In the "dispute between the government and the courtyard", Li Yuanhong lost the wind and was helpless. Li Yuanhong quoted the past, and Zhang Xun, the patrol envoy of the Yangtze River and the governor of Anhui, went to Beijing to mediate.Zhang Xun led his "braided army" to Beijing for "mediation" on June 6, but he actually had other plans.Duan Qirui, who had retired to Tianjin during the Li-Duan dispute, naturally wished for Zhang Xun to go to Beijing. Poor Li Yuanhong yearned for the stars and the moon, and finally hoped for a savior but did not expect it to be a disaster.After entering Beijing, Zhang Xun dissolved the Congress, drove Li Yuanhong into the embassy area, and elected Feng Guozhang as president.

After Feng Guozhang became president, he expressed his respect for the responsible cabinet system, and he did not interfere with Duan's administrative and decision-making decisions. Duan's attitude towards Feng was also much better than that of Li Shi.But they are two powerful factions, Feng Guozhang is quite scheming, and what is different from Li Yuanhong is that he has status in the Beiyang military system, has military power, and has the backing of the three governors of the Yangtze River, so of course he does not want to be the same as Li Yuanhong. The president and Duan Qirui are headstrong and will never give up any power, so the dispute between the two is equally sharp.

The first dispute is over military power, which has always been the focus of disputes between presidents and prime ministers.Not long after Feng Guozhang took office, he wanted to restore the "Generalissimo Army and Navy Command Office", but of course Duan refused to agree.Duan set up the "Office of Continental Affairs" in the State Council to replace the "Office of Command" in Yuan Shikai's era.Feng wanted to intervene in major national affairs, and he didn't want to be a big president who looked like a clay sculpture in name only. Duan finally gave in in this regard, and sent an official to report to the president every day on the political situation.

However, the dispute between the president and the prime minister is not superficial, or a little compromise on one matter can be eased, so the power struggle has made the two Beiyang giants more and more rift.The secret fight between Feng and Duan was the beginning of the struggle between the Beiyang faction and the Anhui faction.Because Duan abolished the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China and refused to restore the National Assembly, Sun Yat-sen launched a war to protect the law in Guangzhou, forming a confrontation between North and South in China.The Anhui faction of Duan Qirui in the middle of the Beijing government screamed for unification by force, while the direct line of President Feng Guozhang advocated a truce and peace talks, and the struggle between the Zhi and Anhui factions became increasingly acute.These two lines have their own strengths and territory in the military, but they also have their own weaknesses: the direct line occupies the territory of the three provinces of the Yangtze River, but Hubei, Jiangxi, and Jiangsu are not connected, and because of the scattered terrain, their forces are not concentrated, especially in Jiangsu. It is surrounded on three sides by the forces of the Anhui faction.As for Feng Guozhang himself living in Beijing, he is also within the sphere of influence of the Anhui clique.However, the soldiers of the Anhui faction talked more on paper than they were willing to fight tough battles. Moreover, when sending troops to the southwest, they had to cross the Yangtze River and pass through the territory of the direct lineage. The military expedition to the south must obtain Feng's support.

Duan usually calls Feng the "fourth brother", but when it comes to power, the two brothers fight even harder!Duan and Li are fighting each other, but they are real swords and guns!Duan's domineering and domineering forced Feng Guozhang into desperation, so he brought a brigade of elite soldiers and 22 boxes of ammunition. In the name of patrolling the southern battlefield, he went south along the Jinpu line and went straight to his old nest in Nanjing.But Duan sent his confidant Duan Zhigui to intercept the President halfway in Anhui. It is impossible for President Feng not to see the armed soldiers surrounding the train, so he could only look at Nanjing, which was close at hand. After arriving in Beijing, he completely delegated power to Duan Qirui.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xun, the leader of the "braided army" loyal to the royal family, made another farce of restoration in June.In order to obtain maximum support, Zhang Xun also focused on Feng Delin, who was down but still strong, and suddenly called Feng Delin to Beijing.Feng Delin was worried that he couldn't get rid of Zhang Zuolin's pressing hand, and he was blinded by lard for a while, so he was willing to gamble with his wealth and life.In his view, Zhang Xun succeeded in restoration, and he would not worry about being granted a title, returning to the Northeast with honor, and replacing Zhang Zuolin.At that time, Feng Houjin is quite easy, so why be afraid of Zhang Zuolin and General Shengtian?

