation.His ideal is to promote education through industry, and then improve industry with education, so as to realize the revitalization of the whole nation.He used part of the surplus of Dasheng Spinning Mill and fundraising proceeds to run education, libraries, museums, meteorological stations, hospitals, parks, and even schools for the blind and mute, opera clubs, theaters, etc.Zhang Jian, the number one scholar, Zhang Jian, an industrialist, and Zhang Jian, a modern intellectual, showed us the unique demeanor of a "capitalist" of a nation at the critical moment of life and death of the Chinese nation.In China's 3000-year history, there has never been such a "businessman"; in China's 1000-year history of imperial examinations, there has never been such a champion!

After the Revolution of 1912, Zhang Jian saw the hope of realizing democratic politics, turned to support the republic, and was elected as the chairman of the Provisional Parliament of Jiangsu Province. In January 1, the Nanjing government was established and invited him to be the head of the Ministry of Industry. In September 1913, the Beiyang government formed the "Cabinet of Celebrities" headed by Xiong Xiling, and Zhang Jian served as the head of agriculture, forestry, industry and commerce and the head of the National Water Conservancy Bureau.He really wanted to take this opportunity to improve politics and develop national industry. When he took office, he enthusiastically published the "Declaration of Industrial Political Opinions".But in the turbulent power struggle at that time, what he faced was the dilemma of "financial exhaustion, helpless", and all he could do was "draw promises in the official office every day".By August 9, when Yuan Shikai wanted to restore the monarchy, Zhang Jian resigned and returned to the south, leaving in a huff.Once again he was disappointed in politics.After Zhang Jian returned to Nantong, he continued his business, education and local self-government.During the First World War, the European powers had no time to look around, so the enterprises run by Zhang Jian got a short-term development opportunity.He used the surplus of Dasheng Cotton Mill, together with the funds raised from the expansion of new shares and loans from banks, to expand the scale of the enterprise.According to a survey in 20, the total capital of Zhang Jian's enterprises was about 1915 million yuan.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long.Since 1920, various salt reclamation companies have been hit by disasters for three consecutive years. In addition, warlords have fought for years. After the end of World War I, the economic oppression of China by European powers took a turn for the worse, resulting in the decline of people's livelihood and the decline of all industries. The Dasheng spinning mill also turned into a loss.In order to save the national industry, Zhang Jian repeatedly called for the cancellation of unequal treaties, the equality of international tax laws, the cessation of civil wars, and the realization of domestic peace.This appeal expresses the aspirations of all the people, but in our country, nothing depends on the will of the people.By July 1923, the Dasheng No. 1925 and No. 7 factories had been responsible for more than 1926 million yuan.Not long after, four banks including Shanghai and Jincheng jointly went to Nantong to check the accounts and officially took over the factories under Dasheng.About a year later, on August 8, 24, Zhang Jian was plagued by illness and died of depression.Zhang Hanqing has always been filled with righteous indignation for these tragedies.Sovereignty and independence are the foundation of a country, and industrial prosperity is the road to a strong country.The Government he installed will never tolerate a recurrence of this incident.As far back as the People's Army entered Jiangsu, he had instructed the Central Bank to inject 500 million yuan to bring the "Dasheng" factory on the verge of bankruptcy back to life.Among the central ministries and commissions established later, Zhang Jian was directly nominated by Zhang Hanqing as Minister of Textile Industry.

Another chemist who has been reused is Fan Xudong.He returned to China in 1911 and worked as an analyst at the Beijing Mint of the Beiyang Government.Subsequently, his series of entrepreneurship created many firsts in the history of China's chemical industry: In 1914, Fan Xudong founded China's first modern chemical enterprise - Jiuda Refined Salt Company (renamed to Jiuda Salt Industry Company after 1919) , and the first refined salt factory in China - Jiuda Refined Salt Factory. In November 1918, he founded Yongli Soda Manufacturing Company and the first soda ash factory in Asia - Yongli Chemical Company Soda Factory in Tanggu, Tianjin. In August 11, Fan Xudong separated from Jiuda Refined Salt, the first specialized chemical research institution in China - Huanghai Chemical Industry Research Institute, and used the remuneration given to him by Jiuda and Yongli companies as the research fund of the agency.In August 1922 in the official history, the soda ash under the "Red Triangle" trademark of Fan Xudong entered the Philadelphia International Exposition for the first time and won a gold medal. In 8, the "Yellow Sea" tested China's first aluminum sample. On February 1926, 8, China's first synthetic ammonia factory - Yongli Nanjing Cerium Factory produced China's first batch of ammonium sulfate products and China's first package of chemical fertilizers, known as "the largest factory in the Far East".The business had just taken off, and the Sino-Japanese War broke out, and the main factories fell into the hands of the Japanese. The Chinese chemical industry he created by himself suffered a devastating blow. After the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident", the Japanese repeatedly asked for a joint venture with Wynn. Xu Dong replied, "I would rather hold a memorial service for the factory than cooperate with the invaders!" He devoted himself to opening up a new chemical industry base in the southwest and supported the War of Resistance and nation building.

