young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 40 The New Situation Between China and Russia

The offshoot of Soviet Russia--the newly established Far Eastern Republic is adjacent to the Northeast and is also under the constant threat and economic control of Japan, so it has a special liking for the development of Sino-Russian border trade.Since the central government of the Beiyang government has always resolved the issue of returning Ku (Lun) and Cha (Ketu) first, and then held a meeting on Sino-Russian relations, its Far East representative, You Lin, came to Beijing to no avail, so he went to Fengtian and Zhang Zuolin to discuss.In the official history, the five conditions put forward by Youlin were all unacceptable by the central and local governments.

As a far-sighted politician, Zhang Hanqing tried his best to promote the peace of the three eastern provinces and the Far Eastern Republic - Soviet Russia.So when Youlin came to Fengtian, he met only one more person than Zhengshi, but it got a domino effect.This person is Zhang Hanqing.

Youlin still stubbornly put forward five seemingly unacceptable conditions: the "China-Russia-Mongolia Treaty" is still valid; Russia sent 5 troops to permanently station in Kulun (Note: Ulaanbaatar today); Pursuant; China compensates Russia for sending troops to Kulun with 500 million military expenses; the Middle East Railway is jointly protected by troops sent by the two countries.

It seems that the economy of Soviet Russia has indeed been affected, so that it still does not forget the Middle East Road that can bring huge benefits under extremely difficult circumstances, but it still does not give up in its attempt to continue to split Mongolia, regardless of whether it is still in the Surrounded on three sides.Sometimes Zhang Hanqing also thinks, this is where Lao Maozi's ambition is different from others.One word "ruthless!"

However, Zhang Hanqing is the first and possibly the only "knowledge of the Soviet Union" faction in the whole of China.His "knowledge" not only understands the entire ins and outs of his regime from its birth to its demise, but also knows very clearly that the Soviet Union is facing a huge political and economic crisis at this time.

The newly established Soviet regime faced the threat of the White Bandit Army unwilling to withdraw from the stage of history and the foreign intervention army composed of countries such as Britain, France, the United States, Japan, Italy, and Belgium that could not tolerate the birth of socialist countries.At that time, no one was fully sure whether they could win the battle in the end; economically, the Soviet Union was almost at the end of its rope, and the hearts of the Soviet Union were almost devastated.

During the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1921, Lenin, in order to ensure the maximum supply of supplies for the Soviet Russian regime, also tried to directly transition to a communist society, and sent a telegram to all parts of the country: "There is no food. The red capital is famine And on the verge of extinction.... In the name of the Soviet Socialist Republic, I ask you to support Petrograd without hesitation."

Thus, in June 1918, the Supreme National Economic Council adopted a policy of implementing "War Communism".The policy mainly includes: compulsory expropriation of all grains from farmers except for subsistence (i.e. surplus grain collection system), nationalization of all large and medium-sized enterprises, state monopoly of all foreign trade activities, prohibition of commodity transactions and implementation of a planned rationing system, strict management system, strikers were executed immediately.The policy of wartime communism quickly led to economic collapse. By 6, Russia's heavy industry output was only 1921% of that before World War I in 1913. Between 20 and 1918, Petrograd lost 1920% of its population, while Moscow's The population has also been reduced by 75%.The system of surplus grain collection also severely affected farmers' enthusiasm for farming, which became the main cause of famine in the future.

Soviet Russia, already on the verge of collapse, is still in such a state, and is still demanding the last benefits from China, which shows China's position in the hearts of the great powers at that time!But Zhang Hanqing didn't care about his indignation, and he would be beaten if he fell behind. This is a historical fact.To get rid of this predicament, only China becomes stronger.But according to the current situation in China, its main task is how to make the Feng Clan stronger as soon as possible.

To the representatives of the Soviet Russian government, Zhang Hanqing didn’t need to pretend at all. He pointed out bluntly: “Since the Soviet Union has expressed the desire to abandon all aggressive territories and unequal treaties, then:

[-]. The previously signed unequal treaty "Sino-Russian-Mongolian Treaty" must be abolished, and the two parties can re-conclude a new treaty based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.But stationing troops in Kulun violates China's sovereignty and cannot be discussed.

