Hu Hanmin thought that he didn't know Soong Meiling when he first arrived in Shanghai, so he said with a smile: "No one's wife, Miss Soong Meiling is still in her boudoir! By the way, I forgot, you must know me." Her sister?" Zhang Hanqing had no choice but to pretend to be puzzled and shook her head: "Who is her sister, and how do I know her?"

"Her sister is Madam Sun, Ms. Soong Ching Ling!" Hu Hanmin discovered that Zhang Hanqing "knew nothing" about Soong Meiling, and quickly said, "This is Mr. Zhongshan's wife and sister. You don't know Taishan with your eyes!"

"Ah, no wonder I seem to have seen her somewhere!" Zhang Hanqing was stunned.

It should be said that Zhang Xueliang respected Sun Yat-sen and had several contacts with Sun Yat-sen at Sun Yat-sen's house, so he naturally met Mrs. Sun.Now he didn't expect to meet Soong Ching Ling's sister in Shanghai. Of course the "hospitable" Zhang Hanqing would not let go of the opportunity to get acquainted with Soong Meiling. He got up quickly, held a goblet filled with red wine, accompanied by Hu Hanmin, came to Soong Meiling at the next table, and toasted: "So it is Zhongshan Mr. Song’s sister-in-law, Ms. Song, we are actually acquaintances for a long time. When Mr. Zhongshan was in Tianjin, I often went to say hello, and my wife Yu Fengzhi and Mrs. Sun have also been friends for a long time. I didn’t expect to see you here today. Seeing Mrs. Sun's sister, Hanqing is really lucky. If Miss Song doesn't mind, please drink three cups with me, Zhang Hanqing?"

"Thank you, Young Marshal, for your kindness," Song Meiling, who was quietly watching Zhang Hanqing at the seat just now, stood up gracefully, with a little shyness on her moon-like face.Her heart was beating wildly, because in Soong Meiling's eyes, Zhang Hanqing, who suddenly appeared in front of her, was an important figure in the People's Army known to everyone in Jiangnan and North China at that time, and it is no exaggeration to say that she was the founder.In particular, before Zhang Hanqing came to Shanghai to mediate the conflict between China and Britain, she had noticed in the newspaper the movements of Zhang Hanqing, who was designing the national political and military framework at the central government.The first time she had a good impression of Zhang Hanqing was the "May 2000th Tragedy" in Shanghai, which Zhang Hanqing published in Tianjin on the day after the "May [-]th Patriotic Students in Shanghai".Soong Meiling still remembers Zhang Hanqing's passionate telegram to this day: "The newspaper reported that Shanghai students were shot by British police for helping unemployed workers. , was destroyed. What is the way of heaven in the vast China? The phenomenon is like this in a weak country. All Chinese people should know how to work hard. With the heart of human love, I would like to donate [-] yuan with a low salary. Immediately from China Bank remittances, to comfort the dead and wounded. The candle is cold, and the strength is difficult, the distance is far, and it is just talking about it with all your heart."

From then on, Song Meiling, who studied in the United States in her early years, had a good impression of Zhang Hanqing from her heart.The wife and sister of Sun Yat-sen at least believed that Zhang Shaoshuai was fundamentally different from Zhang Laoshuai.She always thought that Zhang Zuolin was a great warlord, while Zhang Xueliang was a patriot.Song Meiling's good impression of the young marshal came from his donation to support the injured students.At this moment, she saw the young marshal Zhang Hanqing disregarding the respect of the general (actually awarded) and took the initiative to come to toast in front of her, her heart became hot, and for some reason, a faint blush appeared on her fair and beautiful face.After all, Song Meiling came from a famous family, and she was also Song Qingling's younger sister, so she behaved decently and responded generously, saying: "However, I dare not drink with the young marshal. I dare not drink three cups in a row, like Meng Shaoshuai." If you allow, Mei Ling will drink this glass of wine with you as a token of respect, how about it?"

Zhang Hanqing found that Soong Meiling standing in front of her was not only beautiful, but also graceful, and she showed the charming demeanor of a smart woman in her calm response.Especially her pair of faint eyes made him feel his heart tremble when he looked at it - the three sisters of the Song family were really not covered.Song Ailing, the eldest brother, and Kong Xiang, the richest man in Shanxi, have become a family, and they can be said to know people with insight; Song Qingling, the second sister who is familiar with Xie, has been by Sun Yat-sen's side for a long time, calm and meticulous, and has her own demeanor; Let him be impeccable, not to mention, Lao Jiang really has a unique "eye" when he sees her in the official history.Recalling the meeting with Soong Ching Ling in Tianjin, Zhang Hanqing said: "When I was in Tianjin, I heard from Madam Sun that Ms. Meiling also studied in Summit, New Jersey in the United States in her early years? Later, she and Madam Sun went to Georgia, Georgia. Did you ever go to university in Shili College? I heard that Miss Meiling excelled in her studies when she was studying in the United States, and she was also a young college student who was admitted as an exception, but is it true?"

"Thank you, Young Marshal, for your compliment, but it is true to go to Georgia to study in college." Under the watchful eyes of Zhang Xueliang and Chinese and foreign officials, Song Meiling did not feel complacent, but clinked glasses with Zhang Xueliang in a slow manner, and then smiled A smile: "It's just that I didn't study in Georgia for a long time, and then I transferred to Wellesley Women's College in Massachusetts. At that time, because I liked English literature very much, I gave up my studies in science."