When the Fengjun entered Tianjin in 1920, Zhang Hanqing had already discussed with Fan Xudong the possibility of establishing a fertilizer production enterprise.At that time, due to the poor quality of seeds and lack of fertilizers, the grain yield per mu was less than 2 catties.Encountered natural disasters and man-made disasters, really starved thousands of miles.The fertile land in Northeast China is known as a "granary". The nearly 2000 million mu of arable land that has been cultivated produces only 100 million tons of grain, and the average yield per mu is only 300 catties!Of course, Zhang Hanqing did not have the level of Yuan Longping, a great academician, and could breed hybrid rice.But with chemical fertilizers, it is not difficult to double the yield.And chemical fertilizers, isn’t the simplest one just ammonium bicarbonate?There are introductions in junior high school textbooks, and there is nothing complicated about the craft.Because of the changes in the political situation later, Zhang Hanqing had no time to pay attention to the "invention" of chemical fertilizers. He just explained the principles of chemical fertilizers to Fan Xudong, and invested 1922 million to establish the "Jiaqiang" chemical fertilizer factory.In the spring of 200, the first batch of chemical fertilizers had been produced, and the "high yield" with an average yield of 1923 jin per mu was obtained in the Tangshan Agricultural Experimental Field!By the end of 100, when the People's Army entered Beijing, Fan Xudong was starting an ambitious plan: to open the "Jiaqiang" fertilizer plant in every city across the country, with an annual output of [-] million tons ---- Zhang Hanqing replied directly to Shuoyuan Not enough!

The People's Party government successively invested in the construction of large-scale blast furnaces in Panzhihua, Chongqing, Kunming and other places, making use of the rich and different types of iron ore resources in the southwest and northwestern provinces, such as Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu, Xinjiang and Ningxia , and become the raw material base for blast furnace production of large and medium-sized iron and steel plants such as Panzhihua Iron and Steel, Chongqing Iron and Steel and Kunming Iron and Steel.

The industry at that time was mainly fueled by coal mines, so the degree of industrialization can be seen from the output of coal.Steamships and railways are the most important inventions of the industrial age and have the potential to accelerate subsequent growth, and their growth rates represent the potential for future acceleration. By the end of 1924, the output of steel, cement, and coal had approached or surpassed that of Japan.At this stage, the mileage of railways built in China is 85% of that of Japan, the number of railways under construction is 1 times that of Japan, and the total mileage of railways under planning is 5 times that of Japan.China's modern manufacturing industry grew to 4%, plus modern transportation and commerce accounted for 2%.The gradual optimization of the economic structure has laid a material foundation for China to get rid of the status of a weak country.

Compare the Sino-Japanese War, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.In these three wars, whether the country could produce enough munitions and deliver them to the front line in time was an important factor in determining the outcome of the war. At the turn of the year at the end of 1924, Pingjin, Shanxi, and the Yangtze River Delta (mainly Shanghai) had recovered to the pre-war economy, which greatly increased the central government's fiscal revenue and provided a guarantee for the country's economic and military construction.In the same period, Japan suffered from the aftermath of the Great Kanto Earthquake, which caused huge trauma to the national economy.Because most of the buildings in Tokyo and Yokohama, as industrial centers, were destroyed, property losses amounted to 100 billion yen, which made the Japanese economy, which was already in deep depression, even worse.After the earthquake, from 1923 to 1927, the Japanese government borrowed huge foreign debts from the United States, Britain and other countries, amounting to as high as 9 million U.S. dollars.Relying on borrowed money and reserves obtained during the war, the Japanese government issued relief loans of up to 1 billion yen to major domestic consortiums. In this way, the Japanese economy gradually emerged from depression and entered a period of slow development.The ebb and flow of the economies of the two countries at this stage made the People's Party headed by the Feng family surpass the Dongyang people in terms of fiscal revenue in the first year after entering Beijing.

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