The time has come to 1919. Since the beginning of the year, the Russian Civil War has been in full swing, and the flames of war are becoming more and more intense.

On the Eastern Front, Kolchak mobilized 3 White Guards in Siberia in March to cross the Ural Mountains and invade the Volga River Basin.In the Far East, Japanese intervention forces landed in Vladivostok.

On the southern front, the British and French combined fleet entered the Black Sea, the French marines landed in Odessa, and the British intervention forces occupied Baku.Denikin in the Caucasus received 10 American weapons and equipment and 200 British military advisers and began to march northward. He occupied Tsaritsyn at the end of June, marched on Moscow in July, and occupied the Donbass region and Kiev in October.

On the Western Front, the British fleet invaded the Baltic Sea, and the Yudenich White Army launched an attack on Petrograd in mid-May.

The third front in Russia is in crisis, because the Siberian Railway was occupied by the White Army, and the East and West were cut into two sections, which made it impossible to balance the beginning and the end.The Soviet Russian government had no choice but to rely on its last stronghold in China for its connection with the Far East, which was Hulun Buir, the westernmost part of the Northeast - the western line of the North-Manchuria Railway.When Tsarist Russia controlled the North Manchuria Railway, it also controlled the economic lifeline and strategic fulcrum of Heilongjiang Province.Based on this, you can go straight to Vladivostok, the largest city in the Far East, without relying on the distant and long Trans-Siberian Railway.

Since January 1912, 1, Tsarist Russia encouraged Hulunbeier to "independence" and succeeded. On November 15, 1915, China and Russia signed the "Sino-Russian Conference on Hulunbeier Conditions" in Beijing, also known as the "Hulunbeier Treaty", and the Beiyang government canceled its independence. status.However, in the name of the treaty, "Hulunbeier is designated as a special area directly under the control of the central government." In fact, Tsarist Russia still enjoys privileges there.In politics, the highest officials and deputy capitals are set up to enjoy "the authority of the governor" and are only "supervised by the governor of Heilongjiang", but the administration is parallel; Send troops to go", but "the Russian government should be notified first" to legalize Russian intervention; recognize the illegal rights and interests of more than 11 economic contracts signed by former Russian businessmen and the "autonomous government".

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You can take the opportunity to wipe out Russia's influence in the Northeast in one go.And if Tongliao, Xing'an League, and Hulunbeier are won, they will be connected with the three northeastern provinces. What a broad prospect this is!

Just after the New Year, Zhang Hanqing put out a proposal to recover Hulunbuir.

Most of the military and political officials of the Feng Faction agreed with this, and Wu Junsheng, who had served as the military governor of Heilongjiang, was even more supportive. He said: "Hulunbuir was supposed to be under the jurisdiction of Heilongjiang Province, but the old man just snatched it away. Cough, I, Wu Datong, have always been dissatisfied. Post. Now we are strong and strong, and we will take it all at once, and we will get rid of the old man's thoughts." Partly because Hulunbeier is still in the sphere of influence of Russia, he is still cautious, and after Zhang Hanqing explained the situation in Soviet Russia, he also became active.

The strength of the Northeast Fengjun, which has established a structure of 10 divisions, has rapidly expanded, and it is in urgent need of venting.However, the west of Shanhaiguan, the northern Rehe, and the two special zones of Chahar are all territories controlled by the Anhui faction. Duan Qirui, the leader of the Anhui faction, is now the prime minister of the government. The "Anfu Congress" under the control of the Anhui faction elected Xu Shichang as president. In terms of law and strength, the Fengjun cannot step outside the border.Only Liaobei, which has fallen into a state of "no matter what", is the most likely to be conquered by the Feng army.

Zhang Zuolin was also very tempted to expand the power of the Feng faction. He took Sun Liechen, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Feng army, as the commander-in-chief of the troops outside the customs, and unified the deployment of all armies.

Sun Liechen attacked Zhalantun with the Wan Fulin Division of the 29th Division of Heilongjiang from Qiqihar to the northwest along the North Manchuria Railway. The 18th Brigade of Troop Cavalry fought fiercely.Wan Fulin's men were not war-loving, except for one to stop them, most of them rushed to the west and rushed towards Hailar. The purpose of the 18th Brigade was to harass and delay the Fengjun's attack. After being forced back to the north bank of the river by the fierce firepower of Wanbu, they did not know the truth and did not dare to press too hard, and confronted the Fengjun rear troops across the river.

The Yuzhen Department of the 30th Division of the Jilin Security Command got off the Pingqi Railway via Baicheng and marched northward to Ulanhot, and then attacked Aershan overnight.In the night, the steel giant dragon was seen tossing rapidly on the bank of Taoshui River, and the sound of the clear river was covered by the panting and footsteps of the people.In the early morning, a regiment of the Arshan garrison was disarmed sleepily in the camp.

After taking Aershan, it completely cut off the connection between the north and the south of the Xing'an League, so that the entire Tongliao was surrounded in the west, east and north.

Tang Yulin's new army entered the boundary of Tongliao from Fuxin, occupied Naiman Banner, and then rushed northward, successively captured the Xiliao River and Xinkai River, and besieged Kailu to cut off the westward retreat route of the Tongliao garrison.There were not many garrisons in Tongliao, and the retreat was blocked, and the defenders quickly surrendered.

Three days later, the Feng army occupied the main cities of Liaoyuan and Xing'anling, and the forward of the army of the Governor's Mansion in Heilongjiang was approaching the city of Hailar.

The military operations of Fengjun in Hulunbeier and Xing'an League soon alarmed the Soviet Russian government.Soviet Russia inherited Tsarist Russia's interests in Hulunbuir, so of course they refused to sit back and watch Fengjun occupy Hohhot. Russia's commercial plenipotentiary in Hulunbuir, Barodlov, was ordered to protest Fengjun's actions.

The geographical location of Hailar is very important: it stands on the Hailar River, not far from the Ewenki Autonomous Banner at the confluence of the Hui River and the Yimin River to the south, and the Chen Baerhu Banner formed by the Hailar River and its tributaries on the north bank.The two cities are defended from the north to the south, with fertile land for reclamation and a vast strategic depth.Not far downstream is Manzhouli, the largest city on the banks of the Ergun River, the boundary between China and the Soviet Union.Manzhouli borders Outer Mongolia in the west and Russia in the north, and it is also the starting point of the North Manchuria Railway in the west.And Hailaer connects east and west and is the rear of Manzhouli.

The general headquarters of the Guanwai Army is located at the intersection of the Yimin River and the Hailar River. Standing at the mouth of the river, the first thing that catches the eye is the countless Chinese soldiers and horses on the other side. Xiang Jiji, he was secretly stunned: Fengjun seems to have put in all his strength this time, and he is determined to win----I didn't expect the progress of the soldiers after the Northeast New Deal to be so obvious. Changed the impression that Fengjun should be a gangster, marching in a disorderly manner look!

A sentry crossing the river spotted the Russian, and with an order, several black-holed guns were aimed at him immediately.Barodlov, who was a major in the army, immediately discovered that these soldiers were holding all the latest Japanese imitation 1912 standard Mauser rifles.Even such a rough Russian version of the rifle is only half equipped in the Soviet Russian army!

The representative of Soviet Russia suppressed the shock in his heart, explained his intention in fluent Chinese, and asked to meet with the commander of Fengjun.

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