Concession is a shame imposed on colonial or semi-colonial countries by imperialist countries. It is called "a country within a country", and the suzerain country has lost its administrative jurisdiction and judicial independence over this place.Since the middle of the 19th century, the United Kingdom has opened exclusive concessions in seven port cities in China. They are: Shanghai (soon to be merged into the Shanghai Public Concession), Hankou, Tianjin, Jiujiang, Guangzhou, Zhenjiang, and Xiamen British Concession.These concessions in China were the earliest concessions or the only concessions opened in the local area. The geographical location is quite superior, and Britain is the largest trading country with China. These concessions in China and Britain have developed into prosperous commercial and trade areas.There is an independent municipal agency, the Ministry of Industry, and the establishment of police forces.

Japan formed five concessions in China, namely Tianjin, Chongqing, Hankou, Suzhou, and Hangzhou.France also had concessions such as Hankou and Shanghai. The United States originally had the Shanghai Hongkou Concession, which was later merged with the United Kingdom and incorporated into the public concession.Russia and Germany also had concessions, but they gradually lost their concession rights due to the changes in their respective countries.Zhang Hanqing once learned the famous saying "Chinese and dogs are not allowed to enter" in the history of middle school, and since then he has very strong indignation against the concession.

After the Feng faction and the People's Party took control of the Chinese government and gradually formed a unified situation, the expansion of Eastern and Western imperialism in China was restrained. Now, it is time to consider expulsion of this cancer that resides on the Chinese nation.Under Zhang Hanqing's determination, the newly established Beijing government issued a cry of "take back the concession, take care of the customs, and abolish unequal treaties" with majestic courage at the beginning of New Year's Day, which inspired the oppressed Chinese nation. support one of the initiatives.Large-scale demonstrations broke out in Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Hankou, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Jiujiang, Shanghai, Nanjing and other major cities to show solidarity.

Japan was at a disadvantage in the previous battle with the People's Army/Feng Army, and almost lost all its interests in the Northeast except for the Kanto Prefecture and the South Manchuria Railway.The important Jiaoji Railway was also handed over under the pressure of the People's Army in the 12th year of the Republic of China, so it has always held its breath.Because the Northern People's Army is really strong, and the Northeast is where the fundamental interests of the Feng Faction lie, military force has proved to be unfeasible, so the method of aggression has been changed.

After the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, China was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which allowed Japan to set up factories in various ports in China and use Chinese raw materials and cheap labor to carry out economic aggression.Other big powers followed suit and set up factories in various ports in China.The Japanese have 23 spinning mills in Shanghai alone, accounting for two-thirds of all spinning mills in Shanghai.Japanese factory owners treat their workers very harshly. Workers work more than 12 hours a day, and their wages are only 5.00 cents a day. They also have to withhold [-]% of their savings in the factory. It will not be returned until they have worked for ten years. Those who quit halfway will lose their savings. confiscated.

In February, the corpse of a child laborer was found in the Yarn Pushing Room of the No. 2 Cotton Mill of Nissho Nai Nai Cotton Mill. The body of a child worker was seriously injured in more than ten places. He was beaten to death by the Japanese manager of the mill with an iron rod. General strike.After mediation by the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce, the Japanese factory owner promised not to beat or scold the workers, and at the same time pay wages every two weeks, and the workers resumed work.

After the People's Army marched into Shanghai, envoys from the United States, Britain, Japan, and France inquired about the attitude of the Republic of China government and formed an alliance.At this time, agents from all parties came to the stage one after another. The difference is that countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States have chosen a more "civilized" and "open trade" position accepted by Zhang Hanqing-advocating Shanghai as a free port. The government must ensure the prosperity and stability of Shanghai.It is just that the "Four Proposals" (additional printing supplementary laws, increase in dock donations, exchange registration and the so-called "Banning Heavy Industry Act") that would damage China's sovereignty and attack China's national industry and commerce were firmly opposed by the government of the Republic of China. Therefore, the British decided to On June 6, it was passed separately at the Shanghai taxpayer meeting, which aroused strong opposition from people from all walks of life in Shanghai, including the national bourgeoisie.

Japan also acted during the same period. In May, there was a trend of male workers in various cotton mills in Japan, and all the male workers were expelled and replaced by female workers. This caused a general strike in 5 factories.Mediated by various groups in Shanghai, work was resumed on the condition of improving workers' treatment and returning the savings. Unexpectedly, dozens of workers were fired from the No. 22 Factory of the Inner and Outer Cotton Mills. A dispute arose during the negotiation. The Japanese shot and killed Gu Zhenghong. The other seven people were injured. The injured workers asked for assistance from the Ministry of Industry in the International Settlement. .

