Taking advantage of the British pressure on China, the Japanese wanted to join forces with the British to express their "concern" to the Chinese government over the Sino-British exchange of fire, in order to force the Chinese government to calm the situation and evade responsibility.However, Zhang Hanqing did not forget the instigator of the accident, and ordered the Shanghai Provincial Government to send high-level government officials represented by Hu Hanmin to negotiate with the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai. Clause 10, Annex 100, including [-] yuan in compensation for workers’ losses, [-] million yuan in subsidies for strike losses, Japanese people are not allowed to carry weapons when entering the factory, workers are not allowed to be fired without reason, and wages are raised.”

Of course, the Japanese government will not be trampled underfoot by the Chinese who are known as the "sick man of East Asia." Instead, they said sternly, "The Japanese Concession in Shanghai is Japan's inviolable sphere of influence. 'The Chinese government must clearly assess the impact of being an enemy of Britain and Japan.' ".The United Kingdom also issued a statement that the attack on the British Marine Corps in the British Concession must not be let go.Churchill even clamored in the House of Commons to send a British fleet to teach the arrogant government of the Republic of China that "doesn't know what its weight is."

After this news appeared in the newspapers, it aroused great concern in Beijing. Many old Fengshi cabinet members were worried that fighting against Britain and Japan at the same time would be detrimental to the new People's Party regime.Many hawks who hold a strong view on the "May [-]th Massacre" have looked at the overall situation and suggested compromises, including Sun Liechen, Guo Songling, Han Linchun, and Pan Fu of the "Prince Family".On the contrary, Zhang Hanqing, who is the core of the hawks, is extremely calm. He said that the Chinese government should use this incident to show its strength to the outside world, so as to encourage people, unite the people, and further block the coveted hearts of the big powers towards China.As for whether there would be a large-scale war with Britain and Japan, he clearly stated "no", based on the involvement of the United States.

At this time, the Anglo-Japanese alliance has automatically expired on the date of the conclusion of the "Washington Treaty".The United States is most proud of burying the Anglo-Japanese alliance with the so-called Quadruple Alliance.Because the United States no longer worried about fighting on two fronts, Japan lost the protection of the Anglo-Japanese alliance and could only rely on its own strength to deal with the United States in the East.The entire Washington system, the Quadruple Alliance, and the Five Naval Convention.These two treaties officially established the hegemony of the United States after World War I, and the United States dominated the Western Hemisphere.And it has achieved strategic advantages over Britain and Japan, the two major maritime powers.

The United States' military strength in Asia is inherently weak, so it hopes to use the "open door" policy to maintain its influence in Asia, especially China, and opposes the ambition of any party (especially Japan) to dominate China.If there is a real friction between China and Britain, or if Britain and Japan jointly fight against China, no matter whether they win or lose, it will definitely weaken the cornerstone of the US-British alliance and offset the expansion of Japan's power in Asia by supporting China.Seeing that this incident may lead to the Anglo-Japanese alliance against China, and the possibility of the revival of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, of course we cannot take it lightly.U.S. Secretary of State FrankKellogg issued a statement calling on Britain and Japan to exercise restraint, and said that the United States was willing to act as a mediator among the three parties to quell the incident.

Since it was the first time that Zhang Zuolin's government was negotiating with a foreign country and facing three major powers at a time, Zhang Zuolin was going to send a delegation headed by Wang Yongjiang, Chairman of the Administrative Committee.Zhang Hanqing took the initiative to invite Ying, and took this opportunity to coordinate the construction of national defense in the southeast.As a result, the high-profile "May [-]th Massacre Rehabilitation Delegation" headed by Zhang Hanqing, the chairman of the People's Party and the vice chairman of the People's Party's Military Committee, left Beijing grandly and went straight to Shanghai along the Jinpu Line.

