young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 42 Peace Negotiations

Sun Liechen and Major General Liu Yifei, commander of the 30th Brigade of the 60th Division of the Jilin Overseer Department, met Barodlov in the temporary headquarters before noon.The Russian representative expressed the anger of the Soviet Russian government to the Fengjun government. He said: "According to the Sino-Russian Hulun Treaty, any unilateral action by the Chinese government on Hulunbuir must obtain our prior consent. Now, Fengjun The army brazenly launched this war, which is a serious provocation to the Soviet government. We will use all necessary means to defend the honor of the country!"

Sun Liechen was unmoved.He said: "Hulunbeier has been China's territory since ancient times. The army acts according to the government's order, not because of the face of your country. I am a soldier, and I have the duty to protect the homeland. Call for autonomy and independence. I received The order is to use force to stop this behavior."

Barodlov's face was ashen, and he said in a deep voice: "I just got a statement from your Beijing government that China guarantees the sanctity of the Hulun Treaty. Which government did General Sun follow?"

Before Sun Liechen could answer, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the door and said: "The Beijing government of the Republic of China gave up the ownership of Hulunbeier. How could we follow such a traitorous government? Recovering Hulun is the responsibility of the Northeast United Province Autonomous Government. Requested by the whole people, it is a just battle conducted in accordance with the principle of sacred and inviolable national sovereignty." Before he finished speaking, a tall and handsome face appeared in everyone's sight.

Sun Liechen chuckled and said, "Why didn't you notify me when the young commander arrived?"

Zhang Hanqing greeted Sun Liechen with a smile.Among the generals of the Feng line, he respected Sun Liechen the most.

This father's old subordinates and comrades-in-arms always take the interests of Fengjun as their own responsibility.In history, he was loyal to Zhang Zuolin until his death.In the first Zhifeng War, Sun Liechen served as the deputy commander of the Zhenwei Army.The Feng army was defeated, and Wu Peifu, the warlord of the Zhili lineage, sent his army northward, threatening to destroy Fengyuan. Zhang Zuolin was in a critical situation and was very urgent.Sun Liechen took Jinzhou alone, blocked the rush of Yuguan, guarded the Jiumen Gate, and supervised the battle. He resisted the attack of the Zhijun for dozens of days and nights, and stabilized the situation in the three northeastern provinces.Sun Liechen, on behalf of the Feng Faction, met with Wang Chengbin, the representative of the Zhi Faction, on a British warship in Tianjin and reached a ceasefire agreement.Sun Liechen held several positions and suffered from illness. He stayed in Fengtian provincial capital for a long time and could not take care of Jilin's military and political affairs. He was afraid of delaying his military affairs, so he submitted his resignation to Zhang Zuolin, and made Zhang Zuoxiang the governor of Jilin and Wang Shuhan the governor.But Zhang Zuolin did not agree, and only allowed to return to his hometown to rest. On April 1924, 4, Sun Liechen died of illness at the age of 25 and had no children in his life.Zhang Zuolin bowed to express his condolences upon hearing the news, but at the end he hugged Sun Liechen's body and wept bitterly for half an hour!

At this time, Sun Liechen was in his prime.He was unmarried all his life and treated Zhang Hanqing like a minister like a father. With his strong influence in the Northeast Clan, he strongly supported Zhang Hanqing's various initiatives.This move of his did reduce a lot of resistance to Zhang Hanqing's Northeast New Deal.Zhang Hanqing also reciprocated, and treated Sun Liechen differently. He was known as "Uncle Sun" and often communicated with him first on major issues. Like this time, Sun Liechen agreed with him.

Although Barodlov is in Hucheng, he still has a good understanding of the situation in the Northeast.Zhang Hanqing's name, he can be regarded as thunderous.He greeted Zhang Hanqing with Russian etiquette and said, "Your Majesty, on behalf of the Russian government, I protest your violation of the treaty between the two countries!"

Zhang Hanqing smiled secretly, and said to himself: "The old man will protest, it's so funny." But he said: "I don't know who signed the treaty that Count Barodlov wants to abide by?"

Barodlov was speechless for a moment. The parties to the treaty signed in 1915 were the government of the Republic of China and Tsarist Russia at that time.But now that time has passed, Tsarist Russia has been overthrown by Soviet Russia, and the negotiation between the government of the Republic of China and the Soviet Union on the status of Hucheng has not yet begun. Under such circumstances, is it a bit inappropriate to use the old treaty as an argument?

