young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 161 Tariff Autonomous Meetings

Imperialism’s forced relentlessness in politics has brought about a bumper harvest in China’s economy. Zhang Zuolin’s “Northeast Autonomous Government” implemented a major measure in tariff policy in the early days of its establishment, which was tariff independence. The same was true after the country was basically unified.

After the Opium War in 1840, China lost its tariff autonomy due to the constraints of unequal treaties, and Chinese customs became a tool for imperialism to invade China. Therefore, taking back tariff autonomy has become an important mission of the Chinese people's anti-imperialist patriotic struggle. On November 1921, 11, Gu Weijun proposed a tariff independence case at the General Committee on Pacific and Far East Issues.This is the first factual proposal by the Beijing government.The case argues that China has complete freedom to define and differentiate its own tax rates.As soon as the bill was proposed, it was opposed by Britain, the United States, France, Japan and other countries, especially Japan and Britain. On January 23, 1922, U.S. representative Endwood proposed several methods, and finally passed the plan: the relevant countries immediately sent personnel to hold a meeting to revise the tariff rules in Shanghai, and the actual implementation value was 1%. After 3 years, there would be a revision, and thereafter every 4 years. Fix it once.Gu Weijun put forward a reservation statement: "In the future, when there is an appropriate opportunity, we will consider the issue of autonomy." Based on this resolution, the General Assembly formulated the "China Tariff Treaty" and officially signed it on February 7, 1922.

After the "May 1925th Movement" in 6, the Beijing government held a special tariff meeting in Beijing with 7 countries including the United Kingdom and the United States, announcing the independence of tariffs and promulgating the national "Temporary Regulations on Import Taxes".By June, the national government issued an external declaration of "revising the new covenant", with tariff autonomy as one of the two main contents.In July of the same year, the National Government and the United States first signed the "Sino-US Tariff Treaty."Subsequently, it successively concluded "Friendship and Trade Treaties" or new "Tariff Treaties" with Norway, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Portugal, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Spain and other countries.The national government announced the seven-level tax system recognized by various countries during the customs conference as the national tax system, and declared that it would come into effect on February 1927, 2.By 1 in official history, Japan finally agreed to the "Sino-Japanese Tariff Agreement."Through these "revised new treaty" measures, the national government has made some progress in the autonomy of customs duties, but these are only some concessions made by imperialism. The administrative management of customs is still in the hands of foreigners, and the Chinese government still cannot fully Freedom to set tax rates.In spite of this, the national government's tariff voluntary measures have increased the national tariff revenue and are conducive to the development of domestic industry and commerce, which has certain positive significance.Of course, in the full sense of the word, China's real tariff autonomy can be traced back to the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Zhang Hanqing will not tolerate China enduring such a long period of economic oppression.Political bullying is fine because of lack of power, and we have to hide our strengths and bide our time. Economically, we can no longer tolerate it like this, because this is an important benchmark for determining how long we will endure politically.

Both the Chinese People's Party represented by Zhang Hanqing and the reorganized Chinese Nationalist Party clearly put forward the idea of ​​abolishing unequal treaties and demanding independent tariffs in the party constitution.However, the imperialists will not easily give up the fat of their mouths. At present, when the national strength is still weak, rashly making demands can win the patriotic hearts of the people, but it is harmful to the strategic development of the country. Greater than profit: The escalated conflict may lead to a full-scale war between China and Britain and Japan. Although Zhang Hanqing understands the trend of the international situation, he cannot predict the limit of the reaction of Britain and Japan, because this incident itself has not appeared so much in history. morning.

Tariff revenue is the main body of government finance, and it is also the cornerstone of Zhang Zuolin's government's development.When the Chinese and British governments were battling wits and courage to deal with the "May 1925th Massacre" and the issue of concession recovery, from October 10 to July 1926, at the request of Zhang Hanqing, a special tariff meeting was held in Beijing.

Originally, before the convening of the special tariff meeting, Britain and Japan had formed a relatively clear policy on China's tariff issue. In comparison, to a certain extent, the United Kingdom has made certain concessions to China.This is because, after the dissolution of the Anglo-Japanese alliance under the leadership of the United States, Britain lacked powerful allies in Asia, especially in China.Originally, Britain thought that relying on its old relationship with Japan, it would jointly respond to the pressure from China caused by the "May [-]th Movement".However, Japan "responsively" changed from an active attack on China to a positive influence in a very low-key way when the Chinese people were passionate, thus hiding behind the UK, which made the UK alone in the forefront of the incident from the very beginning.In order to ease relations with China, it had to make some concessions on the tariff issue raised by China.

During the special tariff meeting, Britain and Japan not only obstructed China's proposal in every possible way, but also had many contradictions among them, which led to fierce fighting.If nothing else, this will be a long process of wrestling, resulting in no resolution being reached at the meeting, and no results.