So overjoyed, he sent his confidant Zhang Haipeng to lead an advance team of 200 people to go there first. On the 20th, Feng Delin arrived in Beijing under the escort of [-] guards, and immediately met Zhang Xun, supported the restoration activities and offered his allegiance to him.At the same time, he went to the palace to pay homage to Emperor Xuantong with three bows and nine kowtows.Puyi rewarded him with "wearing a yellow mandarin jacket, riding a horse in Zijin City, and having the title of imperial guard with big claws".

On July 7, Zhang Xun supported the restoration of Puyi, the abolished emperor, and proclaimed himself Minister of State, Governor of Zhili, and Minister of Beiyang, and changed the sixth year of the Republic of China (1) to the ninth year of Xuantong.Feng Delin was also smug, flustered and dizzy, without knowing why.Fainted by his benefits, he ordered some officers and soldiers of the 1917th Division to go to Beijing to "praise the restoration and defend the royal family".Suddenly, the situation changed, the situation took a turn for the worse, the national public opinion was in an uproar, and the voice of "challenging rebellion" rose.The clumsy performance of Zhang Xun and Feng Delin was opposed by the whole country. Inside and outside the Great Wall, they wielded Ge Xingshi to punish the traitors.Feng Delin had a premonition that bad luck was coming, so he had the audacity to ask Zhang Zuolin for it.Zhang Nianjiuyi, Telegram: "It is dangerous to live in Beijing forever, and return by riding alone along the Great Wall by land, and you should go out to meet you at a suitable place", or cloud.But Feng Delin ignored Zhang Zhi's advice, accepted his left and right opinions, led his guards, dressed in casual clothes, and traveled eastward by train.

On July 7th, when the train was driving at Tianjin Station, it was discovered by members of the detective team under Cao Chrome, and Feng Delin, Zhang Haipeng and 10 subordinate officers and soldiers were captured together. On July 7, Zhang Xun's "braided soldiers" fought in the Temple of Heaven, the whole army was defeated, and the restoration farce came to an end. Duan Qirui entered Beijing on the 12th.On the same day, Feng Delin was escorted from Tianjin to Beijing and detained at the headquarters of the 14th Division for trial. On August 8, the President officially announced that "Feng Delin's crimes of rebellion against the Republic are obvious, he will be deprived of all official positions and honors, and will be handed over to the court for severe punishment according to law."

Although Zhang Zuolin had always had conflicts with Feng Delin, he thought of his green forest friendship. At the request of Feng's wife, he went to Beijing to find Duan Qirui; More than a hundred brigade, regiment, and battalion commanders jointly petitioned Beijing for Feng Delin's order.Not only that, but also persuaded the gentry in sixteen counties in western Liaoning to write a letter asking for tolerance.After the efforts of all parties to clear it up, on October 27, Duan Qirui's government changed his sentence to "the lack of evidence to participate in the restoration, and he was fined 28 yuan for opium smoking" and was released.After Feng Delin was released from prison, the authorities appointed him as a senior adviser to Duan Qirui's presidential palace in order to save face, and Zhang Zuolin was in charge of the 29th Division.However, although Feng Delin is free, he has no soldiers and no danger.Soon after, Duan Qirui appointed Feng Delin as "Minister of the Mountain Tombs Guardian", responsible for guarding the ancestral tombs before the Qing Dynasty entered the customs.

After the 28th Division was incorporated, Zhang Zuolin planned to disperse and reorganize the entire division, which caused panic and instability in the army.Zhang Hanqing tried his best to dissuade and recommend Ji Jinchun, the former brigade commander of the 28th Division, to be promoted to the division commander to replace Feng Delin. Pure master, so all kinds of rumors gradually died down.Ji Jinchun also lived up to Zhang Hanqing's knowledge of people and the grace of promotion, and actively cooperated with Zhang's actions, and later became one of the five generals of the Fengjun.

Zhang Zuolin does not pursue the dispute with Feng, and complains with virtue, which completely wins Fengxing's heart.In this campaign, he won the complete 28th Division without any effort, and even dominated Fengtian Province, and his strength has grown a big step.In this battle, Feng Delin was completely defeated.Zhang Zuolin won the approval of the officers and soldiers of the 28th Division through his affection and righteousness to Feng Delin.

The dispute between Zhang and Feng in Fengtian was a major event outside the customs after Yuan Shikai's death. The complete victory in this battle was also a turning point in the rise of Zhang Zuolin's Feng family.

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