young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 151 The Artillery Battle on the Huangpu River

The British Marine Battalion has woken up from the initial ignorance and realized that it has encountered a tough opponent.Since the other side dared to expand the incident, of course they wouldn't care about killing a few more Englishmen.I heard that the other party was led by a division commander, and I thought there must be a lot of soldiers and horses, so while perfunctory, I urgently notified the British and American ships relying on the Huangpu River to prepare for battle.

Zhang Zizhong negotiated several times, seeing that the attitude of the British was getting tougher, and he knew that the other party was going to recruit soldiers.Immediately ordered the People's Army to "rush into the concession and seize the culprit. If there is any resistance, shoot to death." The People's Army roared and rushed into the concession guarded by the British and Indian Asan, leaving aside the trembling British patrols and Marines , and dragged out the culprits of the incident, chief inspector Mai Gaoyun and captor Ai Fusheng.The cheering crowd immediately surrounded the two people layer by layer, and there was a shrill scream from inside.When a group of soldiers from the People's Army managed to get in, they saw the two men with blood all over their faces, bruised noses and swollen faces, huddled together, murmuring to themselves, not knowing what to groan.

Smith was helpless in the face of these "barbaric" people. He protested to Zhang Zizhong angrily, and reprimanded Zhang Zizhong for "disregarding human rights and starting the war without authorization. He will be responsible for all the consequences today." Zhang Zizhong saw that more than a dozen lives were caused. , Knowing that he will not give up, but he is tough, he has already prepared to accept the most severe punishment, and responded coldly: "Shooting at our unarmed workers and students, is this your so-called 'human rights'? ?The four students who were still alive and kicking yesterday morning have already fallen under your criminal guns. They are going to attack me, the lieutenant general and division commander of the Chinese People's Army! It is really shameless to talk about 'human rights' without shame!"

More than a dozen soldiers were lost, and more importantly, the always weak Chinese soldiers shot at the British soldiers, which greatly disgraced the British, who had always prided themselves on being an empire on which the sun never sets, and they must not let it go.At 2:10 p.m., the British light cruiser HMS "Cardiff" docked on the Huangpu River fired nearly 7 heavy artillery shells at Wusong Road, killing 11 citizens on the spot, seriously injuring 90, and slightly injuring more than [-].The British Marine Corps also landed at Wusongkou, intending to put pressure on the People's Army.

When the news came, the whole country was shocked!

This is no longer a provocation, this is a declaration of war on China!what to do?The British rely on the strength of their boats and guns, but they don't take the Chinese seriously. They have the courage to come over and give it a go, and see what the Chinese can do!

When the incident became serious, Zhang Zizhong did not dare to act alone, so he called the central government to ask for instructions on how to deal with it; at the same time, he ordered the artillery regiment of the army to dispatch urgently, with live ammunition, to deal with possible escalation of the conflict by the British side.

Due to the backwardness of communication means, the contact between the Supreme Command and the front-line troops was relatively slow, and it took time to reciprocate the electricity.But at this important moment, the British warship turned a blind eye to the People's Army artillery on the shore, but raised the "rice" flag, and raised the black muzzle again!

Zhang Zizhong ordered to notify the forward observation post, and issued a warning to the warship with a signal flag, asking the other party to stop provocative actions. If the other party did not listen to the warning, they would fire to drive them away. Instead of restraining itself, the "Cardiff" turned its muzzle and aimed at the artillery regiment's position.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!Zhang Zizhong was angry, and so were the officers and soldiers of the People's Army.Although the commander did not issue an order to reload the artillery at that time, the gunners who were irritated by the arrogance of the British ship did not wait for the order to be issued, and loaded the artillery one after another.

For the military artillery regiment of the People's Army, although it has a total of 75 36mm howitzers and mountain guns, there are still many disadvantages for fighting "huge" sea behemoths.First of all, the artillery of the People's Army has no experience in this kind of land-sea artillery battle; secondly, the reputation of the empire on which the sun never sets is an invisible pressure on the Chinese soldiers; For a cruiser with thick armor, it must be a large-caliber direct-fire gun to sink it.The caliber of the field artillery used by the People's Army as a direct-firing artillery is too small, and the mountain artillery and howitzer are both curved-firing artillery, neither of which can deal a fatal blow to the battleship "Cardiff".The power of the eight 8mm cannons of the "Cardiff" warship is unprecedented for the troops of the People's Army participating in the war.This is one of the reasons why the British army is rampant.

