young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 37 Japan wants to intervene in the Middle East Road

The October Revolution was a historic event of far-reaching significance that took place in the huge Tsarist Russian Empire in far Eastern Europe, and it also deeply impacted China, which is thousands of miles away.Zhang Hanqing is determined to use this rare opportunity to speed up the development of Fengjun.

There is no need to elaborate on the cause, but this is a piece of modern history that Zhang Hanqing is most familiar with—this is beneficial to the result of endless political education from elementary school to university before time travel.As far as he knows, Soviet Russia has since experienced the first difficult stage, which is also the first major famine:

In the late period of World War I, the October Revolution broke out in Russia in 1917, the Tsarist Russian government collapsed, the Bolsheviks established a Soviet government, and the German armistice. On March 1918, 3, the Soviet Union and Germany signed the "Brest-Litovsk Treaty".This move angered various anti-Bolshevik forces inside and outside the Soviet Union.Winston & #6; Churchill once said that the Bolsheviks must be "strangled in the cradle".As a result, the old forces of Tsarist Russia, the opponents (White Army) who were dissatisfied with the Soviet regime, and the foreign intervention forces fought together, resulting in a three-year period known in history as the Soviet Civil War or the War of Intervention against the Soviet Union (the rest of the war extended for 8226 years) 2) civil war, also known in the Soviet Union as "the civil war and armed intervention of 1917-1922".

On March 1918, 3, the joint meeting of prime ministers and foreign ministers of the Allied countries held in London passed a resolution on "intervention in the Russian Eastern Union". At the end of May, the Czechoslovak Legion, composed of World War I prisoners, fired the first shot of the civil war against the Soviet Republic under the planning of the Allied Powers.The army quickly expanded from 15 to more than 5, and supported counter-revolutionary forces in various parts of the east, established a group of counter-revolutionary governments, and established a group of counter-revolutionary armed forces.At the same time, the old Russian generals Krasnov, Alekseev, Denikin and others supported by Germany also gathered counter-revolutionary forces in southern Russia, waiting for opportunities to attack the Don River, the Kuban, and the Caucasus. In the summer of 2, the Soviet Republic was already facing a severe situation of being surrounded on all sides: foreign armed interventionists and Russian counter-revolutionary forces successively occupied large areas of Ukraine, the Volga River Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Three-quarters of the territory of the Soviet Republic formed several fronts in the east, south, north and Caucasus, stretching for more than 6 kilometers.At this time, there were more than 1918 white troops on the whole line, and they were well-equipped and well-trained.

The Soviet Republic under military siege and economic blockade faced great difficulties: the connection with the southern grain-producing areas was cut off; industries collapsed; rich peasants who opposed the grain monopoly policy continued to riot, famine spread, and the people starved.

Russia has been in war for seven consecutive years, including the First World War.During this seven-year period, 2000 million people died and another 30 surrendered to Poland.During the Civil War, 500 million people died, including at least 100 million Red Army and more than 50 White Army.The country's economy nearly collapsed, which was compounded by the droughts of 1920 and 1921.Disease was also rampant, with 1920 million deaths from typhus in 300 alone.Millions of civilians died as a result of mutual massacres on both sides.During this period, 100 million people fled Russia to the Far East or the Baltic countries. They were called White Russia, and many of them were well-educated professionals.At the end of the war, due to successive years of war, industrial output was only one-seventh of what it was in 1913, and agriculture was only one-third.

The old and new forces are confronting each other, and the strength of the Soviet Union and Russia has been weakened. The old Russian power in China has a chance to be cleaned up. Especially the Middle East Road, which is a symbol of sovereignty and has great economic and military value, is very likely to be easily obtained without any effort.But in the official history, due to various reasons, it did not go well.

The Middle East Road is a specific product of Tsarist Russia's invasion of Northeast China.After Russia forced the late Qing government to cede the Far East, it extended its black hands to the Northeast. Since Japan defeated China in the Sino-Japanese War and annexed North Korea, it also set its sights on the Northeast.The dispute between the two countries has historically been called the "Russian-Japanese War" for China's Lushun Port.In this dog-eat-dog dispute on Chinese territory, the late Qing government shamelessly declared "neutrality"!