On May 5, various groups in Shanghai held a meeting to mourn Gu Zhenghong. Students from various universities in Shanghai attended the meeting. Four people were arrested while passing through the concession.So the Shanghai Student Union held a meeting and decided to organize a speech team to set out to promote the concession. On May 22th, the Student Union sent several teams to parade and give speeches in the concession. On the afternoon of the same day, some students were arrested on Nanjing Road, and the rest of the students and the public, a total of more than a thousand people, followed them to the door of the arresting room with their hands, demanding the release of the arrested. The head-captor Ai Fusheng actually ordered to shoot at the crowd, killing four students on the spot and seriously injuring 5 others. The concession authorities even mobilized troops, declared martial law, and shot at will. The universities in Shanghai were actually closed. This is the "May 30th Massacre". .After the tragedy, the whole country was shaken. Beijing students responded the next day, and students in major cities across the country also went on strike one after another.

When the tragedy happened, Zhang Hanqing was angry and thought regretfully: I thought British imperialism too simply!Japan was originally regarded as the main imaginary enemy, but Britain is still the same as Japan!The government of the Republic of China has been established for more than ten years, and the People's Army has millions of divisions under its command (the Construction Corps are all reservists, and still have a unified organization and command system). How can the people of the country be insulted and bullied like this again!If so, what is the difference between him and these warlords in history!Thanks to myself in a different time and space, I still vowed to point out the country and criticize people.He fought so hard that he dared to pull the emperor off his horse.Mao Weiren has never been uncompromising, but in the end he won the hearts of the people and sat firmly in the world.Even if I am beaten back to the Northeast again, I have to fight hard. I am lucky to come to this time and space, so I have to show the momentum of the Chinese no matter what!

An emergency telegram boosted the energy of Jiang Baili, the commander of the Nanjing Military Region who was about to leave his post and stayed up all night, and relieved his conflicted and angry mood.With the frequent transmission of Jiang Baili's telegrams, the elite People's Army is ready to avenge its shame.The Shanghai Provincial Department of the People's Party organized the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions with 20 workers and 5 students overnight, and decided to go on strike, class strike, and market strike the next day.

On the 31st, representatives elected by the Shanghai Provincial Department of the People's Party, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, the All-China Student Union, the Shanghai Student Union, and the Federation of Road Business Federations formed the "Joint Committee of Business and Studies" and proposed to punish the murderers, compensate them, and abolish the consulate. Judgment power, permanent withdrawal of Britain, Japan, navy, army and other 17 negotiating conditions in Shanghai.At the same time, the movement continued to develop and expand. People in Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Kaifeng, Zhengzhou, Chongqing and other major cities and hundreds of towns across the country staged demonstrations, went on strike, went on strike, went on strike, electrified, donated money, expressed support, formed a nationwide anti-imperialist fury, and received the support of the international working class.The Baoshan Detachment of the Armed Police Shanghai Corps, which was heavily armed, went to the North Gate of the Concession, and the Hongkou Detachment to the West Gate to protect the parade and demanded the arrest of the Chief Inspector Mai Gaoyun, the head arrester Ai Fusheng and related perpetrators.The British army did not allow it to enter, and there was a dispute between the two sides.The [-]st Battalion of British Marines also came to help.Facing the foreign guns and cannons held high, the newly established armed police detachment, led by the detachment leader Gao Qiyun, pointed their guns at the British soldiers without fear.

Zhang Zizhong, acting commander of the 4th Army of the People's Army of the Nanjing Military Region and commander of the 12th Division, was ordered to lead his troops to Nanjing Road for support.Many Chinese soldiers at that time, under the aggression of foreign aggression, could not help being "shocked when they heard the sound of dysprosium, and bowed their knees to the crooked hut" to foreigners. Send someone to tell Zhang Zizhong: "The concession is a territory shared by all countries, and the Chinese army cannot enter it." Zhang Zizhong said: "The British shot and killed our unarmed people first. My division commander was ordered by the commander to carry out the task and assist the Chinese police. Interrogation and punishment. Anyone who dares to block is a blatant provocation to our army and will be severely punished!"

Smith ordered the British army to shoot at the People's Army. Zhang Zizhong immediately ordered the ministries: "He will not attack me, and I will not attack him. If he attacks me, we will resolutely destroy him!"At this time, there was intensive gunfire from the west. It turned out that the Hongkou detachment of the armed police had exchanged fire with the British army.The soldiers of the People's Army were already filled with righteous indignation, and the commander ordered to immediately fight back against the British army.The bullets burst out like fried beans, suppressing the opponent intensively.Because of the small number of British soldiers, it was unexpected that the People's Army would dare to shoot. A dozen people were killed immediately, and those who survived fled into the concession like rabbits.The crowd in the parade broke out in enthusiastic voices, and the national pride that had been suppressed for many years sprouted. I don’t know who shouted “Long live the People’s Party!” The infected people couldn’t help shouting: “Long live the People’s Party!” , Forming a torrent, wandering and singing in the streets and alleys of Shanghai, expressing gratitude and sincere support for the People's Party not afraid of violence and being the master of the Chinese people.

Zhang Zizhong listened to these voices from the bottom of his heart, and his heart was surging.He felt that since the matter had become a big deal, it would be better to arrest the culprit in this situation.Even if he was severely punished, even went to a court-martial, and even was shot, his death was worthwhile, and Yu Guo had a clear conscience.Immediately ordered to stop fighting, ordered people to pass on a message, demanding that the British immediately hand over the murderer and stop all confrontational actions.

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