At that time, the 75mm howitzer was a light artillery in the West, but it was regarded as a heavy artillery in the Chinese battlefield. Only a few elite troops were equipped with it, such as the 27th Division started by Zhang Zuolin; The medium-sized artillery, but it is rare in the Chinese battlefield; as for the 105mm cannon, it is unheard of in the Chinese army, and its power far exceeds all the field artillery in China at that time, including the most powerful German-made 155mm heavy howitzer. Colonel Meg, the captain of the "Cardiff", was confident because he had such firepower. He thought that this was the era when British warships could run amok in China's rivers and bombard Nanjing and Wanxian.

Suddenly, the artillery array of the 5th company on the north bank of the river let out a series of cannon fires, as if they had a tacit understanding. This sound infected the companions next to them, and the same whistling sound came out.In an instant, dozens of shells shot at the British ship like off-string arrows. One shell was impartial and hit the front turret of the "Gardev", and the other aimed directly at the command tower. Captain Meg was killed on the spot. , The white navy uniform is as bright as the red sun.

Urgent investigation, the gunner of the 5th company replied: Because the distance was too close, I heard the sound of the anchor chain of the British ship, thought it was the British army firing, so I rushed back; my partner replied: Because my friend returned fire, I thought the British ship was firing, so I followed .In short, this is a misjudgment, but the responsibility is undoubtedly the British army, who told them not to listen to the warning?

Of course, now is not the time to pursue accountability. Will the British warships let it go?Just as the People's Army was concentrating on preparing for the second round of bombardment and preparing for the revenge of the British army, a sharp-eyed observer suddenly looked in surprise at a white thing rising from the river and asked, "What is that?"

what is itIt is the white shirt of the British warship!The British panicked and hung up the white shirt as a white flag!

The corners of Zhang Zizhong's eyes were moistened when he got the news and confirmed it himself: the invincible British imperialism raised a white flag to itself like this?This is the first time since the beginning of the Opium War!For this moment, it is worth breaking your body to pieces!

The reporters accompanying the army were quick-sighted, and the picture was frozen.This news was quickly printed on the free accounts of major newspapers in Shanghai, which wiped away the tears of the grieving Shanghai citizens, made the Chinese people stand upright, and let the world witness China's glorious moment!

Frightened by the heavily armed guard of the People's Army and hearing the news that the People's Army had bombarded British ships, the British marines who landed at Wusongkou did not dare to make any aggressive moves, and quietly returned to their original place without taking a single leaf.

The British Empire, which had lost its face, felt that it had to do something to restore its dignity. Prime Minister Stanley & #8226; Baldwin threatened in the House of Commons that he would drive a powerful British fleet into the Huangpu River.On the same day, the British Minister to China was ordered to file a diplomatic protest to the Beijing government, demanding that the Chinese government:

1. Order the Shanghai garrison to withdraw from the north of Suzhou Creek,

2. Severely punish "illegal" soldiers and army commander Zhang Zizhong,

3. Apologize to the UK and compensate for the loss,

4. Stop the strike and let the workers go back to work.

When the incident spread to Beijing, the top leaders of the People's Party were at a loss as to what to do.But Zhang Hanqing was very angry, he said:

1. The garrison in Shanghai is a manifestation of national sovereignty and independence, which cannot be discussed;

2. The British police station shot our innocent citizens first, followed by the senior officers of our security garrison. This matter was provoked by the British, and the British are responsible for all the responsibilities. The officers and soldiers of the People’s Army are responsible for defending the country, and they have an inescapable responsibility;

3. In order to avoid creating greater conflicts, the British army immediately stopped shelling and all provocative actions, otherwise the Chinese army will defend itself in accordance with the law and ensure the safety of the people.If it causes a bigger incident, the responsibility belongs to the British side, and the British need to deal with the aftermath;

4. The three countries, China, Britain and the United States, immediately negotiated, and after the "May [-]th Massacre" punished the responsible persons according to law, they negotiated the resumption of the market and the resumption of work.

All these conditions were drawn up overnight by Zhang Hanqing. He also had a full discussion with the leaders of Zhang Zuolin and Zhang Zuo, and formulated the policy of "pursuing peace through war".According to his grasp of this period of history, after the First World War, the United Kingdom, which was originally the world's financial center and world hegemon, increased its territory after the war, but its control over the territory was weakened by the huge casualties of the war. Material losses were greatly reduced, and its economy was also greatly affected by the war and suffered a severe recession. Since then, its status as the world's financial center has been ceded to the United States.This war also weakened France, Italy, and Germany, the United States became the world's largest economic power, and the world's financial center was transferred from London to New York.All the arrogance of the United Kingdom is just to maintain the face of the empire on which the sun never sets.In addition to maintaining its huge colonies, Britain also needs to control the crucial Atlantic and Mediterranean Seas, as well as control France in Europe and Germany, which is trying to rise.Moreover, although the People's Army is less than a fraction of Britain's sea power, it has a huge army.Relying on the depth of China's vast territory, there is no longer any force in the land of China that threatens the status of the People's Party.What's more valuable is that the People's Party and the People's Army already have the strongest support force, which is public opinion.

