young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 162 The Boldness of the People's Party

After the economic analysis was completed, Zhang Hanqing continued to talk eloquently about the obstruction of various pressures encountered in independent tariff negotiations:

"How cunning the imperialists are, of course they know that if they do not return China's autonomy, it will not be enough to end the Chinese people's national revolutionary movement; and if they return China's tariff autonomy, they will lose their security for the exploitation of the Chinese people. So they' In the name of the tariff meeting, "selling dog meat", they deceived the Chinese people and tried to make him kill two birds with one stone. Because on the surface, the tariff meeting seems to follow the Chinese public opinion to discuss the issue of China's independence, but in fact it is The tariff increase rate can be discussed in accordance with the wishes of the Chinese warlords, so as to achieve their goal of easing the Chinese national revolutionary movement and strengthening the economic and political shackles on China. Foreigners are most afraid of China taking the principle of international law as a change of situation. He really wants to lure the Chinese government to admit to increasing the 80% tax rate. Because in this way, China can obtain China’s meaning of restoring the old covenant 21 years ago, and express this exactly in line with Japan’s fear of China’s freedom of non-contractors. In principle, deal with the 21 articles of the Sino-Japanese treaty, so it lures China to end the agreement on the disposal of Shandong, so as to prove that China is willing to conclude the [-] articles, so as to ensure the previous exploitation of China (that is, foreign debts) and achieve the consolidation of the relationship with the Chinese people The revolutionary movement is the enemy of the Chinese warlord forces. Because as long as the customs conference decides to increase the [-]% additional tax, the warlords can use the guarantee to organize the balance of foreign debts and pay off new debts to kill each other and oppress the people. revolution.

Although their vicious strategy conflicts with the interests of the Chinese people, it is consistent with the interests of the Chinese warlords and bureaucrats.Therefore, the Chinese warlords and bureaucrats are willing to whitewash this strategy for the imperialists and oppress the Chinese people who oppose this strategy for them; , Opposing tariff increases is hindering tariff autonomy.

Under such circumstances, the people of the whole of China are actually facing a great crisis: either they will be reduced to slavery, or they will be freed, it all depends on how we deal with it.Because if the evil plan of the imperialists succeeds, all their unilateral tax rights will be further protected, that is, the economic and political harm we suffer will go further; on the contrary, if the evil plan fails, The tide of national revolution in China will be higher day by day, and the end of China's warlord bureaucracy will be approaching day by day, that is, the date of China's liberation from the yoke of the imperialists will come one day sooner!

We have always worked to promote the Chinese national revolution. We should be responsible for the success or failure and delay of the national revolution, and for the misfortune and happiness of the Chinese people with blood and perseverance!In the actual work of the revolution, you have to be responsible!When the imperialists are going to deceive the Chinese people with the deceit of the tariff conference, we should do our best to expose their shady plots and lead the people to struggle for strength!Therefore, with regard to the tariff conference that the imperialists want to use now, we, standing in the position of leading the national movement, should have the following propositions:

The tariff conference can only discuss one issue - the unconditional withdrawal of tariff autonomy and the abolition of all restrictions on tariffs in the current treaty. This is the most important and basic issue, which we call item A.The so-called tariff autonomy includes the following three items: the freedom to formulate tariff rates; the autonomy of customs administration; the commercial agreement to abolish the one-sided most-favored-nation clause.

If there is no definite solution to the problem in item A, no tax increase can be discussed. A simple tax increase is not only useless but also harmful economically, because this kind of tax increase is still a kind of fiscal tariff in the end, and it still has to be borne by ordinary people. Yes, no loss with the input provider!The new tariff code claims to formulate a national tariff code, but he is brought up to the tariff meeting for discussion. Is this still considered a national tariff code?What a joke!The cutting of lijin and lijin should be discussed, and based on the same reason, it is not considered independent of tariffs!Looking at the agenda of the tariff meeting, the sub-items under the item of tariff autonomy are only the formulation of national tariff rules and the reduction of tariffs. It can also be seen that the government regards tariff autonomy as a trifling matter!If all kinds of problems are not handled in this way, the result will run counter to the recovery of tariff autonomy and will become a kind of empty waste paper.

