Because of Zhang Xun's restoration and called for the protection of the law, Guangdong Governor Zhu Qinglan invited Sun to go to Guangdong, Cheng Biguang's navy became independent, and Sun, Tang Shaoyi, Wang Zhaoming, Wu Tingfang and others went south to Guangzhou.When he arrived in Guangzhou, Duan Qirui "rebuilt the republic" and refused to restore the Congress elected in 1913, which was abolished by Zhang Xun.Sun Yat-sen called on members of Congress to go to Guangzhou together, convened an extraordinary meeting of the Congress, launched the Law Protection Movement (also known as the Three Revolutions), organized the Law Protection Government and took office as Grand Marshal, and swore to the Northern Expedition.

Duan Qirui wants to unify by force, and the military conquest of the south will cost a lot of money. Where will the money come from?There is only one way to borrow money.At that time, due to the intense war in Europe, Britain and France were unable to borrow money, so Japan took the opportunity to enter. At this time, Duan Qirui also wanted to use Japan's support to achieve his dream of conquering the South and reunification, so he reused Cao Rulin and asked him to be the chief financial officer. The well-known pro-Japanese faction, Duan Qirui later attacked and betrayed the country for the people of the country, which was formed during this period.

In order to lend money to China, Japan formed a special bank consortium with the three banks of Korea, Taiwan, and Industrial Bank. The total loan amount was as high as 2 million yen. Japanese Nishihara Kamezo handled it, and later became the famous "Nishihara Loan".

In order to seek financial abundance and carry out his dream of unification by force, Duan Qirui did not hesitate to drink poison to quench his thirst, ruined the country's power, and allowed Japan to borrow money in order to seize China's interests. China's losses due to Nishihara's loans are as follows:

[-]. Jichang Railway, Jihui Railway and Manmeng Fourth Road are all mortgaged.

[-]. Assignment of management rights for radio stations and cable telecommunications.

[-]. Transfer of gold mines and forests in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces.

[-]. Transfer of Shandong Jishun and Gaoxu Railways.

[-]. The loss of the exchange of notes on the Shandong issue.

[-]. Chinese troops participating in the war must use Japanese officers for training.

At the same time, the Japanese government suggested that China and Japan jointly establish the Fenghuangshan Iron Mine. China and Japan each invest 2500 million yuan, and the Chinese capital can be advanced by Japan. It also proposed to build a steel factory in Pukou, hire Japanese technicians, and supervise it with Lu Zongyu.This news was first canceled by Beijing's English-language "Beijing News". Duan believed that this secret treaty was deliberately leaked by the presidential palace, and at the same time believed that Feng Guozhang deliberately fueled the flames and encouraged opposition.Because Li Chun, the governor of Jiangsu, convened a secret military meeting in Nanjing. The result of the meeting: not only the request to cancel the military loan, but also the request to reshuffle the cabinet, because they believed that there were pro-Japanese elements in the cabinet, so they needed to be reorganized.Not only Li Chun, the governor of Jiangsu, was opposing it, but other governors of the direct line, such as Chen Guangyuan, the governor of Jiangxi, and Wang Zhanyuan, the governor of Hubei, all called the government to make it clear.

Duan Qirui sent military police to arrest the editor-in-chief of the "Beijing News", Chen Youren, and then seized the "Beijing News".As a result, it became an event that caused an uproar both at home and abroad. It was widely spread: "China's ordnance will be managed by Japan, and all the arsenals, coal and iron mines in all provinces will also be controlled by Japan." So the people of the whole country and various groups unanimously opposed the ordnance. The loan and the Fenghuangshan mining contract demanded that the Duan cabinet declare the truth.At the same time, the American minister protested against the arms loan from China and Japan, and also demanded the publication of the Fenghuangshan mining contract. The British minister believed that the Yangtze River Basin was the sphere of British influence and Japan could not be allowed to get involved.Li Chun, the governor of Jiangsu, pointed out that Fenghuang Mountain is under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu, which is related to local issues, and the local authorities should be consulted before signing the contract.The tone implied that even if the cabinet signed a mining agreement, he would not allow the Japanese to mine iron ore.

Duan decided to go his own way, ignoring the objections. Before the contract was signed, it was sent to the table of Zhang Guogan, the director of agricultural and commercial affairs, which should be approved and signed by the director of agricultural and commercial affairs.But Zhang Guogan refused to sign.Also serving in the Beiyang government, Zhang Guogan has shown the backbone of the Chinese.

Who is this Zhang Guogan?Speaking of which, it is famous.

Zhang Guogan (1876-1959), courtesy name Ganruo and Zhongjia, nicknamed Shigong, was born in Puqi, Hubei.Beiyang government officials and scholars.Before the Wuchang Uprising, he was transferred to Beijing to serve as the deputy director of the Cabinet Bureau of Statistics; later, he participated in the North-South peace talks with Tang Shaoyi as a "counselor" and was favored by Yuan Shikai. Deputy Minister, Minister of Education.When Li Yuanhong was in power, he continued to be reused because of his fellow-townsmanship. He successively served as Secretary-General of the Presidential Palace, Secretary-General of the State Council, Chief of Agriculture and Commerce, Chief of Justice, and President of the Water Conservancy Bureau.Dealing with the factions of the Beiyang warlords and mediating conflicts is a priority for all parties.If he didn't sign it, Duan Qirui, who is the prime minister, had nothing to do.