[-]. The Soviet Union sent troops to Kulun to clean up its border security, and the Chinese government also spent troops and money in order to clear the White Russian army in China. Who will "pay the bill"?

[-]. The Middle East Road has come under the jurisdiction of China. Fengjun has the ability to guarantee the normal operation of the railway, so don't worry about it.But it also guarantees: "For the shareholders of the railway, those who hold the company's bonds, and foreigners who have creditor's rights to the company, the Middle East Railway Supervision Office should be responsible for the debts."

[-]. Once the two parties sign the agreement, Fengjun will guarantee strict neutrality in the conflict between the West and Soviet Russia. "

The Soviet Russian government was pragmatic.Under the circumstance of environmental protection by opposition forces from all sides, the key point is that Zhang Zuolin's government, which has mastered the military and political power in the Northeast, has thoroughly cleaned up the interests of the old Russia in the Northeast, making it impossible for both the new and old parties in Russia to rise. Gain full control of the North Manchurian Railway.In the face of the substantial threat of foreign intervention forces, it is not an appropriate strategy to rashly conflict with the Fengjun, which has a strong military strength in the region.

Based on the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences, Zhang Hanqing proposed: "At present, both China and Russia are in the midst of division and threat, and they should move forward hand in hand and rely on each other. The Sino-Russian border, especially the Northeast and Far East borders, should be a place for peaceful development and mutual benefit of trade. Through the channel, Soviet Russia can obtain grain and other primary raw materials from China, and China can also obtain the equipment and machines needed for industrial development. In addition, the Northeast Autonomous Government will urge the central government to open normal trade relations with Russia as soon as possible.”

This statement moved Youlin and gave Soviet Russia hope to get out of the predicament. So at the beginning of 1919, the Northeast Autonomous Government formally signed a peace agreement with the Far Eastern Republic, which briefly stated: Russia is willing to abandon the treaties signed by the previous government and China; Return the land and concessions acquired by the aggression to China free of charge.However, China must fulfill the following requirements: ([-]) not to aid the counter-revolutionary party, and to stop its activities in China. ([-]) Conditions for disarming them and returning them to the Russian government at the time of signing the contract.In addition, there is no word about returning the Middle East Road—this is a wedge left by the Soviet Russian government, intending to renegotiate its scope of interests in Northeast China at an appropriate time in the future.

Zhang Hanqing knows it well, but he wants to eliminate the unstable factors in the north as soon as possible, and believes that he has already obtained the right to possess in essence. When the national power is not strong, there is no need to argue about such things on the scene.

Since the Far Eastern Republic was only a slave state of Soviet Russia (it would be more accurate to say that it was a temporary buffer state. This republic was established as a buffer against the Japanese invasion of the Far East from the beginning, so as to provide the newborn Soviet regime with a chance to stand up. Its demise is also swift. When the Soviet Union was established in 1922, it announced its abolition and merger into the Soviet Union at the same time. When it comes to Sino-Russian relations, the agreement signed by the Far Eastern Republic is only for reference and requires the consent of Soviet Russia. However, Zhang Hanqing is very interested in signing Such an agreement is full of confidence.

Because the old Russian forces withdrew from Harbin, the Northeast Autonomous Government gained control of Harbin Customs.Today, because China's economic center of gravity is in the south, its importance is not felt; but at that time, Harbin Customs was one of the most important sources of tax revenue in northern China, and its impact on the national economy was not inferior to that of Shanghai, Tianjin and other places .Obtaining the Middle East Road by the Feng family is a major source of income; obtaining Harbin Customs is another important cash cow.It is inconceivable without such strong financial support to stand out among the warlords of Beiyang who "changed the king's banner at the head of the city" and follow the ambitions of Lao Zhang and Xiao Zhang to rule Beijing and unify the whole country.The Northeast's economic development plan and the first pot of gold were dug out from here.

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