young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 33 Liberating Peasants Is Liberating China

Economic development and military reform backed by state power are all money-burning games.But at this time, people's livelihood is dying and all industries are waiting to be flourished. Where can the Fengjun government find money?After finally repaying the Japanese loan borrowed by the unification of Kyrgyzstan and Heilongjiang provinces by launching a military campaign, the fiscal revenue is barely enough for daily expenses.To compete with the Japanese, it is not enough to always rely on opportunism, that is real skill, relying on strength.Zhu Yuanzhang knew "build high walls and accumulate food widely", and if he wanted to make a difference in this era, economic strength came first.In a word, in the era of hot weapons, what is burned in war is not oil, but money.

In Zhang Hanqing's thinking, an increase in the gross national product does not necessarily lead to an increase in national strength and status.The reason is simple: in the late Qing Dynasty, China’s gdp was the largest in the world, and it still fought and lost and paid compensation!

In 1936 before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, China's gdp was much higher than that of Japan, about 1 to 9 times that of Japan. However, both the Japanese government, the Chinese government, and Western observers believed that Japan was significantly stronger than China.

In modern times, the status of a great power is established by war.The sectors of the economy most closely associated with war are industry and transportation.

The book "The Rise and Fall of Great Powers" argues that the economic aggregate itself is not of much significance, "The material output of hundreds of millions of farmers can pale in comparison to the output of 500 million workers, but because most of what they produce is consumed, it is far from It is impossible to form surplus wealth or a decisive military striking power. Britain was strong in 1850 because it possessed modern, wealth-creating industry and all the benefits derived from it".In a war, whether the country can produce enough munitions and deliver these munitions to the front line in time is an important factor in determining the outcome of the war.This is also in line with Mao Zedong's military strategy of "concentrating superior forces and focusing on attacking the enemy".

In fairness, China's small-scale peasant economy has long been conducive to governance.Throughout Chinese history, as long as farmers have land to grow and can live a self-sufficient life, the replacement of dynasties is almost impossible.Zhang Hanqing, who has been popularizing Marxist political economics education from middle school to master's degree, has a deeper understanding of the meaning of "agriculture seeks stability, industry seeks development, and business seeks prosperity" after returning to the past.

In the early years of the Republic of China, the phenomenon of land annexation in Northeast China was very serious.In rural areas, the fields of a village are often occupied by one or several large landlords.Farmers who lost their land were either long-term workers who were exploited by their employers, or had the opportunity to enter the city and become factory workers, and some simply went to the mountains to become bandits and do some worthless business.And once there is a disagreement, they will go back home to work in agriculture or directly change from bandits to soldiers, and then repeat.This is also an important reason why banditry was prevalent in Northeast China during the period of the Republic of China and was banned repeatedly.

Is there any way to get rid of these bandits once and for all?Zhang Hanqing naturally thought of the practice of the ruling party in later generations: divide the land and beat the local tyrants!In fact, this approach has been very successful.As long as there is something to eat, how many people are really willing to be bandits?Because land was concentrated in the hands of landlords, they constituted the ruling base of the central and even local governments.Landlords endlessly squeeze the value of the surplus labor of long-term workers, and some will squander it in a drunken dream. Apart from increasing social instability, they contribute little to the progress of the country.At the beginning of the founding of the former Soviet Union, it used the method of peaceful redemption to gain control of the economy, but before and after the founding of New China, it used armed struggle to seize land from landlords.However, it is impossible for Zhang Hanqing to confiscate the land by force. Doing so will immediately plunge him and his father's government into chaos. Without a capable political party and a correspondingly educated manpower base to complete such a drastic move- ---What should I do if the bucket falls?Who will govern?

However, the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government is not capable of buying these fields and redistributing them to landless farmers like the Soviet Union.All they have is the barrel of a gun!Zhang Hanqing naturally thought of the famous saying "Government grows out of the barrel of a gun".Yes, with this thing, the government has the final say on what to do!

The government can’t offend the landlords by forcefully distributing land from big households—some more enlightened landlords are the wealth of the Northeast. Many of them traveled to the East with their families because of poverty, and earned it today with blood, sweat and wisdom. This hard-won family business, the Northeast is about to carry out large-scale economic construction, and a large number of such talents are needed to be liberated from the land and display their talents.Like the "big eaters" of later generations, the so-called revolutionary success may be achieved in a short period of time, but the sequelae will require large-scale policy revisions after decades. Why bother!

The government must not pay, because there is no money, but the government must have money.

Farmers must be allocated land, which is the basis for establishing a foothold in the Northeast.But a loose, comfortable, self-sufficient rural life has no immediate effect on national strength.

After a period of thinking, Zhang Hanqing gradually came up with an idea: the government used credit to forcefully purchase the excess land from the landlords, promising to pay interest every year and repay the principal within a certain period of time (he expected 10 or 20 years).What he wants now is to concentrate the power of the entire Northeast: human, financial, and material resources, to establish dozens or even hundreds of large and super-large factories and mines monopolized by the government, so as to complete the primitive accumulation of industry!This is a bit of a reference to the "subsidizing labor with agriculture" of future generations. It was fully quoted at the beginning of the founding of the former Soviet Union and China after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Although it is a bit cruel, it is necessary for backward and poor countries to embark on the modern road as soon as possible. the best way.Just imagine how much of the credit for Japan’s post-war economic take-off belongs to the chaebols directly funded by the government—Panasonic, NEC, Toyota… South Korea’s ability to squeeze into the ranks of industrialized powerhouses in a corner is also inseparable from the so-called four pillars of South Korea’s industries Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, Daewoo...

And this kind of credit can also give creditors another choice, that is, to convert all or part of the government's arrears into shares and invest them in the construction of industrial enterprises' factories and mines.If it is allowed, it is equivalent to using the government to borrow private capital to complete the development of industry. In this way, the idle resources of the society can be greatly mobilized and marketized to the maximum extent. In economic terms, it is called expanded reproduction.

Compared with China's state-planned economic system in the Mao era, the market economic system realized by Japan and South Korea with the strong support of the state is undoubtedly superior. This is also the main reason for the rise of the four Asian tigers.However, compared with the common weak government intervention model in Western countries, as a rising country, their governments have considered more strategic issues such as industrial development layout and industrial development sequence, and have much deeper involvement in the economy.After the war, in order to get out of the predicament as soon as possible, the Japanese government first formulated a preferential economic policy, followed by South Korea. It first met the needs of basic industries such as steel and coal mines, solved the bottleneck problem of economic development, and then formulated a national economic doubling plan in due course- --Similar to China's five-year plan, it guides the industry to make large-scale investment in key heavy chemical industry and electronic industry and gives full support.This policy has enabled South Korea to achieve outstanding results in the "Four Tigers".

In any case, the foundations of Japan and South Korea after the war were good. Unlike China today, the industry is basically zero, and the limited number of clubs were established by the Japanese.Even so, the situation in Northeast China is much better than that in Guanzhong. In a word, the rest of China is poorer and more backward.

Zhang Hanqing intends to build a complete economic system from scratch, but at present, he has a very deep understanding of the meaning of "liberating China's farmers is liberating China's productive forces and liberating China".The source of funds for the development of industry must come from agriculture, and the task of emancipating farmers begins with land reform.

After obtaining Zhang Zuolin's permission and surrounded by a group of think tanks, Zhang Hanqing entered the Chaoyang area in the west of Feng Province as a prince to carry out the famous "Chaoyang Land Reform" pilot project in history.

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