The reason why the Middle East Road was coveted by Russia, Japan, and even the United Kingdom and the United States was because it was one of the few major traffic arteries in China at that time.In the northeast, it is the most convenient road connecting China and Russia, and it is also a shortcut for connecting Siberia to its Far East land.In addition, from Harbin to Changchun, it will be connected to the Nanman Railway (Changchun----Dalian) controlled by Japan.Russia's control of it can serve as a strategic buffer, and it can also easily control the Northeast and obtain rich resources; Britain and the United States can control it, and it can penetrate the sphere of influence of Russia and Japan; the significance for Japan is even greater: it can borrow This control of the entire Northeast, to complete its established national policy of controlling Manchuria and Mongolia to make it a second hometown, can also be used as a springboard for interfering in Soviet Russia.As far as Harbin is concerned, it is the divergence point of the branch line of the Middle East Railway.The Russians operate in good faith and call it the Moscow of the East.

If China could gain control of the Middle East Road earlier, it would be able to restrict Japan's actions in North Manchuria under the pretext of interfering with Soviet Russia, and Heilongjiang could also become a stable rear for the Feng faction.However, on this point, there are quite a lot of internal opinions in Fengjun: no one would have expected that the situation would turn so badly that it would be out of control!And if the Eastern and Western devils work together, the weak governments of the three eastern provinces may not be able to hold back!

But Zhang Hanqing's attitude is very firm.Zhang Zuolin, Zhang Zuoxiang, Sun Liechen and other veterans of Fengjun after he analyzed in detail the international attitude towards the upcoming intervention of the Soviet Russian government and the risk that the Japanese would cause if they entered, Zhang Zuolin made a final decision: "Taking advantage of the small Japan Before we start, let’s cook the uncooked rice first. There’s nothing I can do about the place he got before, but if he wants to occupy a new place, there’s no way for him!”

Some "serious" generals worried that this would provoke Japan's backlash. Zhang Hanqing said: "A weak country has no diplomacy. No matter what progress we make, it will lead to Japan's backlash. This is determined by Japan's national policy. Conflict is inevitable. , but as long as we follow a reasonable, favorable and restrained strategy and do not give Japan a chance to attack, major conflicts are relatively unlikely to occur. However, if it does happen, it shows that no matter how we back down, we will still not be satisfied The desire of the Japanese is nothing to talk about."

Zhang Zuolin interjected: "The police chiefs of all counties in Fengtian were summoned for a meeting, and manpower was mobilized, and the tracks of the South-Manchuria Railway were buried underground overnight. Then the 10,000+ Northeast Army took the initiative to attack the [-] Japanese in Dalian. Bing, if we can get rid of it completely, why should we be afraid of Little Japan?"

Almost as soon as there was a civil war in Russia, the Heilongjiang Fengjun immediately took back the right to defend the Middle East Road.After requesting instructions from Zhang Zuolin, the central government appointed Zhang Hanqing, who is also the supervisor of the Middle East Railway, to handle this matter with full authority.

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the New Party of Russia, in commemoration, held a meeting of various Russian groups in Harbin to agree to recognize the provisional government of Vladivostok (the predecessor of the Far Eastern Republic, editor’s note), but Hall refused to allow it.So the Allied Strike Committee under the control of the New Party asked it to hand over administrative power to the representatives of the Vladivostok Provisional Government within 24 hours. Hall refused to listen, and all Russians went on strike.

Taking this dispute as an excuse to paralyze the Middle East Road, Zhang Hanqing took the opportunity to send troops to occupy the clubhouse of the Alliance Strike Committee. While disarming the Russian military and police, he forced Horwato to leave Harbin, and handed over the power to the people sent by Bao Guiqing, the governor of Heilongjiang.

On September 23 of this year, China stopped the old Russian envoy treatment, and the administrative power in the Harbin Railway subsidiary was also taken back by China.In Kazakhstan, a local trial office and a higher trial office (that is, courts) were set up; local chambers were set up along the road to manage all lawsuits between Russia and non-treaty countries; and the Municipal Administration of the Eastern Province Special District was established in Harbin.

Because Kazakhstan is located at the node from Changchun to Harbin and Manzhouli to Suifenhe, its geographical location is very important, and it is a relatively wealthy city, so Zhang Hanqing will soon move the provincial capital of Heilongjiang from Qiqihar to Harbin.

There was also an episode: after the three eastern provinces canceled the treatment of the old Russian envoys, the old Russian party was afraid that its Daosheng Bank would also be accepted, so it raised the French flag to boycott——however, the contract between China and Daosheng Bank stipulated that the bank Stocks can only be owned by Chinese and Russians.Since the opponent violated the rules, he couldn't blame Zhang Hanqing for playing a surprise card.On the grounds that Daosheng Bank violated the contract, he announced the abolition of the rights and interests held by him in the Middle East Road.

Other countries don't dare to mess with it, but doesn't France dare?This European power, exhausted after the First World War, has not had time to lick its own wounds. How could it do such a thankless thing for the Middle East Road, which is far away and far beyond its power?The Russians thought that with the Chinese mind since the Opium War, they were less afraid of European and American powers, so how could they rashly cause trouble?

It's a pity that what they met was the young marshal, this legendary figure who has insight into the evolution of history.Zhang Hanqing forcibly passed the "Renewal Contract for the Management of the Eastern Provincial Railway" while talking and laughing, saying: "The Chinese government temporarily acts on behalf of the Russian government to perform all functions and powers of protection, management, and various treaties and contracts. China officially recognizes the Russian government and After the two sides agree on the method of the road."According to this, all rights and interests of Daosheng Bank in Zhongdong Road were actually banned, and its assets in Kazakhstan suffered huge losses. Zhang Hanqing took over Dongdong Road without any effort.

When the news came, the people of the country were excited, the Russians were furious, and the Japanese were dizzy.

However, seeing that the Northeast Chinese government has in fact controlled all the interests of old Russia in North Manchuria, due to the changes in Russia's national conditions and relations in the world, in order to prevent it from being attacked by enemies in the Far East, the detente towards China has been in progress. inevitable.

In fact, on July 1919, 7 and in the summer of 25, the Russian labor government stated twice in the official history that it would return the occupied territories to China. Immediately after returning everything looted to the Chinese people, I suggest that the Chinese government conduct negotiations on the abolition of the 1920 treaty, the 1896 Beijing agreement, and all agreements signed with Japan from 1901 to 1907." (Original text: Abandon the old Russian government, in China The land and all privileges obtained by means of aggression. And give up Boxer indemnity, and return the Middle East Road to China unconditionally)

When the news reached Shanghai, the common people welcomed it, and the federations of all walks of life sent telegrams to acknowledge it.But at that time, the government was afraid that China would be the first to recognize the Soviet Union and would be looked at by the hostile European, American and Japanese powers, so it ordered the provinces to ban it.Due to the deterioration of the domestic economic situation, Soviet Russia desperately wanted to do business with China.However, the incompetent warlord government failed to start negotiations, which made China miss a good opportunity to develop its economy with the power of Soviet Russia.You must know that although the industrial level of Soviet Russia is far behind that of Europe and the United States, it is far from the same level as China.All the imperialist countries except the Soviet Union "do business" with China for the purpose of plundering in China, and they are only asking for primary raw materials, and they have no idea of ​​improving China's industrial capacity at all.

Now that the situation is taking a turn for the worse, should we raise strong opposition (due to the serious situation at home and abroad, what Soviet Russia can do at present is only embellishment on diplomatic terms) or go downhill?The Soviet Russian government wisely chose the latter.

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