young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 45 The Lobbyist

As the saying goes, "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes." Mao Zedong also said, "Where there are crowds, there are left, middle, and right." Miaonov is his agent in the Far East, and the conflict between the two parties has been intense.Even when the exchange of fire between the Red and White armies was the most intense and the unification of military orders was needed, Japan had to turn to recognize Kolchak under pressure, but on the other hand, it was unwilling to abandon Semyonov.

This kind of conflict between Japan, Britain, and the United States made the U.S. government simply decide to withdraw its troops from Siberia in early 1920, and at the same time asked Japan to withdraw its troops together to prevent Japan from becoming dominant.As a result, the pressure on Soviet Russia in the Far East suddenly eased, forcing the Japanese army to shrink its forces and narrow its defense area in the face of the severe situation.Later, the Japanese army fell into the quagmire of the Far East one after another, and it was difficult to support them alone. After struggling for another two years, they withdrew their troops sadly.No wonder the foreign media commented after the war, "Japan is a first-rate citizen and has elected a third-rate government."

But at this time, Japan's military strength in Eastern Siberia is not trivial.No way, the Japanese government regarded the Far East as a second country, and only shifted its focus to Northeast China when it failed.

Kolchak is cunning, otherwise he would not be chosen by the great powers to be the leader of choice.He looked at the unreliable oriental man in front of him a little mockingly: "No matter how unreliable the Japanese government is, it is much stronger than your army. You keep saying that Fengjun can protect me, why can't you keep the Middle East Road?"

This question was a bit harsh, with a bit of sarcasm.However, Gao Jiyi looked calm, and he smiled slightly and said: "According to the agreement reached a month ago between the young commander of the Fengjun and the United States and Japan, the Fengjun has full authority to guard the entire Middle East Road. The general's intelligence system may be outdated."

Kolchak was taken aback.It turns out, it turns out that in the far east, the situation is not what I thought it was?

His surprise fell into Gao Jiyi's eyes.However, his conversation continued: "The general thinks that the Japanese soldiers have enough food and can be used as backup? In fact, they are completely wrong. The Japanese soldiers are now on the verge of riding a tiger, and it is difficult for them to protect themselves." He analyzed the Japanese soldiers in the Far East and Siberia. deployment.

In the Japanese strategic plan, its No.12 Division is stationed in Primorsky State, Amur State and Temple Street (Nikolayevsk), the Third Division is stationed in the Transbaikal State east of Bolzia, and the Seventh Division is stationed Transbaikal Oblast west of Bolzia and my country's Heilongjiang Province.Later, because the Japanese army felt that there was a shortage of troops, the No.14 Division (at the end of March), No.3 Division (at the end of May) and the Fifth Division (at the end of June) were transferred from the mainland to the Far East of the Soviet Union.This is Japan's main force in the Far East and Northeast China.With the power of only 16 divisions, how easy is it to control such a vast place?

With the improvement of the situation, the guerrillas led by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union developed rapidly in the Ergun River and the Shilka Triangle area. A section of railway just to Zilovskoye posed a serious threat to the Japanese army.The fifth and third divisions (one and a half battalions) of the Japanese army launched a crusade against the Soviet guerrillas. Not only did the frenzied suppression fail to make the Soviet people surrender, but it aroused even stronger resistance from the people. The Soviet guerrillas used Donghan launched guerrilla activities.On the one hand, the Japanese troops dispersed and started fires everywhere, which caused many accusations internationally. On the other hand, the logistical supplies of the huge intervention army dragged down the domestic economy of Japan, which made the people complain. The morale of the Japanese intervention army has been seriously low.

Kolchak looked at the little Chinese in front of him, feeling overwhelmed.

"He is telling the truth," this is a conclusion in my heart.When the balance of the war is reversed, in order to prepare for the way out, a lot of intelligence personnel have been sent to the Far East sensitively, and the feedback is not optimistic.The intelligence also mentioned the promotion and influence of Fengjun's status, otherwise he would have no hesitation in thinking that this Chinese is a dream come true.