From the moment the People's Army bullets were fired, the feelings of the Chinese people were filled with a strong sense of national pride.Zhang Hanqing believed that the British would not dare to risk a sharp decline in power and engage in a possibly endless war with China that would cause mutual losses.Even if war breaks out, Zhang Hanqing believes that the British will not gain any benefits from the fully armed People's Army.

However, in order to maintain China's longer-term economic recovery, Zhang Hanqing still invited the US envoy to mediate, and entrusted all parties to lobby the British and American forces in China to prevent possible expansion of the war.Of course, the government has also made two-handed preparations. The Central China Military Region and the Northwest Military Region transferred two divisions from the Longhai Line overnight. In addition, the People's Army in various parts of East China has entered a state of combat readiness.In order to control the possible threat of British warships and the intimidation of Shanghai citizens, Zhang Hanqing specially dispatched a heavy artillery regiment to guard the beach.

On the scene, the government of the Republic of China did not show nervousness at all: "In view of the seriousness of the case and the grief and indignation of the people, the Chinese government thought that the officials in the concession should at least automatically cancel the local martial law, withdraw the Marine Corps, and disband the business group." and the patrolling armed forces, release the arrested persons and restore the original status of the sealed and occupied schools. The Shanghai area can naturally stop the abnormal state in the shortest time. Otherwise, the government must take all possible countermeasures urgently. Protect the lives of our people and the dignity of the country."

The Beijing government sent special envoys Cai Tingqian, Zheng Qian, and Zeng Zongjian to the south to negotiate on the case.Britain, Japan and other countries also sent six members to Shanghai. At the meeting on June 6, the Chinese representative proposed thirteen solutions:

([-]) Revocation of extreme alert.

([-]) All Chinese arrested in this case shall be released, and the schools sealed and occupied by the public concession shall be restored to their original state.

([-]) Punish the culprits. China, Britain and the United States send personnel to supervise them, conduct public trials, and wait for strict punishment.

([-]) Compensation, compensation for casualties and losses suffered by industrial and commercial students due to the case.

([-]) APOLOGY.

([-]) Take back the joint trial office.

([-]) Foreign workers and seaman factory workers, etc., who strike out of grief and indignation, will return to their jobs in the future, and wages during the strike period will not be deducted.

([-]) Preferential treatment of workers. Whether workers work or not depends on their own will, and shall not be punished for it.

([-]) The Voting Rights Case of the Ministry of Industry, (A) The board of directors of the Ministry of Industry and the taxpayer representative meeting shall be jointly organized by Chinese.The number of taxpayer representatives is determined by the proportion of taxpayers, and the taxpayers will have the same voting rights as Westerners of all relationships. (B) With regard to voting rights, it must be ascertained that the property is owned by the owner or by proxy. Only the owner has the right to vote, and the proxy has the voting right to the owner of the property.

([-]) It is forbidden to build roads across the border. The Bureau of the Ministry of Industry is not allowed to build roads outside the concession area. Those that have been built will be taken back and managed by the Chinese government unconditionally.

([-]) Revocation of printing supplementary regulations, additional wharf donations, and exchange license cases.

([-]) Chinese in the concession have the freedom of speech, assembly and publication.

([-]) Lu He, the general secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, was replaced.

For General Zhang Zizhong, Zhang Hanqing ordered the whole country to reward him, and expressly promoted him to be the commander of the 4th Army at home and abroad, and also the commander of the Shanghai Garrison Command.The warlords of that era "have the courage to fight privately, but are timid in public wars; they are experts in civil wars and outsiders in foreign wars." The courage of Zhang Zizhong and the decision of the Central Committee of the People's Party are aimed at those warlords who are keen on domestic melee and accustomed to external compromise. vivid portrayal.And Zhang Zizhong's first contact with foreigners showed his true character of being strong and unafraid of violence.People at the time commented: "With his usual personality cultivation, Zhang Zizhong can only deal with them with an indomitable attitude. Compared with the commanders of the army at that time, he already feels that he is superior."

The government's attitude towards General Zhang, to a large extent, has given confidence and encouragement to Shanghai, which has been repeatedly bullied by outsiders, and to the Chinese, who have always been timid about foreign powers.

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