On November 11, Hayashi Quansuke, the Japanese Minister to China, personally went to the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and threatened Zhang to sign.Zhang Guogan asked Lin Quanzhu whether he represented the Japanese businessman or the Japanese government?He said: "If you represent a businessman from your country, you should follow our Chinese mining regulations. If you represent your government, this is the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. I have no status to talk to you. Please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country. "

Lin Quanzhu was speechless by Zhang's words, and he was too embarrassed to turn his face, so he had to withdraw.Not long after, he visited Zhang Guogan again. He put on a friendly face and suggested that the case be transferred to the Ministry of the Army in accordance with the practice that the Japanese steel industry is managed by the military.Zhang replied: "This is our country's internal affairs, and you don't need to worry about it." Duan Qirui saw that the matter was tense, so he sent Sun Runzi to bribe Zhang with 120 million yuan, and the bribe was increased to 200 million yuan, but was rejected.Secretary of the State Council Tu Fengshu was also sent to persuade Zhang to leave Beijing under the pretext of inspecting the peasant associations in various provinces, and the deputy minister who acted for the ministry would sign the iron ore contract on his behalf, but Zhang Guogan also refused.Duan also adopted the method he used to deal with Sun Hongyi, the chief of internal affairs, and persuaded Zhang to transfer the governor of the province to avoid bearing the brunt of it, but Zhang refused.

Zhang usually is easy-going, but this time he is very firm.Duan finally sent his confidant Zeng Yujun to visit Zhang and said many good things, asking Zhang for help, Zhang Guogan said: "If you don't sign, you are doing the Prime Minister a favor!"

Duan Qirui's crusade against the South (Sun Yat-sen), the policy of unification by force was not feasible, and he was opposed by the direct line, and the situation in Hunan changed suddenly, so he had no choice but to resign.Before his resignation was submitted, Li Chun (direct line), the governor of Jiangsu, called again to suggest that the prime minister should not serve as the chief of the army (in fact, he wanted to cut Duan Qirui's military power), dissolve the temporary senate, appoint Tang Shaoyi as the general representative of the northern peace conference, and quickly convene the North-South peace talks.

On November 11, Duan was forced to submit his resignation letter. At the same time, he sent a "secret" telegram to discuss the necessity of the unity of the Beiyang faction and his own reasons for having to resign.While stepping down clearly, he used the position of vice president to win over Zhili Cao Kun, intending to divide the Zhili forces.

Although Cao Kun belonged to the direct lineage, he had not joined the Zhuhe Group of the Three Governors of the Yangtze River before, and had always maintained a good relationship with the Anhui faction.Both the Zhi and Anhui departments tried their best to win over Cao Kun, but he never played favoritism.He was the most powerful of the Beiyang faction at that time, and he was once the minister of Beiyang in the Qing Dynasty. His every move had a serious impact on Beijing.Cao Kunben remained neutral in the open and covert struggle between the Zhi and Anhui factions. Under the direction of Xu Shuzheng, an important adviser in his hand, he published a separate horse telegram on the 21st: He advocated that the withdrawal of the Southern Army from Changsha should be the condition for the North-South peace talks.On the surface, it seems that there is still a main battle, or a compromise between the main battle and the main battle, but it is actually not good for the southern army.

Before and after the publication of Cao Kun’s horse report, Anhui warlords such as Ni Sichong, Governor of Anhui, Zhang Zuolin, Governor of Fengtian, Yang Shande, Governor of Zhejiang, and other warlords: Lu Yongxiang, Zhang Huaizhi, Zhang Jingyao, Li Houji, etc. responded to Duan’s call and advocated continuing to fight against the south. For a while, the main combat faction gained momentum.

On December 12, led by Cao Kun and Zhang Huaizhi, the Warlords and representatives of the Warlords gathered in Tianjin Sunjia Garden for a meeting.The scale and grandeur of this meeting was no less than that of the Xuzhou meeting. In addition to the absence of representatives from the southwestern provinces and the three governors of the Yangtze River, the seven provinces of Shanxi, Fengtian, Heilongjiang, Fujian, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Shaanxi, as well as the seven provinces of Chahar, Rehe, and Suiyuan Representatives of the warlords from the three special zones, as well as Lu Yongxiang from Shanghai and Zhang Jingyao from Xuzhou all came to Tianjin, which was tantamount to another warlord meeting.

Zhang Hanqing was the Fengtian representative attending the Tianjin meeting, accompanied by Zhang Zuolin's think tank, Fengtian Army Chief of Staff Yang Yuting.At the Tianjin meeting, Duan Zhigui was recommended to Beijing for a showdown with Feng Guozhang. They expressed a tactful opinion: if the Southern Army withdraws from Hunan and dissolves the Extraordinary Congress, they can negotiate peace. This is the minimum condition for peace talks. The means to deal with the former president of Lebanon is to deal with the current president-the provinces have declared independence from the central government.

Zhang Hanqing expressed high-profile support for Duan Qirui on behalf of Zhang Zuolin of the Feng family. The reason for this is that although Duan Qirui has announced his resignation, Zhang Hanqing clearly knows that Duan will come back soon.Without him, history has proved.In order to let Duan feel Fengtian Province's "loyalty" support for him, after obtaining Zhang Zuolin's consent, Zhang Hanqing stated clearly that "if the president does not accept the terms of the peace talks, there will be no peace for the country, and Fengtian Province will still support Duan." Prime Minister's Southward Policy."

This is actually a disguised statement of support for Duan Qirui. I don't know what the old Duan thinks in his heart, but at least his affection for Zhang Zuolin and his son has increased, which was reflected in subsequent incidents one by one.

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