Various countries have opinions on China's recovery of the Middle East Road.

Because Soviet Russia strikes peace with Germany, the forces of Germany and Austria permeate the whole of Russia, and the Czech army that opposes Soviet Russia is suppressed and falls into crisis.In order to strangle the nascent socialist country in its cradle, Britain, the United States, France, Japan, and Italy all agreed to send troops to Siberia and assist the Czech army.When all countries jointly sent troops to Siberia, they asked each country to send a representative to organize a committee in Vladivostok to jointly manage Siberia and the Middle East Railway under the pretext of military transportation.Stephen, the U.S. representative and technical director of the committee, demanded joint management of the Middle East Road on the grounds that China's management capacity is insufficient, and the Middle East Road is a world traffic channel that cannot be left to China's disposal.

At this time, Japan signed the "Joint Enemy Defense Agreement" with Duan Qirui, among which the "Detailed Agreement of the Army's Joint Defense Against Enemies" stipulates that the soldiers from China and Japan who will enter the provinces of Baikal and Amur will be under the command of Japan; The troops from Manchuria that enter Baikal will be under the command of the Chinese; and Japan can send another army to advance from Kulun to Baikal.

As the decision-maker and top executor of negotiations on the Middle East Road, Zhang Hanqing is well aware that the situation in the Far East is changing three times a day, and this is the time to try to withstand the pressure.Otherwise, Japan would have no influence in North Manchuria. After the conclusion of this agreement, tens of thousands of soldiers sent to Siberia will start from the Middle East Road.In the mind of the Japanese, many auxiliary agencies such as military telephones, post offices, and military depots will be set up in Kyrgyzstan and Heilongjiang provinces.After the failure of the later intervention in official history, most of the troops withdrawn from the Baikal side were also stationed in North Manchuria, resulting in a de facto occupation.This is also one of the important reasons why the Japanese continue to have opportunities to encroach on and grow larger in the Northeast, while it is becoming more and more difficult for China to exert its strength.

Zhang Hanqing, who is familiar with history, knows that this is a failed policy with no results.But for Japan, it was another period of political failure that was regarded as a natural opportunity at that time.The commanders of the intervention forces of the major powers jointly declared that Vladivostok and its surrounding areas should be temporarily placed under the protection of the Allied Powers on the grounds that the situation in Russia was too chaotic.But in the end, the armies of various countries did nothing. Only the Japanese soldiers took the old Russian party Semenov through Baikal and occupied the railway organization headquarters in Chita; Headquarters, and sent troops to Hailanpao, Amur, and Irkutsk.At its peak, Japanese soldiers had as many as 11 divisions in Russia! (Editor's Note: At that time, there were 21 divisions in Japan)

In doing so, Japan intends to take advantage of its strong national power and take advantage of the opportunity of Soviet Russia itself in crisis to occupy the territory of Siberia and wait for the opportunity to attack the semi-encircled Northeast and Mongolia to realize its established national policy of the "Manchurian Republic". .At the same time, the rich resources in Soviet Russia are also Japan's dream.It can have this thought because it has confidence.

During the First World War, the old Western colonialist countries had no time to look around, which not only provided space for Japan's aggressive and expansionist policies, but also brought a "war boom" to Japan's economy.From the summer of the second year of World War II, Japan’s trade exports surged, and shipping was extremely prosperous. These created opportunities for development and prosperity for the export industry, shipbuilding industry, basic industries including mining, and related industries, making all industrial sectors flourish. get rapid expansion.The entire manufacturing industry has increased by more than 30 times, and the chemical industry has increased by more than 96 times.By the second half of 1918, the profit rate of major industries reached 55%, among which it was as high as 2% in some periods, and the shipbuilding industry also reached 191%.Through the First World War, Japan has become an export super country from a long-term import super country since the Meiji era, and its industrial structure has also changed from a pre-war agricultural country to an industrial country.

Japan sent troops to Siberia to intervene in the Russian Revolution as part of its strategy to weaken Russia.However, due to the hasty dispatch of troops, after the powerful war potential of Soviet Russia was stimulated, Japan had nothing to gain from the war for several years except for a debt and the deep-rooted hatred of the Soviet Union. Objectively, it also provided precious time for Japan to delay its attack on China. .