However, the Northeast government army really has such great power, dare to compete with Soviet Russia?In my impression, the "sick man of East Asia" of the yellow race has always bowed his knees to foreigners in the East and the West. When did he dare to stand up?

Gao Jiyi strikes while the iron is hot: "I heard that the Japanese once proposed to you that if you agree to let the Japanese army 'protect' Russia's gold, the Japanese army will send troops to repel the Red Army, but you rejected the Japanese 'good intentions'. Japan is a country with wolf ambitions. Russia already has blood feud. Its aggression in the Far East (the word aggression is used here) can prove that this is a short-sighted people with no vision and extremely aggressive. It is hard to imagine that if you join the Japanese, they will be kind help you."

"Frankly speaking, this wealth is in the hands of the Japanese, and it is very likely that it is the result of the loss of people and wealth. It is very unwise for you, General."

Arrogance needs capital, and Kolchak gave up his arrogance at a critical moment.He knows that once a life-saving straw is cast, there is not necessarily another one waiting for him.He couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart, and said to Gao Jiyi with a more humble attitude: "Mr. Gao said that I still have a way to the south, what can I tell you?"

It's on.What Gao Jiyi was waiting for was his question. Here are the results Zhang Hanqing deduced based on the international trend.As long as you are willing to mention it, I am sure that you will obediently follow my direction.

But he still said sincerely: "There are Soviet Russian soldiers in the west and Japanese soldiers in the east. The only way the general can go is to go south into Mongolia. At this stage, the relationship between Mongolia and Soviet Russia, Japan and the central government is very delicate. , According to the existing treaty, neither the Soviet Union nor Japan has the right to enter Mongolia. Here, the general can recuperate."

This is true. As we all know, China has always been the suzerain of Mongolia, and Manchu and Mongolia have been a family since the establishment of the Qing Dynasty.Even in the weak late Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty could firmly control this fertile grassland.Tsarist Russia was able to paddle to the vast Far East and the three lakes of Balkhash to the west of Congling in the northwest, but it was unable to swallow Mongolia in its heart, just like a hungry wolf in a cage salivating and feeling helpless in the face of a helpless lamb Same.The reason for this is that, on the one hand, Mongolia was the foundation of the founding of the Qing Dynasty, and on the other hand, the main reason was that the Mongols were centered.

But Kolchak suddenly asked: "Whether to enter Mongolia or not, I can make my own decision. Mongolia is also far away from your so-called Northeast government, and it can be said that it is beyond reach. Then your lion wants half of the gold, what do you think?" Will I agree?"

Gao Jiyi smiled slightly and said: "Mongolia belongs to China. In the current China, only our Feng family has the strength and conditions to carry out operations in Mongolia. And as far as I know, the next step for our army is to enter Mongolia. General enter Mongolia Later, when the Feng faction actually controlled Mongolia. Mongolia has its own special situation compared with other provinces in my country, and it should formulate special policies. As long as the general applies for entry as a refugee at that time, I think the Soviet Russian government is not good at interfering with our country. Internal affairs. The Northeast Autonomous Government has completed the full equipping of 10 reorganized divisions, and its strength is far from what it used to be. This is one of the important reasons why the Fengjun has made such a big move in the Northeast and Japan has rarely expressed it."

"I was ordered to come here with only one task, and that is to advise the general that if you have to plan for the worst, going to Mongolia is the only way out. In view of the increasingly fierce competition between Fengjun and Japan in the Northeast, we will do our best to prevent any the behavior of."

Kolchak was an excellent naval commander, but an officer who worked with him for many years described him to a New York Times reporter as "definitely a nervous wreck . Thinking of today's vision, Gao Jiyi is only cautiously optimistic about whether he can finally enter Mongolia according to Zhang Hanqing's reminder.But what the marshal assigned to him was not just a lobbyist task. As a top-secret and very important plan, "Operation Huang Aunt" had just begun.

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