But Zhang Hanqing is determined to take a risk. After the "May [-]th Massacre" was successfully concluded, Zhang Hanqing published the famous "Tariff Independence Requirements" in Congress, which opened the prelude to China's autonomy in customs. His report profoundly expressed the For the first time, the government of the Republic of China’s understanding of tariffs and independent requirements clearly pointed out that those British and American powers that did everything possible to hinder and suppress China’s rise were imperialism:

"Forcing trade by force and agreeing on a unilateral agreement on tax rates - this is the most vicious and gentlest ingenious means for the imperialists to destroy a country of a weak nation or reduce it to a semi-colonial In fact, the imperialists used this ingenious method to conquer the weak and small nations in Africa and Asia; in theory, this method is the only way to fully fool the low-educated nations and reduce their resistance to the imperialists.

The imperialists also used this ingenious method on China more than [-] years ago to achieve their goal of aggression. At first, one country forced trade and restricted China's right to set its own tax rates, and then other countries demanded the establishment of the most favorable trade treaty. ; thirdly, the civil strife was manipulated to seize the administrative power of customs; on the surface, China was willing to entrust the administrative power of customs to the imperialists, but in fact the Taiping chaos was originally manipulated by the imperialists, and their intended purpose was to profit from it ; Therefore, the Tianjin Treaty in the eighth year of Xianfeng, and the envoys of the Anglo-American and French envoys acting as agents for the Shanghai Customs were not accidental.Furthermore, they used the pretext of mortgaging foreign debts to deprive me of the right to preserve customs duties; to deprive China of all kinds of freedoms related to tariffs, using all kinds of good-sounding excuses, and tame it to this day, turning China into a de facto semi-colonial!The difference between China today and the colonists is nothing more than the form of an independent country and the fact that there is no definite one who commands China.

Due to the complete deprivation of tariff autonomy, China has suffered countless harms. As far as the important one is concerned, the involuntary tariff has economically restrained various industries in China's agriculture, industry and commerce, and prevented their development; it is obvious: China proposed Rewarding new industries has been ineffective for decades, because China's very light tariffs and inland lijin offset each other in terms of tariffs. In fact, it is equivalent to adopting a free trade policy. The possibility of confrontation with foreign industries with strong technology and advanced technology.

In terms of foreign trade, China's foreign trade has formed a permanent super-entry, which has made China's leaks bigger and bigger. In addition to running out of stock, it has caused them to exploit our capital and created 32 gorgeous concessions. 18 million yuan in foreign debt!This is an obvious fact in China's foreign trade: except for the six years from 5000 and [-] to [-], the annual import exceeded the output by an average of more than [-] million yuan per year.

The rise of China's national capital is a huge constraint: because the imperialists indulged in a large number of cheap surplus commodities, overwhelmed domestic products, and caused most of China's original handicraftsmen and farmers to be displaced and unemployed; When analyzed, they were all riots of unemployed peasants and craftsmen.Examining the reasons for their unemployment: the main reason is the free import of mass-produced cheap and high-quality foreign products (of course compared to domestic products at that time).At that time, China still had foreign countries in South Asia and America, the three northeastern provinces, Chasuire, Xinjiang, and border areas of Tibet, which could be relocated. Therefore, although these riots could not be eradicated, they could not develop freely.

20 years ago, it was difficult for Chinese laborers to go abroad, and the inland immigrants had reached the saturation level, so the harm of soldiers all over the country was getting worse day by day, and it was almost impossible to cure!The people's livelihood in the whole country is exhausted and it is impossible to make a living.Except for a few warlords and bureaucrats in the whole country, the economy of ordinary people is very difficult!Not only can we feel it from our daily life, but also from the degree of progress of China's trade with other countries, it is even more obvious when compared with the growth rate of foreign trade of other countries in the world in the past ten years.

Imperialism controls China's major customs, determines China's import and export tax rates, affects China's foreign trade, and controls the lifeline of China's economy.Through tariff control, they have achieved multiple goals in politics: to greatly restrict sovereignty, such as inland tax laws, such as production taxes, are also bound, and to correct tariffs requires the consent of all treaty countries; to make finances in fact unable to be independent, For example, China's financial planning over the years has actually been subject to the jurisdiction of the foreign officers of the General Taxation Department and the official tax custodian bank; it has allowed outsiders to interfere in internal affairs, such as the Guangdong Customs incident; it has caused the warlords to prolong the disturbance, because the imperialists helped the Chinese warlords with their guns, They all use their own countrymen as customs officers, so Japan must compete for the heads of customs in Dalian, Andong, and Qingdao.These evils, on the one hand, prevent China from gaining an equal status in the world, and the majority of Chinese people live an inhuman life; The root cause is only the deprivation of tariff autonomy.Therefore, since the revolutionary movement of the Tongmenghui, all patriotic movements, such as the patriotic movement at the Paris Peace Conference, the patriotic movement at the Washington Conference, and the "May [-]th" patriotic movement, have all taken the abolition of unequal treaties and the withdrawal of tariff autonomy as the most important slogans .

This is also the focus of the People's Party in coordinating political and economic work at present. Without the autonomy of tariffs, all efforts may be deprived of results or die halfway. This is something we absolutely cannot tolerate. "

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