However, for Zhang Hanqing, how to make the Northeast rise safely is his top priority at present, and restricting Japan's actions on the South Manchuria Railway under his control and limiting its power within the Kanto Prefecture is the basis.The point is, no matter what, the Japanese army should not have the opportunity to station troops in Heilongjiang. This is common sense and a premise.

But it seems that Britain, the United States and Japan are determined to gain control of the Middle East Road. Japan plans to send tens of thousands of soldiers to Siberia from the Middle East Road.A large number of military telephones, telegraphs, and military depots were set up along the roads in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces.Moreover, Japan has signed an agreement with Duan Qirui's central government. If the Fengjun interferes, the Japanese army will be famous.

While angry at the short-sightedness of the central government, he wants to make false claims with the great powers.Zhang Hanqing called on Stephen, the technical director of the Vladivostok Organizing Committee of the United States, and Lieutenant General Hoshino of Japan, the military transport minister, as the supervisor of the Middle East Road.Stephen is very interested in this legendary and masculine young man, but he still repeats the same old tune, saying that China's management ability is insufficient, and the danger of banditry in the Northeast will put the Middle East Road in a dangerous situation and hinder the actions of the intervention army . (This old thing also knows about the bandits.)

Zhang Hanqing sneered at this, and he said sonorously: "Mr. Stephen only knows one thing about the current situation in the three northeastern provinces, but he doesn't know the other. On the surface, the banditry in the Northeast seems to be a prairie fire. The large groups of bandits have been wiped out, while the small groups have been torn apart and huddled in various deep mountains and old forests. It has become difficult to wait. The Fengjun has firmly controlled all the large and medium-sized cities in the Northeast and the vast countryside about the size of Alaska in the United States. Elimination of banditry is just around the corner. Because we use railways as a means of maneuvering to suppress bandits, the security force along the railway line of the Middle East Road is the strongest, and the control is effective. If the so-called co-management theory is implemented, the chaos will reappear. For the war in the Far East The impact is extremely unfavorable."

Lieutenant General Hoshino was unmoved, he looked at the problem purely from a military perspective.He said: "It is an established policy for many countries to intervene in the Russian Far East. The Chinese government has also signed a joint defense agreement with our country. As an ally, we must show due sincerity. Considering that the troops of various countries will enter Siberia from the Middle East in the near future. However, the huge logistics supply is not something China can handle. In order to avoid mistakes, the committee must control the Middle East Road. Of course, as a guarantee, once the war in the Far East is over, Japan will first withdraw from the Middle East Road and will never break its promise.”

shit!If the Japanese soldiers do not return, who can do it?This is what Japan did in history, and it dragged on until Japan surrendered. The government, the private sector, and the international community have nothing to do with this kind of behavior----fighting, it is impossible to fight, and it will cause even bigger troubles, which will bring more trouble to the Japanese. Justifiably enter with an excuse; talk, people simply use various reasons to evade.

Zhang Hanqing, who knew the face of the Japanese, would not let the story repeat so easily. He said eloquently: "Interfering in the Far East is not a war against the Soviet Union and Russia, and military control of traffic is unreasonable. The Fengjun has established security headquarters for each province, and the Black Province has also set up a special one. For the 'Middle East Road Protection Command', the transportation of various military supplies is not a problem at all. Moreover, the limited intervention army will carry out routine protection tasks on the Middle East Road, which will weaken the strength of the troops."

People have already sworn that everything will be fine, what else do you want?Hoshino is determined but powerless, he can't just say that I just want to own the China Eastern Railway, right?

However, Japan was still not reconciled to the failure of intervening in the North Manchuria Railway in the battle of the Middle East Road.In order to continuously erode the Northeast's mineral resources and economy, and absorb nutrients from the Northeast to gradually grow, Japan will soon change the name of the Liaodong Peninsula to Kantung Prefecture, that is, more than 3200 square kilometers of land in Lushunkou and Dalian Bay.The Nanman Railway (Changchun to Dalian) and the area within a few kilometers on both sides of the railway are Japanese concessions.According to the provisions of the treaty, Japan may retain garrisons to protect the Manchurian railway line. As for the number of garrisons, the number of garrisons shall not exceed [-] per kilometer.Of course, until death, Japan not only did not reduce it, but also increased the number of people year by year. This is a later story.In order to effectively control its colonies in the Northeast, Japan established the Kanto Governor's Mansion in Lushun, with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of War under it, and its covetousness towards China is increasing day by day.

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