In the morning, when the heroic Zhang Hanqing appeared at Shanghai North Railway Station accompanied by Jiang Baili, he was stunned by the grand welcome scene of people from all walks of life in Shanghai.At that time, there were more than [-] people in the crowd, eager to see the demeanor of this young marshal, and he was not inferior to the modern group of fans!In Zhang Hanqing's previous life, he managed over a hundred people at least in the enterprise, and with the training of his military career in the past few years, stage fright is gone.He is dressed in a general uniform, majestic and heroic, imposing, and not angry. He is one of the four sons of the Republic of China, and the title of "beautiful man" is not for nothing.

Just inadvertently, he saw a young woman in a red cheongsam flashing past in the crowd. With his eye for catching beauties, he could immediately conclude that this must be a very temperamental beauty.

During the seven years he traveled to Shenyang, the first year was spent in the "Chaoyang Land Reform". After that, he went to war in the South and the North, and spent five years in the army. He faced all bachelors every day, making appreciating beauties a impossible.After finally settling down, he was overwhelmed by the Zhifeng war, the elimination of Feng in the Qing and Jin Dynasties, major military affairs, national economic revitalization, and political changes, all of which disturbed him. Besides, Yu Fengzhi was by his side, a beauty already Let him suffer without blessing, and he is not in the mood to think about romantic affairs.He is also envious of those brothers and sisters in the time-traveling stories. Why is it written in the book that they are all beautiful women, hugging left and right, and only he has to worry about state affairs every day?

He had no time to think, Zhang Hanqing gave a speech on the stage, and he said loudly: "I, Zhang Xueliang, am a soldier. I am not responsible for diplomacy, but this time I came to Shanghai to mediate conflicts between the two sides and maintain order. This is the bounden duty of a soldier. The army we lead must set a precedent for soldiers to maintain local security in Greater Shanghai. If anyone dares to violate military discipline, he must act in accordance with military law. On the issue of dealing with Britain and Japan, he must give justice to the people who died. The government of the Republic of China is not too late In the Qing government, I, Zhang Hanqing, will never be Li Hongzhang!" His speech won warm applause, and he found the young woman with black hair and a red cheongsam clapping desperately at him in the crowd.He felt her warm eyes filled with admiration from the bottom of his heart!Let him see a slight move in his heart.

At that time, Zhang Hanqing was in the prime of his life, no matter in Shenyang in Northeast China or in Pingjin area, there were countless young girls around him desperately pursuing him.However, among the many suitors of the opposite sex, Zhang Xueliang's heart is really moved by very few!

In the evening, there was heavy rain on the Huangpu River.At the cocktail party held by the US Consulate in Shanghai, it was brilliantly lit.It was night, and the three-story building of the American Consulate was crowded with distinguished guests and female family members. The heavy rain outside did not dilute the joyful atmosphere in the hall.Zhang Xueliang suddenly noticed a beautiful young woman in a pink tight-fitting cheongsam among those Chinese and foreign distinguished guests.Although most of the women who came to the meeting were beautiful and glamorous, it was the elegant woman who caught Zhang Hanqing's eyes.Zhang Hanqing did not expect that the handsome girl who had appeared at the gathering of people from all walks of life during the day would actually come to the banquet hall of the heavily guarded American consulate.He knew that the cocktail party tonight was very different from the gathering during the day. The female guests who could come here to attend the cocktail party were either the family members of Shanghai celebrities and politicians, or the wives and misses of foreign envoys. And that elegant girl, who was she? ?

"General Hanqing, don't you really know Ms. Song?" Zhang Hanqing's gaze quietly shifted to the back of the woman who had turned to the side seat in the shadow of the glass of wine. Former foreign minister Hu Hanmin, a veteran of the Kuomintang, is the current vice-governor of Shanghai.Hu noticed that Zhang Hanqing was casting a questioning look at the woman sitting next to her, so he took the initiative to introduce: "She is Miss Song Jiasan, who is known to everyone in Shanghai! Not only is she born beautiful, she is also a Bachelor of Arts who studied in the United States, and she can speak English quite fluently! "

"Miss Song Jiasan?" Zhang Hanqing woke up like a dream, as if shocked.The "Song" of the four major families of Jiang, Song, Kong, and Chen in the Republic of China, and the future Mrs. Chiang Kai-shek!No one knows!He blurted out: "Oh, it's Madam Jiang!"

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