"I see. No wonder Mr. Hu said just now that Ms. Song obtained a degree in liberal arts in the United States." Zhang Hanqing listened to Song Meiling sometimes talking to him in standard Shanghainese soft language and sometimes in proficient English, and he felt more and more fond of her in his heart. .He felt that Soong Meiling was definitely not a fashionable social butterfly in the officialdom, let alone a boring woman who relied on the special relationship between Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling to join the social circle of Shanghai officialdom.She is a leader in the upper class because of her superhuman appearance. No wonder she was able to conquer the Roosevelts, the Senate and House of Representatives and other dignitaries in the United States later in the official history, and set off the "Song Meiling craze". It is really amazing!

Hu Hanmin saw that Zhang Xueliang had a good impression of Song Meiling, and continued to introduce: "Young Marshal Six, Ms. Song has lived in the United States since she was a child. It is said that her knowledge has been favored by many schools in the United States, and she has won five honorary degrees one after another. !"

Zhang Hanqing secretly smiled inwardly. It turns out that the worship of academic qualifications is also popular at this time. No wonder Fang Hongjian’s purchase of a pheasant diploma in Qian Zhong’s "Fortress Besieged" can arouse the sympathy of readers of all ages. Husband"!

Picking up girls is his wish, and it is also the instinct of his body.Zhang Hanqing toasted Soong Meiling graciously again, and said sincerely: "Miss Song, it is a great honor to meet you. It seems that I was ordered to come to Shanghai this time, and it was a worthwhile trip!" Drinking, but seeing that Zhang Hanqing was so enamored with her, it was hard to turn down his hospitality, so he had another drink with him.

After two glasses of wine, her pretty face looked even more like a peach blossom.Next, she sat down at the table with Zhang Hanqing and began to talk in English.Zhang Hanqing has been a human being for two generations. This body has a strong foundation, and he has four years of education in junior high school, high school, and university, and he has been baptized in foreign-funded enterprises for many years. So English is not covered.On the one hand, she is full of love, showing her skills in picking up girls in later generations to the fullest; on the other hand, she keeps making witty remarks, making Song Meiling, who is not deeply involved in the world, unable to help but smile.

At that time, people only regarded Soong Meiling as an ordinary lady, but Zhang Hanqing knew her value: her two brother-in-laws were Kong Xiangxi and Sun Yat-sen. of.In an era when the national power was not yet strong, being able to link up with the powerful United States was a policy he tried to promote, and Soong Meiling was just a well-deserved figure who could accomplish this task.In addition, Shanxi, which is close to Gyeonggi, still needs new forces to dilute the influence of Yan Xishan, and Kong Xiangxi is the most likely and best agent.

Just because of this unexpected encounter, Zhang Hanqing left a good impression in Song Meiling's heart.That night, after the cocktail party, the American consul held another Latin dance party in the ballroom on the third floor. Zhang Hanqing, who liked to dance "from a young age", danced with Soong Meiling several times in succession.He and she seem to be lovers who have known each other for a long time, especially Song Meiling's whirling dance steps, especially Zhang Hanqing's admiration.

Song Meiling also fell in love with Zhang Hanqing at first sight.Her father, Song Jiashu, used to be a pastor of the South American Supervisory Church (now the Methodist Church), and later left the missionary position to run the publishing industry to become rich; her mother, Ni Guizhen, came from a wealthy local family in Shanghai, and her maternal ancestors can be traced back to Xu Guangqi, a great scholar in the late Ming Dynasty.Such a daughter of a famous family seems to be much nobler in blood than Zhang Hanqing's Northeast "wild boy".But Zhang Zuolin has changed from "King of the Northeast" to "King of China". Regardless of the origin of the hero, the crown of China's No. 1 will sooner or later fall on this young marshal.From this point of view, whoever owns the young marshal will own this country in the future.And this young commander is actually so understanding. (Zhang Hanqing: I am just good at undressing people!)

In the dark rainy night, they poured out their admiration for each other under the shadow of the lamp.

It is also this time in the official history, which created the half-life relationship between the two.As the young marshal said in person: Because of the friendship between the two, Chiang Kai-shek was able to return unscathed during the "Xi'an Incident"; also because of the friendship between the two, Zhang Hanqing was able to live in confinement for half his life without worrying about his life.It's just that in this life when Chiang Kai-shek, who has lost power, can no longer satisfy Song's thirst for power, can this platonic spiritual love still be as pure as it is said in official history?

Whether the two can continue their relationship is beyond the scope of this book, but Song Meiling officially served as Zhang Hanqing's English secretary soon after, and became Zhang Hanqing's right-hand man and close comrade in foreign exchanges. This is beyond doubt.

Many years later, impatient with the excavation of all kinds of materials and all kinds of speculations by the gossip scholars of later generations, the old Zhang Hanqing once wrote a play, which gave great room for all walks of life: "Since ancient times, there have been many heroes. Being lustful doesn’t necessarily make a hero out of being lustful. Although I am not a hero, I am only a hero if I am lustful.”

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