If the problem in Item A is definitely resolved, China should propose the following three steps for the abolition of the old covenant and the conclusion of the new covenant, but only discuss the time limit for the implementation of the steps to show China's leniency; and the time limit for the implementation of each step , after discussion, it shall not be extended for more than six months beyond the original period. "

Borrowing the inspiration from Grandpa Deng who set a time limit for the Sino-British negotiations before the recovery of Hong Kong, and the feeling that the negotiations on the recovery of the French Concession were surprisingly smooth after the time limit was set, Zhang Hanqing spoke forcefully to the members of Congress and also to the reporters from various countries behind the spotlight A declarative statement was made: "If the negotiation fails to reach the goal as scheduled, China will implement a separate draft! Regardless of whether there is an abyss or a minefield ahead, our People's Party and the People's Army will go forward without hesitation!"

Thunderous applause rang out, this is the first time in nearly a century that China has uttered a powerful roar against the great powers.

"Long live!" These are the people of China who were originally weak, whether they are members of parliament, reporters or ordinary service personnel, they are all excited by the young marshal's oath.How many years have passed, who has the courage, guts and strength of a young commander to make a Chinese proud?

The Congress unanimously approved Zhang Hanqing's keynote of the tariff negotiations "China's Tariff Policy in 1926 and After", and required Chinese economic experts participating in the negotiations to grasp the following points:

Step [-]: Immediately increase the population luxury tax with a value of more than [-] and [-]; exempt the export tax of China's designated important products-this is of course included in the equal business agreement, but because of the relationship between the tariff guarantee and the foreign debt guarantee, this It is a tax reduction, so you might as well declare it; increase the seven-five-year additional tax rate for cotton yarn and cotton cloth; the customs deposit will be transferred to the new customs bank formed by the Bank of China, and the bank will guarantee the previous legitimate purposes related to customs duties. external debt.

Step [-]: Formulate national tax regulations within one year, conclude new commercial agreements with foreign countries, and implement the new customs administrative system.

Step [-]: Within two years, China will apply the highest national tax rate for countries where the new commercial agreement has not yet been established.

As a response and a demonstration of the right to participate in and influence the state affairs, representatives from all walks of life in Beijing and China have been sent to participate in the tariff meeting, urging the Chinese committee members to follow the above-mentioned method; and request the tariff committee to announce the agenda and the truth of the resolutions every day.

Zhang Hanqing's policy statement has strong countermeasures, just as he was caught by the spotlight and waving his arms sonorously said: "If the above four items cannot achieve the goal, the nationals of the country should strengthen the Chinese representatives in the tariff conference. Sanctions to make it declare the suspension of the meeting; and in the shortest time, China will automatically formulate a national tax rate and announce the abolition of all unequal tariff agreements!

Of course, it is difficult for such a proposition to win the approval of the imperialists.But in theory, only in this way can we truly recover the autonomy of tariffs; only in this way can we achieve the goal that the Chinese people have worked hard for decades, so there is no need to be afraid of difficulties, and there is no need to imagine for the imperialists: what is their loss? There is no need to be afraid that after the tariff meeting is frozen, there will be no chance to take back the autonomy of tariffs!We know that what is taken away by force must be taken back by force. We are not afraid that the autonomy of tariffs will not be recovered, but we are afraid that we will not have the strength of the people to prepare.Students across the country, people from all walks of life across the country, get ready for battle!

Our task now is: on the one hand to announce and publicize our views, and on the other hand to use our views and views to attack the imperialists and their compradors and the warlords and bureaucracies that flirt with the imperialist forces. , about all the inciting remarks at the Tariff Conference, and accused the general public opinion circle of being unclear and incomplete in their discussions.Only such a proposition can win the support of the broad masses of the people, and only such a proposition can be in line with the will of China's national independence and freedom! "

Under the "authorization" of the National Congress, the ROC government's tough attitude on tariff independence has forced the big powers to recognize the fact that China, which is gradually becoming stronger, is no longer the old China that would shake the whole country with a random note. The revolutionary movement launched by the party has swept across China, and the enlightened Chinese are not to be fooled.Under such circumstances, it is inevitable to conditionally and gradually return the economic rights of the Chinese government.