After the Russo-Japanese War, although Japan won, it was purely a fluke—Russia’s defeat, except for the huge mistake of the naval command, was one of the important reasons why the Army could not get effective logistical supplies, because at that time Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway Not yet completed.Even with the huge defeat in the Northeast, Russia, which is dead but not dead, is still something that the new power Japan cannot force.The disastrously victorious Japan used the power of the whole country and was almost on the verge of bankruptcy. It finally defeated the polar bear, but it did not receive any compensation from Russia.In desperation, the agreement between the two countries to jointly manage Northeast China was reluctantly passed, that is, the infamous "Treaty of Portsmouth" in history.According to the treaty, Russia handed over the Kanto Prefecture and the railway from Changchun to Lushunkou (later renamed the Nanman Railway) and all corresponding privileges to Japan, and Changchun was the demarcation point between Japan and Russia.

Russia still owns the sphere of influence in Heilongjiang, and "jointly manages" the railways from Changchun to Harbin and from Manzhouli to Suifenhe with China, namely the North Manchuria Railway, also known as the Middle East Railway.In the "Middle Eastern Railway Treaty" and the "Portsmouth Treaty of Peace Supplement", it was stipulated that Russia could only set up police but not troops along the railway line. Qiluo Mitu (kilometer, that is, kilometers), must have 25 complete soldiers."After the European War, most of the 3 soldiers stationed in Harbin and the 6 soldiers guarding the Middle East Road were transferred to Europe.The Consul General of Harbin and the supervisor of Zhongdong Road, Huoer Watu, was the leader of the old party and was opposed by the new party, so it was almost impossible to maintain order.

In official history, the government of the Republic of China forced the Russian soldiers to disarm at the beginning of the seventh year of the Republic of China, so that the right to protect the Middle East Railway was withdrawn.However, when the intervening forces (Britain, France, the United States, Japan, and China—even China!) sent troops to Siberia soon after, they used the pretext of military transport relations to send troops from China, Russia, Britain, France, Italy, and the United States. , Japan, one representative from each faction, organized a committee in Vladivostok to jointly manage the Siberian and Middle Eastern Railways.At that time, when Qirui was prime minister, he signed a "Military Agreement" with Japan, that is, the "Common Defense of the Enemy Document", the "Common Defense of the Enemy Agreement", and the "Navy Joint Defense of the Enemy Agreement". .

At that time, the U.S. representative also agreed to co-management of the Middle East Road. The reason was: "China's management capacity is insufficient; and the Middle East Road is a world traffic channel, which cannot be left to China's disposal. Moreover, since the joint management, the Allies have invested a lot in this road." -- --In fact, the road is entirely a joint venture between China and Russia.After that, under the note of the Chinese government, Japan, the United States and other related countries all sent notes to the government of the Republic of China, and still put forward the two items resolved by the Washington meeting, saying that they were willing to jointly deal with China.

And Russia claimed that it had no intention of returning the Middle East Railway to China.After the Red Army of the Soviet Union successfully defeated all the opposing forces on the territory, until the establishment of the Soviet Union, the power of the Soviet Union became stronger and stronger. The original hydrangeas for China were meaningless, and the demand for the Middle East Road became stronger. After overcoming the difficulties, the Soviet Union continued to control the Middle East Road again.

In the official history, the former young marshal had a whim and clashed with the Soviet army shortly after changing flags in the northeast, and ended up in a disastrous defeat. This is known as the "Middle East Road Incident" in history.Then because of September [-]th, there was no more after that.It was not until after the surrender of the Japanese aggressors in the official history and the founding of New China that the Middle East Road and its subsidiary resources were handed over to the Chinese government.

At that time, China's power was still very weak, so weak that although Zhang Hanqing knew the future development, he was unable to influence the subsequent situation in Russia.But there is one thing that can be done, which is to make full use of the difficult stage of Soviet Russia to maximize China's interests.

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