Zhang Hanqing's tone was severe. He stared at Barodlov with his hands behind his back: "The Northeast Federal Autonomous Government has decided to take back Hulunbuir in an all-round way. We have the ability and strength. The established Soviet Russian government was full of respect. When Soviet Russia was besieged on all sides and in danger, we did not take the opportunity to make trouble. The reason is only: We hope to establish mutual respect, mutual support, equality, mutual benefit, and interoperability between the establishment of the Northeast Inter-provincial Autonomous Government and the Soviet Russian government. It does not matter. After we take over Hohhot, we will protect the legitimate interests of the Russian side in Hohhot, but the Russian side must also strictly abide by the laws and regulations on Chinese territory. If there is another conspiracy to split, we will severely punish it!"

The situation was stronger than others, and Barodlov knew it was irreversible. He said to Zhang Hanqing: "The young commander is approaching the city, and Hucheng cannot be defended. I hope the young commander will stop using troops and let me go back to the city to persuade Shengfu Dutong. Put down your arms, so as not to engage in unnecessary disputes and make people lose their lives." In fact, he has already settled for the next best thing, and wants to keep Russia's economic interests in Hucheng.Otherwise, with the flames of war, nothing will be lost.

Zhang Hanqing smiled slightly and said: "Your Excellency, please finish your lunch before leaving. While we are talking here, our army has entered Hucheng, and the troops are in great chaos. After lunch, you should be quiet. I will accompany you together." Into the city."

It turns out that the brigade commander Huang Xiansheng of the 8th Independent Brigade, the main force of the East Defenders of Hucheng, had communicated with the Northeast United Provincial Autonomous Government for a long time.The soldiers are pressing down on the border, and Hucheng is in dire straits. He got in touch with Fengjun early on, willing to resolve the Hulunbuir issue peacefully.As soon as he mutinied, the only remaining artillery regiments and cavalry regiments couldn't hold their ground, and the whole army immediately became chaotic.Vice-capital leader Sheng Fukumoto was ill, and he was unable to suppress the chaos, so he had to drag his sick subordinates to barely maintain the commotion.After hearing the news, it is confirmed that the main force of the Feng army is there, unable to recover, and even the arrogant old man has softened, so he naturally complies with the public opinion, takes a solemn stand, and obediently accepts the surrender.This dictator who will linger until the next year in official history has completed his historical mission ahead of schedule.At noon that day, Manzhouli, the largest frontier city in Northeast China, surrendered without a fight, and the Feng army completed the occupation of Hailar in 7 days.Due to the suddenness of Fengjun's actions, the Japanese "intervention forces against Russia" stationed in Manchuria basically did not make any unexpected actions to the situation. For the weak Northeast military government, this is also a kind of luck.

Representatives of Mongolian Banners jointly signed a petition requesting the abolition of the title of "special area". The President of the Republic of China Xu Shichang issued an order to "abolish the Hulunbuir special area and cancel the conditions for the Sino-Russian meeting." And "according to" Zhang Zuolin's request, merge Hulunbeier and Xing'an League The three places of Tongliao and Tongliao are Xing'an Province, and the provincial capital Hailar, Zhang Renlin "reported" to invite Xiqia, a Manchu who served as the director of education of the Northeast Lecture Hall, as the chairman of Xing'an Province.

Zhang Hanqing also had resistance to Xiqia's appointment at first. Historically, this person allowed Japan to launch the 8 when acting as Zhang Zuoxiang.The 4th Incident ordered the soldiers of the Beidaying to "stand up and die!" In fact, it was the source of the earliest "non-resistance" policy, and later served as the chief financial officer, governor of Jilin Province, and minister of the palace in the puppet Manchukuo. An out-and-out Han (Man) traitor.However, this person was once in the Tokyo Zhenwu School and the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy. He is also a more popular and important member of the Northeast.In order to contain the role of Xiqia, Zhang Hanqing and Sun Liechen discussed to expand and form the 3th Division of the Xing'an River Security Command based on the [-]th Independent Brigade, Artillery Regiment, and Cavalry Regiment stationed in Hucheng, and the organization was formed into [-] standard brigades.Take Xing Shilian as the commander and Huang Xiansheng as the chief of staff.Xing Shilian, Xiqia's classmate, is in charge of the military, which not only does not make him suspicious, but also separates the military from the government and weakens his power.Xiqia is far away from the center of Japanese influence, so he has no chance, so he probably won't do any harm.

The young commander-in-chief won the first battle in the first battle, and gradually gained some prestige in the Feng Faction. At the same time, he also laid a good foundation of experience and connections for him to lead troops in the future.

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