However, it is not the style of the big powers to spit out the fat at the mouth easily. In order to be able to postpone this period to extend the benefit period, the big powers have cited China's lack of relevant talents and China's lack of relevant experience. Bad symptoms such as economic recession and decline in foreign trade will affect the economic interests of major countries in China and cause disastrous consequences.They used various methods to make things difficult, so that the Chinese negotiators retreated or recognized their ideas.

From October 1925 to March 10 for nearly half a year, he did not achieve any meaningful results, which made Zhang Hanqing very angry.He instructed Foreign Minister Mo Dehui: "It's time to come up with China's own proposal."

This is his record to prevent such a situation from happening, and it is also a trump card to overwhelm all opposing forces.The plan was simple: "If a unified goal cannot be reached by mid-1926, China will propose and implement a plan on its own."

Can't you drag it?I won't play with you anymore!If you take you as a person, you are like five people and six people, so what if you don't take you seriously?It is true that the United States, Japan, and Britain are strong, but they also have soft persimmons such as Yihebi.No one knows what China's filing is. According to China's habitual toughness in recent years, no one can guarantee how unacceptable China's plan is. Is it really true that China has cut itself off from China?

As he explained to The Times reporter Brown: "China's goal is to restore the exercise of control over customs - which is a matter of sovereignty - and to maintain prosperity and stability, the two are inseparable. Yes. In terms of maintaining prosperity, China hopes to obtain the cooperation of foreign countries, but this does not mean that China's continued prosperity must be achieved under the control of foreign countries."

Brown asked maliciously: "What if Britain, the United States, Japan and other countries disagree? This will have disastrous consequences."

Zhang Hanqing said meaningfully: "When we made this decision, we had already anticipated this situation. Because of the negotiating parties' difficulties, China was forced to introduce this timetable. If it is announced that it will bring 'air crash consequences', We People's Party members, People's Army and all Chinese people will bravely face this disaster and make a decision!"

The loud voice seemed to be a footnote to his words. News soon came from Japan that China’s proposal on independent tariffs might be considered and passed at the mid-term meeting of the National Congress in June. At that time, there may be serious situations that cannot be avoided by all parties.

Immediately, all the previous ideas and plans of various countries were thrown away by themselves. Instead, they studied China's plan to find the beneficial side and strengthen it.The alliance of great powers that had long been united in their positions was loosened.

Of course, the big powers will not admit defeat, and rack their brains to earn the last benefit, James, the British Consul General in China. Harwt even put forward a suggestion: "In view of the lack of experience and professional personnel in China, the British government is willing to send consultants to the major customs on the basis of recognizing China's control, so that China's benefit is to immediately get Britain's approval of the tariff proposal. .”

Good guy, I even thought of the idea of ​​being the emperor's remote commander!There are already enough uncles in China, what if you want to add more chaos?This theory was of course strictly rejected by Zhang Hanqing.

In order not to get unfavorable consequences in the next wave of interest competition, the big powers who are familiar with Zhang Hanqing's characteristic of keeping his word and doing his own things have approved the Chinese proposal with reservations, and finally the Chinese negotiating team is ready to submit another set of proposals to Congress. The plan was stillborn, and a major economic and political crisis at home and abroad was invisible.

Thus, from the end of 1925, the government of the Republic of China successively obtained the customs control rights of Guangzhou, Nanjing, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, and Qingdao.

For a big customs like Shanghai, all the big powers have very important interests, and they encountered strong obstacles at the beginning of the negotiations, which Zhang Hanqing had long expected.In line with the principle of getting a point and not losing a cent, the Chinese customs commissioners held a secret discussion with the young marshals, citing classics and classics to gain as much benefit as possible.Zhang Hanqing can be tough on France because France is unable to pose a substantial threat to China, and other countries also have constraints on France's behavior. At the current stage, it is absolutely irrational to start an all-out war against the big powers. This is not a traitor, it is real patriotic.

The return of the control of the customs will not become very simple until China is truly strong. Just like the liberation of Shanghai in the official history, Zhang Hanqing is convinced of this. Without him, the conclusion that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" is correct. It has been verified many times.

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