young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 44 The Lobbyist

For the Northeast Autonomous Government in the early stages of economic construction, such a huge amount of wealth is enough to lay the foundation for economic take-off.According to the exchange rate at that time, one gram of gold was worth about 5 U.S. dollars, 7 Japanese yen, or 9 silver dollars, which was enough to exchange for spot goods of more than 50 billion yuan, which was about 1919 times the total fiscal revenue of the three northeastern provinces in 30!

Ji Yiqiao also fully understands why the young marshal has always emphasized that the special warfare brigade must adapt to the severe cold climate of Siberia, conduct targeted adaptive exercises many times, and try to get Gao Jiyi to send a large number of intelligence personnel Learn more about Siberia's transportation, human geography, Soviet Russian Army, Japanese Army, and White Bandit Army garrisons, and bring back a large number of maps.The reason is that the young marshal has already sharpened his sword and is staring at this area.

Although he was puzzled at the time, he faithfully fulfilled his mission.Now is the time for the Special Operations Brigade to conduct special operations, only waiting for the last news from Gao Jiyi.

It has been less than two months since the Soviet Russian army captured Omsk, and Kolchak also sensed a hint of danger.The battle on the front line is getting more and more difficult. Even Kolchak, who proclaims himself the "Supreme Ruler of Russia" and the commander-in-chief of the army and navy, and is boasted by all the Allied media as "Russia's Washington", has to admit that his army is indeed lost.

Under such a good situation, how could they lose so quickly?Not long ago, got Winston.When Churchill had to vow to "strangle the Bolsheviks in the cradle", he realized with military sensitivity that Soviet Russia would inevitably face tough opponents.Sure enough, shortly thereafter, troops from 14 countries including Britain, France, Poland, the United States, and Japan launched a series of battles with the Soviet Red Army.In mid-spring, more than 3 members of the Czech Corps supported by the Mensheviks and the Socialist Revolutionary Party, mainly composed of ex-Russian Czechs and Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war, mutinied; in July, they took control of the Siberian Railway from Lake Baikal to the Ural Mountains; on November 7 , the government of the Mensheviks and the Social Revolutionary Party was overthrown by the coup of the former Tsarist Russian Admiral Kolchak. He also called himself "the supreme commander of all Russia" and commanded a huge team of no less than 11 people.In history, this is the famous Russian Civil War, which was called "Civil War and Armed Intervention from 18 to 10" in the Soviet Union.

However, the good times don't last long.After Trotsky, the founder of the Soviet Russian Red Army, took an armored train to the front line to supervise the battle and sent guards to the battlefield many times, the morale of the Red Army was greatly boosted.On the Belaya River, several officer corps, which could be called the elite division of Kolchak, were annihilated by the Red Army commanded by Tukhachevsky; Contact Denikin's front.Since then, the White Army has been devastated and retreated steadily.He, an admiral who has repeatedly made military exploits, has been unable to reverse the decline on land.

To say whether Kolchak is still not reconciled, that's of course: the sudden defeat of the army under such a good situation was something no one expected at the beginning.He has the pride of the Russian navy, and surrender is impossible; with the way the Soviet Russian government treats the rebels, he will definitely not end well.And he still has a glimmer of hope, which is to use the gold he has in his hands to wait for an opportunity to make a comeback.However, it is a crime to hold the jade, and this pile of gold may bring him death.

Within the coalition forces, the allied forces who joined him in anti-Soviet Russia: the British, the French, the Czech general #8226; al-Qaeda and the Cossack leader Semyonov and others have already regarded him as an obstacle, and they all want to occupy that place. It is said that gold is so rich that no one cares about the life and death of the supreme consul.When the situation was critical two months ago, they even offered to hand him over to the Bolshevik Party as a deal for him to leave Russia safely.Under the overturned nest, there are no eggs?No matter how dull a soldier is, he must think about his future.

According to intelligence, Kolchak has placed all the gold on both sides of the railway, which is closely guarded by his cronies.Once the situation changes, he can immediately take a car to the east - in the far east, there are cities such as Novosibirsk, Tomsk, and Irkutsk, and there is a vast world for him to do a lot.Although heading east, it is the path of no return that history has already designed for him.

Zhang Hanqing doesn't care about Kolchak's life or death, but I heard that the Japanese are also very interested in this gold. The Japanese Intervention Army Command has also sent a large number of spies to watch this wealth!According to the historical preview, once it reaches the sphere of influence of the Japanese Intervention Army east of Lake Baikal, with the greed of the Japanese, it would be a strange thing for the Fengjun to get a share of the pie.

At this time, Gao Jiyi came out.This yellow-skinned, black-eyed Chinese traveled thousands of miles and came into Kolchak's sight.

Unlike the coveters beside him who buried their desires deeply in their hearts but bloomed inadvertently from time to time, this Chinese nakedly put forward the conditions of asylum: give half of the gold, and the Northeast government will guarantee his life and the rest of his personal property safety.

When will it be the turn of the Chinese who has been bullied to speak out so much and want to protect him, an all-Russian "hero"?As far as he knows, apart from the Japanese controlling the entire East Siberia and the Far East, the three eastern provinces have always been their taboo.How can a local government that cannot even guarantee its own sovereignty and dare not legitimately speak out its own voice guarantee the safety of a foreigner who is "pretending to be guilty"?He spoke fluent Chinese (historically, Gao not only knew Chinese that is difficult for foreigners to learn, but he also knew three other foreign languages) sarcastically said to Gao Jiyi: "It is rumored that the Northeast Military Government and the Red Bandit Government once planned to sign a Cooperation agreement, will you be able to withstand the pressure of the Soviet Russian government and not hand me over? Or the pressure of the Japanese after they learn about it?"

Gao Jiyi had already planned for this.He said in a calm tone: "General Kolchak, don't talk about our army's recent actions in Hulunbuir. I believe you can also see that in Northeast Asia, only Fengjun is the only force that can guarantee your safety. It is true. , if Soviet Russia learns of this news, it will bring us a lot of pressure, so I am ordered by the young marshal to negotiate with you and make a quick decision when the situation is still sustainable. I think the huge Northeast or China is enough Let you stay. As for the agreement with the Soviet Russian government," Gao Jiyi said with a slight smile: "As long as you hide your name as a rich man and don't continue to choose to be an enemy of Soviet Russia, I think the two parties will not violate this agreement."

In a confident tone, he directly dissected the current situation one by one: "General Kolchak, with the current situation, I believe that there is no way to recover, and now I should think about how to deal with the aftermath. You are the biggest The enemy, others can surrender, but you can't. Others will use your head as a bargaining chip for advancement.

If things get any worse, you currently have nowhere to go but east or south.But to the east is Semyonov's territory, and he is your old opponent.Even if you pass this level, the Japanese may not be very interested in you. What they like is the guy from Kedong. "

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